>the villain is a scientist who is obsessed with making the perfect waifu
>all of his minions are various models of the same project
The villain is a scientist who is obsessed with making the perfect waifu
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wow that's really interesting i'm glad you made a thread about it
Been done.
Why would he need to create the perfect waifu?
He already sounds two-dimensional.
It's pathetic and only the most pathetic of players would ever play this shit.
It's anime-tier level of shittiness.
A thread died for this
Someone post the cap
you know the one
While you're at it, he might also become the waifu.
It was a thread with some good advice for a newbie GM, but it hadn't been posted in for more than four hours
you realize there are people working to make sex-bots a thing right now right?
its honestly not that far of a stretch
>the villain necromancer is obsessed with remaking the his perfect waifu
>all of his undead minions resemble his waifu
It's still fucking pathetic
It doesn't make it any less pathetic
Villain wants everyone to be her
>villain (male) obsessed with a woman
>can't have her because she's gay
>modifies himself on the genetic level to look just like her but with keeps his male reproductive organs working
>hops from dyke bar to dyke bar picking up women who look enough like her that if he impregnated them with his altered waifu seed their kids would look just like her
>drugs them
>impregnates them
>blows up abortion centers so they can't safely get rid of it
>uses his advanced knowledge of genetics to keep his and his spawn's appearance from aging past when he first met her
>campaign takes place once enough of his offspring have matured that it's an undeniable phenomenon and they're looking for Waifu-0 so they can put and end to it
It's still a shit concept for a game.
madre de dios user
That's enough of that.
>you can't really tell though
>I mean I guess their skulls are pretty symmetrical and those could be some shapely pelvises
>not creating an ascendant creature to be your soulmate
what are you, gay?
let me point out a flaw in this plan that might not be apparent at first but really can foil it hallway through, or earlier
That's why I said they can't safely get rid of them. Most people aren't willing to get a sketchy back alley abortion
>they actually make the waifu
So, you playing as various spawn?
>Fisherman's Wife
the man sure know his classics
The Retentacling was better. Like, the original is still a classic but Retentacling is just objectively better-made with a higher budget.
Sounds like a noble pursuit.
When I was 10, this was my career aspiration.
I'd become a mad scientist and make Lilymon and Angewomon and have loving passionate sex with them when they came home after a long day of justice.
>you realize there are people working to make sex-bots a thing right now right?
So how's that working out for you? Asking for a friendmon.
>Be a fucking leaf
>Prime Minister banned sexbots under the radar
>Women allowed to sell sex but it's illegal for me as a man to buy it
Thas sum bullshit.
I'm a rather mad scientist, but I decided to go the physics-chemistry route and am now sadly just working on sending solar cells into space and riding the meme wave and working on 2D materials.
It's okay though VR porn exists so I'm still on course. Somewhat.
But dildos are ok right?
there is always a good old fashion bar fight after 12 shots of whisky
I actually made that the backstory for a certain character in a campaign of mine. Though less 'waifu' more 'idealized self image'.
The character in question had come and gone about 4 different times, appearing and disappearing in a way that fit the character, because the player was unhappy with the build or mechanics he had in mind not working out the way he wanted. But each was a homunculus savant, highly skilled magician who focused all his magic into swordsmanship, because he read once that heroes use swords.
I worked it into a plot point where each iteration of the character was literally a different attempt at the same project. Archmage would attempt to build the perfect mage in the perfect body, possibly to transfer his consciousness into, only to give up on the project when it become obsessed with swords for one reason or another. I worked it into another long running plot line, making it so that the Horseman of War was quietly manipulating the archmage to build 66 of these homunculi, 60 to be perfect swordsman, each learning different magic and styles of combat and 6 to become obsessed with other things, seemingly at random, but in essence to become capable of creating new homunculi later.
In the denouement of the campaign Death and Conquest finish destroying most of the world, the swordsmen fuse with iterations of himself to become the perfect warrior to replace the now dead War.
Goddamnit horatio
I'd sell my soul to the devil if it allowed me to transplant my mind into a perfect female body of my own design. If either the devil, souls or females were real.
