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Why pull the shirt down?
What? You want to actually look under someone's shirt? Gay
All that rage about Pepe is fine and all, but what about Best Froge?
What splat would the Kerm be? Changeling? Posessed puppet? True Fae? Beast?
How would you go about building pic related?
a faggot kid with terrible hair
user he murdered like 10 people in the first 15 chapters
supernatural slasher
You'd probably need to stat up the Millennium Items to make it work, Yugi has no powers that aren't granted to him by a magic box, though others in the setting do. At one point Kaiba uses his technology that networks people's minds together to stop the power of a Millennium item from taking his soul.
Is there any good stuff on the Storytellers Vault?
If so does anybody have a torrent?
>Is there any good stuff on the Storytellers Vault?
I don't think so, but it could just be I haven't heard anything good.
>If so does anybody have a torrent?
I don't think it has the market depth to produce pirated copies. I don't think any one in these general's has bought any of them. Its hard enough getting the actual new books promptly.
Has anything new from OWoD come out since the mobile games? I'm really stumped and what to buy myself with my gift money this year, and it's OWoD or the Scrubs boxset.
I mean, fuck, Beckett's Jyhad Diary doesn't ever seem to be coming out at this point.
>Beckett's Jyhad Diary
It is out in PDF.. Psure it was upped like 12+ threads ago or so.
wots ur favoruite vampire chronicle guis
was reading a bit of the giovanni chronicles and they looked monologuey as fuck
I'm not a regular in the thread. Thanks for letting me know user, I'll hunt it down for some long awaited reading. (Is it good?)
>buy myself with my gift money this year
Spend it on drugs.
It has a lot of interesting plot hooks, and is actual progression of the metaplot, Its supposed to be the lead in for 5e.
It seems like a solid book at least, even if you just use it for ideas and give 5e the finger.
>even if you just use it for ideas and give 5e the finger.
Depends how they handle the new metaplot. I came into the fandom with Bloodlines, and fell for Demon, with the latter likely getting shat on if it even gets mentioned/brought back.
I'm rather a fan of Demon the Fallen, I have allt he books in print, including the translation guide, (Sadly i don't have the chick tract parody).
I'm severely saddened that I'll probably never get a Demon 20th. The anniversary won't even be till 2022 and with the rate they get books out, even if they did make it, it probably wouldn't be in anyone's hands till 2025.
The hell is going on in this game you guys
True enough that it hurts. Still, you never know, they might take the chance it offers to reintroduce the fallen into the OWoD in a manner that makes more sense with the ongoing metaplot. I mean, they can keep the Abyss cracking open, they just have to drop the idea that the world is ending anytime soon. Perhaps borrow the 'undercover/spy games' element of CofD.
I mean, I really doubt it, but I might as well dream. There is a fanbase for it out there. The Supernaturalfags (like myself) would love the hell out of Demon if only because it's basically being set in that splat since Castiel got introduced.
Tranny Vampires jerking off Uber drivers for no good reason.
You know, pretty typical WoD stuff.
So Bruhja are trannies now? I thought those were the Vicissimitude guys
I can never tell if the writer is being coy and ripping the shit out of liberal faggots or whether they are living out the power fantasy with this.
But then, I remember classic World of Darkness tended to balance on the line of parody/mockery and playing stuff like this straight.
I can't say I liked We Eat Ass, but it was an experience I'll not forget, which is arguably a quality all its own. I unironically like the Mage game though with its Rapefugees, blatant sex scenes, and the Technocracy fucking up other sects.
I mean im just happy that theres more Vampire content. Quality wise i'd like some sort of character introduction and also less deadends and honestly i dont think this game has had one reasonable character so far
I can tell you 100% for sure Zach Smith(sp?) thinks he was being progressive and representative. He even based the character on Veeky Forums's own Linetrap.
In that case we are just lucky it's hilarious, and will probably continue to be done so ham-fisted that it will provide comedy gold and amazing antagonists for Sabbat and Cammy protagonists for decades to come.
