1 hour discussion of what it's like to be a woman in 40k gaming, like what it's like to be in a store ect :3
PIc related its one of them :3
1 hour discussion of what it's like to be a woman in 40k gaming, like what it's like to be in a store ect :3
PIc related its one of them :3
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That's a man, baby
No surprises here.
Objectively WRONG
There's nothing wrong with crossdressing, shitlord.
Is that Ruba?
I've played with girls that are fine, and I've played with ones who exist to suck up attention from thirsty betas (it's really shitty because I feel like they make the genuine girl players lives even harder)
Can you get a better picture of the tatoo?
Preferably one with better lighting, I need to figure something out.
that you are wrong, and that slaaneshi ass is the home of (loose) boipucci
Women ruin all hobbies.
reminder that the report button exists for a very good reason.
Theyre no different to cosplay cunts. Bitches with good bodies but low self esteem who cant compete with hot women so they invade nerdy male hobbies. By doing so they are elevated to queen status, constantly pandered too by numale betas all the while pretending whole heartedly they are their for the hobby and no other reason.
>that fucking beta orbiter nu male Marxist scum below in the comments
Jesus Christ, best of luck America, you need it.
>not a woman...
I honestly can't tell if he's a Marxist Weaboo or a sarcastic Veeky Forums style neckbeard
That's definitely a trap
Neither just a confused ball of flesh floating thru the cosmos
>all this projecting
jesus man
You do realize dudes are more often than not the people putting pussy on the pedestal, the girls in the video even talk about it, if a dude's gonna be a beta cunt then people will take advantage of it. If you can't hit on a woman properly (and really unless you know them a GW store is a dumb place to try and flirt, I see dudes try this all the time and like, a game store is the last place you're attempting to try and get laid honestly)
OP are you... are you shilling for this girl because you ARE the girl?
>then people will take advantage of it.
>Admitting that girls will whore for a living because its easier
You know you just proved my point dont you? I literally said that in my other post, they invade beta male hobbies to get attention because they know the guys there wont threaten them. Only empower them. THAT WAS MY POINT.
You stupid moron cunt.
BTW it doesnt make it right what they do. Its the womens fault for choosing to do it instead of Oh I dunno, working for a living?
we all wish we were the girl user
that's why we play roleplaying games
That's a funny way to say "mentally deficient"
Why do they keep getting away with this
So what, shitlord?
Why are you even in this thread?
Dude, men will whore themselves to make life easier
Quit projecting you soyboy. I've seen kind women act like betas and try to provide all kinds of things, and I've seen men in this hobby act like a predator to people with their cliques in order to browbeat people out of their store into buying things. You're the fucking retard who thinks that all women exclusively in this hobby do this kind of thing. You're pathetic and posting like you've never been in an actual store.
>Always tell people 40k fans have mental problems
This thread proves the hypothesis.
Umm no we wouldnt. Talk about projection you hypocrite.
THAT DOESNT MAKE IT RIGHT. Nor does it justify being a whore. So in your opinion a drug dealer is a good person?
Lol ok says the cunt on Veeky Forums. I could prolly OHP your fat ass.
>thinks that all women exclusively in this hobby do this kind of thing
They are. Same reason they do cosplay or join the military.
>You're pathetic and posting like you've never been in an actual store.
Ive been painting for ALOT longer than you have kid, believe me. Back in my day girls didnt go into the stores. They played with barbies like girls are supposed too.
Now fuck off away from my hobby.
Found the closet homo
Here's your (you), because this is great bait
also >alot
I love this new bait. Angry grognard is coming back in force.
10/10 bait my dude, really got those almonds rolling
lrn2english, fgt
I'm so tired of this ignorant garbage. It takes some serious Dunning-Kruger to proudly declare one is "egalitarian" and also not feminist. It's like they looked at the names of the stances and decided rather than read into it and learn feminism is a former of egalitarian treatment.
Being a woman playing 40k has to be the worst experience a woman can have, imagine having to play 40k!
Lmao what kind of old fart compares prostitution to fucking drug dealing. Jesus Christ wow.
I know! I've seen a couple excellent angry grognard style rants in D&D threads and elsewhere already, and I'm really excited what the Spring season will bring with it. Def. a meme to look for in the next quarter!
Woman here, unironically this. While the people can be shit (filthy cheaters and elitists), the game is worse. I'll stick to cheaper better board games instead of a culty money sink
I don't want to, it's too horrible.
Women don't exist, faggot.
so close
Tits or gtfo you know rules
The most lazy ass attempt ive ever seen, Literally flatter than a plank of wood
This thread shouldn't have made it past 5 posts. I guess it being 40k made it special.
Does being a gender fluid womyn count?
How about you tell that to the Feminists who consider 'egalitarian' to be equivalent to 'rape advocate'.
Then maybe we could have a discussion.
is there an unspoken rule that girls can only play nids and slaanesh?
I recognise that arse from /soc/
It's the tentacle fetish. Because subconsciously all women want to be submissive and raped
This is about as faggy as any other 40k thread to be fair.
Maybe less considering there's "woman" instead of just a million pictures of buffbald marines.
I've seen women playing space wolves before
Only to alpha Chads. Better luck next incarnation!
Now THIS I can fap to.
Say that to my face.
>all women want to be raped
>but not all women are worth raping
>It takes some serious Dunning-Kruger to proudly declare one is "egalitarian" and also not feminist.
lol you moron, go ahead and try declaring yourself an egalitarian to the feminists. See what happens.
Back when the LA Battle Bunker still existed in all it's three store-front spanning glory (and lulzily being the "LA Headquarters" even though it was in Orange County) the most popular army I saw girls playing was Skaven.
>old skaven rule books art looks like mouse guard, and suddenly it made sense.
Girls loved Fantasy, tis true, lots played Elves and lizardmen too!
>He doesnt put pussy on a pedestal
>He must be gay
Nigga what?
Thanks man
Is not my job to control what other people think. If maybe you washed being the thought police out of your mind, you wouldn't be so ignorant about either movement.
Stop listening to literal who Tumblrinas and go read real literature on the subject.
I know exactly what happens because of ignorant fucks like you who think egalitarianism is the opposite of feminism so hard that you memed it true. So now it is. Good job, you created a new enemy out of thin air.
Jesus dude, have a fap, you are really tense. For the Emperor! ;-)
Look, it's 2017 society thinks it's okay for you to be mentally deficient and prefer the same sex you can come out.
I'm sure you'll find a safe space somewhere
There's a fat tranny at our store that is kind of cute. She seems to get along with everyone. The only thing she ever complained about was guys talking over her a lot. The other 2 girls agree with that. That is pretty common complaint with women in general, that men talk over them.
If you were correct, mainstream feminism would be allied with the men's right's movement.
It very much isn't. I appreciate the sentiment, but you're struggling against the tide here.
Lol for a second I really thought you were seriously gona say 'Look its 2017 its ok for girls to play 40k and ruin mens hobbies'
>ignorant about either movement
Meanwhile in real life: Feminazis putting on completely unironic recitals of the SCUM Manifesto and fighting against legal equality.
They're the exact same kind of garbage people as the MRA types, complete wastes of space that no sane person should give credence to.
What did it mean by this?
What are you raging about?
Gee, I wonder.
Trannyposting isn't Veeky Forums anyway.
>hurr stick on topic, Veeky Forums always stick to the topic, I am not at all a newfag