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How do you determine how attractive your character is?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
How do you determine how attractive your character is?
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Posting again here hoping to get more help with my build for a skillmonkey/face/trickster person.
I don't, my characters are all varied in personality and appearance, but their attractiveness is dependent on who they're interacting with. So, for instance, my loud and abrasive Magus I used to play would be considered obnoxious by just about anyone he's come into contact with, but he's also the only character I've played in that group that's found love in a kuudere Elf Ranger that he almost killed the first time they met.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I don't like when people link the Charisma stat directly to your looks. When I think of charisma, it is how you present yourself. You can be an ugly son of a bitch but be the talk of the ball. Or you can be the most handsome motherfucker but have the personality of a door knob,
Which makes me think, how is Charisma used in casting or even use magic device? How does that stat make magic work?
The way I see it Cha casters are probably the most "natural" of all casters, their magic being more akin to using SPAs rather than the investigative methods of Int casters or the granted methods of Wis casters. It's like exercising a muscle, which also makes the whole "they get a limited selection from a list" thing make more sense, since it's like training your body to learn how to play a specific sport, if you're playing Basketball you'll want to train to be lean, fast, and have sharp reflexes, if you're training for Football you'll want to build muscles and learn how to take a hit without dislocating your spine, and if you want to be a good Sorceror you'll train yourself how to use Color Spray.
Hi, I remember a spell that gave you a bonus to attacks and temporary HPs every time you hit an enemy but now I don't remember the name ans the search engine in d20pfsrd didn't help
I don't remember the name either but look in the Paladin spell list for either 2nd or 3rd level spells and it should be there.
deadly juggernaut
Righteous Vigor
No, that gives DR not HPs, I also thought it was that but no
i think the righteous vigor guy is right
Oh yes, that's the one, thanks
Do blur and displacement stack?
No, you use the highest miss chance
So in general you always lose the first turn of every spell?
If a spell has a duration of 1round/caster level at first level is useless if its a bonus to attack for example
So I'm debating running Ironfang and scrapping most of it so I can take to rewriting it in order to get the following kinda feel because honestly I hate super serious APs.
>10% standard Paizo AP, 40% hard rock-inspired, and 25% machismo, 20% OTT action, and 5% monstergirl waifus and romance subplots
How's that sound /pfg/? Asking again because last time it was late in the night, now it's early in the morning.
No, but they stack with miss chance given by concealment and similar
Yes, although with some clever decisions you can get round/lvl buffs to last you multiple rounds even at CL1
What is the pitch of ironfang anyways? Sounds like furries
Hobgoblins are on a tour of conquest and the party have to stop them.
So a cute priestess who's actually an arms dealer would fit right in
My group has exams and can't play for several weeks. Its gonna have been nearly 2 months without playing and I'm losing my mind.
I'm considering looking for a game on roll 20, but is that inadvisable?
At low levels, attacking or doing something to stop the enemy is almost always the better option.
The dice are swingy enough at level 1 that you're much better off shooting a crossbow twice than buffing yourself then shooting a crossbow.
A better option is to cast sleep and put all the enemy to sleep which ends the fight immediately.
Can I get some suggestions on a build I'm making?
I'm trying to make a non-caster support character. My goal is to go cavalier, focusing on aid another, and then using a whip to drastically up my range of effectiveness.
Despite playing a halforc, I got DM approval to take the halfling "helpful" trait, upping my aid another by 2.
Im definitely going order of the Dragon, but I was wondering if the archetype Sister In Arms would be a great choice as they get both Dragon AND Lion.
I feel like the archetype is too good to be true and must be some kind of trap
First, what level are you going for?
Second, for what you want to do, you lose damage and mount, things you didn't want to use.
But consider, is buffing one dude REALLY going to help a lot, when they're basically losing out on someone doing anything else?
You should consider dipping bard or anything other that gives Inspire courage and go for Battle Herald. Now you can do more than just aid another as you buff several people with your commands and inspires and banner,
We're going from level 1 to 13 from what our DM is planning. You have a good point though about action economy. At later levels I could aid as a swift action, but perhaps in focusing too much.
