Forgotten Realms, Eberron, or Grayhawk?
Which would you burn?
Forgotten Realms, Eberron, or Grayhawk?
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That isn't really a question, without a doubt Forgotten Realms.
I grew up with Forgotten Realms so it has nostalgia going for it, but a lot of the material published during 3.5 could have been better. I don't know much about Eberron and even less about Greyhawk. FR seems like a lot of it needs to be thrown out in order to make the setting into a game for adults, one with a story that doesn't include seven hundred kinds of elves or ridiculous generic good gods and bad gods.
Fuck Greyhawk, Marry Eberron, Kill Forgotten Realms.
If someone wants to burn one and they say something other than Forgotten Realms, you should not trust that person.
Unironically this.
forgotten realms got burned a few times already, they will weather this time as well
>>OG Gygax approved sword and sorcery setting
>>That one neat world that wasent trapped in permanent medieval stasis because reasons
>>One particular faggots setting that filled with his own mary sue NPCs and got too much attention because he sucked the cock of the evil bitch that stole the company
I've never played any of those settings!
Only Golarion.
Yeah, pretty much.
Where can I find books about Eberron?
Eberron. Not even a contest.
Greyhawk is boring as shit. no one would miss it.
Burn Eberron to the ground then toss the ashes into a black hole.
Burn it all
Depends, which version of FR and Greyhawk are we talking about?
Railroads in Fantasy? Would you kindly go fuck yourself in Immoren, you shitfag retarded neckbearded virgin steampunker funboy Eberron?
Let us oldfags enjoy black latex elves with cobwebs fetish and jack off on Mystra pointy ears followers
Greykawk is merely a legend, a construct of eons past, known only to people that attained Real necromancy as is old as fuck.
Burning Forgotten Realms happens once an edition anyway, so why would you bother?
I don't know, which version you like best?
Gee, user, I'm sorry someone forced you to play things against your taste. Especially since Eberron has always been a big important campaign setting used in all the official everything. Or are you just mad a setting didn't get any new content when you only knew about that setting from a vidja you played when it came out on steam?
Tell me about Eberron?
Is this a decent thing?
Which one has kender? I burn that one.
Forgotten Realms
It's my favorite of all D&D settings but I'd still destroy it if it means others got some focus.
Burn them all.
If a typical D&D world is the Middle Ages, Eberron is the period between the World Wars. It's also the kind of setting that has magical trains just so your characters can get involved in train heists. Oh, and you can play a robot. They're one of my favourite fantasy races, actually.
None of them. Kender are from Dragonlance.
It's kinda neat really. Setting wise it takes most of the good stuff from Dieselpunk, Steampunk and various types of Fantasy and brings them together quite well.
The world has just survived a war that saw the first use of a magical nuke, Warforged are alchemical/magical constructs that were built for said war and now lack a purpose. Flying ships, trains and more are powered by bound elementals and there are magical birthmarks that can give you magic and entry into one of the great houses.
Also Xen'Drik, the continent of the Aztec scropion worshipping drow is a great alternative to Chult.
Sounds surprisingly cool.
What about the other two?
is a blast from the past. Gods are generally clearly good, neutral or evil and the gods are in turn opposed by Chaos. Apart from that it's pretty standard fantasy. Dragonlance is also a shared universe between the books and the its other forms, so you get powerful book npc and mary sueish characters to use or houserule out.
>Forgotten Realms
is the largest smorgasboard you can get in Fantasy. From French revolution settings past aztec ruins in the jungle surrounded by dinosaurs up to Conan the Barbarian you can find almost anything here. The setting has gone through many many changes, but it has kept it's amount of "important npcs" pretty low, which I see as a good thing. The machinations of the gods or some form of ancient power are often the motivators for heroes and villains alike, giving the whole world some form of continuity.
And then there's Mystara and Spelljammer.
Grayhawk, it’s nothing personal, I love Eberron and enjoy like a few places in Forgotten Realms but I know nothing about Greyhawk besides the gods and they aren’t that special.
Then I burn Dragonlance.
Burn Greyhawk for being the blandest blandy bland.
Forgotten Realms.
I don't LIKE Eberron, but i have a lot of respect towars it since it is one of the few D&D setting that actually makes sense in the light of D&D mechanics. In its own weird way. Not really my sort of thing, but its applaudable.
Greyhawk is coolest of D&D's generic setting, with interesting history and lore, and balancing D&D's superhero fantasy with relatively grounded environment. I don't like certain elements, mostly CONTRARIANISM (Our elves are actually shorter than humans. Our west is the east an vice versa. Our cultural Celtic expies are racially Amerindians with curly hair and linguistically German.) I hate this sort of lel inversions for the sake of originality, because.. they're not really original and just kill the appeal of familiarity. Tropes have became tropes for a reason.
