Elves don't need to sleep

>elves don't need to sleep

Why though.

Other urls found in this thread:

old.ahmadtea.ua/userfiles/files/Tolkien/Lord Of The Rings - Part 2 - The Two Towers By J R R Tolkien.pdf

They have such a low sperm count, the males need to spend all night fucking their women so as to have any chance of their species surviving.

They go into a trance for half the time instead of sleeping

With the right dietary supplements, nobody needs to.

It's silly, the longer something lives the more dormant and sedentary it should be.

Because Tolkien. His elves slept like anyone else, but Legolas, in Tolkiens own words the most vital and persistent of all of the fellowship, could have gone on day and night, making it seem like he needed no sleep. This somehow crept into early D&D, where it persisted for really no good reason.

Doesn't your brain need the lack of sensory input during sleep for events to be recorded into your long-term memory though?

Laboratory tests on a variety of mammals has shown that long periods of total sleep deprivation lead to death in all cases.

Because when you sleep you die temporarily. For being who are nigh immortal in some cases, they cannot sleep because to do so would mean they are mortal

because sleep is for the weak

if you dont sleep you can shitpost on wizardchan 24/7

This is basically the answer, OP.

Well, we don't quite have the technology readily available for general public, but the idea is that anything your noodles need naturally from the period of rest can be synthesized.

So I'm about to live another couple centuries?
Kinda neat

cause they sleep one half of the brain at a time like dolphins.

First tell me wht humans do need to sleep.

You made me laugh, user. God job.

>His elves slept like anyone else, but Legolas, in Tolkiens own words the most vital and persistent of all of the fellowship, could have gone on day and night, making it seem like he needed no sleep.
Have you actually read Lord of the Rings?

old.ahmadtea.ua/userfiles/files/Tolkien/Lord Of The Rings - Part 2 - The Two Towers By J R R Tolkien.pdf (Page 13 of the PDF)

>Only Legolas still stepped as lightly as ever, his feet hardly seeming to press the grass, leaving no footprints as he passed; but in the waybread of the Elves he found all the sustenance that he needed, and he could sleep. if sleep it could be called by Men, resting his mind in the strange paths of elvish dreams, even as he walked open-eyed in the light of this world.

There is actually a way to only sleep for about an hour or two a day using an extreme polyphasic cycle, but it comes with a lot of caveats. First, training to do it takes a long time and cannot be done if you have any kind of real obligations, because you sleep on and off throughout the day to learn it and are constantly in a miserable state of sleep deprivation until it really kicks in. Once you're actually on the cycle, you sleep for 15 or 30 minutes 4 times a day, and when those times come, you cannot stop it. Your body will almost always just conk right out no matter what you're doing or where you're doing it. Luckily, they're very predictable and consistent. If this rest is interrupted for any reason, it fucks you right up, because you immediately enter certain parts of the sleep cycle instead of going through them all naturally. You will also start craving random things like grape juice because it's not a perfect solution. Because of that, I don't think it's really sustainable permanently, but it can be maintained for a few months if you want to suffer through the acclimation process.


It's a holdover from Tolkien.

I kind of like the fairy tale logic behind it. Elves just don't sleep.

plants don't need sleep, silly

Last I checked, we still weren't sure what the actual purpose of sleep was, though we have a few ideas. Regardless, what said is correct; you die. The process is likely one of neural activity, which could not be replaced by simple dietary supplements.

if this were true fatal familial insomnia wouldn't have to stay true to its name

>Last I checked, we still weren't sure what the actual purpose of sleep was, though we have a few ideas.

I bet Bill Cosby supplied a few of those ideas.

After a couple yearsdecades of this she might even conceive!

Elves are actually dolphins.

Why would anyone want to miss the sweet embrace of sleep and the dreams that come with it? And let's not forget the comfiness that it entails!

Elves can't afford to sleep, the creature that lives in everyone's dreams has an ancient, undying hatred towards all elves and hunts them down whenever they step into it's domain.

Because they stay up all night singing and traipsing through forests. Generations of this have weeded out the bloodlines that required sleep.

I Agree however I would like it if i could sleep far less than 8 hours pls

They are of Dreams, so they don't need to dream.

