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Brayheards Edition

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Lexicanum needs your help get getting the realmgate wars article up to date.

If you find that any event is missing from there tell me in this thread and ill check it up.(or can you join the lexi and add it yourself.)

So according to a rumormonger, some guy caught a glimpse of the new chaos daemons codex and saw the new GUO model. Cool, but we all expected that. However he also saw a new kit, that he described as "similar to plaguebearers in height but a lot bulkier". Seeing how most of these rumors come from people who only know 40k (remember the guy who claimed squats were coming back because he saw sprues of technologically advanced dwarfs?) I am thinking he actually saw a new pestigors kit, but didn't know what he was looking at.

Why would pestigors being codex chaos daemons? No idea. But they may have the gor keyword in AoS, and the daemon keyword in 40k. We will see.

>similar to plaguebearers in height but a lot bulkier
It's the new Beasts of Nurgle.

In the latest artworks they look a lot like fat slug-like PlagueBearers

Tzaangors are a unit in 40k and are daemons if I recall. It would make sense that Pestigors would be daemons in 40k and gors in AoS.

post got eaten by end of thread.

Ideally you're putting runelord shield all over as well, so the thunderers need less rend power. Loading up shield walled longbeards on an objective that your opponent needs to capture or he'll lose is pretty good when their save is 4+rerolling/6+/6+/6+

>runelord rend doesn't stack
Yes it does. Also the 6+ deathless save stacks too. For these reasons quadlord is good.
pic related is FAQ

Square or round base?

If they're already on squares no one's going to complain, but moving forward round is clearly the way the game should be played, many tournaments are starting to require round, every new box gets rounds, etc. Only reason it's not a hard and fast rule is to not further alienate old wfb dudes.

But it gives you a distinct gameplay advantage to be on square bases so if you're getting new stuff and still choose them you can fuck right off as a pure That Guy.


tournaments and events all over are starting to either outright ban square bases, or are taking steps to penalize armies with square bases or prevent them from claiming awards.

And rightly so.

Round or death. Even if you're collecting an army that hasn't been re-boxed yet you should base them on rounds. Squares shouldn't exist in this game; their purpose was to allow models to rank up in WFB, that's all.

>rebasing over 400 models
fuck no

Play wfb if you want to use squares. There's nothing wrong with that.

But realise that this isn't a rank and file game.

Quick, post the top three things that would absolutely bring this from GW's side project to THE king of tabletop miniature war gaming in terms of playerbase and quality.

I'll start:

Death and Destruction all get at least 2 new or existing factions fleshed out to the same extent as Seraphon, kharadron overlords, sylvaneth, etc.

Game switches from d6 dicepools to d8 to allow more granularity and diversity in units without increasing complexity

Start Collecting: Scenery
A box of commonly used auxiliary pieces like wyldwoods, Walls and Fence, balewind vortex, etc for similar % discount you see in the SC range.

>Rolling for initiative goes away.
Honestly that would do it. A solid 6 or 7 gamers in my store/friend group would flock to the game if not for baby's first timewalk shitfest. It's the most common criticism, besides stormcast shitposting.

But you said three so
>They hire me to clean up all the warscrolls and rules, adding keywords and properly updated points twice yearly. Old battletomes and battalions are updated and balanced.

>GW terrain with scenery dice bundled in every start collecting to get players used to not only a great looking tabletop, but the proper terrain rules and los blocking.

>D8 dice pools
No thanks. D6 work fine and are cheaper. Do you know how fucking expensive a bunch of D8s would be?

I can find 10 D8 on ebay for 3 dollars right now.
Get twenty for 6 dollars and that's all you'll ever need.

If you can't afford 6 dollars for 20 dice, you can't afford 80 dollars for 5 plastic army men and have no right to bitch about a hobby your not a part of.

- Don't make the mounted runeson your general. He's not that tough and painting a bigger bullseye on him is going to help nobody.
- Don't give the mounted runesons javelins. You want them in melee and you want them to do good there. These guys are your heavy cavalry and your distraction rolled into one, so be ready to loose them eventually.
- If you must have a javelin runeson take one on foot and give him the relic throwing axe to make the most of his ranged damage.
- Make the runefather your general and give him the obsidian coronet. His command ability really helps with your lack of spears and you'll want it to cover as much of your forces as possible. Plus it makes him stupidly durable, which is something you'll want for your bossman, especially a frontliner like him.
- Your other artefacts aren't brilliant, but you still shouldn't just ignore them. With three battallions you get three more items, so make the most of them. Ash-plume sigil is nice to have and works everywhere, volcanic rune is okay additional damage on a grimwrath or a doomseeker and the meteoric axe allows for guys that prefer to hang back to still contribute some damage.

>this game would become beloved the world over if more of the things *I* like would be added and the the things *I* dislike were removed

Initiative is part of the game. Go away if you don't like it.

The bit about death and destruction getting more stuff is entirely valid

I genuinely whole heatedly believe that games workshop offering a "SC: scenery" would greatly improve the quality of the game.

