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Has your character ever sought glory in the arena?
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Has your character ever sought glory in the arena?
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arenas are just slightly less silly than adventurer's guilds, and are mostly included because the gm can't write a decent premise for a combat encounter
Have you ever conducted a murder investigation?
Adventurer guilds are always bad, but arenas can be great when the DM handles them well. It's a good way to justify rules and limitations in combat, and creates a different atmosphere from most encounters.
Problem is that it's harder to pull one off than just throwing some uglies at the PCs and most everyone who tries them sucks at them.
A Paladin/Antipaladin archetype based on the Chosen One; they must be of Neutral alignment, and receives Good and Evil familiars. Appealing to one in particular grants certain boons. Basically a guy with a literal angel and devil on each shoulder.
Spiritualist/Medium that, instead of channeling spirits the traditional way, gains access to "Bonds" that draw power from their relationships with other PCs/NPCs. Each Bond gets a certain set of evolutions from the Summoner pool based on the relationship that created it. Only a certain number of Bonds based on level can be held at one time, and switching between them requires a full-round action you're in essence a Persona user.
Mesmerist archetype that trades tricks and touch treatment for a Psi point system. Spending psi points let you apply modifications to mind-affecting spells like causing them to be unnoticed by observers, increasing their duration, or making them spread between targets.
Mesmerist with Phrenic Amplifications could be lit.
I am making a Kitsune Empiricist(Investigator) that plays as the skill monkey/face/trickster character. So not combat heavy at all. Are Investigator talents decent enough that I can spend my feats on Magical Tails?
Planing to use the traits Keen Kitsune, Superior Shape Shifter, Magical Tail(FOB), and Student of Philosophy.
Arenas actually existed though
>Due to current player request your character must play an elf and your character must be female and attracted to other females.
Yes. In an anticlimactix manner not only ate through all the arena fights before the beasts got near us, we managed to win a fight by having our archer shoot a sleeping arrow at the monster.
Well that player can go eat a dick, because I am going to play a hairy dwarf dude and he can do jackshit about it.
>Are Investigator talents decent enough that I can spend my feats on Magical Tails?
What chargen rules are you on, because
>Magical Tail is really mediocre on top of being expensive
>Investigator wants Fencing Grace really badly
>Investigator is pretty damn talent hungry
Kingdom Hearts campaign
Forced bladebound magus gestalt
Starting from level 8 and INCREDIBLY HIHG XP SPEED
Story goes from REMOVE HEARTLESS to Keyblade War
Anime bullshit guaran-fucking-teed and encouraged, since it's KH
would you play y/n
Can it be not-actually-Kingdom Hearts? I don't want to run around getting my ass kicked by Mickey Mouse.
So break this for me on which is worse:
Three CR lower than PC lower, but still pretty darn tough monsters you normally don't see very often.
A single higher CR creature that everybody has fought.
Only if I can kick Terra in the jaw with the force of a thousand exploding suns.
As mentioned I don't really want to build him combat heavy. Reposting what I said before:
I am thinking of focusing Int and Dex. I would need to keep my charisma decent if I want to keep magical tails decent. If I go with dex, I think I might also do a single dip in Inspired Blade(Swashbuckler) and fencing grace and be done with my hit/damage. Or at the very least, just get Weapon Finesse and no level dip to at least augment my hit.
Also the FCO helps get me magical tail at every 6 lvls. Overall if magical tails is a bad fit for investigator, I can just supplement with another race if I have to. I just really want to try out magical tails.
So what feats are good if I want to focus on skill monkey/face for my investigator?
Another question, what class can work decently with Magical Tails?
What are the best domains for an Ecclesitheurge Cleric?
Most of the talents are okay and are worth the feat. Some are obviously bad and since you seem to not want to be combat focused you can ignore some of the combat focused ones. Try to take talents that expand the number of skills you can use Inspiration on.
Mickey isn't alive yet when the Keyblade War happens
Terra also isn't alive yet(maybe, but that's for kh3 to explain), so no dice
maybe with time travel but TT is DUMB
It's Kingdom Hearts, nobody has ever or will ever die in that universe. Hell, I am pretty sure that there's a prison world for anybody above a certain age who is unable to move, just piled on top of each other to shrivel away in eternal, deathless agony.
