Big Hothead Guy edition
Warcraft Lore General
Original Death Knights are the best.
I miss Wrath Era Deathknights. So much fun. Especially tanking as Frost and DPSing as Blood.
>Okay so the legion is gone now, we can all live in p-
>What de fug?
>Bolvar went to sleep
>Raid consists of DPSing down and and tanking and protecting the titans, who can be taken down by trash mobs and were all one-shotted by Sargeras
>Sargeras getting sucked off by the Well of Eternity
>By the nature of cutscene plot magic they all just zoop Sargeras into gay baby jail
What. A. Fucking. Joke.
Who'd win, cutscene dante or wow raid?
why was Sargeras a big fucking cloud before? Why did he not reach down directly and annihilated Stormwind by pressing his fingers against it?
Lack of Blood DPS is why I don't play one anymore really.
So the Legion was using Argus as a big recycling bin to bring back dead demons that weren't killed inside the Twisting Nether.
Do warlocks need to make new contracts every time a demon of theirs dies now since they can't come back?
Blood DPS and Frost tanking (especially the latter) were the shit. I've never once specced Unholy (and never will), but being forced to switch the roles on my two favourite specs was a huge hit against my playing a death knight, as well.
Argus only made the process easier / quicker. Demons will still come back when killed outside of the Twisting Nether; it's just that the process is much, much slower now. Also, I always assumed a warlock's demons are resummoned using the warlock's power, so it probably doesn't change a thing.
So I'm still playing Legion, just finished the Viking land for the first time, was really a lot of fun until Sylvannas ruined it at the end. Where is the petition for leaving the Horde until she is gone I can sign on to, so Blizzard knows to fuck off.
Also, I'm glad my early guess on Havi really being Odyn was correct. Not that it was well hidden, I'm sure many people figured that out when they met him.
>Where is the petition for leaving the Horde until she is gone I can sign on to, so Blizzard knows to fuck off.
Was Nordrassil repowered back in Cataclysm? What about Teldrassil? What about that other three in the broken isles?
Would the night elves become immortal again?
i thought that warlocks just bound a demon into a soul crystal, and when demons died or unsummoned they went back to the crystal
It's never really made clear. I always took it as Warlocks just harnessed the power of a soul trapped in a crystal(Soul Shard) to open a rift into the Nether to bring the demon they had enslaved into the mortal plane.
My boy, frost tanking was a blast. RIP frost tanks, I still miss you.
>Not OG Blood tank or unholy tank
Do u even Deeps?
>Play a DK because it's the new hotness
>Find myself really liking Frost Tanking
>Am good at it
>Hit 70 and ask peeps in guild what I should do now
>They ask what spec I am
>Tell them I'm Frost
>They tell me to switch off as frost tanks are shite apparently
>Switch to Unholy and miss Frost immensely
What have they done to them as of late?
DK settled in after WotLK since blizzard can't into balance much if at all.
BDK became top fun healing tank, but shit since literally no movement and the BDK connundrum of self healing (now extended to DH)
Frost became a meme and fucking trash dual meme.
Unholy is a pet spec that uses dots.
Only BDK tanks now.
The bigger and badder a demon is, the harder it is for them to manifest in the material plane.
That's why regular demons can be summoned in standard portals, but Kil'Jaeden needed the Sunwell.
Thanks for reminding me of the godless wrath that was dual wielding frost tank
>gee, Lazarus, why does your mom let you tank with TWO AXES?
>all that parry also made PvP a breeze against other melee
Blood DK tanks work well today, but not being able to keep the spec and DPS kinda sucks.
I like "tough DPS" as a concept.
Has Blood DK ever not been super overpowered?
Nordrassil was damaged again in a side quest in Legion
If there is anything I've learned being a druid in Legion is we are absolute rubbish at our jobs.
Yeah, if you knew anything about Odin's myths, it was pretty obvious.
So, i haven't been keeping up with the lore since warlords. Has sargeras finally been turned into a raidboss to be looted by a bunch of literally whos? Is he kill?
>What about Teldrassil?
Teldrassil is a false world tree and has only ever served as a stronghold for the night elves.
It's also getting torched in the leadup to BfA.
>Has sargeras finally been turned into a raidboss to be looted by a bunch of literally whos?
>Is he kill?
No. The rest of the Titan pantheon has pulled him away from Azeroth and imprisoned him, but not before he stabbed Silithus in the face.
great, even more refugees incoming
I'm actually somewhat impressed by how organically this ending played out. I mean, it's still not top-tier writing, but it's much less contrived than "there must always be a LICH KING" or Garrosh being spared for long enough to go back in time.
There's a scale down in the scope of things next expansion as well, with things being centered around Kul'tiras and faction fighting over new resources introduced by Sargeras shanking the planet.