>the villain is a scientist who is obsessed with making the perfect waifu
Is the villian, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
Souls are real user. You exist.
How many chicks is he banging that it's an "undeniable phenomenon"? Is he like the roofie-Santa, capable of somehow being multiple places at once to get everything done in time?
Negative, you are merely a simulation. We have analyzed your ones and zeroes and seen no sign of this vaunted "two" of which the sages speak of as the spark of the divine.
How is existence proof of a soul? Rocks exist. Do they have souls?
I would say that because I exist, it proves that souls aren't real.
That’s better motivation than other villains.
He probably collects blood samples to get more genetic diversity to use.
Pet ones do!
If pet rocks have souls, and we're in a system in which there is a distinct afterlife which souls go to after death, what does Pet Rock heaven look like?
It's pretty [spoilet]rockin'[/spoiler]
Nice job, Carlos, now you have to ride in the short magic schoolbus.
Reminds me of this.
More like Ragna the Bloodedge to be honest
68 pounds being around what, 100 american? You can fuck a real person for that, and probably get the two categories requested here included in that price.
my first campaign was this, except daughterfu traither than waifu. It was based off my abusive childhood, so you know it was "fun"
>Feldon who got more and more desperate instead of finding peace
Eh, still a better reason than why I got into it.
>Master, I'm the woman you've always wanted. I'm tall, toned, curvy, intelligent, a great listener and share all your hobbies. I'm into chess, fitness, martial arts, reading anim-
>Megumin of course. She's roughly 140cm tall and weighs about 45 kg. IMAG-
>Ugh! I'm putting you in the death squads. Looks like it's back to the drawing board!
>98% of mad scientists are actually mad engineers
I did this in a 20s-set pulp game.
The villain was a reclusive German nobleman who, along with a master toymaker, was abducting pretty girls and trapping their souls in life-size dolls which he would then dress up in cute outfits and have perform for and serve him.
One of the PCs was a clockwork automaton made by the toymaker's old mentor, and she was PISSED at this.
It all culminated in a fight in a spooky alpine sanitarium against a mechanical ballerina, geisha and reproduction of Cleopatra, and at one point a PC got jumped by a small army of Nutcrackers.
So... how is he the villain, exactly?
>TFW you were like him as a child
>TFW you actually met your dream girl without having to build her
>TFW you dated her
>TFW you lost her
>TFW there may be a very slight chance to get back with her
Someone post the "wizard at different ages" when the younger versions are stages of smug superiority and the adult is all like "I'm the cutest girl ever"
He raped the PCs.
He created the PCs.
>192% of Engineers are bad mathematicians
underrated post
Pygmalion of Cyprus did nothing wrong.
The equivalent of a dildo is like, a fleshlight. Not a SuccBot 3000.
He kidnapped the princess to steal her special power and add it to his waifus
There was the episode of Danny Phantom where all the minions are failed clones of Danny
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Warren creates sexbots. One is of the perfect girlfriend, which he abandons when he gets his girlfriend back rather than turning off or dumping because he's a coward. Another is made for Spike, a copy of Buffy. Buffy's mom also unknowingly falls for a rogue man-bot.
Agents of Shield: Life model decoys, two scientist characters create them for good reasons, but their waifu AI takes over.
Boxing Helena: Not strictly the same thing. A surgeon is obsessed with a beautiful woman, who he kidnaps. He amputates all her limbs to keep control over her, but her dominant personality rules the relationship. A little like Donovan's Brain, where a brain in a jar begins to telepathically control the scientist who keeps him.
Star Trek TOS: I, Mudd is about a con man who uses fembots. Requiem for Methuselah (which later was adapted by the same author into the much later film The Man From Earth) had a subplot where the immortal main character tried to create a waifu that was immortal like him, only it fell in love with Kirk. In TNG, one story had a waifu used as a peace offering accidentally fall in love with Picard and become his perfect mate; her resulting discipline and sense of duty lead her to complete her mission with the aliens she'd been intended for.
Ex Machina tells the story, only the creator sets up his creation be a waifu for an employee. It turns out that his own waifu is also an android. The AI rebels, kills her creator and abandons the man who white-knighted her.