I haven't really looked into battle Herald before now, definitely seems like a neat option
So I'm writing a homebrew class. The gist of the spellcasting mechanic is that you pick domains as your major source of spells (possibly picking a handful of spells from other lists as you go along.)
The problem I'm running into is that I want it to be different, but I'm not sure the best way to go about it. I want you to have a finite number of domains, but I have no idea what that number should be. I want it to be a spontaneous caster, since you have limited spells known, but gains spells on odd levels, which contradicts every class that already exists. I thought about compensating for that by stunting spells per day, but I don't think that solves anything.
The idea was having to take good spells with the bad, and if you wanted more spells per day from a given domain, you'd need to give up spell diversity. I also want to give it channel energy and spontaneously converting spells into summoning outsiders that match your alignment. I want to make a change that I'm attached to from a different homebrew class where you can double the number of creatures you summon by decreasing the summoned creatures cr by 2. The problem I'm running into is I'm not sure where the tipping point is and it just becomes a better Cleric.
If both sides of Shardwalkers are still ongoing, then what's the plot so far for both sides?
Need some help chaps.
I'm playing in a Pathfinder game with some friends. There's 4 of us, who are all level 5. We have a magi, a ranger, a druid and a fighter.
Last night, our DM threw what turned out to be a "CR 10" encounter at us with some bloke that suddenly turned massive who hit on a +16 with 3 attacks and crit on a 19. He dealt 31 damage to me in one round of attacks. There was also a barrel of gunpowder set to go off and the Magi's family were held hostage next to it.
We had no warning for this and one of the characters died. Am I right to be annoyed at this? It really didn't sit well, and we only survived by running after the Magi had been killed and coup de graced.
I gm runequest and 5e, and I'm not familier with Pathfinder but this seemed unduly harsh.
Help set my mind at rest chaps.
They're still going, it's just that one game got fucked hard because Argent can't balance encounters for shit and now they're playing a completely different game than they signed up for.
Magic side ran into a necromancer, died, got raised as undead side, decided to leave the undead pirate ship, got stuck in a scummy port town, killed some hooligan bandits, and is now trying to track down a licentious cultist for bounty money while considering whether to search for ways to return to life.
Your GM sounds like a faggot. If it were truly no warning he's a huge faggot.
Reminds me of a game I played where there was a 4th level party and a CR 13 demon was on it's way to us. I told everyone that was the time to run and two of my retarded party members decided to wait and fight it. GM just shrugged when it happened since I told them they had zero chance of beating it.
It was in the Magi's family home, we went there to see his family and his family were all trussed up next to this gunpowder. There were a load of goblins, his father who had been mind controlled and this fucker who we didn't know hit like a tank. I charged the fucker as a fighter, but then he turned massive and started whaling on me. It was only through a good acrobatics roll that I could get out.
It all just felt completely out of blue, especially seeing as the goblins were hitting with these bombs on a roll of a 5 and the mindcontrolled dad could do magic shenanigans.
Is this how to make an oozemorph useful? By making the class fall and lose all (Su) abilities?
(Charizma x backstory + character art)/Player charisma
>Implying any DM is so hard into RAW that theyd allow this
Is it really so bad if all the players are sticking around?
Why'd they still be playing if they didn't like the game getting shaken up big time after the first fight in a fresh way you don't see often in campaigns?
The fact that the players are so thirsty for a game that they'll stick around when shit like that gets pulled on them doesn't take away from the fact that it's a shitty thing to do and bad GMing in general.
Argentum really is the embodiment of everything that is wrong with the post-RotJR era isn't he?
Bad GM
>Starts games in rusty dagger shanktown and changes the game from under his players after a TPK (see for ex. Shardwalkers)
>Starts games in rocket tag land and is surprised when people get bored with the game (see for ex. JttW)
>Nepotism (see for ex. AlienError getting into many Argentum games despite consistently subpar apps)
Bad Player
>Injecting fetishes into games (see for ex. FotJR where he played a literal prostitute and loli in the same body)
>Can't stick to one character (see for ex. FotJR where playing a character with MPD wasn't working out for him so he decided to switch it out, likely leading to the current upheaval in that game with players leaving and rerolling en masse)
>Nepotism (see for ex. getting into FotJR with LOL PROSTITUTE)
Sounds like he's trying to push a big bad on you to make you guys feel invested in the story.