Can't say I'm excited for more Red vs. Blue, but I guess it's a step in the right direction.
>The rest of the Titan pantheon has pulled him away from Azeroth and imprisoned him, but not before he stabbed Silithus in the face.
Good riddance. It was a shitty zone anyway.
But I thought the Pantheon had been killed by Sargeras way back when he first flipped out and decided to kill the universe.
According to Wowpedia, he found shards of their souls and tried to twist them to his purposes. Not clear on how they went about siphoning up enough power to pull him off the planet, but they did.
Illidan's acting as his jailer now.
The new cinematic is more or less confirming the twitter leak we got years ago is true.
The world soul will die and all of Azeroth will take up it's soulsplinters. Fucking copout.
>Old gods being released and manipulating the whole armies into slaughtering each other
>Scaling down in scope
Planetary migration when? WoW is getting more and more fucking sci-fi.
Well the last expansion had interplanetary demon armies with warp technology on their space ships and a demon the size of a planet trying to stab the world to death, so it is a moderate change in scope.
If you want tough DPS, roll warlock. Demo is the tankiest non-tank class and affli can self-heal at the rate of a dedicated healer.
No Sargeras is not a raid boss
the pantheon fight him while the players fight a literally-who new titan
i mean old gods are a scale down from Sargears. Only Void Lords are above him
You mean like all of Legion?
You were top tanks amd healers for a good chunk.
Until the Devs realised you were at the top.
They seem set on bringing down anyone who's having fun, this expac.
Druids are THE best tanks atm and balance is top tier for AoE fights.
Just be ready for disproportionate nerfs at any time, for no reason and all of your shinies being taken away to give to other classes whilst the Devs pretend it never happened. And also being irrelevant until the final stages of an expansion.
I love Warlocks, but dear goodness they were hit some of the worst this expac with ~Class Fantasy~ alongside Deathknights, Eleshamans and hunters
Let's not do these outside the weekends. It just leads to burnout and (even more) rampant shitposting.
Original wc art is the best. The ink and linework makes all of it slightly metal.
What did illidan do? How did he stop sargeras?
Sageras was imprisoned by the remaining echoes of the Titan pantheon. Illidan is acting as his jailer.
>Illidan is acting as his jailer.
How and why him?
How I dunno. The why is because Sargeras has apparently been his proverbial white wale for a long time and seeing him in a cage is basically all Illidan lives for right now.
Warlocks have been some of the toppest DPS classes the whole expansion? Mostly because affli became busted in NH but still.
Wrath ruined DK lore
they were supposed to be an elite force of former heroes who had their soul stolen by Ner Zhul and become the unwilling tools of their new master, effectively feeling nothing but remorse and shame all the way.
Suddenly a group of DKs being sent into a suicidal attack is considered as them being betrayed by Arthas? What the fuck? The Scourge is the very definition of sending expendable chaff at your enemy, want or free will doesn‘t play into it.
And the audacity of Blizz to represent a faction struggling to rebuild human civilisation in Lordaeron as a reasonably evil enemy so a genocidal pale blue dindu wouldn‘t have to feel too bad about wiping the last hope of the continent out.
Havi being a Known Alias of Odin's is a pretty major clue.
But at least he didn't use "Nido", "Nydo" or something assinine like that, looking at you Tepes.
>struggling to rebuild human civilization
the Crusade were the bitches of the Legion since their founding. Eradicating them and giving Lordaeron back to its rightful masters, the Forest Trolls , is the end game of WoW
You know there weren't any troll settlements in Tirisfal, right? Humans were living in the mountains of Lordaeron since their expulsion from the Vrykul and spent most of their time raiding each other, not fending off trolls, prior to the whole founding of Arathor thing.
Too bad they are pretty boring to play. I'm having fun with Destro, but its really just a green-flavored fire mage (got my green fire finally).
Demo could've been fun without the Demonic Empowerment spam, replaced it with an ability to summon more demons. I can understand why they want to limit the amount of guardians you have going at a time, but fuck that, I need more demons to chuck at mobs. I want Shadowbolt replaced with summoning those demon larva mobs found on Argus and literally just throwing them at the enemy. Don't even have to change the spell mechanics, I just want my Lock summoning little demon worms, and throwing them to splat and die against the target.
warlock is good any expansion and a safe pick
>Why did he not reach down directly and annihilated Stormwind by pressing his fingers against it?
Because he doesn't give two shits about Stormwind. He's here to either capture or destroy the Worldsoul, and whatever mortals happen to be living on top of it are completely beneath his notice.
>Not clear on how they went about siphoning up enough power to pull him off the planet, but they did.
By cannibalizing the worldsoul of Argus, after the PCs rough it up a bit.
all lands are troll land
>demons can just walk back to their corpse
Seems like everyone can.
