Can we have a thread about the shitty gals in our groups and our stores?
That Girl
We were playing a heavily homebrewed version of Hunter: the Vigil set in a sci-fi world. Before she showed up we had captured some weird fucking smoke alien in an air compressor. When we first met it tried to fucking mind rape me, so it was established that it was quite evil. This fucker comes in and wants to talk to it because and I quote "It hasn't done anything wrong and is an innocent creature." Later we encounter a much much bigger version that was massive as it had fed off the life force of an entire greyhounds worth of cultists. In the resulting fight she tries to release the smaller one using her psychic abilities. I was forced to put her down and leave her for dead in the underground cavern. She proceeded to ragequit. I still feel kinda bad about killing her character like that.
So, was I the bad guy in this situation?
>"I don't have problems relating to women! I just spend all my time talking about how women are shit!"
Cut it out.
>he has girls in his campaign group
normie ree
Don't they realize that coz play is just a meme to get women to dress extra slutty? I mean come on now.
>If anything female related is negative, it's instantly insecure fat virgin manlet incels
Would be nice to have some balance.
Not a shitty grill story, but this one chick plays ultramarines at my hobby store. Long story short we played a game that started with me infiltrating 4 fisto kastelans and a Datasmith behind grillerman and suplexing him to death on the first turn with some lucky rolls. We had a good laugh.
I play with two women in my group. At first I was like, how? And why? They are normal people and the game seems more civil in some way. No autistic sperglord neckbeard party. They manage to put a very nice twist to the game dynamics.
My experience with female gamers has either been one of these:
1: ruins game with ooc flirting/drama
2: just tags along, doesn't take it serious
3: complete outcast of society, their once a month social interaction
So, this time I am pleasantly surprised and quiet like my mixed game group.
All of them are fat
It's not a thread about bad players. It's a thread about how women are dumb and bad, started with a link to another thread about how women are dumb and bad. It's the opposite of balance; it's a cherry-picking harvest, people looking for evidence to "justify" their resentment towards women.
"Please tell me women are shit" isn't "anything female related." It's an insecure manlet incel thing.
had, no girls in any of my campaigns now.
>a link to another thread about how women are dumb and bad
That thread was made by women mind you, but don't let that stop your whiteknighting
Have had two girls in my groups. Both were fine and great players.
I usually have more issues with fat autist men in local stores.
Woman here.
Do you think you'll ever stop being a virgin long enough to actually play an RPG?
>If anything female related is negative, it's instantly insecure fat virgin manlet incels
This has been true since 27 BC. Normal people are able to bitch about what bothers them without tying it to gender
Back to /r9k/.
I had only two, thankfully both problems that solved themselves AND before any damage could be done
>running a beginner's nWoD game on roll20 yeah, there's the problem I know
>ask players for normal world people and nothing supernatural or ridiculous
>she wants to play some criminal superboss hobo that traveled all the way from Ireland somehow
>she can't allocate points on the character sheet to save her life
if you don't know, nwod has chargen instruction in the bottom of the fucking sheet
>need to bring in my co-ST to get even something minimal out of her so we can tie her in the game
>she is extremely passive-aggressive about it and still can't fill in the sheet right
>result in changing her stats for her before I got mad
>she reverts them back
>pic related
>day of the game arrives
>she's absent
>doesn't respond to any messages
>gladly kick her
Second one was alos on nWoD, VtR this time
>grill joins
>seems friendly if not a bit extremely opinionated
>doesn't really talk with the group that much, mostly with me
>characters start coming in
>3 Mekhet, a Daeva and a Ventrue
>get message the next day
>"Ehm, user? Why are there so many Mekhet? I wanted to be the only one."
>"What do you mean Bloodlines? My previous Storyteller never played with Bloodlines."
>try my best to explain how any vampire from a Bloodline almost always isn't at all like the base clan
>"Yeah, well I think that we should make the cast more diverse user. You should tell people to change their clans, user."
>don't really like the idea, but try anyways
>post to the main chat that she brought up how we should fill the cast with more clans and if the other two Mekhet want to consider it
>IRL shit happens and need to stay off the PC for a day or two
>log in
>500+ messages in main chat
>shitposter messages me "don't That Girl seems a bit cunty to you?"
>2 missed calls from her
>she blocked me
What happened while I was away?
>scared that she has to take the blame for telling everyone that her idea was her idea, she went to full damage control on the main chat
>shitposter tried making sense of her autistic screeching so they talked 1-on-1
>reports say it went bad
>the rest started not liking her attitude too
>she calls me to tell me who should I kick and who I shouldn't
>takes my absence as me turning on her
But they are dumb and bad. Also fat.
Confirming the stereotype.
