Does this have a decent chance to be a good game?
Magic: The Gathering Arena
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Depends on the payment options for draft, and card packs in general. Also how standard develops over time. What if standard just sucks dick, but the engine is fine?
I lose interest more and more.
Yes, they need to add the older cards and other formats to it
They won't though. It will just suck.
They are "planning" to but they wont deliver then we'll get another magic game in a couple of years time. Endless new games forever and ever. Considering WoTCs incompetence I'm amazed then can turn profits so high year on year.
No. It's only new cards and the design of new cards is terrible.
If they made it with the old cards it could be fine.
They will not. Wotc has already repeatedly spoken about how 2017 cards were made with simpler mechanics so that they would be easier to play and code in Arena. Maro says they will probably be changing the rules of the game to remove redirecting damage to planeswalkers in order to make them work easier on Arena too.
>They will not. Wotc has already repeatedly spoken about how 2017 cards were made with simpler mechanics so that they would be easier to play and code in Arena. Maro says they will probably be changing the rules of the game to remove redirecting damage to planeswalkers in order to make them work easier on Arena too.
Source on this?
Huh. You know in hindsight the change to the Planeswalker rule changing just to be the Legendary Rule makes more sense if that’s the case.
I thought the general consensus was that they were intentionally making half-assed games to try to court the gamer playerbase without moving their physical players into being digital players? I know that if there was an actually good MtG game where I could grab the cards I wanted at a fraction of the price of real cards, I'd likely never go to my LGS for magic again.
Are they going to be smart and do the same thing that is done with Pokemon cards? Namely, buy a magic product or pack of cards, and get a code you can use to get free digital packs of cards with? It seems like a no brainer, but WotC are also retarded, so who knows.
Sorry user
no. WOTC/hasbro refuse to make a good digital game because of fears of cannibalism. As long as they hamstring digital games they will always be last in digital.
Do you think its just going to be implemented terribly because of track record or has there been actual news in this department?
priority accessfag here, it is still shit.
Not really - no.
If the drafting is half decent then that is something at least but it will always be a failure if it doesn't work with the full MTG library.
They seriously just need to make a draft subscription service. I would pay like $15.00 a month to have unlimited drafts where I don't even keep any cards (maybe just earn some points to spend on rewards or something on the side). Not keeping the cards is actually a benefit as they could actually do historic drafts, like A/B/U draft or Urza Block draft, etc.
>still caring about new Social: the Justicing products
Fuck off pol
>What if
>laughing whores.jpg
prove /pol/ is wrong in that post, autist
Just saying, if you've got a group already Lackey CCG does alright for drafting any Magic set. Has a simulated pack generator and everything. "Passing" packs might be harder to do though.
>inflammatory buzzword filled statement
>prove me wrong faggot
And this is why no one takes your board seriously.
nigger this board has been shit since you lefty faggots took over
You destroy hobby after hobby and censor all criticism you receive, and then lie and act dodgy to avoid admitting to it.
>nigger this board has been shit since you lefty faggots took over
Nice baseless statement without information. I mean, you're trying, but is there any point trying to tapdance when your legs don't work? I'm positive I know more about politics than you do, I just don't talk about it out of context because that activity is reserved exclusively for teenagers and faggots.
They literally are trying to get people to not like a game they don't play because it offends them.
how autistic do you need to be to believe that the art direction changing slightly ruins a game?
or maybe, just maybe, you don't care about the hobby at all and you're just pushing an agenda.
>out of context
Now you're just lying.
watch out, we got a tough guy here
who? SJWs?
Sad, isn't it? Why do they think anyone cares? If they reserved their vitriol for causes with merit, I bet people would occasionally listen to their inane ravings. They could make a black transgender quadriplegic otherkin planeswalker, and if that shit let me cast reanimate every turn for 2 mana, I'd play the fuck out of it.
This is Veeky Forums, talk about politics on your board.
You don't realize what is actually going on in the MTG community right now, do you? Or are you just trying to misdirect the discussion?
Why don't you tell me? Or do you only know how to speak in vague sentences so you can never be proven wrong?
The "harassment" witch hunt
Don't speak to the cretin.
Long story short, some internet bullshit no one cares about, that people are trying to make into a big deal, so they can make a lot of money from ad revenue on youtube.
Some polfag with a youtube channel got his followers to start harassing and sending death threats to people he doesn't like.
wow sure persuaded me there, anyone who you disagree with is a cretin!
>ignore the essential nature of a topic because you would rather not talk about it
>ignore the essential nature of a topic because you would prefer that its nature was discussed elsewhere
You're missing a real opportunity to tell me all that stuff you know about politics.