Too many people are used to playing with zero scenery when the game blatantly is made to work with scenery.

Explain how a D8 does not in fact offer more granularity to model stats, which in this small amount, most would agree is a good thing.
Pro tip, if your argument is "if it isnt broke, dont fix it" your retarded.

>go away if you don't like initiative
Millions of would-be players did :^)

I literally don't care about granularity, and so I'd rather not change the statistical basis for the entire game and all the warscrolls and all the custom dice GW currently makes and replace my 200 d6s for 200 d8s for the ability to say I hit on a 5+ (out of 8) instead of a 4+ (out of 6).

No. Here's what GW should do
Instead of just releasing a "SC: Scenery" box, what they should do is tweak the sprues of models a bit so that as many kits as possible come with a bit of terrain. Even if it's only a fucking fence or something.
Buy a box of skellies? They come with a free mausoleum. Savage orcs? Some kinda bone totem. Gors? Braystone. Dryads? Tree. Ironjawz? Piles of rubble and weapons that form barricades. Just give everyone something that makes sense so people are FORCED to build up their terrain reserves at the same time as their armies. I'm pretty sure people would be willing to pay a bit extra if they get some cool scenery, and they could even use it on the front of the box

>no one should try to improve the thing they like

Man it's winter and the heat doesn't work in my house, I should just move since trying to fix it is pure faggotry.

Question regarding Sylvaneth; does woods already placed out as terrain count as Sylvaneth Wildwoods, or are wildwoods only woods that have been placed out/summoned by the Sylvaneth player?

fair enough then.
I guess I just would prefer a bit less of a "samey" feel across generic troop units.
+4/+4/-/1 on every second battleline unit with a conditional +1 bonus to hit based on unit size doesnt make for a super exciting game.

I like that better. spooky ghosts could with a tombstone, stormcucks could come with a "Sword in the stone" piece.

Diggin' it.

2018 will we actually see fucking Aelves or more fanatasy space marine crap?

according to the book it seems to be a sylvaneth wildwood.

Okay that's all really good advice thank you. Is this a good list? Too many Vulkite? I'd have liked to throw in some Auric Hearthguard but the battalions kinda don't let me. I really like. The 'come in from the edge' rule from Greyfyrd.

Just starting out, what should I be looking at for like 1000pts? Should I like, grab two Start Collecting boxes and go from there?

How is that fucking balanced?!

It's strong with cool options for tactical play. Should the tree-men be shit?

Currently Sylvanneth sit at tier-1.5 in tournaments and common but not at all oppressive in casual games. shrug

Death. Elfs x2. Grots.

4 mostly new armies per year seems to be the plan.

>Death. Elfs x2. Grots.
source if you would be so kind?

Different Fyrebro here but I will try and help. I took a brief look at your list from last thread.

First, you want Vulkites in groups of 30, even if that means reducing one group to 10 in order to buff up another to 30. Use the unit of 10 as either a distraction or as objective campers so you can use a big unit to wreck shit. More Vulkites are always better, always.

Second, Lords of the Lodge sucks now and I would not take it. The new Rule of One prevents you from messing with turn order dice so you're fucked there. It's too expensive and it forces you to take a Runemaster, who fucking sucks dick.

Greyfyrd kind of sucks IMO but it's up to you honestly. I feel that FS don't really lack in movement if you pop the +4 movement rune. Like, use that turn one and run up the board, then pop the 16" axe rune and rain hellfire and brimstone on them with warrior. Vostarg is a better battalion if you want to have a massive battalion.

Lastly, I agree that the Runeson should probably be using axes if he's on foot as it's just a better loadout.


>in an epic fantasy setting

Um, no sweaty, try again.

Ur sweaty from wearing all that fucking golden armour u statute-looking motherfucker.

dont play stormcucks, i play bone bros and spirit hoes but no shit im sweating atm
hot as fuck in 'straya right now.

Oh it is a fellow australian. I guess you technically play humans as well then (they're just dead ones)

What state you in brah?
What army you play?

>implying Australians are real

U fkn wot cunt?


Nah in Adelaide


user, that's bullshit and you know.

After failing on knife to the heart adio many times ive decided to just defend 1 objective and try for the minor in future.

NSW; freeguild

Just of curiosity; what stats/warscroll would the horseless headless horseman have?

What base sizes should Blood Knights and other cavalry go on? Space Marine biker bases?

can somebody give me a rundown on what units/unit-choices I have for the different dinopeople battallions? I can only find like half of them after searching

>Who's cooler than Aztecs?

Conquistadors and smallpox.

redpill me on the kharadron battle force that's coming out for christmas teegee, would it be a decent set to get into fantasy?

desu not really if it's your first buy into the game.

Consider any of the following instead,

I've got a decent sized (singular) army in 40k, maybe 1500 points or so. I was just thinking about trying out fantasy as well since I enjoyed 40k, and the overlords have some pretty badass models

I was just meming you, friend.