Name a lore addition in any series shittier than these fucks. As someone who plays a lot of priests these cunts make me want to kill myself.
Well, if Illidan knows anything it's about stuff being locked up for ages. Wait...don't we have some sort of jailers we could talk to about this? Perhaps...wardens...of some sort?
time travel and Warlords of Draenor retcons
What happened to Ele? I heard they finally made Earthquake instant cast after throwing the slow, clunky shit version at us for all of WoD, other than making Earthshock look more like a dirt-clod (Not that the flash of green really ever felt like "A sudden concussive blast from the pent up energy of tectonic plates' or whatever the fluff text was) what went wrong?
Destro was unplayable most of the expac as well, can still barely believe they tried to pretend that they didn't just take baseline abilities that actually made the spec playable and put them into two different Talent trees as 'New' Talent trees. Green Fire questline is sick though.
I want more demons and more variety for Demo, for Demonic Enslavement to actually work on things and to never have to hit [Demonic Empowerment] ever again. Demo could have been so good with a total rehaul, especially in an expansion all about DEMONS and WARLOCKS.
In my experience which admittedly is llimited you're still a sub-par DPS who is incredibly squishy for wearing the second heaviest type of armour, Earthquake is still the best single-target use of Maelstrom and Lightning does no damage, despite being a resource generator.
What class is usually safe from the whims of the developers?
Rogue. Apparently Stealth applies to detection by devs too, most patches won't have a single note on Rogues.
I must say that I enjoyed the Rogue class campaign in Legion.
midiclorians in Star Wars is still one of the worst lore additions in the history of anything. Magical bacteria is the reason why we have space wizards using laser swords?
Naaru are definitely not the worse addition to the WC lore either. Fuck, the high elves joining the Horde is still one of the worst fucking lore decisions ever ESPECIALLY SINCE THE FUCKING UNDEAD RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF SILVERMOON JOINED THE FUCKING HORDE.
Not to mention WoD and Legion have done a lot to flesh out the naaru, and we see multiple naaru killed.
Undead Paladins are also in the lore too, and thats beyond fucking stupid as well.
Empowerment should've been a cool down, not spammed every fucking time you summon a demon. Or make it a summon, summon an inquisitor that floats around and buffs your demons. That way it doesn't fuck with the limites rotation we already have. Doom also just needs to die already. It was fun back in the day when it meant something, but now its just a shitty DOT.
Spammers are always hit like a we noodle, even if Lighningbolt is he weakest. The spec has so many issues to deal with. Flame Shock should not use Maelstrom, fuck that. The artifact ability should've been a channel that struck the enemy with lightning, its a waste of a GCD and a cool animation. Ice Fury, or whatever its called, was cool and made Frost Shock actually useful, but unfortunately, like so many spells, is was baked into the fucking talent system and only sees play on the whims of the developers.
And the whole class is squishy. I have to spam my Healing Wave on Enh so much. Anything sneezes at you and you're in trouble.
The huge GCD of Warlocks on top of the long cast of [Demonic Empowerment] is just adding salt to the wound, Doom sucks balls and I would love to have an Inquisitor to buff my guys. Fuck Imps and fuck the Devs hatred of Warlocks I would have loved to have had greater demon variety in Legion with the rework too.
With shamans, like many classes, I feel too much was stripped from baseline and baked into Talents, Honour talents and Artifacts. Everything feels so incomplete and clunky. Flame shock's use of Maelstrom is just a horrible design decision. I gave up on Enh due to how awful it is for soloing. Which is a pity, because it is kind of fun, outside of it being squishier than even a Priest.
Would have been nice seeing more non-Mage/Pally/Demonhunter/Warrior/Priest NPCs out in the world though. I'm ignoring Val'sharah due to how much I hate it music and art was nice though
What's a good class for a beginner.
Other than making a cool looking class hall (the design sucks, fuck sticking the artifact pedestal all the way back there), the devs hated Locks in this expansion. The class hall campaign sucked, and for an expansion all about demons, they don't really do anything in any of the storylines.
warrior is pretty simple and fun
Still better than the Monk campaign. The companions were cool (Taran Zhu and the Monkey King in particular), but then the devs just seem to take a collective round of bleach when it came to the actual campaign.
>"Hey, so we've had these cool campaigns for the other classes, what should we do for monks? Maybe them establishing a new order, or trying to reclaim the Peak of Serenity?"
>"BEER. The entire thing needs to revolve around BEER. Because PANDAS drink BEER."
Midiclorians are supposed to be some mediator. Instead of Jedi => Force, it's Jedi => Midiclorians => Force. Aside from providing a middle-method of checking force sensitivity through blood sampling, there's barely any difference.