Meanwhile, Forgotten Realms is worthless shit, written by a massive perv who couldn't contain his magical realm, internally incoherent, with boring HI POWER dynamics and nothing has to make sense because LEL MAGIC. Original creations in FR mostly suck ass (admittedly, with few exceptions), while all the expies are extremely shallow and bastardized forms of their originals. Kill it with fire, nothing of value will be lost Golarion is still worse
There's also barbarian halfling tribes who ride and herd dinosaurs, an evil army of those robots who went rogue and live in an irradiated wasteland, a bunch of ruthless corporations made up of magical bloodlines, an impossibly vertical metropolis that is full of noir detective and shadowrun plot hooks, a whole continent that is like one giant Indiana Jones honeypot, and a psychic bodysnatcher alien invasion.
Basically if there's any sort of intrigue or pulpy adventure you want to run there's at least one group to toss in there.
To be fair its incoherence is mostly from other authors all trying to write their novels to happen in the same stretch of coastline. It's like the 'overdone and underplanned comic book universe' of fantasy settings.
Well duh. At least all three of OP's settings at least followed a general direction while Golarion tried to be all three of them at once and then some. It's a giant clusterfuck made up of many smaller clusterfucks.
>known world
>0 results
Isn't that just the main area of Mystara?
If we're forced to use all of the lore/novels/etc, forgotten realms, easy, greyhawk would be second.
If we're only using lore from the early days of greyhawk and forgotten realms, eberron would burn.
Underappreciated post.
What's Mystara like? I've never really heard it discussed very much
What's the difference?
Eberron isn't as overdetailed as FR, Greyhawk is spookiest of the three
>All this Forgotten Realm hate
It’s just a standard, generic fantasy setting.
Kill no setting because I like them all
Probably Eberron for being the cancer that encourages every shitty power fantasy on the planet. Ironforged players are complete garbage too.
FR at least had some smidgen of good shit in it's 1E incarnation, shame about everything that followed though.
But seriously though Forgotten Realms is objectively trash
>Our elves are actually shorter than humans.
This is the way it's always been until someone decided that short elves weren't perfectly perfect enough and they should be taller than humans instead.
I actually like Eberron. I'm not an expert on Greyhawk, seems kind of boring but it doesn't really matter since I don't think anyone has set a campaign there this century. FR is trash, that's the one I'd burn.
Mystara can be Fantasy Cthulhu or Fantasy Gaslight, depending on the DM. The reason you don't hear it discussed much is because it is dead, spasming in nostalgia every so often but still dead.
While Fantasy Cthulhu may sound interesting, I think the main issue is that there is not many people that play Cthulhu and D&D and also have time for a third round.
Spelljammer is the weird one. The closest modern setting to it would be Hellas - Worlds of Sun and Stone, but that one is greek themed. You get voidships that travel through the planes and to various planets, illithid space captains and much more. Spelljammer suffers from a second drawback apart from its "mix two settings" decrease in target audience and that drawback is Star Wars. You could run a Lensmen based campaign very easily with Spelljammer if modern rules existed, but they don't and noone except me loves Lensmen that much it seems.
What about Ravenloft? As someone whose group bails at the first mention for THAC0 how do I go about learning more/running it?
>internally incoherent
Ed has long since lost the creative control. He still games using 1e FR Grey Box. Which incidentally is also the best FR.
The 3e stuff done by White Wolf.
Same. The new default setting should be Grayhawk with all the weirdness that entails (cavemen, crashed alien saucers, and some weird funhouse dungeons).
Spelljammer is best described as Treasure Planet with fantasy races
Curse of Strahd is a great campaign. Seriously, it's just damn good for a prewritten one. It introduces both the players and characters to Ravenloft as a prison, so far so classic, but leaves just enough threads unfinished for it to offer itself up for a longer campaign in it.
If you play it normally, it will take your players between 26 and 34 play hours to reach the final confrontation. After that, no matter their success, Ravenloft can open up if the DM so chooses and allow passage to the other areas.
By that point you as a DM will have a good sense of how to run a spoopy campaign past level 10 in Ravenloft.
I only know Greyhawk from the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer. What other good stuff is there for it?
Ed Greenwood is fucking insane- 400+ books all of Polyhedron, Kobold Quarterly, Dragon and Dungeon Magazines, Web supplements, Ed's posts on the Candlekeep forums, lost or Forum based obscure We Enhancements from the now lost Thread of Complete Template's K's Necromancers handbooks, and the actual FR books released every edition.
Greyhawk I don't think ever got that fucking silly.
They're all nice settings. I wouldn't burn any of them.
Let's be friends!
>impossibly vertical metropolis that is full of noir detective and shadowrun plot hooks
Sharn is genuinely the best city in all of roleplaying history, it's that cool. And I say this as someone who owns the classic Greyhawk boxed set which is amazing too.
Well it has the advantage of being able to play in Wisconsin.
Out of those three choices, anyone in this thread who doesn't vote Forgotten Realms are objectively wrong, you need to rethink your life if you think Ed Greenwood's clusterfuck of a campaign setting is better than Greyhawk or Eberron.
>all these anons shitting on Eberron
Never knew that Veeky Forums is this choke full of shit taste
That looks like a Clusterfuck though
Like a city, then?
Actually I think Eberron could be a fine setting if not that is a complete fuckturd of steamfantasy to me. Just my taste I know though. It seems the Age of Sigmar of D&D, some weirdo setting with stuff to entice newcomers.
