Is there an objectively best char gen system?
Is there an objectively best char gen system?
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One that doesn't include shit like Sandy Loam.
It's not even the best soil classification chart, I don't think it's going to be best anything.
you just posted it
Rolling for Silty Clay.
6 x 3d6 assign.
>Silty Clay
You are worse than the SLfags
I think Traveller is the most fun chargen, of all the systems I've played.
I bet you like Skub.
1. Write a compelling backstory
2. Assign whatever stats you think fit that backstory
3.The GM sets the initial difficulty to whatever arbitrary powerlevel the party happened to end up.
As a down to earth kind of guy I'm rolling for regular clay.
Nobody likes that shit, as it should be
100% clay master race reporting in!
I guess we'll have to take your advice, Ultra-Satan 10,000.
>percent bones of human sacrifice >50%
>terra preta
Post a better one.
Sure, here's the USCS.
AASHTO also has one but it's wack.
Whoops forgot my picture.
Wow, this is some real autism here. Is this your shitty homebrew, or just a horrendous weeb system no one's heard of before?
>clay dominating most of the chart and surrounded only by smaller class types for it to bully
>faggots who think sandy loam and loamy sand are different fucking things
>support for "i can't possibly pick one thing, but I also need to be the most special snowflake" classes sandy clay loam and silty clay loam
>allowing players to play Sand at all
What the fuck am I looking at here, GURPS? When I'm enough of a simulationist to care about fucking plasticity, I'll get a quad-core processor imbedded in my grey matter.
>he can't even run a sieve analysis for a soil
Bro, I think this might be too deep for you. You're probably better off sticking to Ace of Spades or something.
Your post is PRIMARILY ORGANIC MATTER (dark in color and organic odor), if you know what I'm sayin'.
>That one hipster who always plays Pete "Peat" Patterson.
It's all dirt.
>It's all dirt.
Fucking plebs. It's called soil, motherfuckers.
Why the fuck they haven't released a splatbook for Martian or Moon soils yet is beyond me
>sieve size expressed in inches
Yes, and it's called QAPF
Rolled 21 (1d80)
Right, there are 80 triangles there. So, rolling for class...
Clay. 50-60 clay, 20-30 sand, 20-30 silt
Mein neger
That's good but i prefer the spinoff
Just stopping by to let you guys know this is one of the best threads on /tg right now. Thanks guys
What porn is that from?
>ywn have sandy silty clay loam
The Traveller Char gen system is pretty excellent. Either Classic edition or Mongoose.
Its partially out of the players hands which is nice, and provides a fairly complete back story for each character generated.
Kys yourself twice.
that chart is clearly from 70 years ago
It's not an excuse to post an outdated system
Non ci indurre in tentazione
Been a while since I saw the last
>OP makes the classic mistake
thread here
quads of truth, right here
>Not Found In Nature
Well I'm an edgelord so I know what I'm playing now!
this is some right saucy stone chart
100 sand is Best, ITS PURE!
Only if you're willing to take alternate EXP charts.
man this is some DBZ Power Level shit
is there anything that goes even further beyond?
>the lowest non-zero items are still 100 or more
Why don't you knock two or three numbers off the end there, squirrely Dan
>Clayey soils
The fuck is this shit?
>measuring pepper spray strength by scoville units and not % total dissolved capsaicinoids
Totally retarded. It would be like classifying fuel with a "smell test" of the crude oil used to produce it, instead of by the mass of the constituent hydrocarbons. "1 gorillion scoville units" means nothing if the solution is diluted to .1% capsaicinoids.
Yes, actually, there are ones above pure Capasaicin.
Tinyatoxin, found in Euphorbia poissonii, registers at an equivalent to 5.3 billion Scovilles.
Resiniferatoxin, found both in Euphorbia resinifera and Euphorbia poissonii, goes as high as 16 billion Scovilles. 10 grams of it is potentially fatal.
classic blunder OP
we Dirtpunk now
>Resiniferatoxin is a naturally occurring chemical found in resin spurge, a cactus-like plant commonly found in Morocco.
>It is an ultrapotent analogue of capsaicin, the active ingredient in chili peppers.
>Having a score of 16 billion Scoville units, pure resiniferatoxin is approximately 3 orders of magnitude (1000 times) hotter than pure capsaicin.
>It causes severe burning pain in sub-microgram (less than 1/1,000,000th of a gram) quantities when ingested orally.
Cuz, cuz of like science, man. It's all related to concentrations or some SHIT like that.