I love the double standards with you idiots.
>"SJW" talks a bunch of trash about people
>you cheer when they get smacked down
>"alt righter" talks a bunch of trash about people
>you start citing the first amendment when they get smacked down
Stay free, soyboi
And you don't know who Grotius is, which means I know more about politics then you do. Read some of that shit and get back to me.
I just looked at the thread on /pol/ and there's no mention of a youtube channel.
Do you really want SJWs to destroy another game community? Nvm actually, MTG has been a goner for years.
>i know x
>you don't know y
>no link to prove his statement
>asserts that a mythical boogieman has already destroyed game communities but provides no example
>continues to repeat the script he's been given
do you think for yourself at all, redditor?
That's not what happens and you know it. SJWs rabidly attack the rest of society with intimidation, violence, corporate and government assistance. What's happening with MTG is part of the same pattern they've been doing for years.
Then people naturally defend their interests against these animals and you act like they're the aggressors.
Not my fault pol can't get their own shit together. Maybe you should find a more reliable source of information than your nazi buddies.
Example please? Or are you talking out your ass?
here you go
>asserts that a mythical boogieman has already destroyed game communities but provides no example
Do you live under a rock or are you on the side of the SJWs and trying to draw attention away from them?
He's an obscure but extremely influential political theorist who writes like a tedious esoteric dickbag, and has a cult status as a charlatan barometer. You'd know this if you actually studied politics.
>giving free things
They've had MTGO for how many years now and never did this?
>asserts that a mythical boogieman has already destroyed game communities but provides no example
This is the pinnacle of reddit-tier design.
>art features a hairstyle you don't like
>throw an autistic fit and grow to resent a card game company because of it
link doesnt work
okay try this one
>a single snide remark about "social justice" in MTG is enough to set a thread on fire
I didn't realize you faggots were this thin-skinned.
>- Prostitute meth addict with fake tits takes up MTG cosplay for betabux
>Everything else that follows
Wow. Wow.
Yes, it's because I don't like the hairstyle obviously. Good job detecting why someone else hates it. Maybe because it's a reddit meme-pandering pile of shit just like dinos and pirates memes in all their new garbage sets?
There's been threads about it here on Veeky Forums for a week or two now.
It's pretty stupid but the MTG community is making a huge overreaction to it.
You can practically smell the seething angry nerd behind the keyboard who wrote this.
>charlatan barometer
mine's going wild
Did he ever write anything about people who avoid discussions by claiming to be really knowledgeable?
It's really just two faggots spamming stuff over and over again, and one guy who doesn't know any better trying to discuss things. Notice how when they're conclusively proven wrong, there are no further replies.
Has it occurred to you that it's okay for there to be hobbies that aren't vectors for social justice propaganda?
If you have a legitimate reason, I'm all ears.
>dinos and pirates
Why are dinosaurs and pirates intrinsically bad? Because people you don't like likes them? Again, I'm all ears to hear what your problem with things things actually are.
This one works better.
thanks to you, "buzzword" is now a buzzword
Read for yourself, I'd be happy to discuss it with you:
Well too bad, wizards is with the sjws. Don't like it, don't play it.
Except that isn't good enough for you autists. You can't let ANYBODY enjoy something that you don't like.
What does a renaissance essay on just war theory and international relations have to do with this discussion? Are you just pretending to be smart because you read this guy?
He also wrote a book called "On the Truth of the Christian Religion", if he were alive today he would probably be on the side of /pol/.
pirates have been a popular meme like bacon and other things.
Dinosaurs are literally a meme too popular online for the same reason
The character in that art is a modern hairstyle numale and meant to represent an actual player instead of being in-lore. It's cheap looking and gimmicky.
I'm not going to continue this train of discussion because anyone with experience in fantasy world building knows that most of WOTC's recent is shit comic book level garbage.
So...from day one?
>pirates have been a popular meme like bacon and other things.
>Dinosaurs are literally a meme too popular online for the same reason
Why are these things you have labeled "meme" bad? Why is this property bad? Because you don't like it? Because you were told not to like it?
>The character in that art is a modern hairstyle numale and meant to represent an actual player instead of being in-lore. It's cheap looking and gimmicky.
My ex-marine cousin has this hairstyle. His brother, a pastor, has this hairstyle. You would know this is a fashionable hairstyle worn by a diverse set of people if you went outside.
Thanks, I will actually read this. I anticipate that I'm in for some next-level bullshit because:
>all laws, courts, countries and ordered systems of human conduct are little more than games of pretend upheld by violence
You wouldn't know, because you haven't read it.
