What's the worst game you've played in, Veeky Forums?
What's the worst game you've played in, Veeky Forums?
>Friend that nobody really likes wants to run a homebrew game
>Eh, fuck it, we're short on ideas anyway
>Can't really remember the system, think it flip-flopped at random between d100 and d20
>Setting is a schizophrenic mashup of a standard fantasy world, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, and a few references to MLP
>A few examples of 'le subverting tropes' maymay (sun god is evil, that sorta thing)
>Opens with "You're in a tavern. Some pricks try to fight you, then a high level character walks in and tells the PCs "Y'all are going to work for me or else."
>A good five minutes of meandering exposition that really doesn't give us any idea what we're supposed to do
>Eventually given a carriage and told "Go here and do thing."
>Jumped by bandits with much better gear than we have
>Friend and I decide we're going to bow out and work on something else
>Leave with our characters porking in the wagon while the rest of the group's fighting the bandits, either the party wiped or just my character and my friend's were killed, I can't remember.
>First time playing the system. Zero guidance from the GM.
>Running a Shugenjha. No idea what half of my shit does.
>Other players see me struggling . It is clear I am not enjoying myself.
>They give me BASIC pointers on what my character's spells do.
>GM says that's metagaming. Other players tell him it's stuff my character would know.
>GM says to prevent this metagaming he won't punish the other players. Instead he will punish me.
>That way I'll get mad at them and enforce his shitty ruling.
>Game doesn't make it to the second session.
>Never played in one of his games again. Deep dislike for L5R due to his bullshit.
A few years later he joined an ongoing game. Guy proved to be just as unpleasant as a player. He metagamed like crazy, and practically browbeat the GM.
>actually 1000 year old dragon lolis
>GMPC rogue who shows up and one shots things with a whip and continually tried to get into a romantic relationship with PCs
>obviously made up as we go along
>>Circa 2000
>>Friend introduces me to first group outside of childhood friends that want to RP
>>Its going to be an elder game of VtM
>>Ok start making backstory of a once Idealistic Brujah hardened by centuries of conflict
>>Not too fancy but I put a lot of work in and draw up a pretty solid elder that could fit nicely into the lore of the game
>>GM says "Im throwing out generation restrictions feel free to pump your stats to 10 if you want
>>Oh heres a site we are using called BJ Zanzibars. Just take whatever you want to use form it
>>Every player is using some fractured homebrew POS bloodline with Antedilluvian levels of stats
>>The only backstory I ever got from any of them is when they say "Oh yeah Im X thousands of years old too" when I gave my characters backstory
>>GM says "The theme of the game will be the fall of Chicago to the Sabbat"
>>My plot is awesome and will involve the Sabbat using bombs to blow up things like the Sears Tower or all the Starbucks...yah know until they take over
>>One guy that never spoke in more than three word sentences once starts shooting his Desert Eagle at every living thing when he started feeding on random shmuck downtown
>>Sees nothing unusual about this even though moron GM is like "Dude WTF?"
>>Whole game is like a shitty Micheal Bay movie with mentally retarded Gen 5 Vampires that couldnt have survived a month in the canon game
>DM sets up a homebrew setting
>Lets us play whatever we want for characters
>There's a DMPC that's far stronger than anything we came up with
>The DMPC is the main character, the entire plot is about them and we're just there to witness it
>The DM occasionally takes control of our characters to do reactions or to tell us what they're thinking or feeling
>The second session involved a 4 hour fight between the DMPC and a super bounty hunter while the rest of us watched
>Fell asleep for 2 hours at the table
>The other players watched a movie on one of their labtops
>The DM doesn't even care that we're not paying attention and continues to describe and roll for this stupid battle
We didn't come back.
>We start at level 1
>In the first session we get attacked by griffons
>Try to run away
>We get chased down and killed, one by one
>DM acts like it's our fault we died
It was the shortest-lived game I've ever played.
How romantic.
I just don't get this. My setting is homebrew as fuck but I never spent more than a minute on an NPC giving exposition. They occasionally follow the players (escorting a noble, chasing a similar goal, etc), but are always well below the PCs abilities in combat. The closest one could have knocked down ONE of the players, but as a group they'd smash the NPCs to pieces unless something serious was brought to bear on them.
