Many Magic: The Gathering players ask the question...
Many Magic: The Gathering players ask the question
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How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie roll center of a Tootsie Pop?
is it worth it to invest in a non-shitty haircut?
...why aren't you supporting the Feminist Struggle?
Why am I not playing Hearthstone?
... what does Hasbro do with the trillions of dollars they fleece out of their fans.
why aren't more people angry that this girl for destroying a precious incredibly valuable piece of card, lowering the ratio of cards to cards and overall reducing the total value of cards in circulation?
... why aren't you donating to my Patreon?
An excellent question. But a better question would be: Why are needed cards printed at such a low rate?
Because everyone knows rip it or flip it is a retarded thing to do and this exact situation being possible is the entire point of the stupid activity.
why is the Prof so thirsty thirsty for Sprankle, the methed out fake titted cosplay grifter
This guy is in mid life ruination from the SJW wing of magic for daring to make a video months ago pointing out Sprankle's attention whoring.
Jeremy is in cahoots with Sargon of Cuckwad, so he's going in for maximum SJW asshurt.
>methed out
Proof of that? I know she went from flat to d-cups, because that Nissa cosplay was so flat, I thought /a/ would start defending her.
where did that bit come from?
Yeah, her MM page lists her as an A-cup (as of 2014). Chestlets, when will they ever learn?
watch this dude at 1.5x speed, then he sounds human
Can someone redpill me on the Jeremy/Sprankle/Professor drams? I’ve heard about it, but don’t know what went down.
>Jeremy makes videos accusing her of being a fake geek who doesn’t like Magic, a sex worker (in the sense that she’s paid to dress provocatively), that she’s essentially scams beta teens out of money by saying she can’t afford to eat or pay her rent and then spends that money playin flip it or rip it.
>Months later Sprankle says she’s quitting MTG cosplay because of his continued harassment and death threats from his fans.
>Community flips its shit and Prof jumps on the bandwagon. Sprankle and Prof are friends (or at least have made lots of stuff together) so it’s no surprise he jumped so quickly.
Jeremy is a massive cunt and posts tons of alt right nonsense but the community have taken it way out of context and proportion. His biggest crime is being a Trump supporter, which as you know is worse than being a nazi in 2017.
Is it true Jeremy is basically blacklisted now?
From playing Magic? He only plays kitchen table anyway, not even FNM.
But no, he didn’t get banned, Wizards gave out a bullshit pr statement where they said they want to foster a positive community but didn’t actually do anything. Some pros did say that if anyone feels threatened at an event they’re at they’d go talk to the head judge for you. So yes, in a way if he turned up to a GP he’d probably get booted by a SJW.
It's not out of proportion though? Even before this started he has sicced his followers onto multiple people who got doxxed, death threats and all the fun stuff as a result.
Now he is served a fraction of that (A few messages and a bunch of Facebook reviews calling you out for what you are - boohoo, cry me a river) and goes into full snowflake victim mode, worst than Sprankle.
And what fascinates me over all of this: He cries about being harrassed when what he has doled out is way worse than what he recieved. The difference is just that now people are calling him out on his BS instead of trying to be shush about it - because they don't want to add fuel to the fire.
So yeah. Fuck Jeremy. You were shown the receipts. TCC made a 20 minutes video that contains receipts almost exclusively. The fact that J-Boy tries to absolve himself from the actions of his followers is just the shit cherry on top of a shit pie that he is trying to serve everyone.
Also, the Polygon article was remarkably evenhanded. They requested comments from him and posted his entire statement (which reeks of snowflake whining). They don't even directly call him on his bullshit, they just remark, that there are other perspectives than his on the matter.
I agree wholeheartedly with what you’re saying but when you have people like Hipsters of the Coast trying to say they thought Jeremy wanted to kill them (because he posted a picture or his guns with a caption saying he Invited protesters into his property) it’s hard to say people aren’t exaggerating the situation.