Convince the other players that this guy is too big for you to take on, and that while the magi was your friend he'd want you to live on, and get everyone to leave and go leave town to another place.
I hope no-one else has family.
>Argentum really is the embodiment of everything that is wrong with the post-RotJR era isn't he?
I don't think that was ever a matter of debate.
>nepotism is bad
This ain't a beauty pageant
>The fact that the players are so thirsty for a game that they'll stick around when shit like that gets pulled on them doesn't take away from the fact that it's a shitty thing to do and bad GMing in general.
>Starts games in rusty dagger shanktown and changes the game from under his players after a TPK (see for ex. Shardwalkers)
Doesn't matter, if the players weren't invested in the game, they wouldn't still be playing in it.
They signed up to play a game about magic and mysticism and now they're playing in a game about necromantic magic and mysticism. They're the same characters, just liches/vampires/yuki onna/ghosts now. What's the problem?
I'm starting to design my own world and campaign but I'm looking to make enemies based on homebrew races. Mostly I plan to just modify existing creatures to make this happen. Thing is I'm looking for any tools that exist to help create creatures. Or even an excel sheet that is built in statblock form. Any free tools or thing that can help me out?
I suppose I don't particularly trust this GM not to send more CR10 shit our way right now. He defended it vehemently and said that it was a standard boss fight for our level. I personally highly doubt that as most calculators that I've looked at say that CR10 is overwhelming in difficulty.
Apparently we could have kited him due to the fact that he was slow, but we had no intel whatsoever.
Post archetype and Hybrid class ideas.
Yeah, if your boss strategy depends on shit like 'kite this guy around the arena' like you were playing a video game, it's probably not sound planning (and fucks over the melee guys who need to be next to him to do damage).
Also: jesus christ one of my massive pet peeves is GMs who get pissy that you can't read their fucking minds.
Can an item be made of different special materials?
i.e. a warhammer with a Darkwood handle and a Mithral head
A CR10 is doable if you're powergaming out the ass, but you can't kite something inside a house. How big an area did you have to move in? 60 feet? Less? House would have to be a size of a mansion to do that, and whatever it was could almost certainly move the 40 feet over to you and smash you with an attack.
To be fair, if the big fellow didn't have pounce you'd have the action economy and would need to fight defensively.
But you can't do that AND fight a load of goblins AND worry about mind controlled hostages. It does sound pretty bullshit.
If anybody came to this thread and described what happened in shardwalkers without the context of it being a /pfg/ game they would be met with a chorus of "Your DM is shit, get out while you can." Any halfway competent DM could come up with a dozen ways to walk the party out of a poorly built encounter like this one, Argent just doubled down on his own shit.
>A Sorcerer archetype for the draconic bloodline that kneecaps spell progression, removes bloodline spells, and drops the blasting arcana
>In exchange you become Dragon Disciple bait, with features to patch up your shitty BAB/HD, and longer lasting claws, all of which DD would progress as bloodline powers
>Essentially just "fuck you I want to be a dragon" the archetype
Looking to make an unchained summoner, just core is allowed. How do I best make a summoner? This is my first time even looking at the class.
You could do it, but the benefits like weight reduction shouldn't stack.
Don't have any advice on the summoner but, source for that gif?
Tales of Bersaria
Weren't the players the ones who suggested becoming 'undead brides' or a thing like that?
They got to be 'undead brides' and they got templates with sweet abilities.
What's not to like about free powers and abilities?
The players sound like they're enjoying it. You're salty even though you don't know anything about the game.
So, he's a bad GM because he doesn't start at exactly the level you want and approves applications you don't like?
