>Starting new game, GM.
>Player asks to be able to home-brew a race with only fluff differences, no mechanical ones from humans.
>Hesitent, but he promises me the guy will be "like Londo Mollari"
>Big B5 fan, decide to give it a chance.
>Figure on some !not-Centauri
>Only thing this guy has in common with Mollari is 6 concealed tentacle dicks, and a womanizing attitude.
>By which I mean he tries to rape any woman he gets alone with for more than 5 minutes.
>Constantly arrange for bad things to happen to the character because I hate it and want the player to suffer for having made it.
Confess your gaming sins Veeky Forums
My players are solving a murder mystery, where a man murdered his brother to get his title and marry his wife.
I intend to railroad them into solving the case the same way Hamlet did (by producing a play).
Am I a horrible DM?
Every time I've dropped out of a game, it was my fault for either flaking or not being interested.
I plan on killing one of the PCs in my party (I am DM). The player annoys me with his autism and mentioned something about how he didn't think I would ever kill a PC. So I am going to intentionally fudge/kill his character.
I mess up rules in 40k fairly consistently
Proof autism kills.
My sin, I am a loot happy bitch in rpgs. I want to loot all the things, while ignoring the main plot.
I cheat whenever I can when rolling for stats or HP. And I'm not sorry, it's the GM's fault for insisting on such a shitty system.
Having a solution planned out never works out.
Create a situation then adlib based on how fuckoff retarded their attempts at solving it are.
My players are respectful and stay in character for the most part when I'm running a game. I'm an immature faggot who will still crack jokes during theirs.
Don't fudge the roll, put the players in a situation where they have to pick who dies and make the autist the obvious choice.
It's the difference between twisting the knife and stabbing them with a corkscrew.
>Constantly arrange for bad things to happen to the character because I hate it and want the player to suffer for having made it.
Excellent-quality bait. Putting it at the very end of your post lends an air of credibility as well.
I am currently in a furry erp dungeon crawl using house rules.
Pic related, current character, jackal bbw enchantress of the mildly evil variety.
Semi-perma-DM here.
I am the worst shithead of a player. I do all the things that I hate players to do.
Every time I play a game, I really appreciate what good players I have because they're not an asshole like I am.
I trace porn for all of the character art I draw. All of it. If you've gotten a delivery in a drawthread here, there's a chance it's just traced porn with a different facial expression.
My campaigns tend to have a fairly strong start, but my confidence and interest in running the game tends to dwindle after a few sessions.
It kills me a little inside whenever it starts happening because I really want to run a fun game for my friends, but things start to fall apart and get disorganized as I put less and less thought and passion into it and I can never seem to recover once it starts to slip.
I became a judge the other day for a game that I don't own any cards for*. Most of the test was pretty straightforward if you know the basic rules or have common sense. The rest involved Ctrl+F on the Card FAQ and Floor Rules, both open in other tabs.
(Worst part is, I got 100% and had half the time left. I have serious concerns about the quality of judges in organized play now)
* I did order some for Christmas and plan on buying more but I don't have any at the moment and haven't played any "official" games yet.
>Playing rich guy with a lot of resources
>GM constantly pulls out of his ass reasons why I can't use said wealth to aid the party
>When I'm allowed to use my money, all bought equipment gets destroyed by lightning, fire, rabid cats or the people hired immediately go cutthroat on us
>Wont allow me to have my char killed and roll a new one because "he's important to the story!"
>Keeps me from leaving by saying "don't worry, user! There won't be any shenanigans next game!"
>Game ends with my character completely crippled and me miserable for having everything fun about him taken away
>Offer to run the next game
>Former GM's character is a boxer-turned-pianist bullshit
>His personal character arc is a comeback fight
>Build it up for a whole two months, including in-universe advertising and news stories
>Former GM is very exited and the entire group tries to work how they'll fit in with the setpiece
>Session before the fight arrives
>Man with bowie knife attacks the boxer from behind
>Boxer loses an arm, a shitload of health and starts bleeding
>Other PCs try to stop him, but they get wacked pretty badly and leave as to not die
>Just describe how the assailant stomps boxer's head so badly that it's pretty much red paste
>His new character is a completely soulless crooked cop that just wants money
>Keep throwing in some boxing news in the handouts just to rub salt in the wound
And that's how the most pointless interpersonal war of attrition started.
As eternal GM ive become more railroady, and I fear after 11 years I've become mentally and creatively exhausted.
