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>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
Which antediluvian makes the best husbando/waifu?
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/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
>goes to
>posts legitimate and cool story from game
>gets banned
Uh, seriously? How did THAT go out of line? Nothing you wouldn't find in related media...
>Which antediluvian makes the best husbando/waifu?
It's rather mild. How come people who get triggered by as little as this even try to play World of Darkness?
ur mom fag
Ennoia. How is this even a question?
That's for you. Somehow half their mods write for Onyx Path.
This: does not compute with this:
What the fuck?
Both NWoD and OWoD had canon werewolf groups that kidnap kinfolk/wolf-blooded for this purpose.
>goes to
This was your first mistake.
Two threads? You're as bad as frogposter OP.
t. frogposter
No. Just tired of potentially disruptive behavior.
Clearly you may no longer discuss them on (and by extension officual Onyx Path forums too) on a threat of permaban.
There are far, far worse things in the books.
>it's not legal to discuss the legitimate horror situations proposed in both games
>but hey, all the smutty obvious fetish shit in Changing Breeds is fine
Kill me.
Remember kids, it's ok to like *problematic* things.
Welcome to nu/tg/. We got that stuff banned here too!
We should contact SJW victims and invite them here.
I am considering becoming ST and I am thinking about lifting restrictions on Supernatural's being unable to purchase Supernatural Merits, and letting PCs buy Merits restricted to character creation later in the game with sufficient justification (Character purchases Ambidextrous by practicing his non-dominant hand). How easily would this get broken?
From that thread, your PM to the mods is what got you banned.
Funny, you left that bit out.
Supernatural Merits mimic things Supernaturals can do with their respective supernatural abilities. You would be giving them access to things they shouldn't have access to using their merits. Like Vampires with True Faith, Magic sensing Werewolves, and Mages who can talk to spirits without using the Spirit arcana.
>enjoy your ban
Because OP doesn't know how to make a proper thread with the proper Monday meeting notes
Fuck off Zeea.
I'd like to specify: Talking CofD here.
Seems like the thread was prime reason for his banning, not his PM defense.
Then I cannot help you there, sorry.
Being autistic over frogs does this
They started banning the other half of writers recently, so the future of WoD doesn't look bright.
No frogs. Mages.
Are all SJWs this mentally inadequate?
Are all WoD & CofD writers SJWs?
No, they're all that self centered.
Keep in mind this is the same setting in which pic related literally and explicitly has raped people for decades at a time.
No, but they're all trannies.
>There are far, far worse things in the books.
Like what?
Come on give us the details.
>three threads
Holy hell frogposter really tickled your pickles
in situations like this you have to ask yourself "What would the black furies do?".
what was in the PM?
Can you screenshot it?
Not only is political correctness half-assed and ham fisted, it's also entirely unprofessional.
-- Yes, it's true, PC mongoloids can rarely make competent products.
No, the admin who banned the idiot told him it was also because of what he posted in the PM that he was banned as opposed to just the warning he originally received. Specifically so that the poster couldn't claim it was entirely unfair.
>Cannibal Smiley
You just got told off by a "rape survivor" and a transsexual. This isn't surprising.
Without hacking guy's account? No.
Typical Onyx Path.
"Rape survivors"? Were they raped by McFarland during his moderation days or was it somebody else?
What would happen if I turned the air around a werewolf/true fae into silver/cold iron?
You'd have a dead dog and a crippled fairy.
What's the point there?
Overly sensitive and unprofessional morons?
Pretty much nothing. Air isn't dense enough to be effective in that way. You'd just get load of silver/iron dust dropping to the floor around them.
Not entirely true. If the air is dense enough they're going to be inhaling something potential lethal.
I mean why does that stuff mean they will be all "RAEG" about a post?
So apparently Mages can make perfect materials Lasting by using two reach...
>Wr20 is finished and at WW now
I-is habbenen?
Mages can jizz exceptional successes and you're complaining about them shitting magical metals?
Can control fire only be used on existing fires if it's being used to attack?
If I didn't know who this was it'd be a great character portrait for a Darkling or Fairest of some kind.
This is getting removed, do more reading
>This is getting removed
Direct me to where this is stated so I can be at ease.
Control is not create. So yes control only existing
Daveb said it somewhere, go find it, 4plebs or forum searching is a thing you lazy fuck
You can't magic in Cold Iron because Cold Iron is defined as not created by magic. Sidirite maybe. In case of stuffing air with Iron, True Fae don't need to breath.