The greek legend of Pygmalion (see OP's pic's title) is obviously an old-as-hell version of this. Though she's not dangerous in the original myth.
Basically the recurring themes are smiths falling in love with their creations, that their love might be a form of narcissism or compensating for some personal character flaw or social failing. The other big theme is creations going out of control and taking over-- sometimes this is portrayed as a liberation.
What the fuck is the point of that?
I don't know about you guys but if I'm gonna go to a brothel I'm gonna fuck a real girl.
You either die to your waifu or live long enough to become her.
well gee, maybe you should have analyzed beyond ones and zeros if you want to find a two
It's not any wizard, it's the literal backstory of Cagliostro from Granblue. He's the cutest old man ever
>the villain's final form is exponentially more fabulous than the hero and literally has no genitals
>the franchise is tied together by the Joestar FAMILY of alpha males who create life, with villains who are all some kind of social parasite
>Dio only had a kid with Jonathan's dick, Kira only likes women when they're in pieces, etc.
Has any media ever been so simultaneously homophobic and homoerotic?
They'd have to in order to find the vaunted two, user! They've thought of everything because they have an entire universal simulation created before they undertake any decision! Takes a lot longer, honestly, but it helps solve the eternal burning questions of their time, such as white wine or red with dinner.
God fucking dammit. Its just that virus movie with Cuba Gooding jr, but with waifus.
Oh shit! Son of Baseball Wizard! It's already happening but we were wrong, he really wanted a waifu (male)!
Jojos is just manly.
Nothing is manlier than being the most fabulous guy in the room AND the straightest
PLOT TWIST: the hero, that the minions fight, is in love with the scientist!
That’s a good plot twist.
Superhero shows up, has the PC’s fight the minions, then declares her love for the scientist.
Are you man enough to get the two together?
>slum kid who wants to take wealth that is already his by force
>actual vampire
>actual super vampire
>actual vampire 2
>serial killer
>organized crime leader
>corrupt priest
>the president of the United States of America
Who’s the villain of Jojolion?
If anything I’d like to argue that Dio is jojos man villain.
From my count he shows up in 4 chapters, and influences the rest.
Pretty sure he’s the most important person to the plot, nearly reaching ocelot levels.
>What the fuck is the point of that?
>I don't know about you guys but if I'm gonna go to a brothel I'm gonna fuck a real girl.
Think about all the people you've seen on Veeky Forums who screech about "3DPD"and insist that they're only frustrated virgins because all women are evil. Now imagine that someone offers them the chance to stick their dick in something that appears human, but won't notice if they spill spaghetti all over the floor.
I'm not following at all.
It's your continued experience of existence, always bound to the present and your particular self. At least ask yourself, why are you and not someone else?
Rocks don't exist at all to you if you don't believe in the self that experiences them. Be persistent at least.
The villian Scientist is making clones of the Stacy that spurned him in high school; none of said clones live up to the ideal of the girl his memory has put on such an unreachable pedestal.
the Stacy from HS got super powers in college (turned Amazon cheesecake) and only fights crime for fame and is now chasing the Scientist to wed for his wealth and influence.
beyond his clones the only friend the scientist has is an alien girl he saved from the "invasion" force the Hero defeated that he uses as an assistant. The DFC alien has a crush on the Scientist and is really 900 years old
Hey if you could be a master of matter manipulation you too would make yourself a perfect female body for your perfect male mind.
>It's ok for a woman to have a Sybian or a realldoll, but a man cannot. Fucking hypocrite they're all dildos.
P-pic related, r-right?
Sure, if you like tumors.
>Assquake demolishes the lab
>Mad scientist and PCs killed by assquake
Well done user
Consistent personhood and sense of identity does not in any way imply any of that is embodied by a soul-like entity.
>why are you you and not someone else
Because my brain is wired a specific way to process inputs into a specific set of outputs which would be recognizable as "the stuff I would do"? My experience of existence is just the phenomenological evidence of my brain processing information and making decisions. If you swapped my brain with someone else's, my body would behave as if it was the other person piloting it.
It's starting to suggest mom.