Wizards of The Coast, the owners of MTG, have posted a news post about changes to MTG code of conduct and store reporting.
Wizards of The Coast, the owners of MTG, have posted a news post about changes to MTG code of conduct and store reporting.
I really hope that MTG events can become better to attend now. FNM, GPs, Pro tours, etc. I think the environment needs to improve for MTG to grow and playing it to become a better experience.
Just a question. Do you think it's bullying when the winner says good games and holds his hand to shake? What about complaining about mana flooding or bad luck? I personally think they are.
Saying good game and shaking hands is bullying?
The hell is wrong with you.
Bait so obvious is insulting to aquatic life everywhere.
The winner doing it.
It is bullying if my opponent does so much as breathing in my direction, especially if they forgot to brush their teeth before attending the tournament. telling me "good game" after they won is bullying too, they can tell me good game if I won.
People should only be allowed to talk about their actions or the current board state. No side conversations. No need to shake hands or say good game. The loser saying I concede or hitting 0 is good enough.
Also, if they play a deck I don't like, like Lantern, then that's also bullying.
The best etiquette for MTG is to let the loser offer a GG and handhsake. The winner offering it can be condescending aka a stomp or mana flood etc.
>women have been bullying me all my life
>can't bully them back on my own turf
Some more context:
Magic the Gathering professionals and content creators made an open letter about the issue and what to do at MTG events:
It will be interesting to see what tangible changes effect friday night magic and other MTG events the community generally plays at.
It wasn't good enough.
Do you have any good ideas for improving the environment at Magic The Gathering and local card shops? I think modern events are still really interesting and fun in the card game I enjoy.
Is /twoo/ our guy? Do girls never do the reverse of this?
Stop selling shit to walmart and give stores a reason to sell things closer to MSRP. As of now, the only people that go to shops are kitchen table and tournament fags
Ban all formats other than legacy.
Oh shit, she was one of my first picks. I take it back.
How about printing cards on good card stock and making a good Standard/Limited set?
What the hell is twoo?
Anyone getting the feeling of deja-vu?
Travis "I read my struggle and Wotc pulled the plug....o" Woo
Put up a sign letting entrants know that people can and will be removed for offensive smell.
>only permit people who recently bathed in LGS
>instantly solve both the smell and harassment problem
I unironically endorse this idea.
Travis "Honorary Aryan" Woo
what did he do
The only attempt to bring this to light resulted in a ban from wotc.
he talked about my struggle on stream
That story was the tipping point for me enjoying magic as much. Guy did nothing wrong.
>Im shaking
>never played against someone with halitosis
Trust me BO can't top bad breath.
It is always impressive how the first response to someone cucking is an indignant spiel about how they should have cucked harder.
Middle left for sure.
halitosis isnt a real thing
>good choice
gabby is probably mad that she wasnt picked the most
>not Melissa
>tfw you are a generally pleasant individual and you can freely play fun games with all kinds of people without upsetting anybody or feeling unwelcome
never before has my relatively normal ability to get along with people felt like such a overwhelming accomplishment.
how upset does Veeky Forums get when they lose a match?
I only get mad when I lose to 12 post
I've never played someone with halitosis and neither have you, because it doesn't exist.
And bad oral hygiene isn't far off from bad body hygiene.
Melissa's really been letting herself go recently.
And if you're going to an event where you compete against another fucking person you don't be a bitter sperg because your shuffle was shit, you smile and play another game.
Holy shit if I was ever spergy enough to not shake a hand I'd kill myself out of shame
>tfw didn't shake someone's hand once because I was coming down from a bad cold and didn't wanna get him sick
For me, it varies somewhere between "not at all" to "man, I was really supposed to win that but five turns of drawing blanks will do that to you so I'm a little butthurt but not so much that I can't recognize good playing from my opponent."
Poor sportsmanship was one of my dad's triggers, so I learned pretty early not to be a putz.
Which you think would signal to more people that this is never actually about whatever issue is at hand, it's about submitting.
Frankly, I don't think this is enough. I strongly suggest Wizards add a diversity point system to the pro tour to even the scales.
You can't even scream cunt at the top of your lungs at a pre-release anymore. What's the point? My lifestyle has been attacked. I might as well shower.
Normally not much unless I broke rules on accident.
I'm hoping these changes improve the traditional gaming experience that is magic the gathering. Very impressive steps.
Halitosis literally just means bad breath, so yes, it does exist.
More like cant play merry kill fuck without getting your dci number printed on your forearm and sent to a WotC concentration camp
Boy do I not give a shit about this or any of the people this involves.
Don't give a shit about cosplay shill, don't give a shit about yt """personalities""", don't give a shit about """mean""" comment(s) over the internet.
Why didn't they just block this guy and move on with their lives? Nah, she's going to cry about it to the community, build sympathy, get more patreon dollars, and then come back to do more lewd "D-don't hit on me silly boys!!" cosplay.
The top 1% of the top 1% get all the prizes. We demand equality!
