>Unearthed Arcana: Elf Subraces
>Trove (Xanathar's PDF included)
Previously on /5eg/
Roleplaying a romantic date with another person is not gay.
>Unearthed Arcana: Elf Subraces
>Trove (Xanathar's PDF included)
Previously on /5eg/
Roleplaying a romantic date with another person is not gay.
>not gay.
Only as long as your dice aren't touching.
This is true, once two people I played with (both males) one had his male character give his ring of lightning resisance to the other guy's female character and they were engaged, then they got married, it was a nice wedding
It's only not gay as long as you remember to say "no homo".
Who should my Elf Zealot worship?
The fucking ground I walk on because elves are shit
If we can all agree that sorcerer's need more spell options (and they do), and we can all agree that these should come as a domain in the manner of the druid/cleric (which they should), what would you make their domain spells for each origin?
They need more meta magic.
Sounds like someone wants to get beat down by the 20 STR Brawny/Tavern Brawler Elf.
The idea of a party with a fancy elf and a half orc, but the elf is the Barbarian and the half orc is a spellcaster, is amusing to me.
Okay, hold person what now
I did like the way Pathfinder did it where you got certain extra spells at levels.
Could also give the spells as thematic to the draconic type if thats their subtype.
For example brass might gain Charm Person at 1st, At 3rd maybe Alter Self, etc.
For Wild they'd probably be the closest to an actual wizards list.
1st level get Detect Magic or Identify, at 3rd get detect thoughts or something.
>I like Pathfinder
>liking anything fagfinder
>we can all agree that these should come as a domain in the manner of the druid/cleric
Absolutely not. The fix for the Sorcerer is double the Sorcery Points, another metamagic learned at each level they gain metamagics, and double the metamagic options.
>implying the Wizard is going to go in initiative before the character that has 16 dex and Advantage on Initative rolls
>Implying the Wizard will be able to beat even one Athletics check versus a +13 on each attempt's check (Including bonus action) to start choking your bitch ass out
Can't cast Hold Person when you're being choked. You have CONmod rounds to not die.
Misty Step and Blink both also have Verbal components.
In either case I can go ahead and reroll my save if I fail.
>player making a Bard for Tomb
>exclusively wants the kazoo and jawharp
Why does 5e attract so many faggy people. I can't play with anyone without running into people that want to just fag it up and be goofy and silly constantly. It's like no one wants to take campaigns seriously. And don't get me started on how everyone wants builds their character to be a super special faggy snowflake
I need to stop associating with liberal millennials or just permanently switch to OSR
Who said shit about wizards, wizarda are fags, druids are the true caster chad
The OSR probably doesn't want you either
Because I don't want every game I play in to be a bunch of dumb shits goofing off and being silly and childish? people treat D&D like a fucking comedy routine. Like it's a competition to be the most goofy
You're damn right
Continuing from the last thread, need a decent name for an Aarakocra pirate. Polly is actually half-decent, as something his crew call him behind his back?
For the setting in general I was planning for most of the actual adventure and combat to take place on islands, but it's fun to see how many ways you've come up with to fuck up ships badly. Relatively new players so i doubt they'll come up with as much.
I like serious campaigns as much as the next guy but can't you lighten up a little and pull that 10 foot pole out of your ass
This is a retarded idea.
>Just double their limited resource, what could go wrong?
>Homebrew being good, ever
Only allow this if they bring it to each session and physically play it when they cast spells.
I have never had the opportunity to play a serious campaign because every one I've ever tried playing with is a retard
I'm DMing PotA myself. My players aren't at a point where I know which god they'll face, but I'm contemplating having them face two of the elemental princes depending on how things go.
You do you, user! Whatever makes you happy!
It sounds like you want to switch to OSR because of the perceived more serious community, while not realizing the OSR itself is 80% millenial hipsters who slap their campaign together with materials out of random blogs and TSR modules. Further, you come off as a bitter killjoy.
How's that module going for you? I'm running a homebrew campaign where more or less an avatar of Imix is being summoned by a dwagon. Glad that the module has a stat block to use.