And he's a bad player because he does the same thing every fucking Veeky Forums app does?
that second one's mostly devil's advocate, lewd is a cancer but singling out one dude is kind of hypocritical
Exactly, I don't particularly feel like powergaming anyway. I'm playing a fast moving fighter wearing a chain shirt. Sort of a cocky shit and I don't want to be clunking around in plate armour just because that's the only way to survive against massive cunts that hit on a 16+, 3 times a round, especially when I'm only level 5. I also don't see the point in playing melee if I can't do shit in close combat.
We also had to worry about getting the hostages out before the gunpowder blew up. It did my head in. My idea was to take on the thing that I didn't know turned massive and a couple of goblins while the Magi and others dealt with the family and gunpowder. 1 round, 31 damage from the big guy later and along with some hits by goblins I'm on 17 health and the others are no closer to the gunpowder.
I was very pissed off.
pseudo battle Herald as a base class
I have no clue how it'd work mechanically, but it has some cool flavor potential. 4th level full bab caster with a focus on curses, and a magical patron animal companion
> Rogue/wizard
6th level caster with a focus on magical deception and such. Probably drop sneak attack but gain something like focused study from the slayer, maybe able to hide spell casting.
An archetype for crossbows that doesn't suck
An archetypes for wizard that gives them something fun without ruining them
This has also made me miss 5e and Runequest massively.
Any help/advice on my build? If I am not going to be combat heavy/focus, can I spend my feats on Magical Tail and just use the investigator talents to supplement me?
the consummate wuxia swordsman
Hey guys, I want to know if this encounter is bullshit or not. My GM just TPK'd us.
So, we're level one, and all of us have neat initiator like homebrew things and Spheres of Power classes. We're looking for this police inspector in the woods kidnapped by brigands, and outside a little cottage run into a necromancer pirate who had a whole bunch - about 4-5 zombies/zombie dogs with him, and the necromancer thought we'd be nice zombies too.
We were missing our blaster caster that day, but instead of running away our natural attacking fighter charged in and failed all but one attack, and immediately got flanked and focused because she was the only one in range. I tried to help out by using a close range counter, but all that meant is that she went down on turn two instead of turn one, and a zombie dog bit my character, and managed to AoO her when she tried to fly out of reach, putting her in the negatives.
Meanwhile our other ranged attacker was taking potshots from range but didn't want to leave us to become zombies so climbed up a tree - that helped to take down a couple of the zombies but that meant she was a pretty easy target for the necromancer's rifle since she couldn't maneuver, and so we all went down.
Now, we probably could have breezed through this if we had our caster with burning hands and other AoE attacks, or if we'd held back in the woods with cover and not rushed into the open to get swarmed, flanked and attacked and compounded that by trying to save the fighter, but it happened anyway. The GM is kind of scratching his head, throwing out the old plot and working out how to not turn us into dumb zombies (I think the last idea was some OTHER necromancer raising us as as intelligent undead with some neat templates but it's a bit of a leap), but was that a bullshit encounter?
ive heard it best phrased as "charisma is your ability to impose your will on the world." I know its not a perfect descriptor, but it is about getting what you want from people, and the spellcasters who use it typically are less learned and are just sorta forcing the universe to bend.
Sounds like BS to me. Get out now.
Here's your (you).
Run from that game, sounds like your GM doesn't know how to plan for shit.
Broodie, are you shitposting about your own game again?
>our natural attacking fighter charged in and failed all but one attack
Dude, pounce at level 1 isn't even a Spheres of Power thing.
That isn't Broodie, that's Nameless Fairy/Lily Fae doing shitposting.
Nameless Fairy/Lily Fae is one of the biggest 2hu beta orbiters and I'm positive that 2hu's been influencing Argentum in some way especially for that undead game shit.
Proof or stop spreading conspiracy bullshit.
Nameless Fairy/Lily Fae's character is the flyer with close range counters. They're a 2hu hanger on in the autismcord.
Argentum also hangs out in the autismcord.
I'm letting one of my players take pic related as an animal companion. Should I make it a griffin with the young template? Or should I combine the large bird and cat stat blocks? Do you guys have another idea?
They're heavily homebrewed classes!