Some NPCs weren't meant to be killed, but the ones who could defend themselves against the party were only plot points, not the point of the plot.
If the DM wants to wank so goddamned hard let him write a fucking book.
The worst was a convention game I signed up for because I’d never heard of the system. I think it was Numenara or something like that. Turned out it was a Doctor Who timelord adventure and even though I knew quite a bit about Doctor Who from childhood I had no idea what was going on the entire time.
Sidenote: What is worst for you guys? A badly set/run game where nothing makes sense or a boring one where nothing is happening?
>Stars Without Number
>GM has a Sector and warring factions ready
>Make an Expert Pilot for the group's ship
>Game starts
>We're in a starport, boarding a vessel that will take us to the planet where the ship is
>GM spends a lot of time describing the randoms around us
>Goes in a random rant about how having windows on spaceships is impossible
>We are finally on the ship that will take us to the ship
>Still going on about the randoms being loud and disgusting
>"You sleep in your cabins and the next day..."
>Kojima GM ends the cutscene after 60 minutes
>One of the randoms got murdered
>Ship security want us to help them because
>At this point we realize that one player hasn't made a character yet
>Holy shit! My character is needed in security!
>"Are you a pilot?"
>"Good to know!"
>Completely ignores me from that point onward because I have no relevant skills for investigating murders
>3 hours of meandering, #jokes, memes and the occasional "being rude is funny" from the guy that managed to make his character 2 hours into the game
>At this point, I'm just playing Binding of Isaac to kill the time
>Game finally ends
>Tell the GM his game ain't for me and ever look back as I leave
>2 hour nap
I think I have you beat.
For the last 7 sessions I was in a group, I had one turn a game. For the entire 12 hours we gamed.
My GM was convinced I copied his wife's character idea and was pissed with me. We both made rogues. After that we weren't alike at all. She was secretly a noble and vital to the plot (because wife to terrible GM) while I was a assassin wizard that killed for money. But I copied her because I also had a mask that made you invisible, she never used.
He loved to railroad and half of his dialogue a game was explosion noises. He couldn't stand to see us beat his awesome homebrew villains so they always escaped the last minute. For many battles, the only one who could damage a enemy was my assassin wizard's automatic damage spell.
Until the DMPCs showed up. They would literally fly in to save us because we were the cheerleaders to their story.
He ignored race or class abilities that prevented against ambush. HD paid attention to us s little during fights, he once got so caught up in trying to almost kill us, he tried to target me in melee and another player reminded him I stated I was 40 feet back and behind the group.
He had one character raped by a tentical demon and I left a bit later when he tried to have mine raped by a succubus for a more extreme feeling of helplessness in his railroad victims.
>Whole game is like a shitty Micheal Bay movie with mentally retarded Gen 5 Vampires that couldnt have survived a month in the canon game
Heh. Sounds like half the WW games we played in high school.
>Ran an eclipse Phase campaign
>Players roll up with, Murder Hobo, AI that hates living things, Kirito from SAO, and LOLJKS im Chinese
>Didn't fully understand the rules of Eclipse Phase
>Resulted in Dual Wielding being super OP
>NPCs Kill literally everyone
Isn't that what happened to Spoony?
That story where he got challenged to a duel by another player and he got turned into sushi rolls in one attack and there fore gave up on L5R comes to mind.
A magical realm fetish game that I was practically begged by the DM to play. It heavily catered to her fetish and was very uncomfortable. There was another player which only made it worse because she found it all terribly funny and played on that basis.
>First time playing the system, don't understand it
>Pick a spellcaster
You're just as bad as the GM was.
>Group rotates GMs regularly.
>Vincent, one of the guys, makes an absolutely terrible campaign.
>Oh well, it wasn't fun, but it didn't last all that long, and he's not offered the screen for a while.
>When one of the other guys, Tim, gets the screen, he makes this 'campaign', which is one long, barely concealed screed against Vincent, which culminated in reporting a guy with a different name but looks exactly like him to the "Police of bad taste".