*invites protestors
they also posted that he was carrying a gun at some GP, completely made up during the initial witch hunt.
To be fair, that is not exactly a deescalating move. I just don't get his endgame - at all. Does he want to pivot this into a position as lifestyle/hobby editor with Breitbart or what?
And honestly, asking people to come to your property so you can legally shoot them is pretty deep into death threat territory if you ask me.
What saddens me is, that there is actually a need in the Veeky Forums community for content creators that speak truth to power. But he would rather "troll" and "joke" and "expose". It's sad.
While flat is justice, 3D will always be PD on /a/
In certain states being on somebody's property is more than enough cause to get off of murder. Case in point, I live in Florida. If I invite you into my home, and then make it clear that if you don't leave immediately I will shoot you I can start firing at any point there-after with no repercussions unless your body lands outsise of my property line.
It's worded as an invitation, but it should be pretty obvious that it's actually a warning. That kind of warning is incredibly common in some places (this house is protected by the good Lord and a gun, you might meet both if you come in uninvited) and I feel that anyone trying to stretch it to mean a real invitation is just digging around in the bottom of the barrel.
Itt sjws arguing sjw dumbcuntery. Sad
acting tough and nothing more, those who actually invade your house are more than likely to be armed also
ofc it is easy to talk shit to some librul fa tg uys on net than a feral nigger pack
Yeah, but noone cares about "pretty obvious". When some 13 year old kid posts about bombing his school, it's usually pretty obvious he is joking. Still gets to do Juvie.
If we are doing "he said/she said" - Jeremy offered an invitation to shoot people. That's literally what he said. It doesn't matter what he thinks he "meant" by it.
Afaik, the invitation was just for protestors to come visit. Rioters are a different class of people and inference from the picture attached is "obvious", but not stated. Logic shouldn't end where you find it convenient. Either it's an obvious warning, or it's just an invitation. The gun part makes it a warning and you have to deliberately make half of an obvious logical leap to not see it as such.
This stuff that has actually been tried in court. You're allowed to rescind your invitation at any point, especially if you state that you feel threatened. The law is very vague in this. In fact, if you're the first person to draw a gun I'm fsirly certain that the person you invited in can shoot YOU claiming Stand Your Ground. The law in Florida is pretty fuckey.
t Florida resident and /k/ommando.
>Polygon was remarkably evenhanded
Yeah nah. This is how you out yourself as an SRS faggot of the worst sort.
You're retarded if you think people playing FIoRI has any actual influence on the monetary value of cards.
Consider this: The value of a card is determined by the supply and demand. The supply in this case are all the opened cards in existence of adequate quality to be legally playable in a tournament setting (though cards of even higher quality are of course even more valuable as their supply is even more restricted) and the demand is the number of people currently looking to own that particular card. Please note that we're talking about cards that have already been opened in booster boxes. The number of un-opened Arabian Nights boosters that still exists in the world do not affect Ali from Cairo's value. In fact, one could say that they are not taken into account at all because no one is gonna buy a shitton of Arabian Nights boosters and suddenly flood the market with hundreds more Ali from Cairos. So, if you buy a booster of Arabian Nights and decide to play FLoRI with it and find that you've ripped Ali from Cairo, you haven't increased his price (ignoring that a single card added to or removed from circulation has no effect at all) because that wasn't part of the calculation to begin with.
tl;dr: Even if a game of Flip It or Rip It could affect the value of cards (which it can't) it would only be able to decrease them because it can only add cards to the circulation.
Go ahead and argue why it wasn't evenhanded. I'll wait.
Thought so.
...should they buy the large Chance, or stick with the medium size?
Not him, but I do disagree with this bit:
>In one video from Oct. 26, Hambly makes transphobic comments about people who play competitive games in Magic.
To summarize, he makes a statement that says Trans-male-to-female are biologically male and that they have elevated testosterone levels, which partially contributes to their competitive drive. And its this competitive drive that is shared by so many Magic players, which is why so many of them are male.
