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This is now a WORD BEARERS thread

Your dudes are a shit

First for TAU


Nth for easily triggered incel faggots who screech autistically about girls playing 40k should just kill themselves and remove their gross stain from our community since they're never going to pass on their genes anyways.

>projecting this much
whatever you say fag

Nth for dont be baited into shitposting about politics

shitpost about THE GREATER GOOD instead

I hope my Chaos Androids get something good soon.

Lemme tell you the problem with Word Bearers:

...They're basically the actual arch-heretics but are pretty lacking in screentime, prominence and development.

Hey guys!

I’m playing deathwatch, wondering is this powerfist/meltagun conversion looks alright? I think it looks okay and will pass snuff once fully painted. Obviously none of the models in the pic are finished, do they look okay though? Like do all the bits and, for the librarian, basic colors work? Thanks in advance

>that terminator is 112 points

Spotted the easily triggered incel.

Roasties out and stay out

will we ever have a thread that doesn't almost immediately devolve into a trainwreck/dumpster fire?

blame GW for overhyping Abaddon

love when people draw marine helmets that look like their fucking done with everything. Always reminds me of this.

Why cant they just ignore and move on?


Different shot of dudes

forgot pic

>posting that sad old image which was obviously made by a bitter autistic neckbeard betafag who has no social ability and lets people walk all over him
This does the opposite of help your case.

the greater good would be benefitted by removing easily triggered incel faggots who screech autistically about girls playing 40k


Every person who uses this term weighs 400 pounds, reeks of dirty ass, and has never seen a vagina in person

So I got a buddy of mine who has a bunch of Custodes heads and wants to make pic related.

I suggested he find some Deceiver models for the bodies, but I was wondering if there was anything that might be cheaper.

Thoughts/suggestions fellow anons?

How should I gear up my pathfinders? Ion, rail, or full pulse?

>acting like the pic isn't accurate of what happens to every hobby
fuck off

You're either a roastie triggered by the truth or a beta white knight cuck trying to earn good boy points. Either way you're pathetic. Women are a cancer on any community/hobby because they don't give a shit about anything but getting attention.

If you think the interlopers are girls and not yanks the faggot is you


yes yes
>much virtue signal
>such wow

Rails are like the only source of MWs in the entire army and well worth the points.
Ions are also good, point for point comparable.
Full pulse is also a very good option.

Just do whatever you want man.

>acting like it is
Stop being a little beta bitchboy and it doesn't have to be a self-fulfilling prophecy, lol

Looks pretty good my dude. Can I get a look at that librarian's shoulder pad?

Slaughter Priests.

Were Mortal Wounds a mistake?

Which one?

>calls me the cuck
>is the one who clearly has never gone outside and interacted with women, letting all the other dudes fuck the females he lusts over
My fucking sides

How about you stop acting like you belong here when you clearly belong in a dumpster fire.

That feel when you have the worst legion rule, which is basically just copy-pasted ATSKNF, and your faction rule is arguably the worst since it literally does nothing vs 50% of the factions in the game.

Star Wars has single-person fighters that can do hyperspace travel. Does 40k have any one man warp capable ships?

That one.

Keep defending roasties, they're sure to see what a nice guy you are after you defended their e-honor in 40kg lol

Not as a whole, but they may have been handed out too liberally.

Late to the party again, blueberry

How about taking 5 man (tau?) teams for heavy weapons teams rather than 10 tau units of markerlights

You need navigator to do warp travel.

>muh sekret clubhouse only for fat sad pathetic losers
Sorry, Veeky Forums is not your safespace. Be a real man and not a little bitch who gets scared away from games by some females, or just kill yourself.

Don't those ships need like a jedi and a special ring?

No, the only real problem with them is on units that can easily spam without proper costing or hard limit on # of wounds possible. As a grey knight and deathwatch player, I can attest it fucking sucks when someone blows away 200 points of models with a few like 40pt psykers

Or this one?

I usually run 3lights and 2 rails in as many 5man squads I can afford to take.

for what it's worth soyboy I'm sorry that the big scary commies collectivised your girlfriend

>m-muh anyone who disagrees with me is a white knight fallacy
>destroys his own argument by pointing out how retarded it would be to whiteknight for chicks on an imageboard they never read
Wew lad I've met some stupid ones on Veeky Forums but you take the cake. Probably the whole cake, put that shit own tubby and go have a jog.

Yeah I like playing elite 1v100 armies, just as a general theme in games.
MW make me feel bad.

Where my fellow sister of blob at

What is the best Death Guard vectorium?

I don't think anybody is getting "scared away" they're just pointing out that the large majority of women who "play" 40k are not actually interested in the game but in getting relatively uncontested attention. Which is true and you'd have to be fairly naive to believe otherwise. Some women genuinely enjoy the game but I'd say they're less than 5% of all women who play, the other 95% are just parasites who start drama and are a cancer on any games store they set foot in. Harsh truth, but the truth

Poorly allocated.
Great for taking on high invul models.

But some armies can't use them at all, others can spam them. The latter really hurts high points-per-wound armies and the former makes armies get fucked by magnus

looks good m8

Holy fuck who cares

Which Army is best and why is it ork's?

So I feel like Corsairs may be a worth while addition to a Ynnari/Eldar Adjacent army now. Both Reavers and Skyreavers went down by 2 points in CA.

