Let's talk about... this.
Dungeon Master Girls
I don't wanna
Is this the designated thread for shitposting about social politics on the tabletop RPG board? Because I have some very strong opinions about various social groups that I can couch in terms of fictional RPG groups that I may have played with.
white people can't dance: the movie
I think I saw a 3.X DMG on the table
Just saying
A LARP with challenges new players can't attempt simply because they don't have enough XP? That is poor game design. But, what do you want from a woman?
>My face
I dont have internet. Can someone type up a play by play so i can judge it?
>white people can't dance
Umm.... try again sweetie
Its like 7:00 and this shit made me so tired Im gonna just go to bed.
I don't even know how to describe the ailment this video cursed me with. I'm pretty sure I need to visit a research lab for this shit.
Let's fix this thread with some GOOD songs about D&D.
I agree with this decision
Oh my, a Veeky Forums cancer thread? This might actually be fun...
Jesus, even if one is the DM thats a five person party. gonna have a bad time.
all of those are moderatly attractive at worst. i call bullshit. if they play tabletop rpgs on the regular, the stars are right and the end is near.
fuck you user for making me listening to that
on the other hand, this is good
I have no more Veeky Forums cancer to post, I realize. How does Veeky Forums feel about /co/ cancer?
If you're running out of board-related shitposting, you should probably stop posting.
bump for more D&D songs