If he went out in public to a MTG event he should have his own sanitize, shake his damn hand
While they're at it, why don't they just allocate identical pools of cards to each player so nobody is economically disadvantaged. Only problem is that's called Stalinism and this is America. Someone get this to Twitter boys, we caught'em red-handed.
Bad breath is bad breath. Halitosis is a fake medical condition made by listerine.
Bad breath? Whatever....
for not caring about it you certainly seem to be typing a lot of stupid shit about it
I wonder how the economics of MTG expenses factor in to pro tour diversity.
It's going to be interesting to see what MTG does over the next few weeks with rules changes to the game.
You can't even play Jeskai anymore under these rules. If you say you're Jeskai you get arrested and thrown in jail.
Goddamn rudy is a massive faggot
>identical pools of cards to each player so nobody is economically disadvantaged.
every magic card costs the exact same amount to make.
but seriously stop trying to make edges jokes because it's painful.
Explain. I find his analysis on MTG pretty informative especially with regards to card quality. It very much helps me enjoy the card game even more.
>WOTC sending clear message they don't like /pol/acks
>/pol/acks still giving them money
Absolute, unadulterated cuckoldry.
I told him good game and coughed into my elbow. He looked a bit upset. If you're out there please forgive me
It's because I can't escape this stupid twitter drama. Comic book drama is already more than I want to deal with.
>men talking about finding women fuckable in a private forum
Are these people expecting men to never talk of sex or something? Seriously? I once had a glance at a female coworker's whatsapp groups and it was full of women rating men and sharing really degrading fantasies
She could have a point if that was a public space but it was a fucking private forum
>gaby spartz comes into play tapped
Because the cosplayer gets 1.4k a month on patreon. Despite quitting mtg and all that. No way she's just using this for attention because her patreon numbers have been declining since her blowup in April. :thinking: Jeremy and Sprankle are both in on it (their numbers have been dropping since april), and the mtg community is a bunch of self-serving, self-aggrandizing buzzards.
>other people do something so it's okay for me to do it
so you just have no personal standards? this isn't grade school man. you need to try and be a good person. if you don't try to be a good person then you really can't be upset when people call you a bad person.
your ethics aren't dependent on what other people do, weather or not you get away with it, or who is watching you.
This is why you NEVER give money to ecelebs. But normies never learn.
Future looks bright for Magic!
There's nothing wrong with saying you want to fuck someone if it's private.
Better than never teaching kids what sex is.
I don't hate him persay, however his style of entertainment doesn't appeal to me
Sex ed is leftist. Abstinence only education is the patrician choice.
gaby spartz is a homewrecker
This is Magic today
>There's nothing wrong with saying you want to fuck someone if it's private.
oh right, i forgot that the information was completely private.
>talking about your sexual attraction in private company makes you a bad person
The poles have switched places. Don't talk about attraction. Don't ask that person out, they might not consent and you'll be a sexual harasser. Don't talk about desires, the Lord doesn't like sins kids.
>progressivism is slowly taking over media and the internet on normie money
>let's not make the same mistake guys
>but it was a fucking private forum
>Facebook thread
Uh huh.
I dont get why gaby is upset. I mean she clearly rated lsv over her husband
don't post anything on the internet that you don't want everybody in the world seeing
if you are too stupid to understand this then you can just fucking deal with the consequences and stop crying
Hold on a second "don't ask don't tell" isn't a thing anymore?
if anything i'm just sick of this topic popping up in my local mtg group
>don't post anything on the internet that you don't want everybody in the world seeing
Come now, user, do you really think these post Web 2.0 babbies can comprehend such a thought?
Being careful with what you post is the way of internet dinosaurs.
Woo gave in, what a faggot.
link me the facebook group then
Really? Here in Denmark ive seen nothing on Facebook at the local or on country level even mentioning it. Guess we dont give a shit about ecelebs and only think about crushing tournies
nobody in my lgs ever talks about it either. but everybody at my lgs is really nice to be around too. we have women and poc around all the time and nobody is ever mean to anybody at all. it's alarmingly simple. we always have a really good time.
what video is this from?
>some YouTube attention whores says a cosplay camwhore is a 6/10 pretending to be an 8/10 for shekels
>Good soyim thirsty cucks rush to her defence
>WOTC changes its policy
Jesus Christ son of God please just keep these faggots out of games I enjoy
/pol/ please go and stay go
>Here in Denmark ive seen nothing on Facebook at the local or on country level even mentioning it.
Ditto. All quiet on the Eastern front. (Poland)
dick makes it better
You don't know how far some people will go to win.
This is the same game where an asshole threw a witch hunt on a guy he had recently lost to because he had a sexual misconduct settlement 10 years prior. And got him banned forever.
Halitosis as a medical diagnosis refers to chronic bad breath, usually from things like gerd, liver failure, or ketoacidosis.
You aren't such a cuck that you'll keep giving WOTC your money, are you?
Thats what they said on September 1 1939
>Company wants to make more money
>includes a % of people who was previously left behind, aka gays, blacks, etc
>for some reason people get upset there are more people playing the game
I don't get why you people get upset by it. Is this an American only thing? A meme I'm not aware of? A /pol/ fad?