That's not transphobic. That's just facts. There are many studies out there expressing the behavior expressed by people with differing hormone levels and the impact of hormone treatments on the emotions and personalities of transsexual individuals. There is a prevalent opinion in the transsexual community that a statement like this, deemed "biological essentialist", is to be considered offensive because they see no connect between their gender, sexual preference, or biological makeup. And they are completely wrong because there IS a connection between one's gender, sexual preference, and biological makeup backed up by science and Jeremy makes a statement that falls in line with the science.
I don't disagree that this guy is somewhat of a piece of shit and is reacting poorly to the butthurt. But I do feel that some of the accusations such as him being a transphobic individual are both wrong and being used to drop unnecessary attention and hate towards him. There are many vocal transexuals who have the completely wrong idea about their biology and they're convincing the rest of the population to ignore the science around hormones and the science behind sexual reassignment.
Is this a troll or has Veeky Forums really been lost so much to SJWs that the board name should be read as /tgender/? You aren't welcome here, go take your hormones somewhere else.
Jeremy is an asshole, but harassment isn't making mean comments, it is continual unwanted contact with a person in an intentional way. No one has shown Jeremy doing that (lol death threats), and he is not responsible for the actions of people who follow him because he can't control them. If anything he is the one being harassed here and that is a fact we have been seing through and through to unravel in front of our eyes (instead of the harassment he supposedly did).
nu/tg/ is all about politics and social issues and fighting against badwrongfun i.e. games and writing and creativity you don't like.
>Jeremy is an asshole, but harassment isn't making mean comments
> it is continual unwanted contact with a person in an intentional way.
Literally what happend. Do you even read your own argument? Just look at the amount of shit he throws at people on twitter. That's why his targets block him. Also if you believe that posting screenshots of him being blocked or mocking them while showing all their social links will not get them harrassed far more than J-Boy himself would ever be able to, both you and him are equally deluded.
The transphobic comments were '[...], but in my opinion, from a biological standpoint, they are still male. And thus, these "women" (Literaly Airquotes by him), that are playing Magic, that represent a big chunk of the community, they're still men, biologically speaking.' In the video you linked, from 21:38 to about 22:15.
That is literally textbook transphobia. He is literally denying the the potential for someone to be transgender. To him, if someone is MtF trans, they are still men. The whole other shit about testosterone levels is an afterthought compared to this.
And even here there are a bunch of logic jumps required to get from "Testosterone increases competitive drive" to "This is why magic players are male." I won't get into a deep discussion on that now and just say this:
1. I agree testosterone predicates competitive behaviour
2. Most Magic is not competitive but social in nature - Think kitchentable.
3. And even if it was - noncompetitive hobbies that share this niche (like TTRPG) are Male-Dominated. If the deciding factor for m/f ratios was competitiveness, then TTRPG should have been 50% all times.
Finally, the only thing he was backing up with science is that Testosterone makes us compete.
So in conclusion, I disagree wholeheartedly about him not being transphobic. I still think the article made it a point without pushing that as the main narrative - and is thus very evenhanded.
Nobody here is doing badwrongfun? Unless your definition of fun is harassment, in which case, ya, that's bad and wrong.
But yeah, I would appreciate if a prospective daughter who might like Star Wars or Magic isn't gatekeepered by some shitheel because of her gender. That's why I care, and why I argue about these issues.
Also feels pic related.
Also I used literally three times in a single post and now feel retarded.
Sex doesn't predicate your choice of hobby.
Finally, someone asking the hard questions
I don't think he's denying the potential for people to be transgender. And I don't see an issue with saying that MtF transgender people are on a genetic level, still men for the most part. Sure surgeries and hormone treatment can achieve a lot of the physical attributes but you can't change your DNA (yet). I agree with him but that doesn't mean I deny that people are transgender nor does it mean I discriminate against them nor does it mean I deny the reasons why they're transgender. I would call a transgender individual by "he" or "she" as they desire but when it comes to the topic of their genetic makeup when it comes to biological functions they are very much male or men, whichever word we want to use.