For 113 points you can get:

10x Guardians with Shard Carbines and 2x Shruiken Cannon

and for 160 you can get the same unit but with M16. I'm thinking that might an interesting option for a few armies.

>they're just pointing out that the large majority of women who "play" 40k are not actually interested in the game but in getting relatively uncontested attention. Which is true and you'd have to be fairly naive to believe otherwise. Some women genuinely enjoy the game but I'd say they're less than 5% of all women who play, the other 95% are just parasites who start drama and are a cancer on any games store they set foot in. Harsh truth, but the truth
Yes, and 90% of statistics are made up on the spot in internet arguments.

I have never encountered one of these apparently common attention-whore 40k gamer grills, those types don't play model games that require a great investment of time and resources, labouring over bits of plastic and paint, they stream braindead vidya on twitch and shit.

Looking good user.

Grey knights are a sub faction meme army. Prove me wrong.

>this thing is true because I declare it to be so

you're not "just pointing out" anything, you're purposely injecting gender politics into a thread about plastic space man. I don't care if you're sincere or false flagging, get the fuck out and fuck yourself to death with a lubricated horse cock

Alright lads. Looking to get into a proper "my dudes" army that isn't space marines. Any suggestions?

You're not wrong.

Post Sisters

so what's the difference between a tactical squad and an assault squad and scout squad and all those identical marine units they all look the same

You seem upset user, there is no need for such hostility towards Johnny.

One tactics, one assaults, one scouts.

I mean IG has a ton of room for my dudes. Lots and lots of regiments and tons of opportunity. I also rather like 'my dudes' Orks because you can have a ton of fun with them.

>People taking the shitty /pol/ bait
Every god damn day.

>muh sekret clubhouse meme
I never said we were sad pathetic losers, I said you're a piece of shit who doesn't play the game and is only here to be a cunt to people who do play the game.
I'm not the person who originally posted the picture and I don't agree with him on everything, but the picture is distressingly accurate. D&D has been over simplified under that process, now Warhammer is copping it, and even Magic the Gathering got simplified recently in that they abandon old mechanics and haven't printed any interested mechanics on cards because "too complicated"
I didn't get into card games, tabletop games, or hobby wargaming for simplified rulesets and cunts like you. I like complex mechanics in my card games, character customisation in my tabletop games, and strategic depth in my wargaming, but cancer like you keeps invading the hobby, insisting it be dumbed down for your stupid, useless fucking head so you can feel included then act like the old rules were "too complicated".
You're a piece of shit and you don't belong here, not because you think you're successful, I don't care how successful anyone in this hobby is, but pricks like you who think that being successful means you can't enjoy the hobby are the cancer that is killing hobbies, you useless, braindead cunt.
I don't even mind girls playing the game, we have like three at my LGS that play, I don't mind them because they seem to actually enjoy the hobby and play the game without being attention seeking brats about it. I also encourage new players to pick an army they will enjoy and do my best to teach the game even though teaching isn't my forte, but I will not put up with worthless pieces of shit like you that think simplifying the rules is a good thing.

They never should have been split up from deamonhunters

>unique lore
>great models (except for one)
>interesting and well-written characters
>understandable and humanizing struggles
>neat, thematic rules
>consitently chill and dedicated fanbase
>have multiple books and series about them which are all very good
There is few or no other army that passes this test.

>Largest game by point value?
>Which edition?
>What army?
>Any stories?

>Something Awful cuck
Oh it makes sense now. Back to your SJW safe space honey.

Have you tried not being here during burger hours?

>and all those identical marine units they all look the same
They're all basically the same.

Space Marines, for all their "options" and "diversity", are just the same bland shit with slight differences repeated over and over. It's why so many people are sick of them, and sick of GW humping their power-armoured legs.

Yeah but they sell really well.

Look no further

This is correct, making them into an army was a mistake

This guy gets it. You let the cancer fester and the game will be ruined. 8th edition is the first step in the casualization process.

If I'm awake I'm here.
This includes both real burger hours and daytime EU hours.

Nope. X-wings can do hyperspace with just a droid.

Too true

But wasn't the game developed by a bunch of SJW cucks?

Based as fuck.

I'm not sure but IIRC kroot ships are really small.
Maybe not single person but maybe just a few.

>Does 40k have any one man warp capable ships?
Absolutely not. At least not for the Imperium.

A ship needs all sorts of things to manage Warp Travel, not the least of which is a Navigator, but also the whole host of Tech-Priests required to operate the Enginarium and the Warp Engines and Gellar Field, as well as attendant Servitors and shit.

>its a "fags complain about points value changes in CA and demand muh freebies" episode

Feels good to only play Power Level and Narrative games.

Dumpster fire.


Does anyone have any experience with Haywire Blasters in 8th? They seem mediocre, but mortal wounds are mortal wounds.

>podcast starts talking about Rogue Trader game
>decide they want to run one about a RT who is part of the fast food empire
>All hail the King of Burgers
>the enigmatic and arrogant Wendy
>the ancient line of the McDonald clan
>old and stuffy solder who still insists on being called Colonel
>something something flamers/fryers

thoughts? ideas? and who would I have to slay to see a Wendy dressed as a Rogue Trader/genearl W4K fuckery?

you tell me

They are mediocre - I have 2 units of scourges with 4 a piece and they don't do diddly shit.


Take your meme shit elsewhere.