Knowledge = Power, if the party doesn't know what something can do they're in for a nasty surprise no matter the situation
Also an excuse to give knowledge checks to those that invested in them
Dude, just make an inquisitor with the conversion inquisition to be a great face, have a moderate spell list and not have to fuck around too much with builds to be effective in combat
Sure; I don't know shit about the game beyond what happens in the first one, but I suspect that won't actually be a hindrance in any way.
I'd rather use something like TBZ or Kamigakari for it, though.
No, all of these things sound terrible.
Adventurers' Guilds existed, they just weren't called Adventurers' Guilds and neither recruited adventurers' nor functioned as a guild.
Since the campaign this character is for is not really combat heavy and is intrigue stuff I feel like I can sacrifice some combat potential for skill monkey detective shenanigans with kitsune trickery.
Your advice can make a good face but what about skill fuckery?
>first instinct is a Nameless One/Possessd Hand Winter Witch named ‘Frost’s Embrace’
>take all the ‘perfect’ and ‘eerie’ elf alternate racial traits
>have a mauler familiar hand
>CN like winter itself
Rate my character idea for this game.
>what class can work decently with Magical Tails?
Oracle. They even have a dedicated curse for it (Wrecking Mysticism).
Inquisitors are great skill monkeys.
>As mentioned I don't really want to build him combat heavy
Fencing grace can probably be dropped if it's low op and you're REALLY not worried about combat, but taking it is not even close to "building combat heavy".
>what feats are good
Orator if you can somehow squeeze it in, since Linguistics would be easier to push up than both Diplomacy/Bluff.
>what class can work decently with Magical Tails
Oracle has a curse that lets you swap out mystery spells for Magical Tails, meaning you can burn shitty mystery spells and keep whatever you want to patch with the racial FCB.
>Wrecking Mysticism
What the fuck is it called that anyway?
So you’re saying they didn’t exist?
I always treated it this as a GM. For famous and important gladiators the arena is like WWE with little to no chance of death despite live weapons due to their value, with magical healing at standby to bring them back. For poor gladiators as fodder the arena is more like a meat grinder waiting to eat you so that a select few rise above.
nobody dies *on screen*
if it weren't a disney property they'd probably put more emphasis on what actually happens when heartless consume what the games call worlds (hint: they're not actually just worlds)
as the series went on the disney stuff got eclipsed by the ff stuff, and the powerlevels never stopped going up
at the end of 2 sora and his buttbuddy fight a cybernetic blue eyes white dragon made of buildings the size of an island in not!space, this includes the dragon throwing skyscrapers at them and the kids slice and dice them
this was around 12 games ago
that's kinda the point
>Adventurer guilds are always bad,
Dumb, boring faggot.
Because you have apparently been given an eldritch power that takes it's toll on your physical health, so it's mysticism that wrecks you.
Name a way that their use can’t be better covered by a different organization.
Yeah but just because a class has a lot of skill points per level does it default make them good skill monkeys? Bards have versatile performance to help make skills key off of their main stat. My investigator has inspiration points and can key off certain skills off of int. How does the inquisitor boost his skill monkey stuff besides of having a lot of skill points?
Have you honestly ever seen something that was good because it was an adventurer guild, and not just in spite of it?
What about this sorcerer archetype?
Never played sorcerer so IDK if losing out on the bloodline spell class feature is an even trade?
Wrecking Mysticism is best because you get flexibility. You can still take mystery spells if they're better, but if they're bad you can swap them right out with no problem.
You just straight up won't get in, the thing the other user is referencing is an actual campaign, and one of the chargen rules is to make a lesbian elf. Looking through apps of the people who are already ingame, it seems to be the half-orc fighter that wanted it. Her description lists something about wanting to start a relationship to further plot. Also, the GM stated it was not for sexual reasons, even though that player literally requested a certain sexuality and race (so to a lesser degree also appearance).
It should probably be Wracking Mysticism but Paizo has shitty editors.
Then we're not missing shit by not joining that game, huh?
>must be lesbian
>but it's totally not for sexual reasons
I'm laugh
Can someone correct me if I'm wrong here? For Shifter claws, the feat says they are only treated as natural attack, not that they are; would this imply that they aren't limited to the normal 'no extra attacks from bab'?
the relevant wording is:
"At will, a shifter in her natural form can extend her claws as a swift action to use as a weapon. ... The claws on each hand can be used as a primary natural attack, ..."
with this in mind it seems odd that it later states this:
"While a shifter uses wild shape to assume her aspect’s major form, her natural attacks gain the same benefits granted by her shifter claws ability. If the form she takes has claw attacks, she can use either the base damage of her shifter claws or the damage of the form’s claws, whichever is greater. If the form does not have claw attacks, she can choose up to two natural attacks that would deal less damage than her shifter claw damage and have those attacks instead deal the same damage as her shifter claws."