I once played a game of Pathfinder, our first game of Pathfinder mind you and it lasted a few sessions of bullshitting the mechanics somewhat, back when Stalker was getting really popular and Fallout 4 came out and we ended up in a modern post-apocalyptic town that gave us SMGs to fight giant mutant bugs.
I've been in other, dumber games, but that was the WORST one to date I can remember.
Not this guy, but wow, that sounds depressingly bad. Did other players leave eventually?
Also I would kill to DM a 12 hour session with my group, let alone several. What a shitter.
No doubt my first game ever, when one of the players had argued for a solid one hour of real time about why should his character help another PC because muh alignments.
Also there was one campaign when I played generic dumb but kind barbarian but was the most reasanoble huy in the group while everyone else was doing dumb shit,arguing and making bad OOC joke. Thankfully, that campaign was short
I played an internet game of Dark Heresy with some guys when I was fairly new to the system, and picked a basic Guardsman based on it being easy to understand.
I convinced the GM to let me be a nascent Psyker once I got ahold of the basic rules so I could have some story relevance and more flexibility. It was pretty neat, he later told me that his story was going to involve the Thousand Sons and a corrupt inquisitor who would use me and my nascent Psyker to spawn a Daemon at some point (if the Cult or my powers didn't kill me first)
First two sessions were pretty normal, then the Arbitrator decided he wanted to play like he was Duke Nukem.
When my psyker powers starting making things go apeshit, he accused random NPCs of being cultists and just shot them.
Game fell apart soon after.
> Game on Discord
> One of the players is DOXed on Veeky Forums and she blames me
> The other players believe her and ban me
> Use IP tracking and cyber-sleuthing to track IPs, physical addresses, and screen names
> Interrogate a couple of users
> The player who was DOXed messages me "Just stop. You've gone too far. I'm sorry, it was me who did it to myself." "But why?" "Just stop investigating, ok? Please, no further"
GM is later chill with me after she admits the same thing to the group, even though I threatened to kill him.
Best game of shadowrun.
nani the fuck
Let me guess: "You try talking tried talking to the griffons."
*"you should have tried talking to the griffons"
>Tried to start a Tabletop club in highschool
>Only a few kids showed up
> Fat autist, tall autist, and their 2 weeaboo friends
>DM for the autistic kiddos
>No one knows how to play anything
>One kid says he wants to do zombies
>The Walking Dead just became cool
>Alright sure.
>Start zombie apocalypse D&D game
I don't remember much of the campaign, but it only lasted for 2 sessions anyway.
Highlights were:
>weeaboo 1 is playing a wizard and weeaboo 2 is playing a rogue (read: ninja)
>Weeaboo 2 sneaking around a zombie, he's at least semi competent
>Weeaboo 1 decides to shoot a fireball at it after I tell him it's not a good idea multiple times
>Weeaboo 2 gets caught in the blast
>Fat autist tries to make a ladder out of zombie parts to get in the roof
>Almost cried when I told him it wouldn't work
>Tall autist decides to scream HELP while in an alley with only one zombie
>Actually screams
>His shrill screams cause a teacher to run into the class room
I stopped showing up after that one.
On the bright side I managed to reuse the campaign later for some friends.
>Actually screams
Christ, a friend of mine actually did this. I don't remember specifics, but we were playing CoC, I told him that something he read made him "shriek in horror" and so the motherfucker shrieked so loudly that we had the cops called on us to see what's up.
Bang!. My "friends" invite me to try this card game with cowboys and stuff. I tell them I never played but would like to give it a try. The first round they all gang up on me telling me I was "acting like a renegade" (from my understanding that was a character in the game). I told them I didn't know what a renegade was, and that I think they all knew that already.
I never played that game again, and I stopped being friends with pretty much everyone in that group.
that's funny as fuck and your friend is a legend
I honestly hope none of you poor fucks actually went through any of these stories.
I regularly game with a bunch of people I met through Veeky Forums and even after several years I have zero complaints. The sessions range from ok to great.
Fucking Monopoly. Not because the people playing were particularly bad or anything, but because it's a boring piece of shit even if it's reskinned as Mario or Zelda or whatever.
I'm and I wish this was made up. It was bar none the biggest waste of time of a game I've ever played.
