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Which antediluvian makes the best husbando/waifu?
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wich 4th gen wud u fug?

Tzimisce. There's really no contest.

The one that thought he was an angel.

tzim is 4th gen now is he?

Well, The Eldest is a virus, Malkav is a meme, Haqim is heavily autistic, Lasombra is a spooky abyss shadow, Absimiliard is the king of uggos, Zapathasura is dead, Veddhartha is a huge control freak, and Cappadocius is kind of an idiot.

That leaves Saulot, Arikel, Ennoia and Ilyes.

Ilyes and Ennoia seemed like decent enough people. Saulot is too devoted to his master keikaku to be a good husband and Arikel doesn't seem like the type to commit.

someone just pointed out in the CofD discord that the VtR 2e core book never defines "Sheriff" "Prince" or "Harpy" among other terms, amazes me that they'd just skip semi-important shit like that

How does one ambush/surprise a mage

is this from BJD?

Which splat is the most comfy?

>Malkav is a meme
what does it even mean for something to be a meme?


he means it in the original sense of the word, not the internet kind of meme

He's a methuselahs

Doesn't answer the question


get to trigger other splats online

Cabals are comfy

Not directly related but in "Crucible of God" Tzimisce gains control of all life and Ennoia gains control of all earth, making them the two last living beings in the world if they succeed, which I think is romantic in a way

That's not comfy

Now I'm the REAL Michael Jackson

Mage transsexuals

He's a memetic entity, a thought virus hiding inside each and every one of his progeny.

Mage has no concept of comfy, can't blame them for trying.

So which splat is comfy?

Alright mister, what do you think you're doing?

the world of darkness kinda sucks
I dont think any splat can be comfy there
id say mage because at least they don't have to deal with as much shit as some of the other splats, but i'd never consider them comfy really

No i misread, user was replying to OP i was repying to the which 4th gen wud u fug comment.

Ennoia, not that she's the best, just that everyone else is shit.

Beat them in a contested roll like everybody else?

Dex + Stealth vs Wits + Composure


>id say mage because at least they don't have to deal with as much shit as some of the other splats

Mages arguably deal with the toughest shit at the high end of things.

what changeling book gives the theory that the True Fae are exiles from the actual Arcadia?

Imperial Mysteries and Equinox Roads.

There's no connection as of 2e

Definetly true, but I think they're also the ones that could have the most success at staying out of shit. Vamps deal with the Beast and bloodthirst, Werewolves with Rage and knowing the world is gonna end soon, Changelings with... changeling shit idk, whilst Mages could (relatively) easily just stay out of the Ascension War

Oh well I'm going to die soon anyway

>but I think they're also the ones that could have the most success at staying out of shit
It's the opposite. Mages are driven by their Obsessions and Mysteries.
They don't just ignore unnatural phenomenon they actively pursue it.

They can't just turn off their Mage Sight.

It's a burden they have to live with, if you can even call it that.

I was talking about OMage though

That's even worse. You don't just walk away from Paradox. It's everywhere.

You can just do coincidental magic though, or just not do magic. Vampires can't not drink blood, Werewolves can't not have Rage, Wraiths can't not try and escape Oblivion
Like I said, I'm not saying Mages are free of bullshit, but they definitely have less "in your face" bullshit compared to the other splats

Anyone in the area a pervert like me?

Coincidental magic still gives you Paradox.

Only on botches, and again, you can just not do magic
You really can't say Mages have a hard time compared to the other splats

I couldn't find anything about it in either of those books, mind telling me where to look in them?

Can someone give me some info on what a Spiritus 5-6 use would look like? A semi spirit merger? I feel like I need something to go on.

Vola the Red, on account of her pretty much being pic related.

>sex with a corpse

The Wildebeest is probably some kind of biped monstrous version of a natural animal, plus horns. The spirit merge I'm guessing is similar but with more supernatural effects, as you're merging corporal and incorporeal flesh.

They really do. No other splat has the universe *hate* them. You're also under constant paranoia that the Union is watching you.

it's always a Gangrel for strong womyn trope

just really, really hope that blush of life lasts longer than you do

Well, they're the stronkest, so yeah, of course.


Mages work the hardest for what they do. Therefore they deserve to be the most powerful.

Tiamat/Lantla is the 4th Gen epitome of strong warrior woman, even carrying a magic sword, and she's Ventrue.

And all thats solved by just not doing magic

do you have any idea how many times your old pussy had a rough and tumble ride?