I'm just hoping they don't burn most of the characters, settings, and meta down. It's sounding/reading a lot like they are trying to shelf/kill off anyone older than a Neotnate and make thinbloods the normal/'base' vampire state that can 'level up' into proper vampires.
The hell is this? A mobile game?
>I'm just hoping they don't burn most of the characters, settings, and meta down. It's sounding/reading a lot like they are trying to shelf/kill off anyone older than a Neotnate and make thinbloods the normal/'base' vampire state that can 'level up' into proper vampires.
How did you come to that conclusion? Its just a short story that shows a very small ordinary portion of these freak vampires. And i dont think i've seen any leveling up so far and im almost done with my playthrough
Mobile game that was ported to PC. Basically a VN for Vampire and Mage
Anybody seen the short film?
Any cute waifus?
Depends on your definiton of cute
From what i've understood the PC is a slut that gives bjs to some drug dealer to hang at his apartment. I actually dont know if hes male or female
I won't spoil it for you. It involves fangs and actually fucking getting them, however, which never used to happen with thin bloods to my knowledge. Albeit, I didn't read into them that deeply.
But bullshit on the 'very small ordinary portion. I'll point out, first, that this takes place in Anarchland, and some bigger names are even dropped (such as VV), and involves inter-clan interaction... and all the elders are apparently gone abroad, with a neonate that has been asleep for decades (or something like that, it's been a while for me) is the big scary antagonist effectively leading a chantry. You have vampires who flaunt what they are openly (like the one who kills cops), and kill in such a way and in numbers the mortals just wouldn't miss, and they have either been ignored because they are the pets of this writer... or said elders leaving has left no one to maintain order and maintain the Masquerade. I don't even recall the Masquerade being mentioned, or if any of the vampires even know what it is (not all are thin bloods, remember), and Elysium doesn't seem to exist anymore either.
I really forget a lot of the details, but the entire plot seemed to imply a lot of vampire society and it's rules aren't functioning anymore under the weight of a thin-blooded tide, and that something even bigger than the imminent discovery of fanged kind is going on, drawing elders away from their duties.
Well i guess they drop all that during the last act? I played the Seattle route so i might have missed some of the stuff you mentioned
Eh. Not really?
The protagonist of the Mage 'game' is a female who can let herself get graphically fingered and fucked by a Carnival cultist, has a flashback to being molested by a rapefugee, and can either be a tree hugger or join up with the Technocracy.
I really did like that story. I was good for a wank AND let me join the best mages.
Any idea of when the World of Darkness documentary is getting a wider release to the general public?
They showed it at WoD Berlin back in May, and apparently it got some limited theatrical runs in Europe, but why hasn't it aired in America yet or appeared on streaming services?
Are NuWW waiting until Vampire 5e comes out to fully release the documentary?
Pic semi-related. I'm currently writing a Daeva MMA Fighter character for a Requiem 1e chronicle.
>You have vampires who flaunt what they are openly (like the one who kills cops)
I dont think thats out of line given how few vampires there are.
I think most of this is due to the writer doing writing stuff. V5 might go into an entirely different direction or maybe we'll have thinblood the masquerade who knows
Yeah, it is mostly an infodump or background/subtext method in the latter third of the story, and you only really notice it if you keep in mind this is happening in a pretty established area where literally none of this shit would fly.
I dont take this game that seriously the way you do. It was basically meant as a thing to get new people in with the phone stuff and the """"modern"""" writing style. I dont think its gonna dictate whats coming in the future given what we've already seen in becketts jyhad diary.
Thats an official sourcebook and it didnt contain the whole thinblood domination thing afaik
Cool. I'm just theorizing, and am about to crack open Beckett's diary when I go to bed. Looking forwards to it.
It almost feels like a fresh chance to get into Vampire/WoD in a way I struggled to before, as I arrived late and there is so much background. I can ease myself in with the new characters and stories. (While still compulsively collecting and being intimidated by the literal hundreds of other splats/supplements.)