I honestly think I spent more time writing my character's backstory than he did preparing the campaign and I was literally writing my stream of thought.
>>Actually screams
>>His shrill screams cause a teacher to run into the class room
Haven't cringed like this in a month, thanks
>I told him that something he read made him "shriek in horror" and so the motherfucker shrieked so loudly that we had the cops called on us to see what's up.
Serves you right for dictating how his character responded to something.
There's no worm on a hook here, friend. Only a wriggling truth on a cold, hard fact.
Let's indulge you some.
Call of Cthulhu is a game where you lose your mind and most likely go completely fucking mad halfway.
A character shrieking in horror by seeing something is pretty much the most common occurrence, right next to being afraid of his own breath.
You obviously either don't know that which is difficult knowing the notoriety of Call of Cthulhu or you are the baitfag that you are.
Here, have a few more (You)s
Definitely boring is worse, at least with bad games theres potential for funny memorable moments
It's still completely inappropriate to force someone's character into particular displays of madness. It's up to the player if his character shrieks in horror, or gasps and shivers, or drops his trousers and starts hotdogging the book that drove him mad with thrusts in time to the beat of Prince Ali from Aladdin, which he sings impressively until he prematurely reaches his climax before the end of the song and mewls out a high-pitched version of the chorus that tapers off into a shaken silence, not you.
Well sort of. If I recall correctly, he had a decent fundamental grasp of what he was doing gameplay-wise, but he didn't know about the in-game laws and etiquette.
So the DM had his character killed later by a Crane (or whatever) duellist because Spoony had the audacity to accept tea when it was offered to him. El GASP! He should have known beforehand that you must say "no thank you" at least twice before accepting tea, otherwise you are rude.
It was something really stupid like that, I'm sure.
The worse game i've been in was a character's wedding. The dm's gf and a dmpc (that to be fair only intervened once to teach a player how to use his abilities) were the ones in question, and it was blatant wish fulfilling. Mind you, that wasn't what drove me nuts (it was at best unnecessary), since at the moment i didn't give two shits and i still don't. What drove me nuts was when the party's That Guy, after being teleported to a lake, decided that he'd "focus his anger to create a massive fire, thus evaporating the whole lake and learning to use it as a tecnique" (his own words). He didn't relent even though we took hours to explain him that that's not how it worked, if he did that he'd be boiled alive, and that he was a psychic and his abilities didn't work like that either. The best we could do is convincing him to leave the lake, at which point he tries exactly the same thing but to dry himself, at which point i run out of patience and say "fuck it" , and try to dry him with whatever i could whip up with magic. He immediately spergs out and goes in character to go yell at my wizard for teleporting him into the lake, despite fully knowing i have nothing that could teleport or move him, and later on he was kicked out after things started to get toxic out of the game.
Normally you'd be right, but Call of Cthulhu is a game for masochists who want to get dicked over by asshole GMs. He was asking for it.
Hey, I didn't know anything about Call of Cthuty.
My life
definitely one where nothing happens.
worst game I ever played was Shadowrun where we did legwork for 4 hours IRL. every single lead we followed was a dead end. every single clue we found was pointless or a red herring. we finally just called it quits and never played again.
Worse game for me was one where another player and I, in a desperate bid to escape the temp GM's railroading, correctly guessed the big surprise the GM's railroading was leading towards and sprang it early. Thus avoiding hours of listening to the DM monolog.
The other players in the group were mystified as to how we could have possibly guessed what the big surprise was without reading the GM's notes, and accused us of doing so. Our answer of 'it's fucking obvious' was dismissed as an obvious lie, as none of them thought it was obvious and they were all fucking rocket surgeons.
Meanwhile, the GM decides to introduce Doctor Fucking Who into the non-doctor who FANTASY MEDIEVAL setting game, and has Doctor Who step out of his blue fucking police booth (which we all apparently know what that is without any sort of modern day education at all...), berate us for 'upsetting the timeline' before insisting that our characters write a letter to our past selves for doctor who to take back and deliver to our characters a week previously in order to RETCON our actions and put the campaign back on the rails.
Said retcon then happens, and the monolog train happily resumes its journey down the rails of the campaign.
That was session 1. There was no session 2.