Then why play Mage

We were discussing which splats had it easiest, and I argued Mage has it easiest cause they can just walk away, whilst vamps/wolves/wraiths cant

play with sorcerers instead

wraiths can't walk away from what?

From their unending suffering at the hands of their shadow?

what's that supposed to mean?

It's a bit of both, really. You can walk away and be a normie human, but getting involved in magics above your paygrade and you're in absolute hell.

Have you guys ever moved VtM clans into VtR for your chronicles? How did you fit them into the setting? (like Lasombra being a ventrue bloodline/"rival" clan)

are you being dense on purpose?
mages can just walk away from their problems
vampires/werewolves/wraiths cant

Yeah, thats my point

Why can't wraiths? They're already dead.

Ive done that (and vice versa sometimes)
I've had the Brujah as a Ventrue bloodline, the Tzimisce as a Gangrel bloodline, and the Giovanni as a Mekhet bloodline (even though theres already one in the game iirc)

How DARE you say 9/11 was in inside job, how DARE you!

because being a wraith is constant torment and suffering?

says you

...says the books

If they're 4th Generation there's no way they're running out of blood before you run out of stamina, so you're good.

If they're 4th gen they're almost definetly either on a path or have abyssmal humanity, no way they're wasting blood on blush of life

Does anyone have the updated Lore of the Clans? I really need one since I am playing a lasombra soon. Thanks in advance.

Whadya need to know?

Sin-Eater. Zero responsibility, almost zero downsides, comfy culture full of peeps who're down for anything due to having a wake up call about the impermanence of life. Help ghosts, or something, if you feel like it.

I have the old one but the rules of some of the abyss rituals where changed. There is atleast one that really makes obten 3 super strong (it removes the bloodcost) But since my ST have not read the updated one he will not let me use them -_-

So I need the PDF so I can show him.

Obtenebration doesn't need any more buffs, if anything it needs a nerf
Listen to your ST

Obtenebration is already the most powerful discipline. You don't need anything more for it.

I say this as a huge Lasombra fanboy. If your ST knows what he's doing he'll nerf Obten 3 for PCs.

>muh balance

fUcK oFf MaTe

He choses to nerf some things, I agree that its too strong and have been saying so for a long time. I aim to show him by doing...

Is there a way to make a permanent pocket dimension/larger on the inside zone in Mage the awakening? I really don't like the idea of a rival mage just dispelling my pocket dimension while I'm inside

I'm kind of doing an SMT-like game and I planned on using the Chronicles of Darkness system, but I'm worried about how dry the combat is. I don't mean to emulate the game 1:1 so it's not like there'll be random encounters or intense dungeon crawling, but standard CoD combat seems like it'll get old fast.

I'm trying to figure out how to implement magic and make combat more interesting, and I'm reading Hurt Locker to see if there's anything there, but so far, no good. I've got a friend that swears this is the best place to talk about World/Chronicles of Darkness, so here I am.

Any advice?

Changelings. Werewolves. Mages. Vampires.

Long ago, the top four splats lived together in harmony.

But then everything changed when the Magefags ATTACKED.

Get a new friend.

Obtenebration as it is is too strong for PCs. It's simply too easy to trivialize any kind of physical encounter with it. It doesn't make for a good game.

Of course, you should feel free to make your antagonists overpowered.

The faggots had it coming

Vampire - Water
Werewolf - Earth
Mage - Fire
Changeling - Air


Switch Changeling and Vampire. Since Vampfags were all but exterminated by the Magefags.

>wahh death cant affect disciplines
>wahh fate cant affect contracts
>wahh archmages cant beat lucifer


blood bending

I find the only "ballance" that matters is one between the coatrie/pack. There is generally no ballance between diciplines, they are all super powerful in their specific areas. But atleast in my games there is so seldom combat that it just is not that good. Auspex/Presence/Dominate is where its at.

You just have to make the Clash really hard to win. Advanced Potency, Advanced Duration to the max, that should give you a +5. Beyond that, you can maybe find ways to get creative. Get somebody to veil the traces of magic with Prime, and so on. But all that will happen to you if someone dispels the area while you're inside is that you (and everything else on the inside) will be punted back into proper space, safely. You won't wink out of existence, or be trapped in a cramped cabinet.

>sex with a corpse

There's a disturbing amount of necrophilia and bestiality in the WOD / CofD.

Tell me about it, my favourite clan is Giovanni

There's a difference between a rotting corpse and a sentient one.

Not necessarily mutually exclusive
t. Samedi

I know, I was trying not to talk about that since it's unrelated.

who would win in a fight
an archmage
my dick