I don't know who's worse, the politically correct and pretentious hipsters at Onyx Path or the insufferable Goth edgelords in charge of the New White Wolf?
If I had to choose, I'd go with Onyx Path for fucking up New World of Darkness with 2e/Chronicles of Darkness, though it's close.
Martin Ericsson may be a petulant Goth edgelord douchebag but he finally did something right with the Storytellers' Vault, which allows fans to publish their own material for Vampire, including the older editions, which were awesome.
1e and 2e Masquerade were fucking awesome, Revised sucked ass, and V20 was fairly good. And in all honesty, I'm glad that all four of these editions are getting support in the Storytellers Vault.
They recently added Dark Ages to the Vault, and I'm looking forward to seeing Werewolf: The Apocalypse and Mage: The Ascension get support for the ST Vault.
Peace out, bros!
>as I arrived late and there is so much background. I can ease myself in with the new characters and stories. (While still compulsively collecting and being intimidated by the literal hundreds of other splats/supplements.)
Same. Looking through some old adventures and i honestly like the storytelling more than what i'd come up with
Good shit
Have you tried out some of the content at the ST vault?
I don't understand why so many people didn't like the metaplot. It's fascinating as hell, provides a backdrop you can choose whether top use or not, and even the 'endings' can be ignored or altered.
Meh, I am not supporting Beckett's Jyhad Diary. I hate the metaplot, and honestly feel like it was a mistake for WW to include one in the first place.
The metaplot ruined an otherwise awesome game franchise. That and the insufferable pretentiousness of certain guyliner-wearing subgroups in the WoD/CofD fanbase and certain WW writers who shared those sympathies and tried to push a "One True Way" mentality on the players in their books.
On a more positive note, has anyone ever considered running a WoD or CofD campaign set in the 1970's? I think it would be awesome if someone did.
In a perfect world, the 1970's would have ended with Punk dying and Disco surviving! (at least in my opinion)
People didn't like the metaplot?
The metaplot tended to railroad the games and attracted a certain type of insufferable and pretentious player who insisted that the metaplot was sacred words to be followed to a T, lest it attract people who actually like having fun with their RPG's instead of pretentious misery tourism (or as some people call it, "Personal Horror")
I'm better off invoking Rule Zero and acting like everything from Revised Edition onward never happened.
I miss the 90's. Even if I was a small child when it ended, I still miss it.
I wish I was old enough to have played Vampire back in its heyday.
Pic Related
Didnt they word the Gehenna thing as a part of Vampire mythology? Same with the god lilith mythos - imo its meant to be ambiguous and while you can argue one way or the other theres no definitive answer
Not yet, but I will. Some of it looks very interesting.
Also, anyone remember when the WWE had a gimmick based on Vampire: The Masquerade?
Man, the Attitude Era was awesome.
Basically, plus every gameline had several optional endings, and the books made it clear they could ALL be ignored or tweaked to the writers liking. Before 5th/OWoD was announced I always planned to take my group through the metaplot (or alongside it, if it was a dull patch, or a different splat) and let them subvert The End by whatever means/resources they had built up over years of play, and then move into the Cyberpunk/VtM crossover supplement that was released.
It was too much effort in the end, I couldn't have maintained momentum or interest, and 5th is basically doing the same thing without the Cyberpunk.
1e implied that Gehenna was a cyclical event and that the Caine origin story was more of an old wives' tale rather than the actual hard fact it became in Revised Edition.
1e and early 2e were the best era for Vampire in my opinion. The setting was a lot more versatile, was not pretentious, and you had enough room to make the setting your own without getting condemned by WW writers or the more toxic elements of the WoD fanbase.
Requiem 1e was a step in the right direction with ditching the concept of a metaplot and making the game a lot more toolkit, but it still had some issues such as insisting that personal horror misery tourism was the "One True Way" to play and the insufferable pretentious pessimism, though that may be because Justin Achilli developed both Revised Masquerade and 1e Requiem.