What was the big reveal ?
That traps are gay.
What the fuck
Watching a Ref and his best bud play out an ongoing one-person power fantasy at a table with five other players.
Filed under, "This is why we don't let you GM"
>Everyone else in the group has run a game for the rest of us at least once
>He was the only one in our group who never ran a game of any duration.
>Begged us to shelf our current campaign and start over with his thing.
>We're like, sure, whatever, if it means that much to you.
So we roll up a party and try to get this thing moving.
>Silence from our GM
>US: So uh, what's going on?
>GM: What? Nothing.
>US: Where are our characters?
>GM: OH! Uh....you've come to some crumbling ruins. You heard there was something good in there but it was probably guarded by monsters.
Jumping right in. A little unorthodox, but even experienced GMs can stumble a little getting from character generation to the adventure portion. I can understand wanting to gloss over that.
But coming all this way on no more specific information? We're not buying it.
>This is where it gets good.
>US: I guess we press onward and inward.
>US: What?
>US: What's toink?
>GM: You fell
>US: Fell? Like tripped?
>GM: The floor crumbled beneath you, and you've fallen to an underground portion of the ruins.
>US: Why didn't you just say that?
>GM: I did! That's what I meant by Toink!
>US: I guess we pull ourselves out of any rubble, and try to get our bearings.
>GM: Blort!
That's when we put on the breaks. Except he thinks HE's the one putting on the breaks when we don't give the expected response to "blort". He's flipping out because he genuinely regards his baby-talk to be coherent descriptions. We try to calmly explain that "toink" and "blort" aren't going to cut it and he's just getting more and more upset with us.
I should point out that he's seen people run RPGs before, he's gamed with us for years, AND he's never been even remotely this obtuse as a player. This came out of nowhere.
Strangely believable, I know some people who couldn't describe their way out of the ball pen at an adjective convention
A fuckin cryin at this
I actually knew a guy who was like this. In his head were these highly detailed images, but all he could get out was a sound effect.
We didn't let him DM.
I am so sorry that you went through that but boi I am laughin
Your "friends" were tards for even going after the renegade first. You're a tard for letting them sour you on an excellent game.
>friends want to play GURPS
>say okay
>make a 17 year old girl character who wants to catalog all the weird apocalyptic mutant life
>campaign is post-apocalyptic, starts out pretty normal, we are sent to negotiate with a warlord
>hunt along the way, survive an ambush of weird spider creatures
>one of the characters collects some poison from one of the creatures, in case "negotiations go south"
>go to warlord's stronghold
>in the courtyard there are a couple naked women tied to a pillar of concrete with a couple of guards watching them but we ignore it
>go to warlord's chamber
>he is a tough negotiator
>the party face gets some very good rolls and makes some very good arguments but the GM holds firm
>warlord wants my character in trade
>rest of party accepts, figuring they can get me back later
>we get what we came for, they leave
>they start hatching plan to sneak back in and take me back and make it look like I escaped
>meanwhile warlord takes my character to room below his little throne hall
>blood around drain in floor, chains and a metal table
>chains my character to table
>rest of party hatches plan to rescue me
>they get spotted and the GM rolls 4 attacks and they are all shot by guards on the walls from 200m away at night
>GM describes how my character is raped and cut and left in the room alone to shit herself and die of an infection
>stopped hanging out at that guy's place after that
>be teenagers
>friends who GM only play D&D and only let people play martial types, because "magic is hard"
>no roleplaying, just hack and slashing
>one day, GM decides not to let us roll dice and they would roll everything
ended up playing a lot of return fire on their 3do that day
i have a feeling thay dide got arrested later on
>First time playing Shadowrun (3e, I think)
>Show up to the GM's house early so we can set up my character and figure out how to integrate my runner to the party.
>Notice a peculiar smell upon entry, but can't quite place it. The GM and his wife are usually relatively clean people, so this is especially jarring.
>A lanky 12 year old girl in a long t-shirt and no pants lets out an either delighted or territorial shriek and immediately wraps her arms around me. I've never met this child before and am at a loss, and sort of awkwardly hoverhand return the hug while trying to balance all of my gaming stuff.
