Give me your dwarf pics, anons.
Post whatever you like but I'm asking for rugged mountaineering dude dwarves if you got em, no weapons necessary.
tl;dr post dorf art
Give me your dwarf pics, anons.
Post whatever you like but I'm asking for rugged mountaineering dude dwarves if you got em, no weapons necessary.
tl;dr post dorf art
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd like to see a dwarven mountaineer, is probably the closest I've seen
>dwarf thread
>posts gnome
You're a loose canon, user!
Its the closest one I have so far, but the character is also a monk.
>A gnome is fine too
Not sure if this counts or not
No, but it's cool as shit so thank you for posting it.
In my setting, Dwarves were born of the primal god of fire, a giant flaming wolf.
Their greatest kingdom is the coldest in the world, the land of Harnoth. Harnoth is a portmanteau of words from two in-setting "languages". Both words mean "North".
It's a land of many steppes and hills, great barren fields of lichen, caribou and snow lions, boars, mushrooms, and hardy vegetables.
It is ruled by four great clans, whose lines jealously guard their power and influence. Alliances rarely last outside wars to the south, which are uncommon.
Their kingdom has existed since the first age, and an ancient mountain that resides in the coldest, most inhospitable land is known throughout the world as where the wolf god first walked, filling the earth with heat and energy.
Largely traditional, the four great clans share many of the same values and religious notions. Disparity is common, however, and great patriarchs are known to give long winded and stuffy decrees denoting their superiority over their neighbors, be it purer the bloodline to finer the craftsmanship of it's citizens, the boldness of their beer and food, to the brilliance of their scholars.
A deeply religious society, the great clans have existed before the event that defines the world, a war that banished the gods from the earth in the First Age, and caused a permanent source of naturally occurring undeath in the world.
Like all societies, the clans of Harnoth must deal with the undead. The wolf god demands of course that they be burned. Even folk tales for children speak of this necessity.
Dwarves during the Third Age (current setting) can be found nearly anywhere. They are only common in some cold regions, however. They are a hardy and tough lot, and take to ease many crafts due to a shrewd and precise eyesight, alongside strong, steady hands.
Around the globe, many Dwarves still worship or at least acknowledge the great burning wolf, although some follow or denote traditions of some of the second generation of gods, as many other races do during the third age.
In the most populous melting pot in the world, a city of guilds and magistrates, dwarves can be found at any level of hierarchy, as can several other races. Commonly in regions where dwarves are rare or nonpresent, they can easily experience prejudice over ancient stereotypes.
I want to like dwarfs but they are a horribly boring and generic race.
This is great. Who made it?
Adrian Smith does good dwarves.
Is OC acceptable?
I've found pic related to be an interesting turn them
I wish I were a dwarf.
Howabout dwarves with a slightly science-fantasy spin?
I just got done playing this game. Controls are a bit wonky, but it was pretty fun with a really cool aesthetic and the setting was very intriguing.
post more dwarves in stone full plate!!!
Like I said, a pretty cool game.
Ugly, i think its just the art style, but those are ugly.
request: i need dwarf women, with beards if possible, looking dwarfy as should be expected.
ill consider playing the game one day if it comes to my attention, But i think it looks ugly.
What kinda game is it? Dwarf fortress/ Minecraft?
im really short on dwarf art, So please dump on me.
>text of literally 25 words
you were desperate, weren't you?
It's a realtime strategy game, but you control 3 dwarves, each with a different skill set and talent trees, and mastering all 3 helps with some of the harder encounters.
Smashfist is the melee berzerker/slayer dwarf. All close combat and some crowd control
Forcer is the range attack dwarf, has a short ranged basic attack, but has a lot of high damage AoE options.
Shadow is the rogue. He teleports around in cover and has strong backstabs and stealthing mechanics. Also has the longest range really high damage single target attack.
The gameplay is fun and challenging. I like the artstyle a lot, and the setting is unique, but the voice acting is absolute cringe. It's done by a ukranian studio and the developers used their own voices because they are a small studio.
I enjoyed the game, athough it had its flaws. The atmosphere and environments were really engaging though.
It's appreciated
By my beard, I see distinct lack of dorfs and beer. By the forefathers, let this wrong be righted!
And rock be crumbled. Forging! Blacksmithing!
>dat smile
>dem tiddies
>dat beer
I love it
That is one jolly wench, har! Appreciated.
I personally find that rolling dwarves, gnomes and halflings together makes the resulting race much better overall. They can all seem a bit one note on their own unless you do something unusual with them, but combining all of the "short human" races together really broadens their niche.
Ye olde Shabazik and his qt dorfie ok?
Thickfags begone.
>wasting quads on this
>in dorf thread
>not liking thicc
Pic related
Dumping bearded dorf ladies
I don't have Gnomes in my setting.
However I have a similar concept otherwise.
Dwarves have a very very traditional hierarchical lawful society, and have enforced a caste system so rigidly and so long that their lower caste has actually developed into a separate ethnicity.
The higher caste makes the merchants, warriors, artisans, nobles and miners, which is considered a prestigious job on par with the warriors due to their importance and the danger of the caves, most miners also being trained as warriors for militia service, the lower caste is the simple laborers like farmers, woodcutters, animal tenders and such.
The higher caste are the Mountain Dwarves, who live inside the fortresses craved into mountains, they are the traditional dwarves, sensing gold, underground skills, infravision, etc. Their fortresses being their culture's equivalent of castles and cities, this caste will rarely leave unless given good reason such as diplomatic missions, traveling for trading purposes or going to war.
The lower caste are the Hill Dwarves, who are more like halflings, they live out in the foothills of the mountains and serve to be the peasants of the society, farming and tending animals, they are only allowed in the fortresses with express permission and are much less adapted to subterranean life as they live mostly above ground, though still live in hollowed out hills, like hobbits, to make their homes.
Is it too edgy if I make a Dwarf who is half Duergar and was outcast from Dwarf society for that reason? What if he's also Neutral Evil because of this?
That brings up some questions from my perspective.
Was he an upstanding dwarven citizen before some geneologist asshole discovered his duergar lineage? While it does seem reasonable that a traditional dwarf society would outcast someone for something like that, it doesn't explain how he is suddenly neutral evil, unless it was so traumatic that he literally snapped and completely changed his entire outlook on life and morality. It seems like a tall order for that to happen to a dwarf, who are generally known to be very stubborn and set in their ways, even their alignment, if you will.
I would say drop the 'evil' component and go lawful neutral if you want, having him jump entirely to evil seems forced and arbitrary, even after having been exiled for something he had no control over.
The general idea would be for it to be known by mostly everyone since childhood because of a visible skin colour difference. This causing him to go from living in an orphanage to living in a natural rock cave (dwarf equivelant of living on the streets), this also causing him to become very scavangy and greedy.
I feel like he would naturally grow up to himself be very disregarding of traditional Dwarf ways.
I think it justifies him only looking out for number one pretty well.
Seems he does good piggies too!
Make way for one of the dwarves of old.
A nice young dwarf with a short beard. I am sure he will go far.
Not on my watch. No dwarf works on any site where I am foreman if he's known to wear steel eyebrow enhancers.
Perhaps he will learn what a terrible mistake wearing them is.