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What is that giant scythe?
>Release Date
>There has been an amazing amount of excitement around Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition – we’re at the beginning of the journey but it’s already been a tremendous project thanks to the energy and enthusiasm of all the Warhammer fans we’ve been talking to since the project was announced. Thanks to you all for being awesome, and thanks for your patience waiting for news!
>Design lead Dominic McDowall is on hand to tell us about the game’s development:
>“The initial plan was to make some small updates to the awesome second edition, and that would mean we would be able to release the game in 2017. We’re all huge fans of the first and second editions of WFRP, and we wanted to take the game back to those roots.
>“When I got into the guts of the game I started seeing more opportunities to add in some of the things we’ve learned over the years. This more creative direction meant a longer development phase. Games Workshop are extremely supportive of us taking the time we need to make WFRP Fourth Edition the very best game it can be, and so that’s what we did. I’m very excited about the way things have come together!
>“The release date of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition will be set for mid-2018, with a specific date to be set in a few months. Thank you for your patience while we invest the time to make the best game we can.”
>We have some exciting events planned around the release date, so stay tuned for the latest new on those!
>The initial releases for WFRP Fourth Edition will be a core rulebook and a boxed starter set. We’ve commissioned Ralph Horsley to paint a pair of covers for these which we’re very excited to share today! As you can see our desperate band have been enjoying some good times in Ubersreik, (or at least some of them have) before a familiar scene unfolds!
hes a priest of Morr
>We’ll have more to share tomorrow, including news of the return of a multi-part campaign favourite from first edition, so keep an eye on our website and social media!
So they're going down the retarded route, then,
That's a shame.
first edition was a long time ago gramps
It looks like a world full of GRIM CLOWNS AND HARLEQUINS in 1400KAD
There's not a single clown in that image, and thank god for that
>first edition was a long time ago
And never will we see a return to that glorious age.
Did you just assume my age? On nu/tg/?
So this is not age of sigmar, interesting, I'm of two minds, it's good to know the old world is still getting play but it would have been good to flesh out the new setting more too
we are getting a AoS RPG too
If it's anywhere as good as The One Ring this could be the definitive version of WHFRP. I wonder if fluffwise it will be set before the end of times, or whether it will be an AU.
Well, now we can assume a whole lot more.
before the end times, they are using the enemy within timeline
Well, you know what they say about assuming..
>Nurgle's emblem is a penis
>Dwarf slayer has an axe AND mug in his hand
It's perfect.
>The initial plan was to make some small updates to the awesome second edition
>awesome second edition
Second edition is still the best version desu, though you would be right to say that it has its problems.
More like an amethyst wizard
That it's fun for the whole family!
Is it placed in Old World? It's make it or break it type of a question for me.
It is. That scene is set in Ubersreik.
Where the fuck do you think this scene takes place?
>company makes clone of WHFR 2e
>same company makes WHFR 4e
>being surprised they would say 2e is awesome
It's Skaven as well. Looks like they are trying to piggyback on the success of Vermintide.
It looks like Old World, but I know nothing of Age of Sigmar planes or whatever they call their dimensions.
Anyway ty anons.
they're doing a separate Age of Sigmar game in addition to the Warhammer Fantasy one
Huh? When did the guys making 4th edition make a 2nd edition clone? From what I understand, the asshat from Zweihander has nothing to do with this.
Can I play as lizardmen?
Doubt it. It will most likely be the usual human/dwarf/elf trinity. Other races might get supplements. The skaven had one in 2nd edition.
So tell me C7's, why should I buy this? 2e was barely functional, and ran on what little charm was left in the setting.
Pirate it.
It almost looks like that chick is using the trollslayers beard as a belt
Check out the cover art comparisons between WFRP 1e, WFRP 4e and Zweihänder. This is pretty cool:
Is that true?
I haven't been into AoS since it launched but I'd be willing to at least check out the game book for it if they made one.
Yup, but no info other than it’s coming
can you play as a norscan?
You could in 2ed so probably yes
uh... is it plagiarism at that point?
Plagiarism is all Zweihander is, so.....
You are goddam right.
Not likely, since it's a reference to another work under the same license.
The guy who wrote that post is just literally retarded and said that the 4e cover is inspired by their own cover since he forgot they based their books off the same source.
talking about 1 and 4th art. The backdrop is identical
>cover by Wayne Reynolds
>somehow the characters wear less than two dozens belts and buckles each
this is getting serious, they must be holding his family hostage together with his paycheck
Though, I can see where they are getting with that as a marketing decision, appealing to the conditioned reflexes of Pathfinder crowd will cause some of them to compulsively buy into it before realizing it's not D&D-compatible.
That would be an interesting theory if it was actually by Wayne Reynolds, which it isn't.
Source you fucking nigger
Also, for the guy who was asking about the AoS rpg.
Maybe now Daniel will shut the fuck up.
Doubt it considering Daniel and the Zwei guys broke the news and are fawning all over wfrp 4e. Pathfinder didn’t stfu when D&D announced 5e, so why would Zweihander give two shillings about it?
Is it gonna use the shitty 3rd system or an updated 2nd?
"Cubicle 7’s highly anticipated 4th edition of the game will take its cues from the 1st and 2nd editions, so take a look to find out what it’s all about, refresh your memory or fill in those last gaps in your collection."
well there's my answer.