They're already limited too much by only ever knowing less spells than any other full caster. They should be better at extending their spell slots via Flexible Casting and using their precious few spells known to greater effect by having more metamagic available. It's thematic and a much needed buff.
Suck to be you than, have you tried starting your own game of serious people
It's a bit challenging trying to prepare when the party could go to one of several places, but it's got a fun story I think.
The other idea that works is giving them spell points instead of regular slots. Either way a boost in power and flexibility, which is exactly where the sorcerer is lacking. These are the kinds of homebrew that actually work.
I don't think doubling it is a good idea, maybe an extra number of points equal to charisma modifier or proficiency.
Limiting homebrew to simple changes is fine, but the idea of coming up with a shit load of new metamagic is bound to be a disaster.
It also opens the door for more powerful metamagic options that use way more sorc points, like spending 10sp to make a creature auto-fail its save like a diviner using portent, or spend 5+Xsp to maximize X number of dice on a damage roll for a spell.
Why do dragons have blindsight?
>It's a bit challenging trying to prepare when the party could go to one of several places
Heard that is a problem with SKT. Not DMing that one but playing in it at the moment.
>Roleplaying a romantic date with another person is not gay.
playing cleric
>hey guys give me some rings. all we need is two rings! then i can protect you!
>no homo
So they can act like they're sleeping and watch over their hoard, also so you can't pull bullshit like casting darkness on their face
That makes sense from a gameplay standpoint I suppose. What I don't know is how to justify it fluff-wise?
>You manage to stab both of the dragon's eyes. But unfortunately, he still figures out your position, because/thanks to...
I just assumed they had echolocation like bats.
They can use a few more metamagics, but making more stuff up is probably unwise.
Hearing and smell.
That not a problem with the game user, the problem is with the people you choose to play it.
Its like how beholders are immune to the blinded condition, sure you could go and stab out their eyes but if you have a beholder in that kinda position just off it
Dragons have very accure magical senses, they can hear your footsteps and with their photographic memory of their hoard know exactly where you are
To be fair, why does any creature get any of its abilities?
>Sensory organs located in the dragons head detect sublte vibrations in the air
>Innate magic lets the dragon locate creatures telepathically
>Because dragon fuck you
Its up to you to decide, most people don't give a shit though
Magic sixth sense, like dowsing. They're hugely magical beings, don't think about it too hard.
New DM in our group is going to start running Tomb of Annihilation. I know nothing about it, but what do I need to know to make my character fit in? As of now I want to play a Kobold bard, but I don't want to if it takes me out of the setting or whatever.
>beholders are immune to the blinded condition,
Are they?
Tomb is probably the best module to play something pretty weird. There is just an abundance of odd stuff going on that you wont really stick out that much.
All you need to know is there is a Death Curse going around. Reviving magic doesn't work and people who have been revived in the past are decaying very quickly. All signs to the source of this problem are in Chult, a horrible uncharted jungle peninsula known for dinosaurs and one actually civilized city.
I'm really interested in playing a Tabaxi. Thing is, the information you get on their culture and so on in Volo's Guide isn't all that comprehensive.
I'd like my char to be more than "I'm a cat, look at me, purr purr, oh a ball of wool!"...
Any other sources I can read up on (apart from Wikis)?
They aren't actually. They're immune to prone though
Pathfinder is trash but at least it has actual character options that aren't "pick one of these subclasses" and has ASIs that aren't out the ass and pander to instant gratification normies. And also make ability scores matter so much that rolling for stats is literally unplayable.
I had my DM tell me they are when I hypothetically asked if it could fire it's eye beams while blinded
Well guess he was wrong and I can go ahead and try to blind beholders with sunbeam
Thanks user.
Could always incorporate elements from other settings, like khajiit or MtG leonin. Like most things in 5e it's likely kept open ended so that you can decide some of the particulars.
Memes aside they probably have some lore in some old ass book you could find a pdf of
>but at least it has actual character options that aren't "pick one of these subclasses" and has ASIs that aren't out the ass and pander to instant gratification normies
That's why it's trash tho
>80% millenial hipsters who slap their campaign together with materials out of random blogs and TSR modules.