>It got interesting when a third limb joined in the embrace and I feel a soft thumping against my knees. The GM's wife immediately lets out a wail of abject disgust and pulls the child away and firmly ushers her into the next room and slams the door on it.
>This is how I find out that they have semiferal retarded children, which they try to keep cooped up while game is happening but fail relatively miserably. These aren't even the "clamp on a pair of gun range headphones and put a smartphone in their hands for placidity" type, we're getting into full-on rocking, shrieking, shit-flinging, furniture-humping retard children.
>It would not be some years until I actually realized that the smell I had first encountered was that of human effluence in intermingling and myriad forms.
>My ride had already left. I don't want to make this any more awkward than it is. I just try to take it in stride and try to ignore the violated feeling and swiftly move on with the least strained smile I can muster.
Way to confirm my stereotypes of GURPS players
>Get the character made just as other players are starting to trickle in, ask for feedback on the build and ask if this should be able to fit well with the group by their judgment as well.
>GM warns me that he does want to try to wrap up the end of the last run before introducing my character, but I say that I don't mind waiting. He said it was only supposed to be 15 minutes or so of narrating a scene or two. The players basically have their plan together.
>I get the other players to fill me in on who they are, and what they're doing for the current Johnson: he basically wants them to break into the wedding of the son of this huge Yak poobah or something and either assassinate or kidnap the bride. Players had preemptively chosen Assassinate and told the Johnson as much, and had settled on a price then and there.
>It's about as close to a simple Smash and Grab thing as you can get, and they're basically just hashing out some of the little stuff.
>All the while I can hear the distinct noise of muffled chimpanzee screaming and plastic toys breaking, and sometimes a partially-clothed emaciated human stumbles drunkenly through the house around us.
>The other players have gotten surprisingly apt at ignoring it, and I try to follow their example. They even seem familiar enough with the children to try to gently usher them back into containment whenever the sanctity of gametime is breached.
>It....took them far longer than anticipated to get gametime moving, however. By the second hour of sitting there while the other players argued I had gotten a dice tower to 17d6.
>By the fourth voices were being raised, and I just sat and surfed and waited to get to be relevant.
>It's just a continuous cavalcade of disputes over the most meaningless little stuff, like who loads their gun with what when and what spells should be used on particular Yaks.
>I sit and wait patiently through all of this. I'm just desperate for people who play things other than D&D to like me.
>By the sixth I asked if we could possibly procure food and managed to defuse the situation. Shit was getting pretty heated and tables were being slammed and the raised voices were causing the mongoloids to howl.
>I asked if we could order pizza if I drop $20 into the pool and get to decide the toppings on one pie.
>GM's wife immediately snatches the cash and stuffs it into her bra, but declares that she's going out for McDonalds.
>I got maybe $3 of dollar menu stuff out of the deal.
>We play for ANOTHER ENTIRE HOUR after she gets back before they finally actually get ready and go out and do the run.
>The entire thing takes the 15 minutes the GM had promised me it would, possibly with a few shaved off for good measure because I am getting some seriously pitying and pained looks from the GM and his wife.
>We get maybe 45 minutes of playtime in at the end in which I basically just got told by the other players what to do and when to do it, basically treated like an NPC mook the entire time that the GM is trying to make the center of the run because he wants me to have a good time.
>The other players are all really friendly with their table chat, but when it comes down to IC they barely seem to register that I'm there.
>The GM awkwardly calls it a night after that point, because they have to get the kids strapped in and doped up for bed, and I get a ride home from one of the more appreciative players from dinner, who doesn't seem to notice the lack of enthusiasm in my answers when asked how I liked the game and the group.
>The start of the next weekend rolls around (gametime was on Sunday), and I start calling GM and his wife to try to know when they want me to come to Session 2. Strangely enough, they're not answering.
>In my mind I built up the idea that Session 2 will surely be less awkward. My character is introduced and I'll be able to establish myself as part of the group. Oh the naivete.
>Check Facebook, message them there. They're still posting, but not responding to my messages.
>Gameday goes by with no word yet on what's going on.
>The next week goes by with me trying to get in touch with them. This isn't a "My phone is out of minutes and I haven't gotten to pay the bill yet" kind of not answering. This is getting to be clearly deliberate.