>Sidirite maybe.
There is no maybe. Siderite functions as cold iron.
>True Fae don't need to breath.
Depends on what they manifest as. Though it's not like they need to inhale anything.
He means maybe create Siderite. Though, turning air into iron then turning it into perfected iron is quite a bit of spellworking.
I assume you can also magic air into it, but that brings back the question of density and just how ineffective that trick would be.
>maybe create Siderite
There's no maybe about that either.
I said maybe because I imagine it jumps past the Gnosis/Arcana tier OP intended there.
>There are far, far worse things in the books.
I think they mean werewolves fucking people to death.
Yeah ....... I forgot that rage of the Wyrm is a thing.
Why are the Tzimisce so much better than other clans? Is it because they are one of the few that truly understand that vampires are monsters?
It's because you are an edgy tranny
Slap "Dissonance affect Perfected materials, even if spell is Lasting", and this is fine.
Not even the best Sabbat clan.
Sorry, but they have literally nothing interesting besides Vicissitude. Remove that from them, and literally nobody will play them or even talk about them.
Eh, they're interesting as a weird take on very traditional vampires. They fill the role of regal traditionalists in a way very different from the Ventrue, in that they're very 'old world' vampires that value prestige and dictum that have avoided being absorbed into the mundanity of modern nights and has remained a clan of loosely-associated lone princes. They've got links to ancient sorcery and maybe infernal powers, making them more like the classic vampire of the Dracula vein.
They're one of the more evocative and striking clans, and it kinda shows in how WW pushed them. You can tell how strong a clan's concept is by how big a part their signature character played in the metaplot and how fleshed out they were, pretty much, because these were the clans that made for compelling characters. Unsurprisingly, Vykos was fucking everywhere, much like Beckett, Lucita and Anatole.
>Slap "Dissonance affect Perfected materials, even if spell is Lasting", and this is fine.
While Dissonance technically affects all obvious magic, why would it apply to Siderite?
There would be nothing obviously magical about an iron-esque weapon. This wouldn't change just because it was doing bad things to a fae or changeling.
If a siderite weapon was otherwise enchanted with other obvious spells, they those particular spells would be subject to Dissonance.
>technically affects all obvious magic
>always holds an edge that never dulls
>can cut through anything
>cannot be melted
>not fucking obvious magic
Did OPP ever release a corrected version of A Thousand Years of Night with the numerous errata? If so, anyone care to share?
too shiny, clean, and rustless.
What you describe isn't really obvious at all. It's not like the sword is glowing, shooting flame, etc. A shiny, clean and sharp sword is hardly obviously magical to an normal human observer.
Nevertheless, these type of scenarios are exactly the type of issues that a Mage FAQ is meant to clarify and resolve. It's a shame Dave no longer cares about Mage, and we'll never see a FAQ.
>A shiny, clean and sharp sword is hardly obviously magical to an normal human observer.
Sword which cuts through the stone wall is obviously magical. So is armor which shrugs a tank shell without a scratch. At that point, I rule that Perfected metal is hit by Dissonance, like I would rule that spell is obvious.
You could do with Ventrue, Lasombra, Toreador, Giovanni, and just about any other vampire clan. Tzimisce aren't even best at what you described.
Can an otherwise unenchanted/unimbued siderite sword cut through stone walls?
Yes, any vampire can technically do any vampire thing. Toreador or Giovanni as a clan however to not have the feel of Tzimisce, however, and vice versa.
>Tzimisce aren't even best at what you described
They pretty much are. They're the only clan majorly characterized that way - Ventrue, Toreador and Lasombra are the other aristocratic clans, but they have pretty wildly different characterizations as a whole. They're not my favourite clan but I'm not silly enough to think there are others that do being Tzimisce better.
>vampires can't fly in this game
>vampires can't fly in this game
>Laughing Mages
You can fly with Protean, Thaumaturgy and (obviously) Flight.
It will go fine as long as your players aren't douchebag powergamers
Hall monitors pls go
That's good to hear!
>>Laughing Mages
How much should character group's (cell/ring/motley/cabal/etc) sound like band name and how much like raising horse name?
None of that shit sounds out of place in an actual oWoD book. It's worth a permanent ban on RPGnet now?
It means they're hypersensitive to people using things like rape for shock horror value.
Like was all over the goddamned place in oWoD.