The battleforce for steampunk dorfs is a great way to start.
Your looking at just under 1k points straight out the box and while I havnt played them, I have heard that they are pretty dependant on their air ships, which you get in the box, so I assume its a somewhat competitive list.

Only thing you'll need is a another battleline unit

Nurgle when?!

Given how stormcast oriented the stuff you recommended was, i figured. But I'm still relatively new so ya never know. Thanks for the advice, I'm leaning towards that or an ironjawz start collecting atm

hexwraith ?
just chop the head and put them on the horses' saddles

I find Sylvaneth very troublesome opponent. In hands of skilled player they just steamroll almost everything. But I guess that can be applied to every army..

And Mel Gibson.

have you considered the stormcast etrnals? they are the coolest army.

how do you folks paint african/ egyptian skin?

Trying to paint up some Kairic Acolytes and I don't want them to look northern european

>how do you folks paint african/ egyptian skin?
I bombarded Duncan and even Peach with that request. I need it for my Hellstriders.

GW said it's "on the list" but that means nothing.

I've recently started Overlords myself and as another user pointed out, they're kind of dependent on their ships. You do get a great selection with that box set, and if you want an easy upgrade, buy Brokk Grungson. He's a badass in combat, a semi-decent shooter, with a great command ability. He's a beefy 300 points, but can hitch a ride on your airships for free so he can aid your arkanauts the second they all jump out of the ship

Already done brah.
Follow the reply chain from AYY
Vic here, also a death player. Just picked up a Banshee for the sake of mortal wounds that don't waste my Necromancer's hero phase, how good are they at it?

Maybe take a look at Tanned Flesh in the paint app?

Any DoT players here?
Just curious on Recommended unit sizes.

Wanting to Run Horrors, but struggle finding a good unit size.

Square. They allow you to play multiple games with one army; WHFB, KoW, AoS and other games all accept square bases.

And like fucking hell I'll be ripping off from my based squares, and rebasing a 100+ skeletons and 40+ ghouls on rounds.

>Hey everyone look at me I'm Mr Noncommittal.

I usually run my pinks and blues in the minimum unit size next to each other.

I run tzaangor in units of 30 now with their horde discount, though.

Good luck ever attending a tournament or being taken seriously generally.

Why commit to one game? I dont ever plan on playing in Tournaments, and If any new models came out for death on rounds, I'd put them on them. But I'm not gonna ruin half my models just for one game.

>Wanting to be taken seriously by Age of Sigmar players

Very funny, Steven. Now go back to bed.

IRL nobody except for spergs cares though.

As long as GW and people let me use Square bases, I'll play AoS with my Vampire Counts. When they don't, I won't play anymore. Unless they finally get around to releasing a new army for Death.

Unfortunately TOs and GW are spergs, and they decide what games you can play at their events.

Do you ever incorporate brimstones?

A stated in the last thread, Age of Sigmar needs a sound track and each army a theme.
Any suggestions?

>Hey everyone look at me I'm a massive faggot.

Slaves of Darkness

Dude, you're a fucking miser, stop trying to act like you're not a fucking cheap ass. You're the guy who doesn't want to commit, why? You're fucking cheap. You're the douchebag who buys discounted proxies and recast.

Post your collecting or fuck off.


Slaves to Darkness

We are the last ones that conquer
We are the first out of hell
We are the chariots whirling in twilight
We are the serpents to rise
We are the lions to come
We are the fire that's burning this world

Vengeance is rising
In Heaven and Hell
Through blood we are marching
In fire we dwell
We're burning your kingdoms
Dominions expelled
We are God, we are Caesar
In Heaven and Hell
Angels are falling
For the very last time
Empires burning
In hate and decline
Ungrateful and violent
We're breaking the spell
We are God, we are Caesar
In Heaven and Hell

We are the last ones that conquer
We are the first out of hell
We are the Firewheels whirling in twilight
We are the serpents to rise
We are the lions to come
We are the Legion consuming this world

Vengeance is rising
In Heaven and Hell
Through blood we are marching
In fire we dwell
We're burning your kingdoms
Dominions expelled
We are God, we are Caesar
Heaven and Hell
Angels are falling
For the very last time
Empires burning
In hate and decline
Ungrateful and violent
We're breaking the spell
We are God, we are Caesar
Heaven and Hell

>Fucking perfect

I agree! Be like us user.
*sips soymilk*

>Mel Gibson.
Hes an anti semite. look it up

For stormcast, there can be only one choice

Christ lmao

This one fits any Nurgle army in my opinion

Thank fuck I don't play tournaments or in GW. Played one of my first games at a flgs the other day and my opponent was more than happy to let me use squares lol.

It's Skaven for me.
>For Whom The Screaming Bell Tolls.


Initiave is bull shit advantages shooting armies we house rule it out

It was a highlander pun

Iron Maiden for skeletons. All their songs sound like an undead cavalry charge.

Shh... he won't understand nor want to.

Obligatory Overlords of the Iron Dragon and Hammerhal anthology epub request.

I was referring to his excellent film about aztec savages and their inferiority. But yes I also like his anti-stormcast credentials.