I find myself more interested in greyhawk, mystara or blackmoor due their hystorical value for RPG and D&D. Dragonlance is a soap opera travesty of fantasy setting we all know.
Anyway I am lazy as fuck so I linger on FR as it is official 5e. And all in all is not that bad having everything in it
Eberron has loli pope, you literally cannot have worst taste than hating on loli pope.
Forgotten Realms. Eberron at least tries to be different with the magitech stuff and Greyhawk is great.
Sharn seems to have a lot of similarities to the RPG version of Chronopia. All that's missing is being ruled by an immortal chronomancer and being on the verge of being conquered by the forces of evil...
I think Forgotten Realms died the moment TSR declared every novel was canon.
Then they desecrated the corpse when they started commissioning writers to write random setting shit just so they could plug it wholesale into the realms.
Such as the moonshaes suddenly being king arthur, celtic lore, and vikings all mashed together.
Or the fact that in the middle of an incredibly hot and humid region a nation of totally-not-italy just popped up with everyone wearing full plate.
I find that this is where it started to flourish. I like it when settings manage to create these wacky explanations as to why they keep updating. This is also the reason why you can't make movies out of D&D, Joe Mangianello, the world doesn't make sense on a cinematic scale.
I think my problem is more with the writers who clearly don't know nor care about the setting, than the fact writers existed in the first place.
Do I find it stupid that certain popular areas have 6 different world ending big bads? Sure I do. But at least they're big bads that make sense within the context of the setting instead of just "I wanted to write a book about but since I'm a shit writer it wouldn't have sold without a Forgotten Realms label on it and TSR granted me this wish."
Mystara already existed for the kitchen sink just throw anything and everything into it setting anyway.
I don't like playing in Faerun either, but I understand why and for whom it exists. Playing CoS right now and hoping desperately for a Planescape setting guide.
Forgotten Realms, it's just not a good setting.
Where can I read about Forgotten Realms?
Proof that Veeky Forums will shit on anything without reading about it first.
It's magitech at the steam level of shit, so yes, it's an accurate epithet. Your hard on for it means very little.
There's a whole wiki dedicated to it, but you really have to pay attention to what sources are listed at the bottom. Something like 50% of pages are updated to the latest edition, a good 30% are still 4e, and the other 20% are somewhere between 1e and 3e.
>No separate wikis dedicated to each edition
Why would there be that?
Forgotten realms.
Greyhawk is a really neat kind of weird fantasy setting that looks traditional if you don't look at it too hard, and Eberron is it's own thing and different enough that it deserves to stand. Plus I'm kind of a sucker for the whole dungeonpunk thing.
Forgotten Realms, though. FR is a clusterfuck of everything bad and schlocky about "high fantasy", where everything has a billion pages of lore and there are a trillion plot characters, and enough universal threats per day to make any major comics publisher proud. It's just a fucking shitfest
Greyhawk is basically Golarion done right, imho. It's a kind of kitchen sinky fantasy with weird shit like cavemen and ancient aliens and a hollow earth (that I think is full of elf-nazis?)
Where can I read on the best version of Greyhawk?
There have been, like, eight people in this thread saying they like Greyhawk and asking where they can read more about it, and no one answered them. I guess Greyhawk really is dead.
Same with Forgotten Realms, isn't it?
Is there any announcement regarding setting books for 5e? We got Sword Coast Adventurers Guide, but that's just a region.
Forgotten Realms has a wiki here:
And Candlekeep is the main fan site with tonnes of info.
Greyhawk has a giant wiki here:
And Canonfire! is the main fan site:
Dragonsfoot is also popular among grognards:
Greyhawkery is one of the most popular blogs:
I hope that this has been helpful.
Oh, and Greyhawk Online run by Grodog, the sagest of sages on this topic.
The Acaeum is also a big Greyhawk resource:
Fancy, thanks.
I got curious, which is the kingdom of not-Italy in Faerun? Thx
Blade Kingdoms. They spontaneously appeared in the middle of the Vilhon Reach region sometime in the 2e era when a novelist wanted to write about fantasy renaissance italy and TSR told him to slap the FR label on it.
They have never been mentioned since due to how unfitting they are.
Burn 'em all and go with Dark Sun. Either that, or make a setting that actually fits the type and tone of campaign you're playing
Eberron. Doesn't really work for D&D.
Mystara was the first Gonzo Fantasy setting, mix-and-matching pulpy elements with high fantasy and sword & sorcery elements. This was a world with a hollow interior full of dinosaurs, cave men, 18-inch tall amazons, Swedish dwarf-gnomes and non-evil jackal-folk. It was a world where you could build weapons out of magical metal that was radioactive and turned you into a magical mutant. A world where the moon was inhabited by samurai catpeople who rode to battle on flying sabertoothed tigers, and where the PC races on the real world included shapeshifting spider-sorcerers, lizardfolk, swashbuckling wolfpeople, elf-ogre crossbreeds and winged minotaurs.
It was a weird fricking place.
>18-inch tall amazons
That doesn't sound terribly Amazonian
It was also the setting where they wholesale took parts of the real world, magic'd them up a tiny bit, and then plunked them directly into an area.