>when posting requests, contribute at least a little to the thread by helping others or dumping
>don't forget to thank people
>if your request is too complex go to the drawthread
>don't forget : sharing is caring
I have too many pictures Edition
>when posting requests, contribute at least a little to the thread by helping others or dumping
>don't forget to thank people
>if your request is too complex go to the drawthread
>don't forget : sharing is caring
I have too many pictures Edition
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looking for some elven/half-elven sages, a bit rogue/traveler looking ones would be the best
also dumping something from me
Like this?
The artist does realize that the big lever at the bottom of crossbows are the triggers, right? What's the point if you have a smaller trigger in the handguard?
Or this?
is that intentionally supposed to be fantasy Dr. doom?
I doubt it, seems more like a generic Adventurer type. Doom works as is as a fantasy character, no need to change it up a bunch. (Plus I can't really remember him using a sword/shield)
The mask/helmet has a nice design though, very stylish.
Thank you kindly
I'll find some use for these
>three vaginas.
Anybody have male adventurers who are either bards or just regular looking people with a sword?
She's a spidergirl, not a three of everything mutant
You can only see the hilt, but this guy has a sword.
For myself, requesting feral or otherworldly riders.
Got anything cleaner/prettier? Otherwise that is what I'm looking for
All I got senpai, sorry
I Would love an updated version of this image.
I do have one who's prettier... so much that no one on /tg is quite sure if it's a guy or a girl, but it *could* be a guy. Unfortunately, I think the only other "ordinary guy with sword" I have is an elf with very obvious ears.
Hehe. Thanks for trying, but yeah, I'm looking more for something in the style of
It's a little Tumblr but hope it helps.
It doesn't have to be a pretty man, just not sweaty/disheveled like the first guy. But it's okay you needn't post more. I don't want to be a picky asshole
Requesting sharply dressed characters that look like they have both magic and weapon skills, ideally with a helmet, mask, or other face obscuring feature, though that's not too important.
Basically people that look imposing without being giant muscleheads.
If anyone has subtle or Zendikar Vampires that would be great. Or anything with line tattoos like in pic related.
Here is my collection, forgives its lack of organization at the moment.
Also for reference
it's for xtra stoppan powuh
If possible, I'd like art of characters made out of inorganic material, like a cloth wizard, or leather monk.
this is dope. Reminds me of this
Anybody have more stuff like this? I need more Mohrbacher-esque abstract looking spirits
I have another one from the same series.
Also this, though it's not quite as abstract. And I'm a twit for not noticing that you named the artist...
And one in a vaguely similar vein.
ideal for bards
What kind of bard plays the bagpipes
A good one
This is practically perfect. Thanks user
How about a plastic fighter?
I need an older looking, dark elf art. One that looks like she has a calm demeanor and hopefully in regular civilian clothes over armor/combat attire. It's for a dark elf bartender.
Need some Warlock/Hexblade inspiration.
But if she were a "three of anything mutant" she'd have three vaginas. Naturally.
First time here on Veeky Forums also very new to DnD or whatever bastardization my friends and I are playing.
I'm requesting my character that my DM allowed me to make. I am an albino goblin barbarian wielding a maul. In my backstory I hid in a hot oven and became scarred on the eyes giving them a milky look. Anyone game?
Does anyone have an grizzled ex-sailor look? Preferably with longer graying hair but anything works.
That's so awfully specific, you might want to ask a drawthread.
I have three character concepts that could use art. All are male and in a D&D style setting.
1. A Lawful Evil aspiring Eldritch Knight who is tired of seeing kingdoms run by idiots all around him. He wants to establish his own kingdom where he is the absolute authority, where upon he would rule with a fair and even hand to ensure that the common folk look to him with genuine respect and awe. He wants to create a kingdom where the people's happiness is a weapon unto itself. He wants to rule kindly and fairly for all the wrong reasons.
2. A Dhampir Paladin who themes himself as self-flagellating. Channeling divine magic causes him no small amount of pain, but he's convinced that the light is searing away the taint within him and making the world around him just as pure. Imagine something like the Flaggelant from Darkest dungeon, just with burn marks since the divine magic scars his body. He's ultimately an unnervingly cheerful fellow given his looks.
3. A tall, jolly half-orc druid who is from a tribe of half-orcs who have made an alliance with a human hamlet. He lives in three worlds - the orc tribe, the human hamlet, and a druidic circle that established the peace to begin with. His parents were part of an adventuring party that accomplished its goal. He was born to a human barbarian father and an orc ranger mother who was native to the tribe. He started having prophetic dreams and they took him to the druidic circle. He spends his spare time helping the town tend to animals, and often gets drunk at the tavern and falling asleep in bear form.
I'm just looking for mermaids. Mermaids with clothes.
Please, I need black dragonborn. Preferably spellcasters or with shields.
something like this for the 3rd one?
Dwarf/Gnome/Goblin/halfling women. Preferably peasants but adventuring types are not unwelcome.
Mongolian aesthetic centaurs, anyone?
not "quite" abstract but
Maybe this for the aspiring eldritch knight?
Enjoyable thread, have a pic in return
Any medieval or fantasy bandits/pirates/thugs. No super fancy dandy pirates though. I want hard, grimy criminals
got a few
spiky heavy armor seems villainous enough
I'm looking for heavily clothed females (no armor).