Ask me anything
I am from the year 2040
what is link worth?
Can you post a price list of the top 100 cryptocurrencies? Thanks Mr. Titor.
what does cum taste like faggot
What is BTC’s price in your year time traveller?
Did Hillary go to jail?
What is your favorite food?
why is there no hands on the clocks?
Is australia still upside down?
link, stellar or adolfcoin?
because things have gotten out of hand
Does Verge ever release the Wraith Protocol?
pretty much zero USD
all current cryptocurrencies have been replaced by better competition that is yet to be developed in this time
Brining possessions back into the past is illegal. The only way to have anything when phasing into the past is to have it already there.
It depends which kind of flavour supplement you take
also, what is the purpose behind 3301's recruitment strategy?
What % of the US is non hispanic white?
What is the best opportunity to be apart of in 2018? I hear a lot of fud that 2018 is going to be a bad year for crypto. I can go back to teaching pick-up full time, but I have gotten so burnt out of it. I am looking for some great opportunities.
Also are people still shitting in the street in India?
I'll ask you a better question, what current technology is being phased in to replace crypto and what processes/materials are used
who is the president of the United States in 2040?
How far has automation of cars gone?
Are there still movie theaters?
almost zero USD
No but she died in 2029 or 2030 from cancer, I cant remember the exact year sorry
I really like smoked BBQ meats, im a big fan of smoked pork
I thought it would be a fitting image as time does not actually exist, it is just a human construct to make it easier to organise and record our lives
yes but it takes a lot longer than anyone anticipated
I would not put any money in verge or any current cryptocurrencies
Has Amazon lost top spot as in online retail and if so, to what company? Is Amazon still in business?
Did Trump get a second term?
iota ath?
do i ever get a gf
It is ultimately a military defense project
roughly 50 percent
2018 to mid 2020s is a fantastic time for cryptocurrencies but most current projects die towards the late 2020s as quantum entanglement breakthroughs pretty much fuck everything. It doesnt take long for quantum proof cryptocurrencies to be developed and implemented. Keep an eye out for these.
Yes people still shit in the street in India
Quantum proof cryptocurrencies need synthetic crystals to be produced. Different projects synthesise their own crystals which are unique to the use case of currency. They are physical but digital at the same time. I don't know much about the tech, Im not a physicist.
Michael Stevens
Automation of cars doesnt go far until we reach The Singularity in 2024, after this AI is much better at making decisions and adapting to changes in environment
Yes there are still movie theaters
Amazon continues to brand out into new countries and in the year 2040, over 90% of all online purchases are made through Amazon. It is much easier for a company to set up an online store through amazon than to start one themselves. It is really great for small business with not a lot of capital or know-how
IOTA peaks at about 40 dollars each by the mid twenties
Thats up to you
which crypto should i invest in right fucking now
shill me your coins mr.timeguy
thanks, lambo confirmed
what was/is the best privacy coin?
literally almost anything (not blatant shitcoins and scams) will make you money until the mid to late 20s when quantum entanglement fucks the foundations of current cryptos in this time.
Im not sure if quantum proof currencies are being developed at the moment but keep an eye out for them
Vsauce is the fucking president?
What technology would be best to invest in right now or in the next few years?
Do satan worshiping pedophiles still control the world?
What's the most popular online game in your time and what's it about?
Does VR ever get better? Can you fuck virtual women?
Who got 666?
In 2040 the best privacy coin is called Shadum but in the early 2020s it is Verge
McAfee goes to prison in 2021
What do you mean "MID" to "LATE" 20s, you should know the exact year of this faggot
>Quantum proof cryptocurrencies need synthetic crystals to be produced.
>Im not sure if quantum proof currencies are being developed at the moment but keep an eye out for them
Clueless retard LARPER confirmed.
tell me about Trump's legacy
How about cardano/enigma?
Is Cardano a privacy coin? I already really like Cardano, I know it can do smart contracts, is researching quantum resistance, etc, but is it a privacy coin?
lol, what if he reads this post and figures a way to evade capture? hasn't he already been to jail dozens of times lol
Yes he is on his second term in 2040 and he started the Mars race a few years ago
anything developing quantum proof technologies
I hope not
It called OneLand and its basically GTAX cross SecondLife on steroids. You can mod the platform to make almost any type of game and play in VR
VR is amazing in 2040. Most people have VR rooms built into their house and all equipment is connected to mains power supply. I can wake up in the morning and do my job without ever having to go to work. I have an avatar at work that I can control from home
You can fuck real people in VR if you have the PinkPlay accessory
Is there a sizable anarcho-primitivism movement? What's gun control like in the US/europe?
You probably should reasearch things you invest in, but yes.
are they still making star wars movies in 2040
Im just a process worker not a library, youre asking about shit that happens over a decade ago, I didnt bring my fucking datadot
Everything he does during his terms is undone by the next president
Yeah Cardano is still around but its not a major player
Ive never heard of Enigma
He goes to prison over shit unrelated to cryptocurrency, its all rape and sexual assault
I love these larp threads. Reminds me of john tito from way back in the day.
What is the politcal climate like in the USA in your time?
Are many people enhanced?
Do we have prolonged life through gene therapy?
Does link ever see widespread adoption before being replaced by the next wave of crypto?