From the wording in the actual feat, it seems like the claws are NOT a form of natural attack, but rather a weapon that acts like one. Am I just reading into this too much or is is this right?
Hey, Eraqus is still dead. For now.
Seems like a great opportunity to app with a character that fits their criteria like a glove only to not play ball with the horc's fetish demands.
>So you’re saying they didn’t exist?
They did though. Fuck, some still exist now.
They allow specialist individuals to meet and aid one another without the formality or "buy in" of things like mercenary companies or wizard colleges. They allow an easy market for people who find magical shit to get in contact with people who have other magical shit they want to trade or have the ability and willingness to actually buy it. Exchange of information about particularly large dungeons/cavern systems
You can say this about literally any piece of anything you dislike. But off the top of my head Etrian Odyssey.
Pretty sure you're reading into it.
>the claws can be used as a primary natural attack
means that they're a primary natural attack.
Conversion inquisition gives them double wis to social skills
I would wait, the paizo writers wanted to make a FAQ/ERRATA page for Ultimate Wilderness so it might clarify things further. Don't try and wrack your brain until we get the info.
Gotcha, thanks; do we know when that is coming?
Let me rephrase that. Do you have a personal example of an adventurer guild that was executed well in a roleplaying game. I'll take games you've only heard about or hypothetical ways they could be executed as well.
So a good face character? What about non face skills?
I just mentioned Etrian Odyssey, didn't I?
Despite what is likely an accurate assessment here, I am just incredibly curious about that whole situation and the details on how it came to be. Also a slight desire to play something that is an elf lesbian, but also unappealing.
Who knows? After a shitload of 'testing' and 'listening to feedback', this is what we got.
Okay user. Tabletop roleplaying game. Like Pathfinder or GURPS or 5e or Numenera or whatever.
What does it not being a tabletop game have do with it.It's just fluff and if we're being pedantic Etrian Odyssey also has a TTRPG and was heavily inspired by tabletop gaming in the first place.
Where's the double coming from? All I see is Wis replacing Cha for those stats.
So I'm going to be playing a Tiefling Inqusitor(Monster Tactician) in a 3 man group, with my teammates being a Human Cleric and a Catfolk Ninja. I'm primarily going to be in melee combat while summoning monsters to back me up, and outside of combat I'm going to be the face thanks to Conversion Inquisition. What are some feats and spells I should be focusing on to help me with this?
Between vanilla and archetyped inquisitors there's a shit ton of options to add 1/2 level or Wis to a wide variety of skills.
I've played the video games and they're great, but I don't have any reference of play for the TTRPG if you don't explain it. It's also not "just fluff", the way background plays into narrative and mechanics is important.
Taking a step back, arenas have narrative utility because it lets PCs showcase their ability to an audience and creates public stakes for an encounter. Mechanically, it's an easy way to introduce a gauntlet of enemies that might not have any significant resemblance to each other in the builds they're presenting, and puts PCs in a structured arena that DMs have a lot of space to manipulate.
What works in a video game doesn't necessarily work in a tabletop game. From my perspective, an adventurer's guild brings in a lot of narrative issues like why PCs would continue to work with each other if there's a lack of synergy in the party and tons of other people to bounce off of. It puts them on a rope to a location for better or for worse. It brings up issues of power levels in the setting on why they're doing some particular job when there're other more readily prepared characters around. It provides for lazy hooks and dilutes character building options so that they need to justify their involvement into a broad organization instead of having a stake in the game premise. A similar guild has similar issues, but a group that has a goal like unearthing lost treasures or winning some war generates more direction and requires less justification for why a character would continue to stick with them.
I mean you don't have to answer all of this if you don't agree with it but I have no idea why the fuck an adventurer's guild would ever be good if you don't want to explain it.
Also my DM doesn't seem to understand what rolling is since he's allowing me to pick whatever I want out of the Variant Tiefling Abilities table instead of rolling on that table. Thinking of of getting huge arms to get Large weapons but what are some sillier things to do?
