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"Traps are Gay" edition

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What's your stance on companions that aren't explicitly Waifus?

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>"Traps are Gay" edition









p1; Boy, Muscular, Gentle Puberty, Quick Learner, Early Bird, Unassuming, Bubble Butt, Easy Gains, Amazon, Impressive, Allure, Safeguard (24)
p2; Rural, small house, electronics, huge kitchen (29)
p3; Single Mother, Supportive, loving, ~Ara Ara~, hard-working, Wise, Crank it! (Supportive, Wise) Teacher, Open-Minded (38)
p4; Tyler (38)
p5; Clarice, Nicole (44)
p7; Christopher, Hana, Kate, Sophia (50)

I think I'd have fun, might as well drag Clarice along for the ride.

Impressive, Beri
But mine will be better

>Impressive, Beri
That was made by kit, not Beri.

>companions that aren't explicitly Waifus?
Yeah we need some of those too I guess.

Anyone got that one CYOA where you custom make a waifu, but to get more points you have to make more oaths (like oaths of loyalty, hard work, charity, etc.)?

Beri didn't make those, Beri is the one who made the Colossal's CYOA





>colossals 4.jpg
>colossals 6.jpg
You sure you're not forgetting something?

Nvm, checked my own archive, and it looks like you just misnamed (should be 5, not 6).
Unless of course Beri made _another_ update to the CYOA (that I don't know of).

Berilyn still a best

>Double Moderator
I dare you to find a better build. Spoiler alert: you can't

I was gonna post 5, but then I realized I had accidentally just saved 4 twice and there was only 5 pics total.

I thought this was going to be about cool giant golden titan monsters but it was just about girls :(

what is wrong with girls you fucking racist?

Fuck Tok

Don't you mean sexist?

don't change the subject you scum

B-but it wasn't me!

no buts i am calling the police

ZBG is the only pure cyoafu

hey, Im pure!

>Fuck Tok
Be my guest

>ZBG is the only pure cyoafu
I want to corrupt ZBG, it's one of my fantasies.

>Not Beri

ZBG is a reddit attention whore

Put on a dress and a wig!

you want to corrupt some fat fuck wafiu fag?

Who are you?
The sexiest author?

Yo Tok, what is it with you and getting shoved up loli vaginas man? Just how many fetishes do you have, anyway?

>The sexiest author?
hell yes I am!

No, you're not pure.

>TFW no superior aryan loli reich conquering the world to make everyone in to equally superior aryan lolis
Why live?

you asked who I was user

Live so that you'll survive long enough for VR to make that a reality.

Make Cyoas not war.

Idolmaster CYOA?

>your stance on companions that aren't explicitly Waifus?
Usually potential waifus. Only want one, though, the rest will be chosen on value/strong moral character.

>What's your stance on companions that aren't explicitly Waifus?
I generally don't pick them unless they are super cool total bros. I usually play cyoas by making myself a girl and choosing only waifus as companions for maximum lesbianism.

>What is it with you and getting shoved up loli vaginas man? Just how many fetishes do you have, anyway?
Let's just say I would be surprised if anyone got more points then me in eronomicon.

>I usually play cyoas by making myself a girl and choosing only waifus as companions for maximum lesbianism.

Rosanon potentially detected.

I know it's a stretch, since I do it too.


>Let's just say I would be surprised if anyone got more points then me in eronomicon.

You got full points? I'm pretty high up there myself.

I had 94



>I had 94

Ah i see you are a man of culture as well

my nigga you have almost ascended

Pallas why don't you fucking finish it first instead of chatting about it?

What would people want in Space Opera CYOA?

solo players getting btfo

light sabers and force powers

Sexy space elves that I can hold hands with.

>What's your stance on companions that aren't explicitly Waifus?

cyoas with those usually are usually very unfocused which leads to tons of vaguely described UNIQUE characters that I completely don't give a fuck about. I want them all to have an important role in the setting and/or specfiic, comparable skills that "really make me think" when I'm assembling my crew.

No fucking Magic. At least 4 races, and humans need not be one of those four, though they're not bad. Lots of choice in potential destinations and "missions". A huge, lurking enemy that need not be explicitly identified in it but tacitly acknowledged.





Alright. I'm male to begin with.

