It returns again. This time with more weird sea objects and demonic, mutating tears.
Question of the day; Who is the best SCP and why is it 999?
It returns again. This time with more weird sea objects and demonic, mutating tears.
Question of the day; Who is the best SCP and why is it 999?
What is the SCP most full of NOPE?
Probably 835. Causing Johnny is also pretty up there.
The only good one is the racist window
honestly some of the more dangerous/super reality-warping SCPS would probably appear only in the warp
in other words, you'd only REALLY encounter them in Space hulks or if the Gellar field goes down, i.e when shit gets real bad real fast
Also the eye of terror is also a good place for the SCPS to occasionally appear just to give the Chaos boys a good spook, and don't forget you have other factions to throw in.
SCP 3125. Meme creature/WTF that kills you and all your family and friends if you start to understand it
what about the racist dimensional being?
It also permeates all of reality, and it may or may not be the "God" that the Fifth Church is dedicated to. So yeah, it's a Fun one.
It's not really dangerous, but in terms of SCP's that unsettled me the most SCP-1981 is among the top of that list.
As for the most interesting and dangerous SCP, I'd say that has to go to ●●|●●●●●|●●|●. Look it up, it's an interesting SCP.
Correction, ●●|●●●●●|●●|● isn't all that dangerous as far as SCP's go, but it is definitely interesting.
SCP-140 is my personal NOPE.
The concept of this civilization that has a perfect retroactive history; where every time the book is finished updating they're near extinction, nothing to worry about, but if someone got their hands on it for long enough, it turns out they survived, got back on their feet, and started up shadow societies, kept going...
It's that real cosmic dread of an archeologist digging DEEPER into an already excavated site but finding NEWER artifacts. And every time someone writes in the book, deeper and deeper, newer relics can be found, until somebody finishes the book, and the Devas not only invade, but have already being invading since the dawn of civilization.
It messes with your head in ways only can do otherwise.
Doesn't help that it's implied that there are other instances of the thing, which means that the Daevas can bring themselves back through other vectors.
I can't remember which one it was, but the Cup of Bodily Fluids is just wrong in so many ways.
What's the code to see the rest of 3125?
Wait I found it
>Causing Johnny
This one probably has the most horrifying implications
Where at? I am also looking for it.
I'm dumb. Don't get it.
When you die you remain conscious and in ever increasing agony as your body decays
I did find it. The description was collapsed. Missed it in my phone.... Guess I am dumb after all. Good read.
department of antimemetics. or that fucking fifthist boat. you're not just dead, no one remembers you ever were.
Related, this is the only antimemetic skip that really resonated with me, but holy shit it resonates
It took me a while to figure out the first time, but when I did, ooh boy. Ooh boy.
The only thing stupid about this one is the fact that the article hasn't been updated to keter class after being classified as safe.
A dagger that makes you commit murders and memory holes the victims should definitely raise some flags, than there is also the entire scranton reality anchor angle to approach this from. When testing was halted it could have been a nice addition and upgrade to keter.
Meant "Cousin Johnny", otherwise known as SCP 2852, the "Cicada God".
>Who is the best SCP
The anti-human racist house.
610 for sure
It does still fit the locked box test though. Just leave it in a box and put a sign up next to it saying "Do not touch" and bam, no murders.
People usually classify by danger but the classifications are supposed to go by difficulty to contain weighted by danger. A keter needs to be actively trying to escape and kill everyone.
I like this. Is there any more on it?
Wow very subtle
Which was the SCP where they travelled to another world where grass was black(indicating red dward star), they were chased by something in the darkness after they crossed an iron wall and in the end the diary ended with a note that such team never existed in recorded history and diary was found by another team ?
>reading one of the top rated new articles of the month
>about some town over some bullshit non-euclidean plane or something, features some small black humanoid that says hello to things
>scrolling down reading it, actives some script or something causing the page to play an audio clip saying "hello"
>close tab
I know it is fucking stupid, but I have never noped out of a page before that. It is the kind of thing that I always expect an entry to do, but have never actually seen it do.