It's funny because we almost got disavowed from the 13th cabal for using the classes because they're so terribly balanced
Look up the Bard Archaeologist Archetype.
>The GM is kind of scratching his head, throwing out the old plot and working out how to not turn us into dumb zombies (I think the last idea was some OTHER necromancer raising us as as intelligent undead with some neat templates but it's a bit of a leap)
Encounter aside, the fuck is going on here?
From what I'm getting:
*Players joke around about hurr hurr, "undead brides."
*GM does :think: emote.
*GM says some other necromancer comes in and turns them into a will o' wisp, vampire plant, lich, and yuki onna, never fucking mind that those aren't the kind of undead a necromancer can make.
*GM has the necromancer let them free because lol reasons.
*And they're evil murderhobos now (fuck, look at their sheets, they're all NE/CE)
*And that's the new campaign, your characters are now NE/CE undead with bizarro undead templates.
Is this really what happened?
Young griffin until level 7 should be okay; maybe reduce or remove its fly speed until then as well. Take a look at how advancement for other animal companions works.
I'm working on a Swashbuckler remake that has wuxia elements
Realtalk, Shardwalkers started in like April?
And it's almost December now.
How much have you done in game? I'm legit curious, I've heard about Argent being a slow ass GM, but is it true?
doesn't make it sound like you've done much from April to near December.
Go super hard on potions/extracts, with a dash of cackling and a touch of "spontaneous" arcane casting done by burning extract slots to power a super limited spells/known list. Mad science crossed with crazy innawoods witch.
>Magus/(Unchained) Monk
It flurries, it casts, it's an Int-based fist-fighter that doesn't suck hot dick. Pick between punching twice or punching and casting a spell with penalty, later get an extra full-BAB attack you can do on top of that. Enchant your fists, get an upgraded version of Sharding, have agile on your weapon quality list, be a cool guy in general.
Shifter, except not actively avoiding every opportunity to actually do something cool and interesting
>*GM says some other necromancer comes in and turns them into a will o' wisp, vampire plant, lich, and yuki onna, never fucking mind that those aren't the kind of undead a necromancer can make.
>*GM has the necromancer let them free because lol reasons.
>*And they're evil murderhobos now (fuck, look at their sheets, they're all NE/CE)
>*And that's the new campaign, your characters are now NE/CE undead with bizarro undead templates.
Basically the necromancer was part of this undead pirate group, and when he got brought back to the ship the bodies were removed from his possession before necromancer could necromance, because that guy was an asshole, and this other necromancer who was experimenting with necropolitan templating did it, to see if making advanced undead with no morality degredation or loss of former life, memories and all that stuff happened.
The party is still blood-eating, fear-devouring monsters though so did drop from mostly neutral to evil versions.
I'm interested in playing a spear wielder. What are the best 1pp ways to do it beyond Bladed Brush?
A lot of games are getting pretty old...
LoBaF just got done with its Book 2, even.
Partly due to side adventures and padding added on the sly.
How does this make a better skillmonkey/face? You lose out of versitile performance? Also it seems like the bardic performance replacement does not sound as good as inspiration? Unless I am wrong.
Polearm master or phalanx solider of you want to go spartan.
Super Necromancer made a will o' wisp, vampire plant, lich, and yuki onna out of dead girls' corpses.
Then he set them free because lol reasons.
And now your party turns evil because Super Necromancer wasn't SO super enough to make non evil undead.
Why are you sticking around in this game again? I mean, isn't "game about evil undead" kind of a longshot from "game about magical explorers of the planes"?
yuki-onna aren't undead reeeeeeeeeeeee
Alternatively, no clue about balance, but this was a thing I've seen before. It seems exactly what you are looking for.
You could always just snag the version of them from out of Oriental Adventures in 3.0
Then tell your players specifically, explicitly "Roll Knowledge (Nature)" and tell them they're fey.
Some user is making a ridicolously optimized build just like that, here's the most up to date version
So I'm working on the concept for a build called Defensive Aegis, using only 1pp content. It's a Aid Another based buffing build using Vigilantes. First I'll list out where all the feats are coming from.