I mean, we have threads literally every day on Veeky Forums these days that are just "tfw no GF waaaaaaah and also why don't women play D&D is it because they're dumb". It's not a big stretch to realize that these threads reoccur on a daily basis.
>literally every day
Sounds like either a wild exaggeration or you're only seeing the parts you wanna see to sustain a narrative where you're better than every other fa/tg/uy
OP detected. You are an incel trying to stir shit.
Different user. I've been checking. It is every day.
Here is the key point all the salty virgins are missing:
>that guy threads are for both men and women
>that girl threads are just for women
My DnD group has two women, one of them being the DM. They're both pretty cool.
Why didn't you protest in a This Girl thread yesterday, where we wrote stories of good female players?
Is that Graham Chapman dressed as an Arab?
That's why feminists are not normal people.
>>ask players for normal world people and nothing supernatural or ridiculous
>>she wants to play some criminal superboss hobo that traveled all the way from Ireland somehow
>>she can't allocate points on the character sheet to save her life
>if you don't know, nwod has chargen instruction in the bottom of the fucking sheet
I have a guy like this.
He also needs about half a minute to find each stat on his sheet, and can't recall basic dice pools such as "Resolve + Composure", perception, and attack dice pools.
So I think it's more that someone injected her brain with bleach as a child than her being a woman is the problem.
I did.
girl in our group is actually surprisingly chill.
The only problem ive got with her is that she plays a Barbarian and decided to be Chaotic evil and focusing on intimidation, only to be playing an overly polite RPG protagonist who speaks in Ye Olde German.
No you didn't.
I've had four encounters with women in gaming.
First one was when we first started playing, back in our teens, everyone pooled cash together, bought the system we wanted and got going. One in the group was a girl.
One of the guys however started creeping MASSIVELY on her during the chargen sessions, and she left, never to return. Me and another guy paid back her share.
Number two was a girl who was curious, and asked a lot about the games, read the books, and whatnot, made a character, with a filled-out back story and everything. When it came time to actually game though, she never showed up. Was busy playing World of Warcraft. Tried to get her into the game a few more times, but no result.
Third one is the worst experience. Parts of the group were invited to play with an acquaintance of ours, and we were really interested. It was three from the "normal" group, this guy (GM, for this game), and his girlfriend.
And he proceeded to be an absolute abusive ASS to her. Punishing her for innocent actions, then belittling her for them, talking shit to her whenever she didn't find stuff on the sheet immediately, mostly ignored her when he could, talking to the rest of us instead, and so on. Besides that, the campaign was extremely dull, and railroady. We never came back, and his girlfriend broke up a few months later. Now she's the stereotypical tumblr feminist. (Short red-dyed hair, fat, fishmouth, those fucking glasses...).
And then there is the current one, GF of one of the guys in the group. We play at their place every now and then. She isn't in part of the game, and has seemingly no interest to be. She moves about at home, often hangs out in the same room as us, and so on. Occasionally has a comment on what we do. Doesn't really count, but if I included #2, this girl should also be included.
Not that this has any chance of ejecting you from your bubble.
i had a girl who was interested in table top gaming but she kept asking when the dungeon would have a dragon in it and she kept trying to thotticus it up at the table by being all like I have 19 charisma i use my boobs to sexybeam the enemies ^3^ and i hwas like BEGONE THOT and i held up to my native american heritage : the slapaho
"Herr Peasant, meine Name ist Brunhilde." Wollen sie bitte given us all ihre Gold, Fleisch, und Waffen? Oder Ich wird chop off deiner Kopf".
Isn't this thread basically a continuation of the "That Girl" thread from like 2 days back? What I'm reading from you right now is:
Stop acting like such a goddamn child and accept that women can have flaws too.
So, basically:
> Generalizing people based on sex means you are a sexist, and an ugly autistic virgin. Just like all men ITT.
Ah, so you're a baitfag.
Cool. I hope you had fun.
pretty accurate only she never threatens people, she only constantly breaks furniture and gets mad when people insinuate that she cant read
>insinuate that she cant read
Can she?
Making threads explicitly about women makes you an ugly autistic virgin, yes.
Making threads explicitly about good players, or explicitly about bad players, makes you a normal person and is what normal person have been doing on Veeky Forums for years. I am deeply sorry that you are unable to grasp this concept.
>Oh fuck, a counterargument, better launch an ad hominem and offer no form of real response
technically all player characters can read so yes, i forgot about this initialy and it turned into a running joke, one of my players now keeps telling NPCs to do things like gift her childrens books and that this is somehow a thing among her people.
She then thinks this is because they want her to learn how to read and gets angry.
Its not the smartest running gag in our party but you have to take what you can get from people who arent too used to roleplaying.
Whatever gets them to open up
>I bet you didn't do X
>Here is concrete evidence that I did X
I don't understand you people.
>Its not the smartest running gag in our party but you have to take what you can get from people who arent too used to roleplaying.