Wow, seriously? The monk campaign is one of the only ones I haven't done. I know that the monks claim the Wandering Isle as their order hall (I've gotten up to at least that point with every class), but that was kind'a lame to begin with. Damn.
>Aside from providing a middle-method of checking force sensitivity through blood sampling
That's 100% the reason everyone hates it. Being able to read someone's Force Power with a scouter completely contradicted everything the OT said about it. It turned the Force from a mystical Daoist energy to a fucking video game mechanic
>"Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter!"
>Maiev and Illidan won't guard Sarfargaras for eternity together
Why live?
The Scourge destroyed Silvermoon. The Blood Elves are smart enough to understand that the Forsaken are carving out their old home after breaking free of the Lich King. It also helps that a free Windrunner is heading the faction; she was kind of important. I don't like that either faction joined the Horde, but the Forsaken and Blood Elves are not diametrically opposed factions.
>Undead Paladins are also in the lore too, and thats beyond fucking stupid as well.
There's like two or three and channeling the light almost kills them. It's not like they're a player class.
It honestly broke my heart when I was left feeling like I had to swap mains from my Shaman to my Hunter. I've mained a Shaman since Wrath and I have a lot of nostalgic fondness for the character. But the class is just so useless for anything other than healing now. Which is fine, shaman healing is fun. But everything else is just ass.
The only thing I really still enjoy about the class is thunderstorming Bluefags off Eye of Eternity.
The only bright spot in the darkness for Shamans, is that they were one of the few that managed to avoid the worst of the CC-prune.
Thunderstorm is so much fun, Shaman's the only Class with a Knockback, isn't it?
>Shaman's the only Class with a Knockback, isn't it?
No, druids, hunters, and demon hunters all have knockbacks as well.
But Thunderstorm is the only one with a far knockback distance and which affects everyone regardless of which side of you they're standing on. Druids also knock you back 20 yards but it's a cone rather than an AoE.
I'm honestly surprised it's survived so long and it really is only a matter of time before it's finally gone for good. When that day happens, my shaman may wind up well and truly shelved.
Except that's not the case at all. Knowing how something channels a mystical force doesn't make that mystical force any less mystical. It just tells you how they can make lightning out of their fingers from it.
>Knowing how something channels a mystical force doesn't make that mystical force any less mystical
What planet do you live on where saying "this person has 20,000 more Force Points and therefore is stronger than everyone else" doesn't make it less mystical?
The Original Trilogy made it explicitly clear the Force is beyond the physical. So connection an individual's Force power with a physical construction is in fact a total contradiction of how it was portrayed.
You're probably the only person other than George himself defending the concept of midichlorians.
>When that day happens
I fear the day is closer than we think, user.
The Pruning Legion hit hard this expansion.
No one show this guy the light Nathrezim.
Mage. Warrior. Basically anything. Hunter if you like animals. Any of the original classic classes. Not monk, Deathknight, demon hunter.
A bit annoying levelling due to being balanced around your level 98 weapon, but nigh unkillable with a host of panic buttons and numerous "Get out of Jail FREE" cards.
Your pet can do everything, a bit dull but you can play the minigame of "What's the coolest animal to capture/befriend/own in THIS zone?". Easy levelling.
You're a Wizard, and have convenience out the ass. Crowd control, Fast Travel, Out of combat healing, invisibility. The whole shebang.
>rogue: easy to learn, hard to master. quite a few tricks and the stealth makes questing easier.
>hunter or warlock: pets serve as tanks leveling up. good survival.
>druid: can cover ALL THE ROLES, healing, tanking, damage, and stealth can all be useful when questing.
>warrior: hit things with a stick
Does the old huntard stigma still persist these days? Or was that all moved over to Demon hunter?
>>the stealth makes questing easier.
Do you even want to play a game anymore? Questing is already braindead easy.
>Does the old huntard stigma still persist these days?
Yeah, but it's not as virulent. The huntard tropes come from when it was the most-played class and its players had the annoying habit of rolling need on every single Agi/Str weapon in the game, which was a pain in the ass given the glut of melee DPS players.
Now though, no one bats an eye at them. If anything they're desired because of their high damage output and the fact ranged classes are a minority in the DPS community.
This. There's a reason the old generals died. You can't talk about something every day every month of every year and still have oft-unique conversations, as fresh eyes don't always regularly come in.
Here this guy is right as well: Druid and Roughues have stealth which you may want when exploring/mining/etc. And Druid's travel form with waterbreathing and gofastswim is crazy convenient.
Only downside is that you better like playing a sapient animal, because you're never going to see your character again. Except possibly for Balance Specialisation, but that's pretty lategame for a beginner
Stop replying to yourself to gain traction. I, for one, am having fun.
I've lost my interest in warlocks when Blizz removed Glyph of Demon Hunting in WoD. Tanky 'lock was fun.