That's better than the nat20 critical roll idolization that 5e has turned into.
>bitter killjoy
That's what you call anyone who wants to take the game seriously. You just want to jack off and make stupid jokes. Protip: these "serious" campaigns you deride so heavily, have plenty of comedy relief. They just aren't entirely composed of it, it happens naturally, unlike the lulzrandumb meme characters that you force into the game because you need to be laughing every 30 seconds to cover your nu male emptiness, like a goddamn roosterteeth video. Fucking soulless. I can't wait until you faggots begin suiciding en masse because you realize vaping has fucked up your lungs, and your ugly 2/10 gook wife doesn't really love you, and that the D&D campaigns you play have no depth or meaning to you because you have turned them into rick&morty-tier randumb comedy.
>rolling for stats is literally unplayable
Sounds like no fun allowed to me
Critical Role brought in a lot of new players who think every game is just like that. How about you sit down, act like an adult and explain what you are looking for in players, how the campaign your running is or voice what campaign you're looking to play in.
This reeks of /pol/ or a really bitter 40 year old projecting his problems onto younger people.
Well, if I remember correctly, they used to be generic stone-age South American tribes who are occasionally menaced by big, demonic tabaxi "lords".
Oh, I have played in plenty of "serious" campaigns user, you just still seem insufferable to play with
>That's why it's trash tho
Options are trash? No, badly balanced options are trash. Badly designed options and stacking modifiers from tons of different abilities, is trash. 5e has this too with the 200 mph tabazi and nuclear druid. So its really no better. But thats okay, keep convincing yourself that mod options for character building are trash. Keep beating that pathfinder straw man. D&D will stay in the dark ages. Its doing well now cause all the normalfucks are flooding into it from stranger things (qualify: if you didn't play an edition of d&d before 5th, you are a normalfuck), but once they get bored and start checking out other systems, D&D will crash and burn harder than 4e did.
Paul or paulie if you want to be slightly clever.
Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy D&D. But coming from other RPGs you quickly realize that the main focus really is not roleplaying when it comes to the game that started it all.
Time to make shit up, I guess.
Nuclear druid and the 200mph tabaxi are no more relevant to 5e than Pun-Pun was to 3.5, especially since nuclear druid uses UA material
That's 5e I am talking about. If you roll for stats you can easily hit the stat cap at 1st level. Lucky stat rolls are more important in 5e than in any previous edition, because stats in general are more important in 5e than in any other edition.
I've actually come up with Apollo about 10 mins ago. It's suitably badass for the BBEG, and the players can come up with parrot + cracker jokes by themselves if they feel clever.
Are you the main character of Zero Charisma? Watch it, if you haven't already.
I have no idea what you are talking about, low stat rolls won't kill a character
The one time I played rolled stats I didn't have a single score above 14 but did I care, no, I was having fun playing a game I like
No you haven't, and no I am not.
This reeks of some one who doesn't have an argument.
So powergaming is ineffective in 5e?
>that you force into the game because you need to be laughing every 30 seconds to cover your nu male emptiness, like a goddamn roosterteeth video. Fucking soulless. I can't wait until you faggots begin suiciding en masse because you realize vaping has fucked up your lungs, and your ugly 2/10 gook wife doesn't really love you, and that the D&D campaigns you play have no depth or meaning to you because you have turned them into rick&morty-tier randumb comedy.
this isnt an argument, this is aggressive rambling
>I have no idea what you are talking about, low stat rolls won't kill a character
Of course not. But they certainly might prevent you from multiclassing. And a character with good stats will certainly outshine the other characters.
Also, since high intelligence doesnt give you more skills anymore, there is no reason to invest in intelligence anymore if youre not a wizard.
How do I keep track of in-game time in dungeons? It will be relevant in my next dungeon
I have seen zero charisma. Scott is a manchild who railroads because he is bad at creating a real adventure path. However, Miles is also a douche for intentionally trying to derail the campaign by attacking an NPC without any in- character reason to do so. Scott was pathetic but miles was just as much a villain if not more. Youll note that he didn't actually give a fuck about the campaign, he just used it to make jokes and in the end didn't even want to hang out with the fucking losers he games with.
