>the BBEG has the power of retcon
How the hell to you fight against that?
The BBEG has the power of retcon
Other urls found in this thread:
convince him to retcon himself
You work out the limitations of it, banking on him being lax given the power and on time not deleting your memories of earlier stages of the timeline. You want to work out things about the power (like scope, range, cast time, cast method, resource used, cooldown time is a big one) as well as things about him (like what's he most likely to notice, what does he focus on with the retcon, does he overlook certain things, does he make mistakes with the power), and you want to do this without him realizing it. Then it's as simple as putting a suitably layered plan into action, ideally something where he retcons himself into checkmate.
If he's super smart and trying to corner you, your best bet is to then set up a gambit pile up Rock Paper Scissors situation, and have a swing.
Asphyxiate him before he can activate his retcon powers.
Depending on the limits of the ability, flipping backwards in time may not permit for checkmates. The further back it goes, the more possible outs there will be. Otherwise, definitely this is definitely the right strategy.
retcon as in change the story?
Cause that's fucked.
>We've arrived to defeat you, evil fiend!
>Oh, no you haven't, you never even levelled up once, in fact, you don't even have any equipment. You've all arrived to be my slaves for eternity, see, it's written here in the DM's notes
>What's a DM?
You stop playing with a 16 year old GM who thinks that's actually cool in the context of a campaign.
>16 year old GM
I think he could come up with some more creative when he was 16.
I wish I could. He's the kind that don't need air or food to survive.
You don't know half of it.
>We did it! With these travel documents we can finally track him down!
>"Actually, all these documents are from random people that have no relation to me. In fact, the very flight path I was using never existed."
>Shit. Well, at least we can still work on the magical stone that can trap him in stone for the rest of his life.
>"No! The magic stone is now a regular sword with no powers! You have been working on it for months and now it's ruined!"
>Oh fucks sake, this is annoying. I'm going to my parents to celebrate Life Day.
Here are all the details of his power:
It's instantaneous, he can use it whenever and wherever he fucking pleases, but the only reason he hasn't just killed us with a "lol you died in the womb" is because we're "like ants" to him. His only weakness is that he can't have eyes on two places at once and can't interfere with something he can't see. The only plan we can think of right now is to somehow put him in a box and bury that box in a hole 20 meters deep.
Use the powers of fanon to ignore retcons, choose your own continuity and bullshit your way through it
Run over him with an ambulance then. I only have so many jokes for you.
Make myself an unsufferable sue loved by the writers, so every retcon only makes me stronger
go full /k/oncealed /k/ommando, what he can't see, he can't destroy
You'll have to do the Unthinkable.
If his limit is focus (one at a time) then you need to zerg rush him. Nothing short of half-a-dozen complicated master plans going off all at once and from wildly different areas/people can overwhelm him.
A guy who influences a guy who influences a guy who influences a guy who influ- [x10] is a good start, since as NPCs they may be below his interest initially. Double up on it by having multiple sources in the early stage (eg. You want the Baker to tell the Smith to tell the Sailor to do something. Get a Banker, a Pauper and a Barkeep to 'remind' the Baker and a conpletly seperate Fisherman to start it off, so he cant go back and nip it in the bud by just saying "oh the baker died/never got the message"
Basically, backups, contingencies and secrecy are your best bet.
Could he have something he cares about so much that he can't possibly retcon it? Like an ex lover that he cant make himself retcon into loving him again, just turn her to you side with a knife in hand.
We missed you, dude, how have you been?
Knife to the cortex.
If he doesn't see it coming and his ability to perceive and comprehend information is removed, he can't activate his ability to prevent his own death.
Unless it activates automatically or he has a dead-man's switch on it, in which case you're straight fucked, there's no way to win.
Bite my Dust
Nope. He is one of those generic villains that is evil because he's evil and nobody ever liked him and never liked anyone.
He once retconned the party leaving our old hideout, so I'm afraid it's out of the question.
We tried this once. Apparently we "didn't do enough damage for that." Yeah...
You made me think hard now. What if the hundred plans are used as a diversion? Like we try an overly complicated trap that relies on a multitude of people attempting to deliver a powerful ice rune at him and after he inevitably retcons every single attempt, he gets caught by something completely unrelated, like a newly made trapdoor at his front door that entombs him in 2 meters of wet cement and before he has the chance to look up a stone slab slides over him.
Okay, execution needs way more thought, but I think that's a start.
Apply 2PD to your GM's face. If symptoms persist call your doctor. As this may indicate a more serious problem.
You literally just need to geek him before he realises what is happening. If he can perceive his situation, you lose.
He has to sleep at some point, right? Literally just jam a pencil into his eyesocket and gouge his brain. As long as you damage the brain to the extent that he is unable to comprehend things, you win.
This isn't actually that hard to beat. He's powerful, but still essentially human and still essentially relying on being able to perceive threats to his life to negate them. If you're in his metaphorical line of sight, you cannot win. If you occupy a blind spot, winning is incredibly easy.
By staying beneath his radar until you strike. Have multiple constituents that operate on their own so that if anyone is found it won't destroy the whole effort.
Oh, this is a real game? You're not actually just making a thread for the purpose of discussion?
Leave the game, your storyteller is an idiot. If he asks why, tell him that the premise of the game is awful.
>How the hell to you fight against that?
Watch Primer. It's all you need to figure out how to deal with retcon-powered villains.
>can't interfere with something he can't see
Start with a flashbang. Shoot or stab his eyes out while he's blinded, then kill him in whatever way is most convenient.
You'll just have to tank him and hold the line until the planet suddenly decides that he should grow a conscience.
