ITT: Post every Link meme u have

ITT: Post every Link meme u have





It's actually disgusting watching everyone disregard Chainlink and chase empty pumps instead. This is the most innovative piece of technology that financial and insurance sectors have all been waiting for and it will actually revolutionize the world and strengthen every industry it touches.

Look at Vitalik, Roger, Justin, and Charlie constantly focusing on publicity stunts, shilling, and talking about the pricing of their coins. Sergey is actually the most reliable leader in the cryptosphere focusing only on his technology and development, no bullshitting with publicity stunts. Only honest answers to honest questions when he gets the chance.

I feel like I'm taking fucking crazy pills watching all of this play out. Etherscan shows that soon 95% of all available circulating LINK will be consolidated into less than 15,000 wallets and that continues to shrink as more people try to chase pumps, they're being shaken into stronger hands. As soon as Sergey's saved up LINK is finally handed over to institutions we'll see the price jump by increments of dollars and it'll be way too for most people by then. This is so fucking ridiculous and scary in showing how stupid most of Veeky Forums actually is.








You are not an investor. You are not anything special. You have contributed nothing to the development of ChainLink. Buying a funny internet token and hoping the price goes up does not make you an investor. You do not matter at all to the success of ChainLink, none of us do. Sergey already has partnerships, he already has industry recognition. Sergey very easily could have secured ALL of his funding from angel investors/firms or fintech and instead he CHOSE to do an ICO. Because that's the kind of guy Sergey is (he's a philosophy major for a reason), instead of only allowing insiders and big swinging company dicks to make money off of his product which IS NOT MARKETED TOWARDS THE AVERAGE PERSON, he chose to hold an ICO so the average person could get a piece of the pie. Now every entitled faggot here who buys LINK is upset that they didn't get an easy 10x in a month so they panic sell and fud. Sergey doesn't give a shit about some loser whining on Veeky Forums about his bags because he knows what he has, he knows the opportunity he is giving you, and he knows that if you sell and fail to make money off of LINK it is because of your own weak hands, and you will look back in regret when you see that all you had to do was wait a couple months. But you didn't because you're impatient and wanted Twitter updates and blog posts too much to see the bigger picture.



How does one buy into link coins


This shit right here really cemented my position as a Link marine. Iron falcon hands my brothers. Iron falcon hands.




sirs, im gonna need to inspect how strong your hands are first? it's kind of a big privilege user you must understand



you don't know what investing is, do you? do you think some wealthy jewbaron buys into a company because he wants to feel like he's a part of it(unless he's planning a takeover)? No, he buys in because he sees potential for himself to profit.

his major doesn't really matter, a lot of entrepreneurs don't have a technology background. they don't need one, they just need enough of an idea to know what can be accomplished and how to guide the company forward.



>24 hours left for stinky linkies to break $1 or the prophecy was false

tick tock linkies

These hands are ready to harness the power of crypto

more written link memes please I think they are the funniest



Stinky Linky dumpety doo
I've got another puzzle for you
Stinky Linky dumpety dee
If you are wise you'll listen to me

Who do you blame when you coin takes a hit
And the market stinks worse than Pajeet shit?
Blaming yourself is a lie and a shame
You know exactly who's to blame

Some random user on Veeky Forums

Stinky Linky dumpety da
FOMO in now and you will go far
You can drive in lambos too
Like the Stinky Linkies dumpety do



It's actually disgusting watching everyone disregard Chainlink and chase empty pumps instead. This is the most innovative piece of technology that financial and insurance sectors have all been waiting for and it will actually revolutionize the world and strengthen every industry it touches.

Look at Vitalik, Roger, Justin, and Charlie constantly focusing on publicity stunts, shilling, and talking about the pricing of their coins. Sergey is actually the most reliable leader in the cryptosphere focusing only on his technology and development, no bullshitting with publicity stunts. Only honest answers to honest questions when he gets the chance.

I feel like I'm taking fucking crazy pills watching all of this play out. Etherscan shows that soon 95% of all available circulating LINK will be consolidated into less than 15,000 wallets and that continues to shrink as more people try to chase pumps, they're being shaken into stronger hands. As soon as Sergey's saved up LINK is finally handed over to institutions we'll see the price jump by increments of dollars and it'll be way too for most people by then. This is so fucking ridiculous and scary in showing how stupid most of Veeky Forums actually is.

Chainlink doesn't even exist yet

You know how to get iron fucking hands ? I wrote a letter to my mum and my father. I clearly explained that a part of my christmas gift was 1000 chainlink for each.
So I already offered 2000 link.
I still have 2k5 link for me, I'm waiting for my big fiat deposits. No way I want to become a link node 10k minimum

Investors buy percent ownerships of companies, if an investor buys enough shares of a company he will then own the company
When you buy crypto you're just betting money that the coin you're buying will be worth more, whether you're buying it from the creators of the coin or not you're not an investor and have no stake in the company behind the coin


Well, you're buying a percentage of the protocol. It's like if you could go back in time and buy a percentage of every http request that would be sent
not saying your shitcoin will be as ubiquitous as http, but that's more so what this is like. We are investing in monetized protocols




Sergey pls go, were discussing serious matters and you have weight to lose



I have been going to the gym faggot





You're still not buying the development rights or the ownership of the protocols when you buy crypto though, unlike buying stocks where you are getting a percent of the ownership of the companies and therefore have a say in the administration of the company and in LINK's case, are morally and legally entitled to updates on its progress

when we moon

wat is decentralized oracle
i been tinkin bout dos orcls

कृपया लिंक LINK श्रीमान, यह एक बहुत अच्छा सिक्का सर बहुत विकेंद्रित और सुरक्षित सिक्का translation