127 is prettier than 1.27
This thread makes me moist.
damn nature, you both scary and apparently some kind of dumb shounen battle series
There's also baby tier spice chemicals that rank much lower on the scoville scale.
>piperine (black pepper)
>gingerol (ginger)
>cinnamaldehyde (cinnamon)
The scoville scale is pretty bullshit, it depends on human tasters instead of any actual concentration levels.
Also if your values are going to go that high you should probably make your scale logarithmic.
it's not how that works
The (classic) scoville scale is measured in terms of the amount of water required to dilute the flavor of the spice out of existence. *reformed* scoville is measured as an expression of quantity of capsaicin in a sample size, but classic is much more appealing.
Basically, if you put 1 drop of Pimento into a cup, it only takes a scant 100-ish drops of water to eliminate the flavor.
meanwhile, one drop of Cayenne pepper takes about a liter and a half of water to dilute. (20,000 "drops" is roughly 1 liter of water).
Really it should be a dB scale based on concentration and relative to the minimum detectable level of spiciness a la sound intensity.
Hope I’m rolling right for my kind of dirt.
Here’s my cat.
Rolled 9, 6, 4 = 19 (3d10)
Goddammit, I'm taking a class in soil science this semester and can't get away from that. Also, soil near my apartment is sandy loam, shit sucks.
>The fuck is this shit?
You know how sometimes your digging and its in an area thats got just regular dirt but it sticks to your tools like a fucking magnet and sucks ass?
Thats what happens when the soil is kind of clayey. Its not quite clay but its claylike in its properties.
If they've diluted it, then it's got a lower Scoville number. Pretty much the definition of Scoville units.
Rolled 132 + 1 (1d177 + 1)
When you're done playing with dirt and rocks, try a real character gen system.
Rolling for stable metal...
Rolled 88 + 1 (1d118 + 1)
Damn, you can't roll 2 different dice in 1 post? or am I just dumb?
Rolling for protons, I guess.
is that the guy that played Gordon on Halt and Catch Fire?
That's a cute catter, user
Radium 220.
A half life of only 18 miliseconds and it decays into a gas.
Could be worse, I guess.
Rolled 172, 69 = 241 (2d354)
(1st % 177) +1 for neutrons, (1st % 118) +1 for protons
2nd, fuck
...aaaaand not on the chart. Bummer.
You literally can't do that shit, fucktard. Go read the basic rulebook, page 94 under the "Thermodynamics" rules section.
Oh god, my soils class is fucking following me to my time wasting area!
>He thinks Sandy Loam and Loamy Sand are the same
Me and my players were starting a campaign with this system, we have a REE, a LILE, a PGE and a Semiconductor so they fill all the roles pretty nicely even though they are pretty light on electricity users. I didn't want to make them start with the classic "you're in a tavern on a grain boundry" and then send them to the closest crystalline reticule so how should i make start the campaign? It's going to be a dislocation creep campaign so very light on roleplay more combat to familiarize with the system.
I came here to ask why there was a ternary phase diagram on a Veeky Forums thread about character creations systems but turns out I'm the crazy one as it's a feature not a bug.
As someone who used to put ghost peppers (before they were fucking cool, fight my hipster ass) on his pizza, jalapeno is still the best pepper.
So much fucking flavor.
It's also the cut off for what I can rub against my dick.
Tavern Tales.
Nice meme
You don't know how to read a table user ?
Rolled 170 + 1 (1d177 + 1)
Lets see if I get something that exists.
And if mixed dice work
Rolled 1 + 108 (1d5 + 108)
Mixed dice don't, but that means I can roll something that exists
Yes, Lifepaths.
170 (ignoring the +1), 109...
Meitnerium 279, an only theoretically existing isotope of Meritnerium (278 is confirmed though), itself an extremely radioactive synthetic element found as a fission product
I have a carolina reaper plant fite me feget
Rolled 58, 38, 99 = 195 (3d100)
rolling for Clay, Silt, Sand
Wait that doesn't work at all...
I don't see a problem here. 99/195=51% sand, 58/195=30% clay and 19% silt
Because all the percentages are tied to one another. You cant plot your result on the graph.
Only if you treat them as percentages and not fractions, like I just did.
See So would be sandy clay loam.
ive never been to Veeky Forums outside of a few cyoag threads, and wow i have never been so confused trying to figure out what the fuck is goin on in a thread as i am right now
Welcome to Veeky Forums - /tectonics and geology/
Nice I getcha.
You take the single rolls and work out what percentage of the total roll those are and plot those percentages.