After that, break into the DM's house and burn every comic written by Mark Millar that he owns.
reminds me of the über comics
I knew you'd show up eventually.
Schedule decisive board meeting to overlap with his vacation days.
Get the same power yourself.
Retcon him ever having it.
Like pottery.
you invite him to a game of chess, you comment on how inaccurate to war the game is, then talk to him about past wars throught time, eventually trying to lead the conversation to how much pain he's caused throught his life, before asking if it was worth it, and if given the chance, he could change the world for the better.
You trick him into thinking he's already retconned the situation.
Just smash his skull in with a hammer. He can't retcon anything if he's dead.
He hasn't retconned you out of existence for vague and nebulous reasons like you being beneath him. That's obviously not the real reason; the fact is he can't. Maybe he has the ability to end you, but he won't, because if he does then the game ends. He might have retcon, but you have Plot Armor. Use that to your advantage. However, you need to be careful; that armor will exist only as long as you don't challenge him on it. I get the feeling this DM will end your characters and give you new ones if you mention the power he's unconsciously given them.
I'd try to use his powers against him, actively investigate the changes he's made and try to trap him in a plot hole of his own creation. Every change he's making must introduce some inconsistency, and the more of those you uncover the more he'll have to find ways to explain them. He'll be covering up retcons with more retcons, tangling things even further for himself. Make it so no longer even knows what's going on, and then shoot him in the head.
Have the power of asspull of course.
Stick your hand into the artifact that lets him do it and gain the retcon power yourself, then engage in retcon-to-retcon combat.
As long as you're the more creative or determined of the two, you win.
Sasuke won against Danzo, but Danzo fucking sucks, did he ever had to fight in his life? Had to waste so many fucking eyes to do anything.
My PC has the power of parasitic narrating, whenever the GM tries to retcon something I will talk over him so it doesn't count.
You've got a few options.
Option 1) Use a weapon that can strike him from out of his detection range, a good sniper rifle won't be visible to him, and he'll be dead before he hears the bang.
Option 2) If he can't retcon something he doesn't know about it, trick him. Drug his food drink, then show up wearing gas masks declaring your knockout gas will let you finish him. While he's trying to retcon nonexistent gases, he goes unconscious and you stab him to death.
Option 3) Similar to option 1, hit him from two directions, a group of guys come in firing blanks right at him while a second guy snipes him or just walks up and drives a knife into his neck.
Option 4) Make him use his powers for good trying to stop you. Lure him to Chernobyl, hire a particularly nasty cartel to wipe him out. Make it so whatever he retcons is doing the world good, and see if maybe doing some good for a change might change him up.
His biggest weakness seems to be he needs to know what he has to retcon, so giving him sensory overload or striking him with stuff he can't perceive or react to, hell a gas leak might be all you need, he just dies peacefully in his sleep.
Oh God you are serious. Don't show up next session, or any further for that matter. Only winning move is not to play with the autistic powertripping sperg.
>The world is retconned everybody dies
Good going Hero
You can't die if you don't exist in the first place. :^)
Not sure if this is a creative challenge or retarded GM wank. Maybe both.
If the clever options like plan pileup, sensory overload and killing him in his sleep don't work because >LOL ASSPULL, declare your character ascends to GMhood. Then hand the guy a character sheet and take over the campaign.
Don't forget to engage him in an INTENSE STAREDOWN contest to establish dominance.
Don't worry about it, you'll lack either your reason or your ability to try in the first place.
How hasn't anyone brought up Homestuck?
not enough vaccines on the board
make them choose between rectonning their existence or their objective.
>Leave the game, your storyteller is an idiot. If he asks why, tell him that the premise of the game is awful.
This. The power to retcon is on the same level as a schoolyard playfight.
>"Nuh uh, my barrier deflects ALL attacks!"
>"My eye lasers can destroy anything!"
>"My barrier trains itself and becomes immune to your powers!"
Summon PunPun. Problem solved.
I retcon this thread. Also if youre gonna bitch and meta it up online u might as well not come back to my table, pussy.
Gouge out his eyes while he's asleep. You could also surprise him like that and kill him all a once but it might be better to play it safe.
i dont know what your complaining about
hes always had those powers
user, there were a bunch of thinly-veiled references upthread, see and
How about some psychological warfare against said GM? For maximum effect you'd want to involve the other players. Most of the "that player" threads will have pointers on driving GMs crazy.
It sounds like he is trying to deprive you and the other players of any possible enjoyment in game. Time to return the favor.
You don't. Why wuld you want to fight the guy who is your best friend that you worship as an all powerful god and always have?
Lie. You cannot retcon what hasn't happened.
He can’t retcon his own death if he’s dead.
Just use high explosives or a .50 cal bullet straight to the brain.
Can't beat the chunky salsa/fine mist rule if you don't know it's coming, and all you have to do is have a good enough strategy that the GM can't negate it without sounding even stupider.
>Related reading:
Isn't that just reverse flash?
There are exactly four possible options.
1. There's some sort of McGuffin out there that allows for regular combat, or instant victory even, and the GM has some kind of contrived plan in store that you must follow. This is the bad option.
2. This power of his has limitations you can work out and exploit - including the ability to devise such exploits without him instantly catching on and retconning. See 3. Your GM is high on metaphysics, and you can simply prove the power doesn't work or some shit like that.
4. His power is not him-exclusive, and you can either find a loophole, an ally, or get it yourself to try and begin a retconning pissing contest.
As a matter of fact, absolute reality warping with no bounds or rules whatsoever is pure, GM-fueled bullshit and you should bail the hell out of here.
With a deus ex machina