Well apparently with the introduction of of Blood of Fiends it all changes.
Variant Tiefling Heritages
Most tieflings possess a fixed variety of ability scores to reflect their fiendish heritages, regardless of the actual source of their foul traits. GMs might grant their tiefling NPCs or players variant ability modifiers based on their foul ancestries. At the GM’s choice, such heritages might be determined deliberately or randomly, and may come with their own distinctive abilities or traits selected from the following charts.
Editor’s note: The following table includes d10 numbers for each variant because Pathfinder 25: Bastards of Erebus required tieflings to take the Fiendish Heritage feat in order to use a variant heritage or abilities. With the printing of Blood of Fiends, tieflings may now choose variant heritages freely without the use of this feat or the requirement of a random roll, which brings them in line with aasimars, who can also freely choose variant heritages. Thus, the current benefit of the feat is that it allows a tiefling to roll three times against the variant abilities table and choose the most favorable result.
>like why PCs would continue to work with each other if there's a lack of synergy in the party and tons of other people to bounce off o
Why does an adventurer's guild prevent this? People meet through work, clubs, etc all the time and decide they like each other and continue to work with one another.
> It puts them on a rope to a location for better or for worse.
I'm not sure what this means, but who says it can't have branches.
> It brings up issues of power levels in the setting on why they're doing some particular job when there're other more readily prepared characters around.
Not necessarily. There could be similarly prepared people doing other stuff. More prepared people could be doing other more, lucrative things, etc.
>d. It provides for lazy hooks and dilutes character building options so that they need to justify their involvement into a broad organization instead of having a stake in the game premise.
Lel, you're a mercenary or lel your working for the church are just as flimsy. At least guilds allow for a variety of character motivations. People can have differing reasons for joining a certain organization.
>ut a group that has a goal like unearthing lost treasures
That's pretty much what the guild's in Etrian Odyssey are for. I don't get why you don't think guild's can't have short term or long term goals.
Like all your complaints can apply to pretty much every hook ever. People just get autistic when the word adventure and guild gets put together.
Even the benefits of the arena bullshit are the exact same with the guild.
PCs can have public relationships as a band to manage and deal with depending on how well the manage a job. Rivalries with other members. A structured organization to play in.
It's all the same bullshit in the end, if a player isn't going to buy in to the game they won't fucking buy in to the game.
I use adventurer guilds and mercenary bands. I only have two players, so they need some muscle to back them up. Faerun had a few sourcebooks on them in 2nd edition.
Not in Pathfinder.
When Ultimate Magic came out, I modified the dueling rules so that my players could compete against each other in cooking.
Both of my current players have enough glory, so they wouldn't gain anything by fighting in an arena.
One of their players left due to scheduling issues, and from what the GM said, one of the players brought it up that they'd like a lesbian elf in their party. The entire party agreed and the GM caved in.
I myself was thinking of either playing an overweigh elf who is a complete glutton with a horrible personality. You could also just make an elf and have them be bisexual instead (the app reqs said something about you having to be attracted to females, nothing about it having to exclusively be so) and also have them have a boyfriend. You could also buy one of those gender change elixirs later on into the campaign and just become a heterosexual male elf.
Bonus points btw, the GM banned most classes beyond core and hybrid, and he banned fighter. (I sincerely hope he banned fighter because there already is a fighter and a cavalier/fighter, even then assuming there is no feat tax in the campaign, playing a fighter would be nice for an archer type character.)
>I myself was thinking of either playing an overweigh elf who is a complete glutton with a horrible personality. You could also just make an elf and have them be bisexual instead (the app reqs said something about you having to be attracted to females, nothing about it having to exclusively be so) and also have them have a boyfriend. You could also buy one of those gender change elixirs later on into the campaign and just become a heterosexual male elf.
I'd go with a lesbian elf that's appealing on all fronts and then, once in game, reveals a previously undisclosed serious anti-orc racism streak. Not bad enough to refuse to work with the half-orc, but bad enough that makes her a completely unappealing romantic interest.
Ahh yes, that was one of the options my friend (who almost exclusively plays elitist elves) came up with aswell. It's probably even better than what I came up with.
> Strange Aeons recommend Occult classes
> Almost everything is immune to mind-affecting
Muh flavor. See Reign of Winter recommending ice based classes when everything exists. I never understood stuff like that. Why would people who specialize in ice based attacks dominate in areas full of sapient resistant to those attacks?
