What's your favorite/an underrated system in your opinion Veeky Forums?
I wanna get more into playing different systems than just 5e and pathfinder, so I'd like to hear some of your recommendations.
What's your favorite/an underrated system in your opinion Veeky Forums?
I wanna get more into playing different systems than just 5e and pathfinder, so I'd like to hear some of your recommendations.
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Because bullying casters is fun.
It's all fun and aura extrusion until someone casts tsunami.
This. It does such a perfect job (IMO) of getting a northern European styled folklorey lowish fantasy system in place. You have magic, but it's not all powerful, and the powerful abilities all require extensive preparation. This is the sort of system that the Evil Necromancer really does want to time his whatever evil plan spell to be cast on the stroke of midnight of Walpurgisnacht, and it will create mechanical incentives to do so.
Also, I just like classless systems in general.
Atomic highways V6 (lol) system. Simple fast and works well. Also free pdf. This might just be but a get a ragger for anything mad max like.
I love Masks: The New Generation. I love teen drama stuff and it's a great system for it.
Witcher: a game of imagination
I've played it only once, a short campaign run by a Polish guy that tried his best to translate it and I loved it. Not simple enough to be boring and not hard enough to make you give up after chargen.
I'd honestly give my right nut for a translation of the thing so I could run a game myself.
Shit I really like that rarely gets talked about:
Earthdawn - Fantasy Fallout
In Nomine - Angels vs Demons in a cold war on Earth with a side of dark humor
Shit I want to play but I may own the only copies of in circulation
Hellas: Worlds of Sun and Stone - Ancient Greeks in SPAAACE!
Qin: The Warring States - Ancient China with kung-fu and multiple types of magic
I've had a lot of fun with BESM (3e) with my group, though I admit it was basically a mishmash of all the anime and video games we liked all rolled together. It's a pretty open system though, so you can get away with that.
We even played it kinda episodic so we could take turns DM'ing and just really go all over the place with it.
>In Nomine - Angels vs Demons in a cold war on Earth with a side of dark humor
Tell me more!
In the beginning God and his Angels made the world and then Lucifer got pissy because mankind got freewill and shit. He rebelled and took a bunch of angels with him and when Michael kicked his red ass out of Heaven they fell to a newly created Hell. Once there they realized the experience changed them and they became Demons. Now they fight over the souls of mankind but are forbidden from just fucking around as angels and demons on Earth because they set off alarms that both sides can hear leading to MAD. So until it is time for the Apocalypse everyone just constantly fucks with each other. Servitor Angels and Demons (the PCs) are weak enough that they can take human form and as long as they are careful won't jangle the alarms too much and give themselves away.
There are several factions Above and Below. Some want to maintain the status quo, others want to usher in the Apocalypse, and still others have more obscure goals. Every PC is servant of a Superior (Archangel or Demon Prince) which gives them powers and restrictions. Each Superior is bound to a Word, which they promote. Examples include Dominic the Archangel of Judgement (the head of Heaven's Secret Police) and Haagenti the Prince of Gluttony. PCs can aspire to acquire their own words, less concepts the exist under another, for instance a Demon serving Gluttony might become the Demon of Hot Sauce and encourage excess via spicy condiments.
I have to admit, that sounds petty awesome. Mechanically, how does it play?
Sounds like exactly the game I was looking for since I rewatched Constantine earlier this year.
Post it.
Mechanically it is mediocre and any sort of powergamer will break the game over his knee with minimal effort. The core mechanic is called d666, you roll two dice of a matching color and a third of a different color. You want to roll low on your matching dice to determine success or failure and high on the odd die for your degree of success. If an Angel rolls 6,6,6 he fails spectacularly while a Demon who makes that roll succeeds with great success. The reverse is true on a roll of 1,1,1. The target number of a check is generally the character's Attribute + Skill with both positive and negative situational modifiers. Angels and Demons also have access to "Songs" which are a sort of "Miracles on Demand" effects. There is also a GURPS conversion, Steve Jackson brought the game stateside, but it is not very good.
I ran what was the best campaign I have ever played in the system, but it was exhausting. There were several times I felt like I was fighting the system instead of the system helping me.
Thanks for the spoonfeeding by the way.
I can see how that might get a little tiring at times, yeah. If nothing else, the setting would be a great one to port over to another game if you don't like the mechanics.
I know its a mess of a system, but I will always have a special place in my heart for Adeptus Evangelion. That was the first campaign I ever felt like I was actually roleplaying in instead of just cracking jokes around a table with my friends.
Fug, you got ahead of me. Anima's pretty interesting and offers quite in-depth character customization, and that's without getting into more complex shit like Artifacts or Elans.
Not a problem, this isn't /a/. Bitching about spoonfeeding is retarded considering the social nature of our games.
It isn't exactly bad, but it just isn't very good either. You just need a group that isn't going to powergame it into submission. Some of that is easy to control as most supernatural advantages are strictly in the hands of the GM to reward to PCs, leaving the mundane stuff to exp.
I'd be ok with that then. I can't think of anyone I play with that really powergames. If anything, I have to help them find good options for what they're picturing in their heads as it is.
Extremely brutal medieval fantasy, including amputation rolls and dying from wound fever. And neither are remote dangers.
Some of my favorites that I don't see Veeky Forums talk about:
>Sufficiently Advanced
Distant future hard-ish sci-fi. Draws heavily from a lot of Veeky Forums-approved literature, including Asimov, Simmons, Vinge, Wright, Stross, McCarthy, and others. It's like Eclipse Phase's older brother who grew out of his edgy anarchist phase and decided optimism was pretty cool.
>A Wanderer's Romance
Fantasy wuxia that's not tied to any particular setting beyond the simple establishing idea of an archipelago world. Light on rules. Emphasis on exploring each character's personal philosophy and the old kung fu trope of competing fighting styles and the philosophies behind them.
>Thousand Suns
Pretty standard imperial sci-fi. I'm not sure why it doesn't get talked about more, since its rules are a bit more concise and intuitive than most of the other options out there. Notably does away with the Intelligence stat, the bane of character-building debates everywhere.
Mutants&Masterminds 2E, the nicest most streamlined d20 system that is totally flexible and has Herolab to make Chargen fun and easy.
The real magic is that anyone who has played D&D or OSR can jump in and go without hesitation.
It is point build and classless. There are supplements from Conan to mecha to Noir so you don't have to wear spandex.
PS Herolab has a free demo version - go build a character!
Deadlands Classic. It’s a western with magic and steampunk. Sure Deadlands Reloaded is the updated and streamlined version using Savage Worlds, but it just doesn’t have the same soul that Classic has. Each ‘special’ background like Shaman or Mad Scientists have their own way of doing their thing that was pretty cool. Also it has exploding dice and dice pools.
Tavern Tales. Underrated bit of genius floating out there, and it's free.
>A Wanderer's Romance
My fellow warrior of southlands decent.
How did he rebel without free will?
Ars magica
That's the real question isn't it? The shebang might all be part of God's ineffable plan. Also In Nomine Demons are in intense pain as their entire existence requires them to twist their souls in such a way they deny their true natures. Even hellborn demons are that and if redeemed realize that for the first time they are actually their true selves.
I just like the streamlining it did to 4e. Being unbound by D&D tradition is liberating.
Absolutely an acquired taste, tho.