But everyone else, save 1, sucks at it. And the one who doesnt suck hates to DM. And so down we go along the staircase, one step, one session, at a time.
I started a game and after one session I'm already not really enjoying doing it, but I don't want to let it die.
I'm probably just going to kill it, but fuck, man, I feel bad about it.
I've never played a pen and paper rpg. The 8 times I've tried the game gets canceled at or near the minute. Thee times from a family member of the the GM's dying or going to the hospital.
I'm pretty sure I'm some sort of jinx.
I implemented homebrew character options in my first time running a new system. I thought the ones I made were better-designed than the core options.
I've never played Go
and how did the most-pointless interpersonal war of attrition end?
We're still going at it.
Being the vengeful cunt that I am makes me find it way too fun to piss in the asshole's cornflakes while he tries to ruin my sessions.
I might post the full details tomorrow, I must sleep.
Any particular reason you decided to play FATAL, op?
I never use coasters. Everybody keeps trying these roundabout, passive aggressive ways of getting me to use them, but I won't. I'm waiting until they actually grow some balls and ask me straight up to do it. Out of all the groups I've played with, it's only happened once, and it was my brother who did it, but then, he's always been forceful and direct in getting what he wants.
I take powergaming options as a player that I would never allow as a GM.
I have unironically masturbated imagining a character in a D&D campaign I am running being strangled to death by a roper.
You don't happen to browse a certain thread on trash about certain sizes/shapes of furs, do you?
I banned lesbians from my table.
I set up the political aspects of my game to prove /pol/ right and work out my hatred of globalists. Also there was a rape/murder scene.
Characters or players?
>GMs go to hospitals and drop dead so they don't have to play with you
Are you sure its bad luck user
I'm with both of you guys. I've been working on it. It's mostly okay during one shots where everyone isn't taking things seriously but sometimes I ruin carefully made moods.
You know that guy who clearly plays as a character from whatever vidya he just finished playing? Take that guy and add enough self-awareness that he wants to do it but ends up playing something incredibly generic instead to avoid the stigma.
It's me.
I only play online and I roll my dice by putting them in my mouth, swishing them around, and spitting them out on my desk. Somehow, the other players in a session eventually found out, and kicked me from the group, even though it shouldn't matter because I'm not doing this in-person.
Both. Banning lesbian PCs necessitated a ban on lesbian players who'd throw a screaming fit in the vein of "Why can't we go on adventures!? Why can't I play someone like me!?" Usually followed by an incoherent rant about how Hilluhree should've won and muh poplar voat.
I've never played a TTRPG
Why though?
>Both. Banning lesbian PCs necessitated a ban on lesbian players who'd throw a screaming fit in the vein of "Why can't we go on adventures!? Why can't I play someone like me!?"
I mean, that's a legitimate complaint. You are banning someone based on their sexuality.
I find it mildly arousing and moderately addictive.
I am a DM and I have fun doing it
Even the male ones?
I canceled the most recent session at the absolute last minute because I was super fucking tired and wanted to sleep instead of rinning a session.
And? They cause a ton of drama and bullshit and they're the backbone of the cringiest sociolpolitical shenanigans. There's a reason why there's so much greentext about lesbians, it's because they're either ultrathot bisexuals or insane legbeards. Banning a tiny, tiny minority of players from my games is worth knowing I won't have to deal with their bullshit.
Would you give the same answer if I banned, say, pedophiles? That's banning someone for their sexuality too.
Fucking use coasters. I'll tell you straight up to do it. Use a fucking coaster, you gods cursed savage.
Dammit, I'm always looking for fun games like this. Seems this one was about fetishes I'm not really into, darn.
I have a granite counter, you dont need coasters where we're going
Im stopping GMing because I'm moving, and I know none of the players are good enough to DM, so the entire group will dissolve or be someone else's issue.
I cheat at die rolls. Like all the time. If nobody was looking at what I rolled, I rolled what I think suits the narrative at the moment.
Jesus fuck you're an asshole. I think it's reasonable to not let a player buy thier way out of everything.
(But at the same time the DM handled it pretty poorly and probably should've seen it coming during session 0.)
Same with me dude. We're trying over discord but it just isn't as good.
DM or player?
I have a discord server but its just for fucking around, I wouldn't attempt to run a game over it.
My friend was running a game for some of his friends, and Im the only person he knows that has experience with RPG tabletops, and asked me to join in and help people.