>It eventually takes a mutual friend meeting the GM's wife and cornering her at the psych office to find out what the fuck is going on and why they're suddenly ostracizing me when we were all smiles before.
>She says it's because the other players were uncomfortable with having someone so much younger than them at the table (everyone else was late 20s to early 40s, I was maybe 17 but generally reserved).
>Other players had actually wanted to try to invite me to other games to inject in new blood, including a local V:tM LARP.
>Pressing reveals that it's basically just the GM not wanting me back for undisclosed reasons and not being willing to come out and say it because he's a huge weenie.
And that's why I don't play Shadowrun. Years later, I still see GM and his wife at con and GM won't make eye contact with me and wife is generally stilted and awkward when we speak and finds the earliest excuse to be doing something else.
This sounds like my worst game
>18 PCs
>12 DMPCs
>6 second time limit
>GM sucks at math and spends at least a minute calculating every action
>One DMPC solves 90% of the party's problems
>GM's boyfriend solves the rest
>Railroading so hard you died if were even a foot off the track
>DMPCs and boyfriend get new powers whenever the plot needs them
And the absolute worst part:
>BBEG turns invincible and nearly wipes the party
>DMPC develops a new power that one shots BBEG
>DMPC dies from using it.
I have more horror stories from that game if anyone wants.
>Game starts, we're in a small town
>See a job posting for a caravan escort job
>10000 gold reward
>Most competent player nopes out of there
>GM says you have nowhere to go
>We take the job
>Get ambushed by lovecraftian horrors
>Kill them
>Get teleported to nowhere
>Lights appear
>"The world is DOOOOOMED!"
>Get teleported somewhere
>Three DMPCs appear
>They lead us to town
>We need to go hunt werewolves for money
>Get ambushed by 10000 of them
>DMPCs are all level cap
>We fight ten
>Ding level 2
>A vampire appears
>We can't even scratch it
>DMPC reveals his cyborg powers
>One shots the thing
>Later, we now have 10 DMPCs with us
>Three are mysterious hooded figures
>We go to the inn in town
>Hooded figures being total assholes
>Berserker decides he's had enough of the GM's bullshit, picks a fight with the hooded figures
>They're demons
>They level the town
>Police officer in the party files a report
>Berserker doesn't make it out of the inn, leaves group
>Police officer gets spite killed the very battle
>We run for a while
>Get caught by demons and cops
>The forces of chaos interrupt
>GM's boyfriend pulls a new group teleportation power out of his ass
>Go back to his family mansion
>He's a half-vampire half-angel noble
Just devils advocate here and I don't know the rules for GURPS, but a shot at 200 meters is doable, even at night, though they would need some pretty high quality gear to have good recognition at that range during the night.
It's diffcult in GURPS as well, that's not a system issue, that's a shitty GM. Unless the random bandit wallguards all had NightVision, high PER, and expert level rifle skill
>One DMPC becomes GM's boyfriend's servant
>Our names get cleared
>Get ambushed by an angel corrupted by chaos
>Try to kill her, GM says she's too important
>Capture her
>DMPC reveal's that he's trans
>GM fucks it up in every way possible
>Most competent player at the table is openly MtF
>She's done with this game, walks out mid-session
>GM does nothing.
The real fuck up was allowing a tranny in the first place.
>We're travelling on a boat
>Get ambushed by pirates
>We draw our weapons
>GM says there's too many to fight
>We try our diplomatic abilities
>GM says they're useless
>DMPC calls in a favor with the pirate king
>Pirates let us go
>We get to the island
>There's a puzzle
>The puzzle changes every time the GM describes it
>GM's boyfriend uses his magic eye to see the solution
>We get surrounded by monsters
>GM says they're too powerful to fight
>DMPC pulls out a scroll case
>Monsters take us to their leader
If other people invite me to play again I'd at least give it a try, but no one else I know plays it.