>Whatever gets them to open up
Word. Running jokes are a great start for that.
w-what happened before 27BC?
We have “That Guy” threads literally every single day.
We can have a “That Girl” thread.
This is 2017. Women can roll with the punches just like men. Unless you’re saying they’re the weaker sex? Because that’s wrongthink.
So, if you want to discuss bad players who happen to be the gender uncommon for your hobby, and how their gender may or may not influence the way they are bad, you are a fat autistic virgin. I got you. But I don't get what makes you think so.
Women aren't allowed to be bad players?
>We can have a “That Girl” thread.
The point wasn't whether or not you're allowed to have a thread.
The point is that the OP is probably an incel who projects his failings with women onto this board.
I want to fuck that frog.
No user! The mere mention of the word "woman" makes you a permavirgin /pol/lack from /r9k/ that is angry that he'll never get any pussy!
Someone post the picture of the perfectly normal person, but with baifag's quotes ples
Why is he? You're branding a person knowing literally nothing about him (or her?).
And you're probably a terrible GM, your point?
I think it's because when you describe a shitty woman that's part of this hobby, it's low hanging fruit. The wide margin of women involved in dice and card games are fucking transtrenders, landwhales, or Girlfriends who don't care and everyone knows it. I'm not saying we can't talk about it, just that it's going to hit enough similar points and be repetitive enough that it shouldn't have it's own sub category of "That Guy" to pad the catalog. Hearing about good female players however is kind of refreshing, but I guess that's also a bit lacking in content.
Really I guess the point is the same as with That Guys, unless it's something horrific and world changing, or something to actually START the thread with to get the ball rolling, then it's just kind of boring and pointless.
That Guy threads are about men and women.
If you don't know that by now, lurk more.
The point is that That Girls aren't bad because they're girls, they're bad because they're bad players, just like That Guys aren't bad because they're guys, they're bad because they're bad players.
The problem is when people start blaming people being problem players on their gender.
1. Women aren't very common in the community.
2. Consequently, That Girl stories are relatively uncommon and constitute like 1 story per thread.
3. That Girl stories tend to have gender factor involved in them, not always though
To be honest, men and women objectively behave and think differently in a way you can view scientifically.
>Women aren't very common in the community.
I wonder why? Also, that's actually a lot of us, it's just that we aren't autistic enough to bring up our gender when it isn't directly relevant.
>Consequently, That Girl stories are relatively uncommon and constitute like 1 story per thread.
So your solution to that is to make an entire thread for something that is clearly so rare it shouldn't be able to sustain its own thread? What?
> That Girl stories tend to have gender factor involved in them, not always though
That comes back to most of you being hapless virgins.
Women in my experience tend to be pretty bad at remembering their bonuses and simple mechanics, but usually better role players. Usually.
I did lose my patience with my one player who told me "I want to make a Duke Nukem style uber-badass!", but proceeded to play a cowardly cry baby that was afraid of damage. I told her to sack up and get tough. Took a session or two but finally it got better.
Don’t know if you mean a sexy Stacy indulging in some “Lol look how nerdy I can be” *selfie covered in makeup in the game store in front of some D&D* 🧐
Or transgender abominations
Imagine some guy doing shit some girls in roleplaying do
> Be the GM's boyfriend. Not really interested in the game but playing anyway because you like the special treatment you get
> Demand special treatment because of your gender
> Then bitch about how people of your gender are mistreated because of their gender
> Make a male character. Solve problems with your character's dick
> Make a character that is an MRA, fight for justice in a gynocentric world (oh, wait, that's actually a nice concept for a male drow)
> Be incapable of doing basic math and understanding stats, explain that by being a guy.
Well thanks for your point, stop posting anytime.
> I wonder why?
Because most of you aren't interested in the game, you're interested in attention drawn to you by male players. Fortunately, not all of you.
> we aren't autistic enough to bring up our gender when it isn't directly relevant.
I think the word "autistic" does not fit here. Selfish and narcissistic fit better. And yes many of you are selfish and narcissistic.
> So your solution to that is to make an entire thread for something that is clearly so rare it shouldn't be able to sustain its own thread?
So, your solution to this is to derail thread into a gender holy war?
> That comes back to most of you being hapless virgins.
Ha-ha-ha! Funny joke! Nerds can't get laid! Ha-ha-ha! My daddy heard it in 1980-s, and it's still funny today (no).
>Amount of times a Chad got laid by being a sexist pig, slapping women’s asses in bars, and treating women like dirt:
60 trillion times in human history
>Amount of times White Knight got laid by defending poor defenseless maidens Online:
None so far
So, you think women are more interested in male attention than their hobbies, that we're selfish and narcissistic, and somehow I'm still wrong that this is a thinly veiled salty virgin thread for people who are more interested in circlejerking about how shitty women are?