Paizo forgets their own monster rules.
Here's the game link if anyone was curious by the way, there's like 3 people arguing against the restrictions and the GM and 2 others are defending the restrictions, saying "It's no different than having to have a specific background/goal to join the party."
I've just been lurking and reading the drama.
My plan was to double down on "ageless creepy fey elf" taking levels in Witch, eventually going to Winter Witch; just being a generally horrifying font of eldritch knowledge and incarnation of nature's cruelty, with a god complex, and outright distaste for the mixed races of the world.
Not every Occult class has mind-affecting spells. The Mesmerist and Psychic both have ways to bypass them, too. Occultist can get along just fine with transmutation and abjuration, Medium doesn't cast spells offensively, Kineticist does blasting and Psychic has enough spells that aren't mind-affecting that they're fine using
Anyone have a copy of In the Company of Dragons Expanded yet?
The thing that confuses me the most is how specific the request is. Like one of them is relatively reasonable, if a bit weird (maybe they want an even spread of races, or an even spread of genders, or just want to make sure the character is open to whoever), but all three combined is just kind bordering on someone's magical realm.
My Sorcerer entered and won the ruby pheonix tournament, he mind crushed the final opponent and had them sold into slavery
Psychic can only bypass Undead and recommending a class but restricting 80% of its spell list isn't fun design.
Like the other guy said, you could probably play Winter Witch in Reign of Winter too, if you never pick Cold spell.
I was thinking some kind of druid or nature-focused Witch, then reveal in-game that she only bathes once in a while and has a habit of drinking potions that stain her teeth nasty colors
How is the Death Druid
Replacing Wild Shape seems bad but Druid are still 9th caster...
>player who wants a dyke elf is a half-orc
>you can't even be a half-elf
I demand equality.
B-But user, that way the halfbreed couldn't force herself onto a pure, elven, virgin gf!
What about a summoner whose eidolon has a strong fetish for half-orcs. Any time the green menace tries to get into the elf's pants, the rapemonster comes slavering by to join in.
What's so wrong with prize fighting?
Fun way to earn money I say.
I'd say make a spiritualist with a lust phantom that looks deformed and has a thing for half-orcs, but nothing beyond core/hybrid is allowed :^)
I have a quick rules question if someone could be kind enough to answer.
If an enemy (monster or NPC) takes lethal damage exceeding their HP (i.e. 14 damage to an NPC with 13), are they automatically killed or are they unconscious and dying per the "Injury and Death" rules?
I have always assumed that those rules applied to PCs only, with GM controlled creatures and NPCs dying at -1.
My players, who do have more experience with the system, pushed back on my ruling on an NPC who they needed information out of. The final blow was 7 above the NPC's AC, so I just retroactively called it non-lethal as the player would have done with my understanding of the rules.
Please respond. So far these are the feats I've looked at:
Armour Proficiency, Heavy
Power Attack
Furious Focus
Weapon Focus
Paired Opprotunists
Precise Strike
Seize the Moment
Shake it Off
Augment Summon
But I feel like I'm either missing out on certain feats or and overloaded on others.
Rules for death should be the same for monsters and npcs as well as pcs, you can fall into the negatives up to a maximum of your con mod. Creatures without a con mod just disappear or are destroyed on death (think undead and the likes).
Roondar is such a shit GM.
But I don't think it's unreasonable for the DM to assume the monsters die unless the players specifically want some other outcome
Would the path of war feat "seize the opportunity" let you use a strike on an aoo? The wording on it from the srd states "When you make an attack of opportunity, you can use take an attack action (such as vital strike) or attempt a combat maneuver (such as a bull rush, disarm or dirty trick) in place of your attack of opportunity. This feat does not allow you to move when it isn’t your turn." Would a strike maneuver be akin to vital strike in this context?
The whole affair is forbidden love. You've been spared, user.
Do you have experience with them? If so do share some stories, I'm curious as to what else they do, besides caving on stupid requests such as this one.
It does not. See the harbinger's class ability. It would however let you vital strike on an AoO or use SoM attack actions.
>if you don't like the rule, fuck off
Seems like a top tier DM to me.
Alright, thanks for the insight!
We need more like him, fuck everyone who might be interested but doesn't want to be confined to the very specific chargen!
It's been too long since we last did this:
Post your character's theme song.