>Their leader sends us to meet a dragon
>Dragon teleports us to the next area
>We land in some organic hell
>Undead dragon ambushes us and one-shots the party
>It's going to eat us
>Deus ex Machina catgirl on a gryphon flys in and tell the dragon to stop
>Dragon turns into a human, area turns into a normal field
>Sends us to three temples
>They're all the exact same thing
>Interact with shopkeepers and trainers in town for two turns
>Fight monsters
>Solve puzzle via GM's boyfriend
>Fight Gitant bug
>Fight more monsters
>Solve another stupid puzzle
>Fight dragon
>Finish third temple
>Two PCs controlled by the same player get married
>Let's go to the void, the source of the chaos
>There's one kind of enemy here
>The GM throws encounters at us constantly
>We need to go to the forbidden city
>DMPC needs two swords to do that
>We get the swords
>We enter the forbidden city
>DMPC draws them, bubble of light forms around him
>You get instakilled if you leave the bubble
>There's a giant tower
>We climb it, fighting more of the one kind of enemy here every floor
>Get to the top
>There's a giant enemy that's identical to the stuff we've been fighting
>Entire party is fed up with fighting the same enemy 1000 times
>We leave the void
>We land at the base of mountain with permanent thunderstorm
>Two players find a combo in the broken homebrew rules that lets them one shot entire encounters
>We walk into a crystal cave under the mountain
>Cave lights up when Gary Stu walks in it
>Cave forks
>We go down the right fork
>There's nothing there, not even monsters
>We take the left forked
>We walk into an old lab
>Gary Stu got his cybernetic powers here
>Head scientist appears
>We get ambushed by monsters designed to be immune to the above mentioned combo
>We corner the head scientist
>He has an evil machine
>We fight the evil machine
>We almost destroy it
>GM says we can't harm it anymore
>It fires off some wave that takes out our whole party
>Gary Stu picks up a new power that was vaguely hinted at, but never used
>Machine is destroyed, head scientist dies
>Gary Stu dies because that power required him to sacrifice himself
>GM says the game is over
>There were 3PCs who had any effect on the plot
>The only one of those still alive was the GM's boyfriend
Keep in mind that all of these stories were basically consecutive. The entire campaign, from start to finish, was just one long disaster. That was actually my first game ever, and it turned me off RPGs for two years because it was that awful.
>Actual scream
The joys of "roleplaying" what your character says, everyone
She was a personal friend of a quarter of the table, which was four people because our game was just that overloaded. She was also the only one helping the new players, which we had 6 of.
The tranny did nothing wrong though, leaving the game is the appropriate response to someone using whatever you are to virtue signal.
Not just using what she is to virtue signal, but doing it wrong.
>using reddit slang while doing so
okay that is officially the most awkward story I read on here. Congrats.
report filter and hide
Surprised you came back to tabletop games at all, user. Thank you for your service, and welcome back.
Their goblins have since ascended to Hobgoblinhood and have been allowed to attend con in the hopes that exposing them to other human beings might actually cause social skills to rub off on them, even zitty geek social skills.
Instead they just randomly stagger around and occasionally accost or even grope strangers and people just seethe and put up with it because they're soft-headed.
Heed my words and despair, anons.
For every time someone lets this kind of thing slide because the kid doesn't have the capacity to understand what he or she is doing, there are twelve people whose lives have been sullied by the Nurgly appendage.
This dumpster fire can't be real
fucking what nothin g in the world makes those sounds
I thought this looked familiar, and found somebody who posted it on reddit a few years back. It's real
how did he fuck the trans stuff up, i want to know how much to cringe
During the fight with the angel, Gary Stu had his breat binder cut. He then tells us that he was born with the name Mary Sue, and that he and his brother were kidnapped as children by the BBEG, and experimented on in the lab that gave them all of their cybernetic enhancements. After they escaped, his brother died in front of him, and the combined trauma of the horrible lab and his brother's death caused him to decide to become man. From that point on, the GM called him him Mary Sue.
Also, the GM was a she.
As a tranny myself, I would've walked the fuck out too.
What if Spellcaster is the easiest class in that system?
>actually 1000 year old dragon lolis
Sounds fine to me. But how can they be lolis when they're 1000 years old?
I've never gotten why some people have an issue with it. It's always a great time when my friends and I play it.
They look and act like preteen girls. I honestly find that type of character more obnoxious than an ordinary preteen girl (which I'm generally not a fan of).