It also makes you insane.

I tried to go with the compromise that they can survive without food or sleep due to their immortality but it'll eventually fuck them up pretty horribly. Lack of food, which they require far less of, will wither them away to a living husk and lack of sleep has all the side effects it has for humans, albeit without death.

The brains its sleep yah see.

Yeah it still sounds like the equivalent of a rest state, he's basically shutting off part of his brain while keeping his feet moving.

This right here would explain it.

>sleep to repair and restore vital body systems which degrade in part due to being a mortal being
>you are immortal
not too complicated really

>>you are immortal
Despite the fact that most elves aren't immortal? There was already an answer in this thread, but people rather talk about meme elves that don't exist.

yeah I forgot, there's only ever one answer to things, glad (you) were here to remind me

>there's only ever one answer to things
To this specific thing, actually yes. I can only think of D&D elves and copycats that don't need sleep. And these are not immortal. So what elves are you talking about?

you learn to do this in the army

Is every elf in every myth and story mortal? Did OP specify only certain elves? Will you ever understand your being wrong under the crushing weight of your autism?

>Did OP specify only certain elves?
He did specify elves that don't need sleep. Well, he made it sound like it's something that's universal, which is not true. So, what elves are you talking about?

But where did Tolkien get it? Is there an earlier source?

Did Tolkien base it off of his own military experience?

>But where did Tolkien get it? Is there an earlier source?
I think it's just that his elves are more untiring than other races. Legolas doesn't need much sleep even after a whole day of running after orcs, because he's just such a hard badass. His elves can't get sick, they heal wounds much more easily than humans. As humans and elves met the first time the elves wondered why the humans looked so sickly and frail. Partly because humans actually got old. But the elves were mentioned to sleep just normally. Legolas slept in the LotR books, in the hobbit books some elves got drunk and fell asleep, some passages of elves sleeping in the Sillmarillion.

I always like to cite this letter from Tolkien about Legolas.
>"He was tall as a young tree, lithe, immensely strong, able swiftly to draw a great war-bow and shoot down a Nazgûl, endowed with the tremendous vitality of Elvish bodies, so hard and resistant to hurt that he went only in light shoes over rock or through snow, the most tireless of all the Fellowship."

spooky stuff

My assumption is that Elven meditation fulfills the same function that REM sleep does in other animals.

Reminder that we do know the purpose of sleeping, REM and dreaming now; REM and dreaming is the result of the brain filling itself with liquid and randomly firing neurons in order to flush out the built up detritus that eventually kills you.

It's weird that the sleeping business carried over into D&D then, because D&D elves are frailer than the other races.

You had to balance those elves for Chainmal and make them stealth magic-fighters.

Tolkien's Elves borrow heavily from certain types of Fae folk and demoted pagan gods. Bit like Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream. They may well often dream, but they don't sleep.

Because they're abominations lacking inagination. Their whining to the gods that turned the art of magic into a science means they need to be destroyed. Drow are okay though, they got screwed by their pantheon and are willing to take my side.
t. Goddess of dreams in my settan

should have "dolphin" elves who cycle their brain hemispheres on and off instead of sleeping, just have them shift from attentive, caring and reflective with a bonus to wis one minute to suddenly rage monkeys with an int bonus.

>Did Tolkien base it off of his own military experience?

I'm trying to remember if it was ww1 where the mass use of amphetamines became a thing in war or whether that was ww2.

Obviously, speed freak elves is a horrible idea.

Do not take medical advice from Spider Jerusalem.

Do not take advice from Spider Jerusalem.

Elves meditate, they don't sleep, it just looks like they're snoring and drooling out of the corner of their mouth to you silly humans who don't understand that elves are supremely elegant and advanced, like cats. You just aren't intelligent enough to realise that they're pondering the mysteries of the universe, not lying precariously halfway-off the bed because they tried to roll over but got caught up in the blanket, and when they fall off, yelp, and wake up, that's actually something they meant to do.

im not 100% sure but i think they only started handing out speed in ww2.
would be pretty fitting if tolkien based that wierd energy drink the orcs give pippin that only gave you energy for a while before making you feel even worse after the effect wears away.

on speed.

Because they're already living the dream.