This discussion hasn't been about anything other than keeping /pol/ on /pol/, the fact that discussing politics out of context is stupid, and the fact that you're a charlatan worried about looking stupid in discussions about cardboard-based children's games.
So kindly, fuck off to your containment board, or start reading you pleb. Be sure to keep track of the axioms, they're going to be used as parts of later proofs, and you will get lost.
>"B-b-b-but it's a meme!"
Says the people who voted a literal meme into office.
look into bill C-16 in canada and tell me the SJWs aren't a literal cancer to society, also feel free to look at any '''anti-fa'' demonstration
I frankly don't give a shit about Canadian politics. This is a board for discussion about tabletop games, retard.
I don't care to take the time to explain this.
I'll leave one point. Your explanation you see the hairstyle all over the place was my point to begin with. It's a modern hairstyle and the character in the art is meant to be a self-insert.
>don't discriminate against people
Wow, such a cancerous bill. Canada is literally falling to pieces because they treat more of their citizens as human fucking beings.
Once they learn that tapping means to turn your card 90 degrees, I'm on board.
You're a cool guy, take your time. Make a thread when you want to talk about it, I have literally no life and I'm here every day, just frame it as world-building. For context, it's one of the earlier works to show a scientific thought as applied to philosophy, for the purpose of creating objective governance.
>I don't care to take the time to explain this.
Low energy. Sad. Eat less soy.
>Self insert
Attached is a real picture of Kieran Yanner
I want people to go to heaven. They should obey God's will and be better christians if they want that. The justification of helping someone reach eternal happiness and paradise is enough to enforce laws I want.
Is wanting people to have eternal life a bad thing?
the post i responded to was questioning how SJWs are ruining aspects of society but ok my man
>don't discriminate
Nice job understanding the bill, it is a method to get people fired from their jobs and fined or even put into jail because they won't say the right words. That is literally removing someone's right to freedom of speech all because someone's feelings get hurt.
>2017 cards were made with simpler mechanics
Source for this? Because if that's true, it only shows how hilariously quickly this is gonna crash and burn.
>That is literally removing someone's right to freedom of speech all because someone's feelings get hurt.
Except that workplace harassment is already illegal and you already can be arrested or fired for saying the wrong thing. It's just been expanded to include things that you're autistic about.
Comics anyone?
Well you see, here is the thing. Not everybody follows your religion.
I want you to go call your boss a giant fucking faggot tomorrow and see how well that goes over. Remember, when you get fired, start whining about your freedom of speech.
>I want people to go to heaven. They should obey God's will and be better christians if they want that. The justification of helping someone reach eternal happiness and paradise is enough to enforce laws I want.
Weird. That's the same justification they use in the middle east. Are you perhaps advocating for sharia law?
Haha. But in all seriousness, I understand how an idiot could think that theocracy is a good thing to push for, but you fail to realize that I guarantee you that your brand of religion isn't the majority in this country. So who's set of rules do we follow? Why don't you read up on literally any of the great christian schisms and get back to me when you're prepared to have a theological discussion.
Not everyone believes men become women if they just play pretend and dress up
The extraordinarily high suicide rate, drug abuse rate and everything else backs this up
As far as i understand, you can't really force people to be "better christians" by accepting being discriminated against.
Yes, as long as I think it is better for society and progress it should become law regardless of personal freedoms.
quick reminder for /pol/faggots coming here
>It's just been expanded to include things that you're autistic about.
sorry that i'm autistic about teachers losing their credentials and jobs because they want to actually teach balanced courses and not worry that a video they show or lecture they give can get them fired because some student says their feelings are hurt
haha yeah, lets BOYCOTT MTG and MAGA fellow pedes and btfo the cucks with our superior memes fellow shitlords!!!
>Not everyone believes men become women if they just play pretend and dress up
Not everyone is so autistic that using "her" instead of "him" is a psychologically traumatizing thing to do.
>The extraordinarily high suicide rate, drug abuse rate and everything else backs this up
Strange. You demonstrate in your first statement that there are people who, even after surgery, continue to discriminate against trans people, yet in your second statement you fail to even consider it when citing suicide rates... hmmmm...
Why is every MTG thread turning into some weird political shit hole now? Its fucking cardboard. You people are so fucking inane and exhausting. Nuclear war can't come fast enough.
>muh sjw boogeymen
>muh soyboys
0/10 apply yourselves
It is almost like constantly being discriminated against sucks or something and causes people to be sad.
>that entire theoretical
loaded statement, btw
It's just the truth. They are not females because they magically want to be one because of mental illnesses.