So who's off screen pointing the gun at him?

So who's off screen pointing the gun at him?

Seriously his shifty eyes keep glancing off camera to the side. I don't think he's okay.

Other urls found in this thread:




Is this a bot?

Holy shit it is a bot


I have been trying to get that photo off the Instagram for half an hour now

>Considering he plays a big part in the community
Brah fat jokes aren't okay

God damn it haha

You don't know about Snipping Tool?

Is youtuber drama Veeky Forums related?

I was trying to find it in the page source. For some reason it was harder to find then the gif of her shaking her ass

It's twitter drama more than anything

Something about Rudy's response video to this drama puts me off a little


MTG has gone from 20 million players to twelve in three years. A 40% drop. But right now the most important thing in the MTG "community" is fake news

Go figure

It's really old footage he had of girls. he wanted to virtue signal slightly but not get involved or heat from either side.

This thread is auto-saging.

it's MTG related so yes

Veeky Forums has been infiltrated by MTG reddit mods

That one mod must be on duty lmao

>Mods auto-saging MTG threads
Time to switch to Yu-gi-oh I guess...

It's going to drop even further now. God damn nobody is going to want to join

>thread is auto-saging

Oh shit mods what are you doing?

Remember this video?

>Is this a bot?
Nope, he's just very dedicated about explaining why girls choose not to be around him.

Fuck off /pol/

That shit is unironically the only reason I even visit Pornhub. I want to rewatch One Punch Man in preparation of S2 and I think I'll do it Pornhub just because I can.

I watched Rogue One in 1080p last Feburary on Pornhub. It's weird but I like it

you are lying and you know it.

There previous thread was allowed to reach bump limit. I guess the mods are trying to reduce Veeky Forums drama and figured a second thread in a short period of time was excessive. I may not support their actions, but I can see where they're coming from.

The sky has been falling for six years straight. Why should I care this time?

Wow, pussy

Don't. Play Yu-Gi-Oh

Boy, you don't even know what a bot looks like. You will know when it's a bot and it will be the most frightening thing you've ever seen on this site.

Some guy made fun of some woman because he didn't agree with the way she did things then later down the line she says she didn't like being made fun of by that guy.

Cool, it's been discussed to death for the past week. Can we move on now?

Brah they're in EVERY thread

>You will know when it's a bot and it will be the most frightening thing you've ever seen on this site.

Back when Veeky Forums had COMMENT TOO LONG, CLICK HERE TO VIEW, I had a fantastic bot copypasta that created its own punchline thanks to the truncator.

"The accumulated filth of all their lingerie modelling and sweaty butt-cracks will foam up about their waists and all the whores and white-knights will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll whisper "Play Yu-Gi-Oh."

No one, and I don't understand what makes you think someone was as it's not nearly as cringe as some other things on the internet.

Oh no, someone's making three posts whenever the thread pops up, what a pandemic.
Brah, if you haven't visited /gw2g/ at any time in the last year, you have no idea what a bot looks like.
I never even realized it had vanished. Crap, just yesterday I was making fun of somebody who never noticed that the text boards were gone but now I feel retarded.

While I have zero interest in this shitfest, I want to point out something

You're welcome

Brah his mother is holding the camera

Incels and "nice guys" are fucking cancer. I feel worse for having a penis every second I know that these guys exist.

No. He's sending his regards to mom and dad. It's his babysitter who's holding the cam.

Whatever, I don't speak colonised. Point remains the same however

Incels and "nice guys" despise women though. They'd all be taking Unsleeved's side in this.

Yes, I don't see how that contradicts anything I said.

Does MTG really have such a large amount of Elliot Rogers? No wonder it's dying

I don't know who that is, If your reference was clever to begin with it was lost in translation.

>Cards come warped straight out the pack
>Cards are more expensive to buy than competitors but are of much lower quality
>Stereotyped community now has an even worse stereotype thrown on top
>Jeremy & Christine are both getting rich off this
>Everyone else has to pay the price

You don't know who Elliot Rogers is?

>Incels and "nice guys" despise women though
No they don't, they're First Class pussybeggars. "Nice guys" are just upset about not getting laid, and Incels... well, they key is in the "in" part of incel.

The word you're lookin' for is MGTOW, and even then not all MGTOW hate women. Some of them avoid women for the same reason one would avoid a rabid dog, hate doesn't come into play.

t. Someone who *actually* hates women.