>mfw it turns out to be a furry game
>everyone is genuinely nice and the only autism is the occasional "OwO" and "six nipples" jokes since everyone is a beast race
>otherwise everyone actually rps well, can be in character when it's time, and isn't petty
>like when the fighter stopped the cleric from summoning a demon after cleric alignment shifted
>"No hard feelings, you're playing the character, just like I'm playing mine."
>effectively ditched my RL group after DM destroyed everyone's magical items because the rogue kept trying to steal them from everyone and said "no one can have nice things now"
>now play online, joking about knots
I don't want to be a degenerate but this game is fun
>kemono thread gets absorbed by /sfur/
>fat kemono thread somehow going strong
I fucking hate /trash/.
Once I was so behavior blind I got my ex-girlfriend to draw character pictures for my gaming group (which she is excellent at). She was not in the gaming group at the time but had been a regular player with me for years even before we dated.
The new group included my new girlfriend that I had left the ex for. This is why she wasn't gaming with us this time. I still asked her to draw the pics. I even asked her to do my new girlfriend's character picture first. I believed her when she said it was fine. Then I went on to give said new girlfriend special treatment in the game because have I not proved I'm a fucking moron yet?
Gaming group cottoned on to what the situation was with the ex and the preferential treatment after presenting them with their character pics.
They rightfully told me I was an asshole. I took it out on them in game like a petulant child. I was over 15 years old when this happened so... no excuses. Gaming group broke up. Friends disowned me. Girlfriend cheated on me.
Sorry, K,A,T,G,J if you're out there somewhere I want you to know karma repaid me in full.
I took over GM'ing my groups traveller game because the GM was struggling with scifi, but now I want to drop it because it bores me.
But the group is engaged and happy with the game, and I said I would run it
I'm enjoying making an enemy party specifically designed to challenge one of my current parties far too much, and my mind is just buzzing with ways for me to be the biggest douchebag in existence.
I've developed a habit of jacking off to porn on /d/ when it isn't my turn in text-only games.
Lesbian players don't exist, if a woman gets into tabletop rpgs it's because her boyfriend got her into them.
There are a LOT of lonely legbeards out there. Not porn lesbians, but hideous radfems with dyed hair and porcine mannerisms. One got thrown out of my LGS for literally shitting on a chair during a game.
having fun isn't a sin
>One got thrown out of my LGS for literally shitting on a chair during a game.
Oh lord... You seem to have your fair share of storytimes. user, tell us of horrors we wouldn't wish harpy chicks to hear.
See you a few that guy threads later.
Enjoy the good times in life.
So, what have you done to change?
Don't forget the furries, user. They're one dice role away from fucking your dog and eating its corpse while fucking it.
Let your new piece of news be:
> "[YourRichGuyName] Enterprise announced the mass production of new cheap mind-controlled prosthetics. The advertising campaign's face will be [HisBoxerPianist], a former athlete who plans to become a famous composer and musician with the help of [YourRichGuy]'s prosthetics."
snorted meth
I made a gay Trianii character (Star Wars), his quest is to find his boyfriend, captured by the Empire for some reason, so they can cuddle and hold hands.
I learned to communicate a bit better. I also bumbled my way into figuring out that sometimes people do things they don't want to in order to please you because they care about you/love you. Learning to tell when not to ask, and what kinds of questions you shouldn't ask is a nuance I've since gained with the former insight.
On the gaming front I stopped playing favorites and became much better about group composition when running games. This led me to running games for people I definitely wouldn't have otherwise, and experience games and ways of playing I wouldn't have otherwise. I also learned that wielding the petty influence of a game referee as an instrument of social revenge is more or less pathetic.
I do have one happy note. My ex has forgiven me for the incident and we even game again. She figures I got my comeuppance when I lost all my friends and my girlfriend and was a social pariah for a couple years.
Feels good to get all that off my chest. Thanks for asking user.
The characters I play are generally characters I can fap to
Same but... female (female)
I crossplay from time to time.
Because I am a degenerate like the rest of Veeky Forums posters.
I prefer playing casters over martials
That is not a sin, young'un. Go in peace
Okay, this sounds offensive, but have you considered you are autistic? This getting found out about this weird thing you do when no one can see you implies you're not aware of social bounds and when you're oversharing. On top of that, this desire for weird stimulus ("stim") is a typical autistic trait as well. Is it soothing to do?
Fudging dice is the DM's prerogative.