These new skips are definitely getting creepier and more unnerving, gotta say.
Which one?
I don't like it, I like horror, but I hate jumpscares, so now I just don't want to read the articles anymore if there is the chance of one.
I've never seen any other articles do that
Wtf they have stuff like that now? Then I will never read another entry
Wait since when is the UIU aware of the Foundation?
Or the other GOIs for that matter? I thought they were just incompetent, underfunded newbies
Apparently, the UIU *are* aware of the wider supernatural world. The only problem is that they're as you said; A bunch of "incompetent, underfunded newbies", and thus they don't really have the skill or backing in order to handle large threats or even middling ones. The best they can really do is clean-up whatever ends up getting left behind after a particularly large battle between supernatural forces.
Man that's just bullshit. Might as well have a fucking screamer popup at that point
I really really really don't like this image.
Come now, user. It isn't that bad. It's just some ungodly horror that was once human wrapped in barbed wire, who's skin is slouching off and who's head has turned into a gaping maw, all whilst another fleshy horror is banging its head on a cage made out of what appears to be bone-matter. Nothing to not like really.
>not posting the best image in the set
Honestly, I only vaguely know what it is, but this kind of art is my schtick, I love this stuff.
Everything about 610 is great. The "Red Death" being portrayed as a horrific fleshy-atrocity is certainly a unique take of the usual zombie-creating nightmare virus.
>Inquisitor studies a strange amulet and decides to put it on.
I can bet my hand that Bright would try to throw it at Emperor
>Bright loose in the body of an Inquisitor
So much shit is going to go utterly, hilariously wrong. And of course, the other Doctor's won't give a flying fuck.
>a Custodes tries to catch it mid-air
>he becomes Bright
>he tries throwing it at the Emps
>another Custodes stops him and touches the amulet
>the entire Custodes is now Bright
>thus begins the story of the Adeptus Brightodes
thank you
The flesh that Hates is one of my other favorite SCPs. I imagine the reason I like it and the Red Sea Object so much is the idea of exploring a hostile post-apocalyptic world and solving the mysteries behind the ruins and the monsters that remain.
knew it was coming, still jumped. fuck. I wonder if it says more.
In 40k, assuming continuity of the time line, this list DEFINITELY applied.
I can imagine that the Foundation and Global Occult Initiative and Carter, Marshal & Dark get amalgamated into the Inquisition whilst The Factory and Dr. Wondertainment are heratic and heretek respectively.
The COTBG would likely be considered major hereteks by the Mechanicus, simply for their use of advanced and obviously "Warp-Touched" technology. Of course, It's not like they can actually *do* anything to the Church, since Mekhanite bullshit magitech trumps Imperium style stuff by a wide margin.
I don't know how this even got put on the site. It's a ton of cliches topped off by a jumpscare. Who greenlit this.
The author actually took it down shortly after he first posted it because he doubted it met his standards but everybody screeched at him to repost it.
>Mekhanite bullshit magitech trumps Imperium style stuff by a wide margin.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. The mechanicum have a lot of crazy shit stored away.
Wait that's fucking stupid, why don't they just make it swallow incendiary bombs in some airtight place and then clean the shit with flamethrowers?
And why does the girl let herself become a SCP? That's fucking stupid
Probably should have clarified a bit there. Meant to say that "Higher-tier Mekhanite bullshit trumps what the Imperium can churn or pull out". I mean seriously, these are the guys who if given the time as well as the combined tech of beings like SCP 1000, can end up destroying and containing practically every anomaly that comes their way. And this isn't even getting into Bumaro himself, who could probably deal with most of the threats in 40k whilst taking an evening stroll.
Thinking of putting SCP stuff in Delta Green. Good or bad idea?