But still, Requiem 1e was a good game on its own, requiring only a little bit of Rule Zero'ing to make it enjoyable to me (mainly by removing Predator's Taint and making minor changes to some of the fluff) and I don't like 2e Requiem.
I think 2e Requiem made way too many mechanical changes that weren't necessary. I don't care for Touchstones, Conditions, Tilts, and the like. It all seems like a case of 1e not being broken and 2e fixing it until it was.
Plus I don't like the removal of the Fog of Ages and the over-emphasis of the Strix. The Strix have always kind of sucked in my book, and while they are technically optional in 2e, it feels a lot like Onyx Path's attempt at a pseudo-metaplot.
While the metaplot was always optional, White Wolf didn't make that clear back in the late 90's and early 2000's, and really pushed the metaplot very hard in its publications. Some writers even condemned players that didn't use the metaplot in WW books, usually in a very backhanded and derisive way.
So, while a lot of people do like the metaplot, I can see why it is off-putting for some players.
The 2e books for CofD for sure have that 'one true way' codified into their mechanics, sure it makes the games more fluid if thats the game you wanted to play, but 1e was far more open in that regard.
>let them subvert The End by whatever means/resources they had built up over years of play
I dont think anything accumulated by player characters could hold up vs lilith
You just gotta diablerize your way to the top. Also spend hundreds of XP on disciplines. Maybe find a way to get an archmage thrall. You know, whatever.
>I was good for a wank AND let me join the best mages.
You mean SCIENTISTS, right?
Im sure you need someone to teach you the disciplines too and sometimes a drop of valueable blood
And 5 points into a disciple still wont be enough for lilith im sure
Rule Zero, my friend.
Exactly! 1e nWoD is great for action-horror campaigns, whereas 2e CofD pretty much makes personal horror misery tourism mandatory.
I say fuck all that Goth angst and pretentious whiny bullshit. Bring on the katanas, anti-heroic vampires, and the like.
My Requiem games were always more "Grand Theft Auto with fangs" rather than whiny and miserable personal horror, but I digress.
Pic related.
Sure, but I don't understand those fans on a basic level, because I don't see why they would have any interest in Vampire after that. All that is really left is the clans and a game system that is inferior to many(/most) mechanically. If I hated the metaplot, I'd likely just play a different system and translate the clans and 'rough' setting.
The metaplot is really what set the World of Darkness apart and made it something special. Because it certainly wasn't the fucking game system or cohesive core rules.
>Rule Zero, my friend.
Cmon man.. Im sure theres a law somewhere against letting neonates win vs lilith
You could always invoke Rule Zero and nerf the fuck out of Lilith. I know I would.
Also, what does your current WoD or CofD character drive? My current Requiem character drives a 1987 Chevrolet Camaro IROC-Z.
IROC-Z: Irish Redneck Out Cruisin'
Pic related.
But I like the clans, sects, and Disciplines but I don't like the metaplot.
The "Some Other Game" fallacy that personal horror fans like to throw around is precisely that: A logical fallacy.
Pretend monster games don't have laws.
With Rule Zero, you can do anything in your RPG. Pic related.
You do you :)
Technos are the bad guys. And before you start with your absurd justifications such as the cartoonish notion that life in the present is better than life in the past (To listen to some of you, you'd think all human life before 1600 was a miserable slog through muddy fields of ignorance, rape, and dysentery rather than a golden age for western civilization), just know that its the Technocracy who's writing history.