Weird people tend to build good communication skills if they want to survive in the outside world.
I've jacked off to actual porn when the party is split or they're looking up the rules for magic for the gorillionth time and we're on ts.
My worst GM moment is when I chopped off the fingers of a player character that was caught by the not-Spanish Inquisition when he was tortured to sign a confession. They were doing it bit by bit with a cleaver. He confessed to everything they wanted him to confess to before they got to the knuckles. One player actually muted himself halfway the moment. From then on, I decided to have a session zero and try to have sessions where I communicate better and try to make the players have more fun. Using this amount of Grievous Bodily Harm on a player character that was constantly party splitting.
The player was a good sport about it though (he actually didn't want it to fade to black, he wanted his character to go with dignity.) It lead to some of the funniest character moments afterwards. He dual wielded, you see, but couldn't hold a weapon anymore in his left hand (he successfully bluffed it was his dominant hand.) So after they freed him from captivity they bought a blade boot, which technically counts as an off-hand weapon so you can use it to dual wield.
So the party rogue then wielded a rapier in his right hand and a blade boot on his left foot. Hopping around, sneak attacking and two weapon defending with his blade boot. Definitely one of the most soulful characters I've had in a game.
> I once started a game of Demon the Fallen. Was an inexperienced GM and couldn't pull it off. Dropped it after the first session.
> No game I've ever played or GM'd went longer than 3 sessions. I'm tired of this shit.
> I don't think furries are necessarily a bad thing. Haven't even seen a furry in a game (apart from some forum games).
> Forum games a shit. I've started from them, and I will only return to them if I have an Old Man Henderson level plan to fuck with the game setting, and at least one companion to pull it off.
> My favorite DnD race is elves. My favorite vampire clan is Malkavian. I know how to play both right, I'm sure.
> I have a collection of John Wick's games. I collect them for settings and rare mechanic elements I use in my homebrews.
Crossplay is not a sin. Crossplay as your waifu might be.
Anything after Hunter is super hard to DM if you're new anyway in WoD.
Also, if you want to play a longer campaign, just start with a module and agree on a weekly or monthly schedule. Most sessions fail because it's too hard to plan long term or because people don't know how big the commitment will be.
I agree completely.
>literally shitting on a chair during a game.
How by Grabthar's Hammer did THAT happen?
Yes. Always yes.
Then it's a good thing I don't have a waifu
Lmao who the fuck can't just say "Hey man use a coaster you're gonna ruin my table"
Railroading is fine, if people don't notice the tracks.
It's better to have a prepared experience than to randomly generate everything. Or have to break off sessions because players decided to become chicken farmers or whatever.
I used to run fairly successful 2-3 hour 5e D&D games once a week with a regular group. I've since moved to a new city since the last campaign ended, and now I have nothing. The most role playing I do now is text based, online, and always erotic. I like running single player campaigns where the sole PC is an overpowered snowflake/Mary Sue with little chance of dying, and whose dick is a central plot device. I don't do any furry shit, though, and I hate rape dungeons. It's hard finding players worth a shit. None of them know how awful they are at writing, and the good ones always want to busy themselves with grounded and emotionally mature plot hooks and character arcs rather than lots of fun sex. It's like having a harem of willing teen sluts doesn't appeal to them. Of course I'm projecting myself into the PC-- I can't expect to find a DM as good as myself who also shares my fetishes. I just end up wasting my time, though. Every evening browsing f-list ends unsatisfied and disappointed. A good player shows up maybe once a year, stays for a month or two, and then is never to be seen again.
Someone tell me how nasty a piece of shit I am or that my sins are forgiven, please. My catholic nature can't stand this silence.
That's good to know user. Thanks for being honest.
Padre, I made social skill checks against another PC
I make deliberately stupid but strong characters because I don't want to have to think and instead brute force my way through the trap/puzzle.
The fact that we're usually playing Anima has made this extremely easy to do
I exclusively play 3.5 and 3.0 d&d because I believe it's the most fun to play. This is from a guy who started on 4e, went to 3.0 dungeon crawling games, then went to 3.5 roleplaying heavy games
Whenever i GM i don't feel like i'm doing a good job and when my players tell me they're having fun i never believe them thinking that they're just saying it so they at least have something to play
Hypothetically speaking, what system do you use for these Rp shenanigans? Because I actually wouldn't mind tagging back and forth with someoneelse who is a Fenoxo tier lewd writer.