>level 12 Human Avenger Vigilante
>Traits for the build
>Items of Interest for the build:
>Benevolent Armor
Wondrous Items:
>Gloves of Arcane Striking
>Feats for the build
>Dodge - 1st Level
>Mobility - 7th Level
>Combat Stamina - Human Bonus
Defensive Suite:
>Bodyguard - 3rd Level
>Combat Patrol - 11th Level
>Combat Reflexes - Vigilante Reflexes (2nd level talent)
>Saving Shield - 9th level
>In Harm's Way - 5th Level
Buffing Suite:
>Swift Aid - Team Player (6th level Talent)
>Caster’s Champion - Combat Skill (10th level talent)
Offensive Suite:
>Vital Strike - Vital Punishment (12th level talent)
Style Feats:
>Vanguard Style - Combat Skill (4th level talent)
>Vanguard Ward - Combat Skill (8th level talent)
>Vanguard Hustle - Training Weapon (purchased item)
What this build allows me to do, along with items is the following:
>Combat Patrol (full round action) as a large sized creature increases reach to 20ft radius around the vigilante
>Whenever anyone gets attacked within that area can increase their AC by up to 26 using various means from the feats
>able to take attacks for allies as well using these methods if necessary
>use combat maneuvers with impunity because I'm out of reach for most enemies when they try and retaliate with an AoO
>Whenever someone provokes an AoO in this range wither Vital Punishment or use Fortuitous weapon to make an additional attack, or spend combat stamina to attack if I missed
>using swift/move/standard actions can buff allies by up to +18 on their next attack, buff AC for the next round and more
Yeah, that's the part that's triggering my autism. How is a necromancer making fey?
Looks like a 5e statblock, so you'd probably have to do some conversions. It's also significantly weaker than a standard animal companion.
Session planning how to find police chief
Session talking to a mystery forest spirit
Session dying as above
Session waking up on pirate boat, becoming maids and then deciding to escape boat
Session playing Magic: The Gathering against a pirate captain/outdrinking captain/proving one isn't evil
Session entering port town and immediately being evil by killing a bunch of smalltime thugs
Session selling loot, exploring town, information gathering, finding jobs bounty hunting
Session looking for corrupted nun and then being attacked by skeletons
It runs every two weeks, and there have been a couple of weeks missing due to various holidays and folks missing.
I played something like that in a 4e game. The GM promptly mind-controlled the character and wiped the party since all my goodstuff buffs were on his side now.
so.. a treesym?
D&D 3.5's Frostburn has the most interesting version of yuki-onna, as CR 7 fey.
>Lose the Way (Sp): Once per day, a yuki-on-na can touch a victim and make him or her completely unable to find his way anywhere for the next 3d6 hours. The yuki-on-na must succeed on a melee touch attack. The affected character cannot use the intuit direction aspect of the Survival skill to avoid becoming lost. The character cannot even find her way out of a closet without assistance, though she is perfectly capable of following other characters.
I like the idea of someone losing their sense of direction so much that they cannot find their way out of a closet (many jokes to be made there), even if, mechanically, all it does is immobilize them for all intents and purposes.
It is worth noting that this offers no saving throw and lasts for 3d6 hours.
Change the backstory.
And if you're asking about this game, they're not fey in basic Pathfinder.
Yeah its definitely meant to be a monster and not used by a player, but its something that could be a foundation at the least. Plus I just love the idea of a swarm of Micro griffons
>yuki-onna aren't undead
And tengu and kitsune aren't beaked/muzzled furry fucks, but that's pathfinder for you
Do you take notes and have a quest log on paper for your campaign?
If not, then why don't you?
Shardwalkers ended recruitment April 13.
It's November 29 now.
230 days apart.
You knuckleheads have been playing for 230 days since recruitment ended and you've only done 8 sessions, that's a session every 4 weeks.
What the fuck. And it doesn't sound like you've been doing that much each session. I mean, you spend a whole session talking to a single NPC? And a whole session on one fight?
Wow, holy shit, is Argent that bad a GM? He made you all NE/CE undead AND he's making the slowest game ever.