I doubt it. They're pretty onboard with WFhammer 4e. I found this post from May when the announcement was made:
We’ve been getting a lot of inquiries regarding Cubicle 7’s announcement on Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th edition and the future of ZWEIHÄNDER Grim & Perilous RPG. I want to set the record straight, and assure our fans that it hasn’t altered our course. I’m going to take my publisher’s hat off for a moment, and speak to you as an avid fan/grognard of WFRPG and its various editions.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4E
As you already know, Cubicle 7 Entertainment & Games Workshop recently announced Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th edition. Tanner and I are excited to see what they do with it, particularly because it will reflect back upon its first and second edition roots and use the d100 model. We’ll also be the first in line to pick it up at our local brick & mortar, because no matter the edition, we’re fans of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, full stop.
More here...
>“The initial plan was to make some small updates to the awesome second edition, and that would mean we would be able to release the game in 2017. We’re all huge fans of the first and second editions of WFRP, and we wanted to take the game back to those roots.
Oh, well, guess I won't have to worry about putting money aside for it then. That's a shame. Can just look for more Total War I guess.
Shitty 2nd instead of an updated awesome 3rd.
>dwarf soldier turn runebearer heading to runesmith
just fought through a small temple of khorne went up 4 insanity points, broke my lucky charm to avoid death. left off being chased by beastmen indiana jones style cause we stole a chaos artifact the we intend to destroy with the help of middenhiem priests of sigmar and ulric.
>wear taking the skull to middenhiem
> to middenhiem?
sigmar save me
That's Ralph Horsley, my man.
It’ll be back in 13-Something months since it’s coming out next year.
It’s not back just because it has cover art now ya dipshit, we’ve KNOWN it was coming back since 2016 rolled around.
There is something off about the Zwei lead guy and just can't fully articulate it.
So I bought the 1986 version yesterday at Half Price Books for $10, haven't read it yet, just skimmed the introduction and stuff before I decided to buy it.
Did I make a good purchase?
Oh, wait.
how is this similar to genesys ?
Are you retarded? The axe looks out of proportions, totally shitty.
You're right, the axe should be bigger.
>WFRP 2E is bad
>WFRP 3E is awesome
Veeky Forums truly is a random opinion generator.
>expecting a giant or daemonslayer to use a normal sized axe.
Hope they keep all the filthy peasant careers, that was kind of what I liked about the 1E-2E books. Proper adventures involving poo, murder hobos and banditry
Yeah, I played Warhammer before WFRP 2E, even before WFB 4E. So, yeah, that's exactly what I am expecting.
Yes. The game itself is a bit wonky, but $10 is worth it for the first appendix alone.
>“The initial plan was to make some small updates to the awesome second edition, and that would mean we would be able to release the game in 2017."
>“When I got into the guts of the game I started seeing more opportunities to add in some of the things we’ve learned over the years. "
So basically Zweihander was such a success that they had to completely redo 4e.
They thought they could get away with just a rehash of 2e with no new mechanics.
The One Ring benefitted from Lord of the Rings having a very strong sense of identity. Question is; does WHF?
Some people have different opinions. Terrifying.
could be worse... could be age of sigmar roleplaying
>age of sigmar
Having nurgles rot on your privates is better than that
You forgot malal, poor guy.
I can't really think of a game or setting with a stronger identity.
Everyone forgets Malal. Forever confined to stand outside in the rain and wind and sleet, remembering those few precious days when it too could frolick with mortals and demons. Now its tears only serve to salt the ground.
I don't necessarily mean aesthetically, but thematically.
Fair enough though.
Really, any setting WITH a strong identity has as strong an identity as any other setting with one, just of a different flavor.
Warhammer’s world has an extremely strong one, and while it’s perhaps not as detailed and through as Tolkien’s it has a fully realized style and identity that could be summed up with “Moorcock with Tolkien-esque species crossed with 15th century history and 1980’s European comic books”, which honestly is a pretty strongly specific identity.
Part of what makes it so memorable really.
Thematically it’s mostly got one too.
There’s lots in the fluff about Doom and gloom for the little guy, but in practice in most of the fiction a lot of that is overshadowed by spinoff protagonists and their crazy blood and gore-soaked comic hero adventures.
This is probably because nobody wants to read/play “the dung-shoveler lived his miserable life picking up shit until he got eaten by a Beastman, the end”, but still the setting has a pretty distinct flavor.
>Zweihander was such a success that they had to completely redo 4e.
Was it ? Veeky Forums itself never talks well about it and i never saw anyone talking about it either
>Veeky Forums itself never talks well about it
I know very little about the game beyond the creator contributing to other Kickstarters to advertise in their comments section, a very big turn off.
Just because pirates are butt hurt about the troves, they feel the need to shit up every thread that has mentioned Zweihander in it
The highest praise I've seen for it is that it's an okay substitute for WFRP 2e. Everything else I see is about how much of a dickhead the creator is.
A lot of newfags bitch about it because they are pissed it’s done so well. In brief it’s Pathfinder for WFRPG. Peeps using it for Warhammer, The Witcher, Dark Dungeons. A fuck tonne of fan material at their website. I grabbbed the pdf on sale dirt cheap for Cyber Monday back and want to get the POD when I can afford it later on Xmas.
Platinum seller. Number 4 on drivethru.
all i see is people who get pissed because of the creator and never talking about the game mechanically which made me think that its the pathfinder of WHFRPG and i expect it to get this fame when 4e comes around and people don't like it
Where? Screenshots so I can share on their Kickstarter.
>want to get the POD when I can afford it later on Xmas
Good lad.
Basically this. It’s has sound mechanics. I’m guessing that’s why Cubicle 7 is delaying their game after reading that announcement about “updating 2e”. I did read that Dannyboy gave a copy to Them at Gencon.
Jesus you could bash someone's head in with that thing. Doesn't this game not have a defined setting, what's taking up so many pages?
Now i do wonder, will they make radical changes to the game to make it different from Zwei or will they copy it ? this is what got me worried