823. Without question
>Fifteen (15) individuals recovered from the "Thriller Chiller" roller coaster, all decapitated by blunt force. Witnesses reported that the deaths did not occur simultaneously, but in groups of two, starting with the front row of seats and ending with the back. Forensic analysis indicates that each set of deaths corresponded to a loop or turn in the roller coaster's tracks. (dead)
Not really relevant to 40k but
>Always wanted to submit an SCP I've had for a fucklong time
>Really just don't want to deal with whole submission process of mingling with their little secret club and proving the writing isn't shit or some Mary Sue OC trash like 40% of them
Anyone ever submit something before? Is it as much of a pain as I think it is?
The actual submitting process isn't hard. You just have to claim an empty slot and insert your SCP (or write it right then and there, but that's a near guaranteed way to get it deleted.) Preferably, you'd make a sandbox page for drafts and have them critiqued by actual site members before posting to the mainlist. What's your idea? If it's something that would fit into series I or II, it probably wont fly nowadays.
Oh maybe I'll put it up for critique then. I don't know what qualifies as fitting into which series, though. The idea is a living example of the classic "unstoppable force" vs. a hypothetical immovable object. It's a rogue elephant that, while awake, drastically increases in mass, and has so far been able to charge through everything it's come in contact with like was made of tissue paper. It's only form of containment is to keep it surrounded by water, since it's still capable of drowning and can't swim because of it's mass. Then just knocking it out with sedentary gas and air lifting it back to the center of the enclosure.
Sounds kinda sue-ish summarizing it like that, but I promise I did my best to avoid "Oh man guys look at my totally OP monster isn't it badass lol" because I hate that shit
>SCP 823
This one probably unnerved me the most out of most of the entries on the site, if only because of how detailed it is regarding the site's containment procedures, and yet it doesn't explain *anything* about what this thing is aside from that it is malevolent, and constantly needs multiple Units stationed near it at all times.
>The only victim listed as (Alive) is the one who's been completely dismembered and half eaten
Jesus fuck I never noticed this.
>Forced sexual entry through the left eye
You forgot to mention the fact that it was a suicide.
Unique-ish but needs to be expanded upon. What you add is up to you but it needs to be more than an animal with a superpower. Also, minor nitpick but SCP-225 has done the unstoppable force vs immovable object idea.
thats a lot of words, but no details on their actual abilities.
Please tell me you have more of an argument than "prep time"
>SCP 1000
oh thats cute.
>Please tell me you have more of an argument than "prep time"
I do. For one, consider the fact that the Sarkics, the Church's main enemy, are an extradimesnional force that has already subsumed the rest of the multiverse at large, and only need *one* more victory in order to ensure YALDABAOTH's freedom and a subsequent major-dominance shift towards The Flesh across all of Creation. Then consider the fact that the head of the Sarkics, Grand Marxist Ion, has already become the God-Eater in all but name, and that he has already taken part in consuming literal Gods, as have most of his followers. The Church fights these things on a constant basis, because if they lose, even once, everything ends. As for Bumaro, he drank deep of God's Ichor, and gained powers comparable to MEKHANE, which is what allowed him to even best Ion in their first clash, so it's not unreasonable to state that the Church could handle 40k just fine. They might even prefer it, since all of the other factions and powers acting in the galaxy will likely screw over the Sarkics just as much as they do each-other.
Hardly, that description pretty much matches Chaos from 40k.
The Mechanicums technology surpassess any example of the churches technology I can find. Look up the Ark Mechanicus Speranza for example.
You know the Hrud would probably fit in quite easily as an very dangerous SCP. Entropic fields and all that.
Whoops, I forgot the pic. Xenology is definitely one of my fav 40k books
>Hardly, that description pretty much matches Chaos from 40k.