Nigger, first you say cryptos are dead after 2020 and then you say IOTA peaks in price in 2025? How the fuck does that make any sense.
>Thats up to you
What about RaiBlocks?
I have no idea about anarcho-primitivism
Gun controll around the world is pretty much like Australia
Disney makes star was movies and TV shows until early 2030s then the franchise is sold to Sony who are remaking the original movies in chronological order, they are halfway through at the moment and they are actually really good
Does John McAfees wife's son ever make anything of himself?
What happens to Valve, Steam, and CS:GO?
Request/Stellar/Ripple - Who comes out on top by the end of 2019?
Does NEO ever get adopted?
Wait, Sony actually becomes something substantial? Right now they've been dying and their gaming side of things is the only part keeping them afloat.
Tell me more about Sony
He already answered that LINK is near zero
what was it light getting lightning network in the next few years before you traveled back in time?
he said its next to nothing in his time, he never said anything about what happens to it before then which is what I was asking
Everything is heavily pro science and improving humans and humankind
Enhanced as in biological and mechanical augmentations? No one really does it because its so expensive. Its really helped disabled people.
Life expectancy has increased but not through gene therapy, just advancements in medication and treatments.
The next (and last to date) GFC occurs early to mid twenties and mass adoption of crypto occurs during that time.
It reaches it highest price before 2025, it isnt worth shit in 2040
never heard of it
How old are you?
Is europe officially muslim majority?
Oh wait it already is
is USA still top GDP
forever and always right?
Will Hitler ever return?
What is the major religion of the world?
Also, what role do India and China play in the world? Right now they're just developing.
How is cardano still around if you said all cryptos does in 2020ish? Fuck pajeet ur the worst
He said that coins die due to quantum attack or something, Cardano is already researching quantum resistance
IDK too much about ADA, but apparently the devs are guys that like to stay on the cutting edge, so they could be one of the few that transition into the next tech
No idea
Valve is still here is a massive VR developer, I actually played CS the other year on some old computers I inherited after my dad died
Not sure who comes out on top
NEO was major in the early twenties
Sony is pretty much the biggest film producer in 2040 and make most of their money off VR
not sure what youre on about
tell me more about VR
is anime real yet
Is there ever a cure for cystic fibrosis?
I'm not going to make it, boys.
Laughter is the best medicine user, scientists will utilize its power a la Monsters, Inc.
people are trying to prevent culture death so the average western family has 4-5 kids
China is the largest economic superpower in 2040
And what about India, aka the Pajeets?
what are the graphical capabiltiies in the future? Compared to now? How fast are computers, what kind of resolutions and refresh rates? How did they solve the VR controller problem?
What is battery tech like compared to now?
Is vaping still around?
Im bored watching my money go up and these threads are entertaining even if they are all larp
what is popular music like?
I don't think so man.
is there a cure for Alzheimer's? And what is the most lethal disease, like anything incurable?
Why are you here? Whats your purpose to go back in time? You trying to save john connor?
you pretty much never have to leave your house if the place you want to go has an avatar available. You just log in and pay per minute.
Im not sure about cystic fibrosis specifically but most cancers and diseases, and disorders have cures in 2040
What is one thing I could invest in, to make myself wealthy?
Have aliens been contacted/exist?
Has WW3 happened?
Why and how did BTC die?
How rich will I be from BNTY
Hello son. I'm glad you visited. I hope you grew up to be an ass man.
Time traveller, how did you even fucking get here? Riddle us that, senpai.
Who are the dominant American sports teams of the 2020's?
There is enough Indians that they dont have to worry about culture death ever.
I havent really noticed a performance difference seeing as what I have now works for what I do compared to what I have in my time works for what I want to do. You dont worry about specs or anything because VR is so integrated into society that everything needs to be on the same performance level. Im not sure how they solved all issues with VR.
Depending on the device, you dont have to worry about batteries. For cheap stuff, they still take disposable batteries but anything with a bit of price to it has a one-charge carbon battery that last longer than the device will be used for before it is broken or superseeded.
People just smoke regular tobacco, you dont have to worry about most cancers
I was listening to the radio the other day and pop and rnb are pretty much the same but with different artists. In my time nothing is censored though.
Alzheimer's is tested for now before birth and treatment is administered over a 6 week period after the child is born
People that have a lot of augments sometimes develop a condition that effects their nervous system causing epilepsy, seizures and sometimes death.
I just want to find a QT gf and make a lot of money from investments with my knowledge of things to come. Capitalism is great but its made it almost impossible to get rich
yeah, because youre in australia. everything is fucking overpriced to hell there.
Right now invest in quantum proof cryptocurrencies as they develop and large companies, as they only get bigger
Aliens dont exist, we are too early
No world war 3 but the next GFC pretty much destroys all tensions between countries
youll be poor, ive never heard of it
it cant handle mass adoption and isnt quantum proof so people dont use it
I stepped into the time machine wearing paper clothes and felt a sting
Im not american so Im not very familiar with teams but I know there are a lot of new teams
>I just want to find a QT gf and make a lot of money from investments with my knowledge of things to come.
That sounds fucking stupid. You gotta give a better reason if you're LARPing my guy
And what about the grandfather paradox?
And how did you even get here? What device? Can we travel light speed?
How many other time travellers are here?