Literally shaking
Literally shaking
Anyone getting the feeling of deja-vu?
Eh, it's prolly nothing
Why should anyone care?
I hope the page is purged and everyone on it doxed. Our community doesn't need this shit. Womyn are peeple too, shitlords.
I regret the day that /pol/ became involved with this bullshit.
Top middle and middle left are both first round picks.
Bottom right is the throw away rule/fluff card in the pack.
Bottom middle is pretty cute.
Unironically this. Choosing between women and the dipshits who'd actually be a part of a community like this isn't a tough decision.
>not going for the mythic rare middle right
My first pick is middle left.
based TWoo
I find top right oddly attractive. Probably because she's mildly cute but seems so much happier/into i than some of the others. Would probably pick her when the pack is passed to me.
Since when did Twitter and Facebook count as traditional games?
This but unironically. This hobby is dying and it's not going to attract more people if we maintain a toxic community. Get it together, nerds
Now that idpol threads take up more than 8% of Veeky Forums, should we have a separate board for political shitposting threads disguised as discussions of traditional games?
I nominate /pstddtg/
Oh shit and here I thought I () was going to be the only one in the thread.
I don't, I enjoy Trump's tweets and shrieking hairdye elementals losing their shit every day.
I won't even post a reaction image.
Weak bait and even weaker shilling. Fuck off and die you SJW faggots.
>3D roasties
For a moment I almost cared.
Neck yourself, shitlord. Your ways are finished. Future is for womyn and non-whites. Utopia doesn't need your racist, sexist ways.
Maybe you should send her smut of the characters to persuade her on your rankings.
>w-why am I still a virgin ;_;
Pick and pass you faggots!
windmill slam gaby, just pass when it comes around again
>More generals
>More separate boards
Go back to r*ddit
>Not wanting to be a wizard and indulge your hobbies forever instead of pandering to some SJW landwhale who wants an open relationship with Jamal that you pay for.
>And he insists on joining your game and refuses to read the rulebook
/pol/ was right all along.
Hey, I actually know her irl.
That's pretty shitty tho, why is it that "nerd" hobbyists always make things just a little too weird. Like even normies that do football and junk just gawk at cheerleader tits and call it a day, why does it always have to be a weird personal thing.
It's that time again. The kids who make these threads have had their chicken nuggies and need to defend another board from the whiny social media brats who call them mean names.