So a paraphilia is defined by being sexualization of something not directly or indirectly related to sex.
We all know from Totally Spies and Sabrina that mundies can watch something crammed with transformation, bondage, mind control and other very indirect fetishes, and we know that those series have become popular in spite of most of their audience not realizing that the rest were getting off on it.
That makes me think.
If you had a bunch of people write their nonsexual magical realms into a setting - no benis in anus, no going into heat, no talk about absurd (sexual) assets, nothing that is generally considered to relate to sex, seduction or reproduction by normal people - would you end up with something you could pitch as a kitchen sink fantasy setting in the vein of Talislanta, or would it end in a horrible mess?
With that said, give me your worst. Settings, races, items, cultures, magic, whatever you can come up with.
Let's be honest - 80% of people's fetishes here, no matter if they're bashed to Hell and back by other posters, would be seen as just eccentric fantasy if you took out the part where the eight-foot-tall dragonborn whips out her dick and everything goes down the shitter.
So a paraphilia is defined by being sexualization of something not directly or indirectly related to sex
>that mundies can watch something crammed with transformation, bondage, mind control and other very indirect fetishes, and we know that those series have become popular in spite of most of their audience not realizing that the rest were getting off on it.
>people can enjoy shows with weird situations without masturbating to it
>op thinks this is deviants getting one over normies
I mean, my thing is mind control, most fantasy settings have plenty of material which appeals to my fetish already
Fucking kill yourself
>So a paraphilia is defined by being sexualization of something not directly or indirectly related to sex.
No, it's defined as "things that any given psychiatrist doesn't like."
>kitchen sink fantasy setting in the vein of Talislanta
Err, what? Talislanta isn't "kitchen-sink". The term means something that crams all kinds of different genres, like fantasy, scifi, cyberpunk, noir and horror, into one setting. Talislanta is fantasy, with a dash of post-apoc. That's it.
RIFTS is "kitchen-sink" because it has every single genre imaginable in it.
There is no such thing as a nonsexual magical realm.
You can apparently post literally anything on Veeky Forums if you include the Wizzard as the OP image.
This may amaze you but people who define themselves as asexual can also still have fetishes. Though you will get the weird cases like that one guy who have a boner over tile floors. Anything can be a fetish so in theory a normal game of any kind could be giving some guy a hard on just by existing and just so happen to have the right subjects in it. Hell fucking gore is a fetish, assuming you have combat whatsoever and the DM explain what is happening at all then boom you got a guy loving it much more than his peers.
Things that aren't sexy to you can be sexy to someone else, and vice versa.
>OP goes to walk his dog
>marvels at how no one is noticing this obvious fetishbait
Thanks, now I've got an awkward boner.
I'm not sure what you're getting on about but I've been sexualizing Disney girls for ages and Disney keeps churning out animated fapbait straight into the current year so to me that's a win right there.
>haha, I'm mowing my lawn while my neighbor mows his lawn
>he doesn't even realize how hard I am right now
>the smell of gasoline and fresh cut grass
>the feeling of sweat drip down my back
Bro that's not Disney tailoring their girls for you to fap to, it's you being a mong and capping to cartoons because you can't get a women. Grow up.
What's a mundies?
>not capping to cartoons
How does it feel to be a pervert
Uh huh.
>If you had a bunch of people write their nonsexual magical realms into a setting - no benis in anus, no going into heat, no talk about absurd (sexual) assets, nothing that is generally considered to relate to sex, seduction or reproduction by normal people - would you end up with something you could pitch as a kitchen sink fantasy setting in the vein of Talislanta, or would it end in a horrible mess?
The trick - as you seem to realize - is avoiding certain shows of *overt* perversion. This is where the French really know what they're doing. You can get away with quite a bit as long as you present it properly. It's a matter of framing. Making sure there are plausible non-perverted interpretations, and not putting anything into too sharp a focus for too long or too often. This is where Male Gaze theory has some practical uses, and some delicious irony.
I've always thought to myself that if you look at something like Totally Spies, Bratz, Winx Club, Lolirock, Disney Princesses, and so on... that you could really include a lot of sex appeal in your setting and still have something tame enough for little girls.
The idea here is to insert our horrible fetishes in such a way that it doesn't get us punched in the face. That might fall outside of what you consider "magical realm", and I can certainly respect that stance, but that doesn't invalidate starting the discussion from a place that's Magical Realm and wondering what can be done to make it more subtle and/or palatable to an audience.
I don't think it's reading too much into it to call this fetish fuel. The only difference between this and something you see on /aco/ is a matter of skin coverage and bodily fluids. Which is a peculiar distinction in some ways.
Mundane. A classy term for normies, as in normals.
>Be prude
>Hate sluts and roasties
>Some of the best Hunies are sluts and roasties
Explain this madness.
Aiko is for tenderly loving
Vanessa is also for tenderly loving
Kyu is for bromance
I'm not a prude tho, I'm just calling him a pervert because he seems like the sort of prude who'd think being accused as a pervert was a bad thing.
Calm down, Garfield.
I smell the roast beef from here.
ditto, my nigerian friend, I found the parts in R.A. Salvatore stories about that one mindflayer working for the drow to be incredible
>Drow matron turned into a bimbo who will have sex with anyone that looks like her lover
>everything goes down the shitter
Everything's going up the shitter, mate.
So...uh...which story is that again?
>normal lips
What sorcery is this
>Totally Spies, Bratz, Winx Club, Lolirock, Disney Princesses, and so on...