Was anything I said wrong?
Take a look at your rage-fueled rant about rick and morty and critical role and whatever the fuck else and tell me if that's the sign of a tempered, well-adjusted adult who can be trusted to function well in the "serious, mature, adult" groups you want.
Add to that your childish strawmanning with insisting anyone who disagrees with you can't POSSIBLY be anything but the exact kind of person and player you hate.
You know what you do when you don't like a group? You get the fuck out, because you're doing nothing but waste your own time and probably also spoil the game for the people who are there and actually having fun.
It's incoherent for the most part, so it depends on your definition of "wrong"
pretty bleak thread guys
>moving on...
my group is wayy more interested in rolling new characters somewhat mirroring our current characters, only evil.
has anybody done this? I'm afraid we'll basically stop caring about the originals since we will have more experience and fun playing "evil" characters
Why not?
For locate object, can't you just try to locate traps and get at least one trap within 1000ft?
For find traps, shouldn't it still work for 60ft as long as it's not a natural trap?
Crom requires no worship
The difference between a 20 stat martial and a 14 stat martial can easily be double effectiveness.
As in, double total damage, double survivability, etc. I'm not even exaggerating.
And this doesn't come in any interesting to roleplay form, it's just straight up 'you do more damage' or 'you are this much harder to hit' rather than getting special stat-related bonuses.
5e is not designed (or if it was, poorly designed) for rolling for stats.
Some classes are heavily defined by their ability to, say, do damage, and having a poor main stat cripples these classes in that role and makes it so everybody overshadows them. At that point, having no role in the party, you just as well might not play unless you want to be a joke character.
>You know what you do when you don't like a group? You get the fuck out, because you're doing nothing but waste your own time and probably also spoil the game for the people who are there and actually having fun.
Except those people don't deserve to have fun, and I will certainly do my best to make them not like the hobby if they are going to ruin it with their cards- against- humanity tier garbage.
Nice trips, though.
I was playing a rogue though, I will give you it on martials
Oh, so you were baiting. 10/10 user
>can be trusted to function well in the "serious, mature, adult" groups you want
And I have them, by the way. I play with them once a week. Except for a while it was my only gaming so I figured I'd try playing for other groups so I can actually play instead of forever DMing. Ended up DMing anyway, for 5e, and every player I've run into save for one has been an autistic gigglefuck normie who needs to die of aggressive ass cancer.
Rogues are martials.
My 14 dex wasn't stopping my from rolling my bonus 3d6 a turn
In terms of FR elvish gods, there's Shevarash, the Chaotic Neutral elvish god of vengeance. Seems suited well for an elvish, religious-themed barbarian.
Having less of your main stat:
1. Decreases your hit chance
2. Decreases your damage (Effectively multiplied by hit chance)
3. Decreases your AC (survivability)
4. And decreases your dex saves (survivability)
5. And lowers your capability to escape grapples from acrobatics (survivability)
6. Implies a decrease in health from low con (Effectively multiplied by AC and dex saves)
7. Decreases your skill checks such as stealth (effectively a minor multiplier to everything as failing stealth can mean you make less attacks / take more damage)
8. Decreases your initiative (effectively again a slightly less minor multiplier to everything as higher initiative means you can defend and position yourself better / end a fight quicker / have more opportunities to attack)
9. Implies a decrease in capability to multiclass (Rogues can multiclass into a lot of classes if they wish, but multiclassing requires 13 in certain stats) which limits your options
Stats are exponential. The more you up your dex, the more damage you do, but the higher the chance you also deal that damage, and also the higher the chance it'll be your turn due to initiative in order to deal that damage and also trigger effects such as assassin's (if enemy wins initiative you get no autocrits), and also the chance you'll still be standing on your turn
5e was not built with having imbalanced stats.
No but it sure wasnt helping your to- hit or damage.
Compare that to someone with a 20 Dex who literally deals 15% more damage than you because he hits 15% more often.
My Nigga, you found the best Elf God