You lack self-awareness, user. If you want to prove my point some more, stay and shitpost, otherwise take your That Girl stories to the That Guy thread like all the normal people do.
The bait
Every woman I've gamed with has done one specific thing, regardless of whether they were otherwise awesome or shit gamers. Their character sheets are always a goddamn incoherent mess, they insist that they "have their own system", but will almost never be able to tell you their modifiers to anything. That included "this girl"s, the ones that are cool.
Why the hell is that? Why can't otherwise brilliant woman determine their attack bonus without turning simple arithmetic into advanced calculus? I know that women can fucking add.
I’ve made this mistake IRL.
I forgot the exact context, but an (ex)girlfriend wanted me to ask someone something at a party and got mad when I said “She wanted me to ask you _____”.
Us men can be pretty dense sometimes, but at least we’re direct.
The problem with the gender stuff in RPGs [apart from something like Drow] is that most of the time they present all societies as happy go lucky meritocratic society with zero prejudice anywhere.
It feels sterile when your trying to bring an ahistorical setting to the table without any understanding of social norms.
Don't talk to exes.
I could apply that to every single gamer if I'm honest. Heck I'm guilty of a messy character sheet [only on paper however]
It's not what I think. It's what some women do. If you hadn't derailed the thread, you would've heard some stories about that.
I'm sorry for invading your treehouse, user.
Agreed. But the problem is otherwise it would be:
a) difficult to adventure as a disadvantaged character in a prejudiced society
b) difficult to build a common shared realm because what a player assumes to be normal because it's normal today the GM will assume to be an unforgivable atrocity because it was in old times, and vice versa. Can be solved by specifying certain points about culture and society.
Stop fucking posting.
I actually believe you're a woman and not a man who pretends to be. I can tell it by your misinterpreting. It's common for most women and only some men to mistake "some" for "all" and "a few of the X I know" for "every X ever".
I've played with three women across different games.
One of them was a pretty alright Sororitas for a Rogue Trader game, but they disappeared without a word one day and posted a small essay about our group in the That Guy thread about various things she never brought up with us.
Another plays a half-Orc wizard in an 'adult' campaign. Good roleplayer, good character, good grasp on the rules, and generally a cool person. Unfortunately, they might have to leave due to scheduling issues with their new job.
The other's a trans-woman playing a homebrew campaign over Roll20. Pretty chill, don't make a big deal out of things if we accidentally forget their gender. They know the rules, have a good character, and have fun.
The problem with point a is that said disadvantage can be more useful to create a story and difficulty to enrich the game, rather than punish a player. That additionally implies there isn't resentment towards adventuring as a concept in itself as one can attest to the numerous stories of murder-hobos causing trouble in a town they've just shown up in.
As for point B, it can be revealed through storytelling or discussing it players beforehand if it comes up.
>the lads amity
I'd say 99% of my experiences with female players in video games and tabletop games in general have ranged from pretty bad to awful. Disinterest, thotcrime, and overall drama are pretty much par for the course.
I've had one good female player, probably due in no small part to her being the oldest one in the group by a sizable margin and also a lesbian. She ended up leaving after a few games though after it became increasingly obvious she was basically sucking all of the attention out of the game just by being there.
Bro chad is best chad.
>an instance of self-absorbed and/or attention-seeking behavior or attitude, considered as a criminal offense or as socially unacceptable.
Women don't give a fuck about "taste" they just want to feel good - if your taste makes them feel good then use it
If they listen to Beach House then you can say you're into it and it adds some emotional depth and vibes that can be positive
What really matters is just knowing what the fuck you're doing in general or else you're gonna be fucked and she's not going to think you're alpha and worth her time
She has to have the illusion - or reality - that you're one of the "alpha" men on some level
Which you can create or live in many different ways, it's up to you
But christ, making women the center of your world sounds so horrible. They really are pathetically trivial creatures in general.
At the same time, you can learn so much from them... honestly it just is something I don't know how to solve, an endless mystery almost
All I know is better to be alpha than a cuck, at the same time though if you get too attached to being alpha, you lose your sense of self and your existence
It's just generally really frustrating and confusing to me with the end result being the sense that I'm literally incapable of relating to or respecting women on any level
I literally just see them as sort of like mentally handicapped children - all of them
I can't respect them
I mean these words completely and it's really upsetting and frustrating
That's some tasty bait my friend.
So delicious.
user, I don't that is bait. It sounds like a depressed man whose childhood ideals have been shattered.
Fuck you too.
Good for you, user.
Transtrenders to my understanding are people who are pre-op trans, but are only doing it for attention. (IE Not actually transgender)
This is what i only do text games. Gender shouod he hidden so this isn't an issue
>being this fucking new
>Having a reddit account to begin with.