My friend, I've read nearly everything that anyone has shown regarding Chaos and it being "multiversal" and let me tell you; It doesn't have shift on His Undulating Vastness, or any of the other SCP high-tiers. Hell, Yaldabaoth raging against the prison Mekhane bound it in resulted in a good deal of the utterly nightmarish that the Foundation and other GOI's have to deal with, manifesting and wreaking havoc (the other halves coming from 184, HWML and HWMD and The Scarlet King respectively), all as a part of the God Eater's attempts to free itself. The Church might not have the raw industrial capacity of the Mechanicus or their frankly ridiculous weaponry, but they have more than enough power to ensure that they can hold their own.
I fucking hate that the Church of the Broken God has been turned into this tier Dragon Ball Z bullshit.
Well first of all, you cant have looked very deeply if you think than unkillable godhood that thrives on human emotion is somehow unable to face up to such things, but thats besides the point.
You started this by saying that the Mechanicum wouldn't be able to do anything to the Church, but haven't given any solid reasoning why. They could simply be destoyed from orbit if nothing else.
That's not to say that the SCP-verse is bad, far from it, but you know you can still like a fictional universe/organisation without it having to be unbeatable.
Check out Kaktus/TwistedGears' 001 proposal if you haven't already. I'm not sure if it was posted before or after all the Sarkic stuff that kickstarted the new paragon church but it feels like something out of the old church.
The Church hasn't become full-on "PARAGONSOFJUSTICEWEEEEEEE". They're just better than becoming a part of Yaldabaoth's fleshy-rape party. They still fuck people over because they are machine-autists who can't into societal norms and don't get why opening up with a raging firefight in the streets against your enemy, miiiiiiiight not be the best idea.
Why does it feels like 3/4 of SCP stuff is taken directly from combination of Roadside Picnic and Stalker (both the film and games)? Because I couldn't shake this feeling ever since I've learned about SCP existence.
did this nigga fuck his own eye socket?
Broken God is probably my favourite 001 proposal. I'm not a big fan of any 001 that retcons the origins of other SCPs, so I don't like Broken God claiming the origins of some other CotBG SCPs are cover stories, but otherwise it's fantastic.
It's not just that the Church are now 'totally the good guys' but it's this whole fleshed out mythology and power wanking that irks me. I've always prefered SCP universe stuff as kind of fragmentary and poorly understood (not including the really shitty entries where half of the article is just [DATA EXPUNGED] and blacked out text), and jamming in this fleshed out God vs God mythology that feels like something out of babby's first fantasy setting doesn't sit well with me. I'm not even against the Sarkic vs Church stuff because, sure, flesh monstrosities vs mechanical monstrosities is something I can get behind. I just hate how it's been so fucking stupidly, continuously ramped up
I much prefered it when Bumaro was just some mysterious crackpot running things from behind the scenes but not necesarily a fucking avatar, and the Broken God was just some idea worshipped by a crackpot cult, rather than this fully fleshed out Mekhane shite.
>>has already subsumed the rest of the multiverse at large, and only need *one* more victory in order to ensure YALDABAOTH's freedom and a subsequent major-dominance shift towards The Flesh across all of Creation. Grand Marxist Ion, has already become the God-Eater in all but name, and that he has already taken part in consuming literal Gods, as have most of his followers. The Church fights these things on a constant basis, because if they lose, even once, everything ends. As for Bumaro, he drank deep of God's Ichor, and gained powers comparable to MEKHANE
Okay, what is this trans-dimensional bullshit?
The Sarkic Mythos. It's not really as crazy as shit like the Antimemetics Division or The Scarlet King shit, but it's up there.
>MTF Rho-71 commander ████████ ██████████. Cause of death: suicide caused by forced sexual entry through left eye, resulting in unsurvivable brain trauma.
That's a metric fuckton of nope right there. Holy Cow. He dicked himself in the eye until he died.
See I was going to ask which SCP is the one where they have to rape a little girl to save the world but Scarlet King piqued my interest...
Every time I read a new entry I make sure volume is at zero.
Then that bullshit SCP-700 came up.
But how though? Because I don't think that's actually possible unless he literally ripped his dick off and then tried to shove it into his eye-socket.