Different user here

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say he was that kid from /r9k/ who vlogged about being an incel in his car before he tried to shoot up a crowd of people.

Am I right?

Elliot Rogers is a very famous American public shooter.

Famous enough that the Veeky Forums board R9K was devoted to him. It's a bit weird to say the least that you haven't heard of the guy and you're on Veeky Forums. But hey, we were all new once.

He's the one with the manifesto, movie and email leaks

>R9K was devoted to him
They still fucking are. They have daily threads about the guy. It'd be a general if that were possible on R9K

"Nice guys" really depends on how they've progressed in their syndrome. Type 1 "nice guys" kiss up to women and like white-knighting "feminists" in order to increase their Good Boy Points that they can later cash in for a gf. Type 2 "nice guys" realize that this is all bullshit, but instead of doing any introspection or trying to understand how relationships work, they go full redpill and become full-blown, actual misogynists. At times there are "nice guys" that become legitimately brainwashed and become "feminists" that have suspended their critical thinking and instead listen and believe everything women say (unless it contradicts "feminism").

My personal favourite conspiracy theory about him was the one where Obama was using the Corey in the House anime to indoctrinate Rogers into doing the killing. All based on some weird coincidences where Rogers sings the Corey in the House theme song or quotes a line a character says

Seems accurate.

>Cards come warped straight out the pack
So we get refunds for that right?

Is this a yu-gi-oh shill thread?
Why yu-gi-oh and not say, Force of Will, Pokah-Mahns, UFS, or star wars: destiny?

>Type 2 "nice guys" realize that this is all bullshit, but instead of doing any introspection or trying to understand how relationships work, they go full redpill and become full-blown, actual misogynists
Going redpill doesn't inherently mean becoming a misogynist, nor does it require a lack of introspection.

How about you try it and see how it works.

None of them were popular card games with millennials

>I know all about him
>I'll pretend to be someone else and downplay how much i know about him

Brah it's not like the guy is obscure, you don't have to pretend anything

Bro, I don't even know if he actually killed any of the people he shot at because my life is interesting enough on its own that "kid from /r9k/" was the only part that stuck in my head.

I don't know why you're upset that I don't recognize robot e-celebs.

Oh I'm sorry, it was obviously lost in translation


unless you're playing Gideon tribal.

I for one am glad the sad betacuck soyboy numale incel "nice guys" God we sure have a lot of words by now are giving these girls money for low effort lingerie modelling, those girls may indulge in the pettiest dramas on the planet that threaten to "tear the hobby apart" (if you're pretentious enough to care about playgroups that aren't just your friends), but at least they make my Facebook newsfeed a MUCH more tolerable place with their gratuitous ass and cleavage shots while dressing up as my favourite fantasy characters. It's like next level lad mags. For free! No wonder Playboy is going out of business.

Virgin Betacuck: Gives her Patreon money, defends her honour during drama shitfests, doesn't get laid anyway.
Chad Thundercock: Spends money on girls he ACTUALLY physically gets to fuck, doesn't care for drama unrelated to him, gets a nice view of the girl anyway.

Just play MtG with your friends. Who cares about the arguments these assholes squabble amongst themselves. I'll still watch Prof, I'll still follow Sprank's cosplays, I'll still listen to Rudy and Jeremy shitpost, because they're there to entertain me. That's what they are. If they're not I have no business with them.

Profits are up so WoTC dont care. As long as they can bleed the remainder of their money they're more than happy.

This pretty much sums it up. The only people set to gain from this are the cosplayers that feed on drama to fuel their patreons.

>So who's off screen pointing the gun at him?
His lingering alcoholism. He doesn't want to go back to teach retards in community college just to come back home and drink himself retarded to forget abou the day. WotC defunding content creators may force him to.

The profit margins are only up because they're releasing sets in rapid succession and a metric ton of other product that they used to not do.

Once that gravy train settles they'll be in the water again.

Here's hoping. I love the game but i'd rather see it take a big hit if Wizards can wake up and actually make some good set and cut the politics.

I mean my favorite dutch magic you tuber, all about trading card games isn't involved in this drama is he?

Of it means they lay off shitheads like Alison Luhrs and whoever the current Fascist Art Director is, all the fucking better.

If they fire all the competent card designers that also isn't a problem, I'll just Netrunner my collection of Mtg cards and be detached from their politicking garbage forever.