If that's textbook transphobia I think the term has been watered down to include people who don't have an extreme nor irrational fear of trans-individuals as well as people who don't hold a discriminatory feeling either. From his statements I would not level that accusation towards him. There may be other evidence of him being a transphobic bigot but the evidence supplied by the Polygon article isn't one of them.
I understand that airquotes carry with them a sense of condescension when used in a social setting. But I don't feel that we have to take it to the extreme and accuse people of using them to be any more than impolite.
I'm sorry to imply that testosterone is why Magic players are predominantly male. Obviously that's wrong. There are many reasons why the hobby space is dominated by males and not all of them great.
It does influence it a lot.
>I can't do what I want with the things I own
Generic and bland as they are, even tits wouldn't make recent snake/naga art sexy or interesting. Then again, I completely suck at photoshop, so...
The orochi from Kamigawa, though... always took a second glance at most of their females. The art from that era gave magic that fantasy feel that drew me into the game, I really miss it.
The problem is that they though they had an art style guide for snake-people that depicted them as cobras, they just let some artists depict them as regular snakes for no fucking good reason.
You make a fucking style guide for a reason. Ignoring it in favor of imagery we can google is why it's so not-interesting.
But your choice of hobby can prevent sex Kappa
>To him, if someone is MtF trans, they are still men.
That's true though.
>it's ok if we do it
Should I have a big strong man fuck my wife while I'm at the FNM?
Well, yes you should!
TCC did the right thing just showing his own words, urging people not to respond in-kind. If people try to make this into a big political crusade it will backfire. Jeremy's got Sargon coaching him on how to be a culture warrior, step zero is don't make it into a culture war.
/pol/ is shit. BADWRONGFUN is a subjective thing, and /pol/ should keep it'sa shit opinions to themselves. nu/tg/ is only worse for the same kind of shit.
This shit is more cringeworthy than Chanology. A bunch of underage b& thinking they're the coolest things ever because someone told them to bitch about MtG using big words. Kill yourself.
Why don't you go say hi to them?
I wonder if the stupid fucking janitor who moved all the fucking threads from here to /pol/ knew this would happen.
Because in the janitor/mod's efforts to styme discussion of this shitty situation they've obviously made it fucking worse by attracting the shittiest part of Veeky Forums to the idea and now their insane zeal has backfired in their face as those with even more insane zeal have entered the fray. OR they did it on purpose knowing that /pol/ would take this cancer and elevate it to radioactive cancer.
Either way, fuck you janitor, this is your fucking fault.
Because /pol/ is shit, people who post /pol/shit in Veeky Forums are shit, and I have absolutely no desire to immerse myself in shit that gets lobbed over in Veeky Forums all the fucking time.
Politics of all sorts is against my traditional games and always has been.
Tell that to wotc
Look. Stop using this word because it doesn't mean what you think it means. The word "trans-" is a prefix meaning "to move or go beyond" which as applied to the start of the word to change the meaning of it. Phobia is a word to mean an irrational fear of something. Take the following words as examples.
Form: to create or give shape. TRANSform = To move or go beyond the original creation or shape.
Port: A city, town, or other place where ships load or unload cargo and goods. TRANSport = To move(goods and cargo) to go beyond port.
Locate: To find or discover a place or area. TRANSlocate = To move a given area or go beyond a location.
Phobia: An irrational fear of something. TRANSphobia = To move or go beyond ones fears/phobias.
Everytime you say someone has transphobia or is transphobic you're basically saying it as someone who is conquering their fears and moving beyond them. The word you're looking for is just good old fashioned PREJUDICE. No need to use meme words.
>meme is short for memetic
>memetic = memory + genetic
>memes are ideas that spread and mutate over time like genes
all words are meme words
welcome to the English language.