That aside, I'd like to challenge the argument that the Technocracy is looking to give the masses solutions to their problems that don't require them to be mages, and that this is a good thing. In Mage, humanity is SUPPOSED to be Awakened in the same way that children are supposed to grow into adults. The Technocracy's wonderful gifts of vaccines and internets and nuclear weapons aren't the marble pedastals supporting mankind's glorious rise above our miserable history. They're the equivalent of diapers and mushed carrots and dangly colorful mobiles, served alongside endless propaganda that tells you that this is all you really need, all anyone ever really needed. Those jerks telling you to eat solid food and walk on your own and maybe quit shitting in your pants? They're dangerous, elitist subversives out to glorify themselves at the expense of the masses. Aren't mushed carrots nice and predictable? Isn't shitting your pants so much easier than the alternative? That's the Technocracy in a world where every individual has the potential capacity to shape their own reality. The Traditions, for all their flaws and historical mistakes, are fighting for your right to grow up and assume the privileges and burdens of your birthright.
Ahem, yes, sorry.
I owed one player a favor. He let me keep playing an extremely powerful character once that really should have been handed to him as GM. He was going to be playing the only Mage in a group of Hunters (He only make sit to one in ten sessions, so chances are he would't have broken the balance overall... at least early on.)... and several actual years in he would likely have been basically an archmage, since decades would have passed and the entire metaplot in the forefront and background would have occurred with all the progression that implies. It likely wouldn't have worked, but the idea is still near to my heart.
I was basically going to run Supernatural in the background of the metaplot, meeting it head on occasionally where Hunters and Mages could or would, while having most of the Mage stuff happening between sessions.
I had even planned out how one of the more normie players, who is never very careful, was going to end up picking up an Earthbound in a pistol early on and have their 'party saving' weapon end up being a major antagonist later.
All that said, I've never been much of a storyteller. Chances are the game would have died within weeks.
Thank you. It's good to see someone civil in the WoD fandom.
Also, anyone ever play a hippie character in their games? I may be biased because I'm a bit of a hippie and a weeaboo myself, but the 1960's and 1970's had the best music. Even the forgettable pop stuff was better than this modern stuff in the 2010's. The mainstream stuff is garbage and the indie stuff is hipster garbage.
Pic and song related. As bad as the Boomers turned out, my fellow Millennials are much worse.
Seems like a fun and interesting premise
>while having most of the Mage stuff happening between sessions.
This seems really smart. If players see imbalances happening first hand they tend to get really frustrated but doing that circumvents it pretty well.
is this the power of Sweden?
>While the metaplot was always optional, White Wolf didn't make that clear back in the late 90's and early 2000's
Except for, like, in all those books where they always included a section devoted to saying all this stuff was optional. Except for that, yes, they didn't make this clear.
>If you're going to the World of Darkness, be sure to wear some highlights in your hair!
Pic related, it's who the toxic WoD personal horror fans remind me of.
Goth and Emo are the same thing! So come on and be happy! Make Love, Not Type O Negative Albums!
>But I like the clans, sects, and Disciplines
>but I don't like the metaplot.
But aren't these things framed by the metaplot to such a degree that without one the others lose a lot of meaning? It would be effortless to transplant a VtM city into D20, and spend a half hour translating the disciplines.
I'm not really arguing with you, or trying to put forwards a fallacy, I just honestly don't get it. And I'm one of those annoying fucks who, when the group wants to play Deathwatch, insists on playing a Sister of Battle or member of the Inquisition because I hate the Spess Mahrine lore and characters.
And those sections usually included the aforementioned backhanded derogatory comments directed at the people who didn't like the metaplot.
Love and Peace, bro! Don't be a Gothic-Punk Emo edgelord douchebag. C'mon and get happy!
Make Love, Not Personal Horror!
Now I want to run a WoD campaign set in the late 1960's/early 1970's!
Masquerade 1e didn't have a metaplot and the implied setting was almost as vague as Requiem 1e. How do you explain that?
Check and Mate.
Also, anyone ever play the fan-game Senshi: The Merchandising? Pic related. It wasn't just Sailor Moon in that game, you also had Cardcaptors, Magic Knight Rayearth, Wedding Peach, and a whole lot of other 90's anime in that game!