Somehow, in a thread about a hypothetical fantasy setting with non-overt erotic fetishistic material with French cartoons used as several examples for your desired tone, you completely forgot about the French fantasy cartoon with non-overt erotic fetishistic material. I'm ASTOUNDED we got this far into the thread without mentioning it.
The deity Sadida commands his followers to ensure their feet "do not dry out, so they may grow strong and supple." They never wear shoes.
The deity Osamodas commands his followers "Thou shalt crack thy whip to demand both obedience and pleasure," and also includes directions on how one ought to walk their servants once per day and clean up their messes. By total random happenstance, his name backwards is "sadomaso," which probably has nothing to do with fetishes or French.
The deity Sacrier looks like THIS.
>tfw fetish is such a deviant thing given how its set up people will notice it
fat girls, forcefeeding, farting and accidental soiling are my fetishes; I hate that
On the one hand, I'm disgusted. On the other hand, I know you have no control over this.
i would ask why but i am not sure i really want an answer
To a lesser degree, I know your pain.
Other players know I'm down with the thickness and either devolve into good-natured ribbing or worries about impending Magical Realm if I ever mention plump people in-world, even if it's meant to emphasize character like decadent nobles or soft and cowardly officers or matronly types.
I can't have Harkonnenly Navigators without someone speculating whether or not I'd been yanking my crank it to my GM notes about the horrible bloated mutant.
It's not like they're wrong, but the fact that they figure it out spoils the fun a bit.
what books does that happen in?
>We all know from Totally Spies and Sabrina that mundies can watch something crammed with transformation, bondage, mind control and other very indirect fetishes
Um... do we?
/co/ sure as fuck does.
>main kinks are princesses, sleep/sleepiness, and curiosity
>I could literally just make a classic-style princess movie and slip my magical realm in with absolutely nobody noticing
Don't worry, us lesbians find Disney princesses and heroines vapid, condescending, bitchy, self centered, and gruesomely overdone as well. Clover is the professional victim.
>affects the body
>affects the mind
>weird shit/other
*in general, not totally strict
>dehydration is a fetish
That's one of the reasons that a lot of people here see "magical realm" everywhere.
They've been on the Internet for too long (or trying to convince themselves they're "hardened"), and superimpose the fetishes they've seen and the ones they have themselves onto an imaginary enemy.
Freud is still relevant today.
It's been a fucking long time since I watched that series, but a cursory Wikipedia shows me that there are six seasons.
What I remember of the show makes it very hard to believe that these two pictures are the only ones in the series.
>Totally Spies, Bratz, Winx Club, Lolirock
Justo go exactly like that. Make a RPG about the new generation of saturday morning cartoons for girls, sell it as gurl powah, use the GM session to guide him into making all sort of fetish sessions "based on episode X or Y of Z series".
Some sort of neglect/abuse fantasy.
Various forms of femdom, reverse rape, mind control
There's probably some ways where I could make that work.
Sorceress villains, mind control is a classic villain scheme, and then something like "I will find a worthy husband by any means" etc for some cultures, played for laughs when its really played for dick
>reverse rape
It's, like, when a rapist starts raping but realizes that he doesn't like it and wants to stop, but the victim holds him and proceeds anyway?
It's a Tumblroid expression for female-on-male rape, implying that it's somehow rare, impossible or abnormal.
Delete this. Sacrier is a pure, innocent muffin.
>asexuals have fetishes
Unironically, can someone explain this?
Assexuals don't exist. They are only attention whores that call themselves assexuals just to gather attention.
What the hell kind of attention can you gather by saying you're not interested or actively repulsed by sex? What's the gain here? What would the motivation actually be?
I feel bad for you, mate. My fetish is, tentacles, choking, and forced orgasms, none of which are necessary to a campaign and all roughly vanilla fetishes, and only my wife knows it. There are no tentacles or vines anywhere in my campaign.
I'm the DM, and my players will never figure it out either.
You ever see all those supposedly gay boy bands in Japan that were literally drowning in pussy because all the girls thought it was hot that they were gay, and tried to have sex with them and somehow succeeded?
Pretty sure it's like veganism in that way.
>look how I moralize being weird to make it seem like I'm better than you.
This. Asexuality is just a snowflake way of describing your low sex drive, having cripplingly specific fetishes and requirements for arousal or a weak justification to your lack of success/effort with the opposite gender. In all three of these cases, you still have a sex drive of some sort, hence why you can still be aroused.
It's similar to how being "shy" or an "introvert" have been warped. It makes people feel like they're "not like all the others", in a vaguely cool sort of way. As if a social disfunction made them feel more genuine and cool.
Lol, I think you got your memes mixed up. It's not a tumblroid expression, and feminists actually promote equality in attitudes to rape and acknowledge female-on-male rape, and oppose the double standards for rape that have always existed in society.
It entertains me that there are people who actually believe this.
It also saddens me.
That has the possibility to actually create a version of WGA which is more suited for both its customer groups than that abortion itself.
Then again, it also has the possibility to go completely motherfucking haywire.
Both sound like a barrel of monkeys. Who's doing the art, and who'll do the crunch?
>you still have a sex drive of some sort, hence why you can still be aroused.
Not only that, you still get nocturnal emissions if you do not jerk off at least once in two weeks. I do it once a week just to stay safe, nothing worse than waking up covered in your own jizz.
Asexuals are people who aren't attracted to anyone. Like, women aren't hot, and men aren't hot to them. But they can enjoy sex still (even with someone who they don't find attractive) and have weird fucked-up fetishes.
I just didn't feel like posting the rest.
Please do dump it if you have it. You can even collage it.
The show itself was just barely at the level where I don't want to cram the whole thing, but I remember when I was twelve years old.