Go speak Esperanto if you want a logically-consistent language.
So how do I start a deck based on this controversy...
Some trolls, some frogs, some posts, some White Knights...a land base of -gates.
You think /pol/ is gonna figure out they're allowing stealth Veeky Forums threads on their board?
"What's the deal with airline food?"
None of that changes the fact that the word transphobia doesn't mean what you think it means. Outside of spelling words as written and saying them phonetically being different most of the words in the English language are logical. When you're using prefixes to affix to a word there's always a logic to it when the meaning of the word is properly understood. Whether it be prefixes like, mis- de- re- un- pan- etc.
Pan: prefix meaning "all". Optic = Seeing. Panoptic translates to "One that sees all". It's why there are words like, DEconstruct, REconstruct, UNmake, REmake, MISinform, REinform etc. There's a fair amount of logic there when using prefixes properly.
>His biggest crime is being a Trump supporter, which as you know is worse than being a nazi in 2017.
Is this /pol/ or tumblr? I can't tell.
Is that Boromir?
Is it okfor a jew to white knight for a 6/10 in 2017?
Tumblr doesn't post on Veeky Forums.
that's what you fags from Tumblr and Reddit always say
>mentally ill people
>behaving logically
Try to explain it all you want, they can't even understand xx and xy, they won't be bothered to learn what words and prefixes mean.
Why anyone who actually enjoys playing the game should care about drama in the "community"?
>some fat neckbeard spouts off alt right memes and is an around asshole to people
>People block him and tell him to fuck off
Am I suppose to be surprised? What exactly is the issue here?
No worries, that happens to everybody.
A few dummies took the bait and tried to make it a culture war, plus a few astroturfers. Most of the community does just want to ignore the guy.
People take issue with the fact that some figures in the community call him being a vitriolic asshole towards them in video format for an audience of tens of thousands of like-minded trolls "harassment."
I'll admit, it's difficult territory. I personally believe that yes, it is harassment when you knowingly focus the attention of an audience that you know is made up of reactionary trolls on individuals that you depict in the worst light possible. I think Jeremy's a savvy enough guy to be aware of the ramifications of his actions and if he goes through with it knowing what he will indirectly cause, I'd say he carries some responsibility.
Why the fuck WOULD it have tits
it's a fucking snake
Why do so many assclowns like that fruitbowl fake professor?
From what I heard she ripped that card as a part of playing a character for a video. As in, she was literally paid to play flip/rip.
I do wonder why the fuck all these youtubers give so much of a shit about some random cosplayer. Cosplayers are not community members. They're decorations. You can replace them with a poster or a houseplant.
I also do wonder (and wondered long before this drama began) why the fuck that Jeremy guy makes so god damn many videos talking about other youtubers. What valid reason can anybody have to constantly make videos about other MTG youtubers? It's just shitflinging, attention-begging that reeks of desperation. Maybe that's the actual reason here, the targets being finally tired of his shit and returning the shit tenfold.
Whatever. Nobody comes out of this looking good. The hysterical lynch mob these people have set up is sickening to watch, and the target frankly isn't much better.
>fake professor
Pretty sure he's an actual professor, or was anyway before he quit his job to be a full-time e-celeb.
Anyway the reason he has fans is that he makes good, clean, informative videos for beginners and product reviews. Whenever he tries to step out of that zone he immediately trips and lands straight into shit though.
He didn't quit, budget cuts at the university caused him to lose his job.
"Does it resolve?"
Nah, he quit his lecturing job because plebs at reddit are paying him $20k a month to churn out shitty videos once in a full moon. Not to mention he monetizes his youtube videos too. Literally double dipping
Not like he's in any financial trouble if he didn't get the youtube/patreon gig anyway. Guy comes from an upper class family. Pretty sure his parents won't have any problem financially supporting him if he's jobless for a while.
Get the /pol/ shit off my magic.
Screw off reddit