>change gender to female (not a trap, my intentions lie elsewhere)

>Type (4)

>Alterations (10)
Gentle puberty (can't have hormones throwing my plans off balance)
Quick learner (literally just an IQ boost)
Easy Gains (can't afford to squander attractiveness)
Allure (treat as charisma)
Safeguard (very important that I stay redpilled)

>City (2, subtracting the 5 bonus)
Suburban (what I'm used to)
Small House (as above)
>Special Rooms
>Own Room

>Parents (19)
Happily Married
>Personality traits
Mother: Supportive, Loving, Housewife
Father: Protective, Handyman, Hardworking, Loving, and Wise


>Younger siblings (2)

>Older (6)

>No live-in help

>Friends (2)
Teri & Thor

comfy space ship all to myself +small crew (all female)
deleting xenos of every kind
video games
cursed xeno artifacts
deadly space viruses +xeno zombies (doesn't harm the girls)
cute xeno hunter girls
contact with extra dimensional xenos
stealing forbidden secrets from extra dimensional xenos
deleting extra dimensional xenos
more cute girls

>No magic

Yeah, why is space fantasy so rare? There should be more magic, we already have a bunch of nonmagical space opera stuff

B-But that is forbidden love!

Wait for Celt.

more emphasis on you rather than getting autistic with loads of resources and whole fleets

millenium falcon, not the rebel fleet

this too, very important

Fuck you, I want to cast polymorph on the klingon raiding party

I never said that there was anything wrong with forbidden love though...

>Psychic powers that while on a technical basis aren't magic, will still totally allow me to refer to people as space wizards. Such as Newtypes from Gundam, Jedi from Star Wars, or psychics from starcraft, babylon 5, star trek, battleship troopers, and many more.
>Almost scientific sounding things for the basis of the tech, then absurd stuff that makes no sense in everyday application.
>Resource disputes despite tech that should solve them, like having wormhole generators that can draw matter and energy from alternate realities to power spaceships, but somehow mining rights for asteroids are a big fucking deal.
>A viable consumer market where people buy goods in person, despite everyone having advanced micro manufacturing units and internet connections.
>Cybernetics that totally make people stronger and faster than normal people, don't have to look the least bit out of place, but don't get used that much for no given reason.

Jesus, which 4 didn't do it for you?

3 of them are black

Well let's go hunt that succubus then, the warp drive isn't going to refit itself unless we feed it the raw materials

that's racist dude

The Ability to work my way up in an empire and take over, also waifus and a custom capital ship


given the option between being a street fighter character, wizard and batman

how rich would the batman option have to be to be competetive?

Both cybernetics and genetic engineering being available.
The obligatory waifu/husbando options.
Comfy spaceship options.
Non-comfy spaceship options.
The option to be a merchant/miner.
The option to be a pirate that preys on merchants/miners.
The option to be a law enforcement officer/bounty hunter the hunts pirates.
The option to be a pirate/hacker/anarchist/eco-terrorist that enjoys fucking with mega-corps.
A.I. companion.
The option to waifu/husbando your A.I. companion.

Strongly depends on how powerful mages are in your universe. Do they get immortality? Mind manipulation?
Pure combat magic is fucking useless, I'd just get a gun.

In a word: Homeworld.

More rich than the richest Street Fighter character, and I think Karin is pretty wealthy, not to mention all the shady stuff Bison has to do to fund his work, and Gill. But Batman is likely more wealthy by default.

Wars between giant space empires fought by huge fleets of huge ships, lots of pewpewpew.

This is a good list.

you arent going to be bison level "I can keep building secret bases with doomsday weapons despite never getting anything done"

think more "lex luthor in the animated superman series"

I should probably clarify that you dont actually become a SF char, its just the vague powerlevel im talking about

they can get fairly strong, but its situational.

immortality is technically a thing, but its not dragonball immortality

>The option to be a merchant/miner.

Don't do that if you're just going to offer one or two items/companions for each of these paths. You'd be just wasting space on shallow options.

Rich enough to (somehow) achieve the following:
>acquire sufficiently advanced technology, enabling feats on par with (or greater than) the magical capabilities of the wizard
>remain rich despite the aforementioned (and other, unmentioned) money-sinks

>immortality is technically a thing
This automatically makes everyone else redundant, unless your world is one big mortal kombat tournament.

>Pure combat magic is fucking useless, I'd just get a gun.

>>acquire sufficiently advanced technology, enabling feats on par with (or greater than) the magical capabilities of the wizard
More this dude than batman then

>remain rich despite the aforementioned (and other, unmentioned) money-sinks

>acquire sufficiently advanced technology, enabling feats on par with (or greater than) the magical capabilities of the wizard
well, you can buy some high explosives and stuff- maybe a drone at a push, but its regular tech

>one big mortal kombat tournament.
those also exist

but honestly, be my guest, take the immortality option-its what it says on the box