Is there a rule of thumb for running crossover
I don't want to have to be well versed in every book to do it
The hilarious thing about that whole game is that NRx and alt-right types have way more of a Traditionalist mindset then the progressive TU. Why the TU would support a movements that said that the Western golden age was back when Hermetics and Royalty ruled society, reject the Enlightenment, distrusts and rejects scientific consensus as a globalist ploy, and deeply dislike the modern, TU built world is the biggest plot hole in that whole game.
Depends if you are doing Classic WoD or New WoD.
>But aren't these things framed by the metaplot
They're framed by the lore, not the metaplot. The metaplot broadened the lore and presented stuff you could include, but there is a difference between metaplot and lore. The game had lore before it had an actual plot.
I once played a Gangrel who was still wearing the 70's like a coat and couldn't stand all the gothic posing of modern nights.
Er, I don't agree, but the general rule is 'Dont do it'. Powergaps cause frustration between players, and you have to bend the lore to get them to not rip eachother apart. And vampires can only work at night without trinkets to let them daywalk.
That said, the metaplot and novels included crossovers, so it's not like its an outlandish idea. It just works better on the small scale rather than trying to build a Monster Squad.
That VN implies that it's the Technocracy who's fueling /pol/ and the recent surge in nationalism.
>only 5 points
Why are you even diablerizing then?
What's the difference with the gaps in old and new?
Powerlevels aren't an issue for me. I acknowledge the gaps and the evident mage supremacy. I just want a way to include everything but still be thematic about it while being actually playable.
>The Technocracy likes nationalism
What happened to them being the threat of stability and unity, of conformism and order?
It really seems like they're missing the fucking point and making them the all purpose "people who believe in what we disagree with" faction.
Couple of VtM questions.
How much better is an 8th gen treated/respected compared to a 13th gen?
If somebody were granted a hunting ground how big would it usually be relative to the rest of the Prince's domain?
Don't use Mages and you're good to go.
The Union has always been the "people we disagree with" faction and it wasn't until Brucato wrote the Guide to the Technocracy that things really changed.
It was the same deal with the Technocracy supporting Hitler, despite Hitler being a dangerous Romantic who believed in Hermetic/esoteric shit (Society of Thule, anyone?) and being actually disliked by many in the establishment of the time.
>Implying a Demon with more than a few dots in any given nature won't fuck shit up almost (and in some cases more, early-mid game) as badly as a Mage.
Reality warpers as main characters only work if they are scared shitless of actually using that power. So, have Angels on standby, CofE style.
Eh, demons are fine in crossover. They rarely exert themselves if they know what's good for them.
Mages on the other hand tend to go ham even when subtle about it.
Brucato wrote that?
Man, I guess he actually does have some capacity for decent writing.
The thing about Mages is that you should -never- use them as PCs.
They're incredibly awesome as wild cards and plot devices.
>What's the difference with the gaps in old and new?
NWoD is more even. A vampire, a sin-eater, a werewolf, a changeling and promethean could be in the same group and contribute equally, albeit in different areas. Mages, demons and mummies are... less compatible. Beast wishes it worked well with other splats but should only ever be deployed as a source for antagonists.
OWoD is... up and down. Mages and insane, changelings are [information missing because two people have played Dreaming ever], demons can destroy entire groups of werewolves or vampires, etc. Werewolves are generally more powerful than vampires individually, but vampires can reach ridiculous levels of power eventually. Wraiths are surprisingly potent, mostly because of that one power that drops a bazillion agg damage on stuff.
I'll always remember the first time in Ocean House in VtMB.
>Badass mofo vampire, bitch.
>Ohhhh, rattles, scary.
>Uh, actually this is pretty fucking creepy.
>h-heh a ghost with an axe, no problem...
>Hah, throwing pots and pans around! Holy fuck, ouch, who knew all the bashing damage in the world would hurt that bad!
>Oh god, fire, one of my many weaknesses
And I never underestimated ghosts again.
I still have to question why mortal magic is so much stronger than any other kind