Competitive modern general

Grind em out edition


What are some of your favorite grindy cards in Modern? What's your favorite Grindy deck in Modern?

>Comprehensive Rules

>Current Modern Metagame


Other urls found in this thread:

I want to get into modern, but I don't know if I should wait for Masters 25.

Which modern cards do you think are safe from reprints? (Safe as in unlikely to be reprinted in Master 25 or their price could handle a reprint)

My favorite grindy deck would have to be 5C Shadow.
I mostly play the Grixis version since it has better match ups against most of the meta, but I usually have more fun playing 5C.
Working on foiling it out right now

I haven't kept up with Modern in a long while. When and how did Goyf get dethroned as the Beater King?

dies to fatal push.

Moonfolk tribal
Ooze tribal
Moonfolk Mill

2 mana 5/6s are worse than 1 mana 5/5s in a format of Push.

Meddling Mage
Mono G Tron in Pauper with shit like Jaddi Offshoot and Wayfinder (Not Modern, I know sorry)
Trying out Hurkyl's Recall over Shattering Spree for shits and giggles. Yeah I can't ham-fist it through countermagic but it doesn't require two cards, is one mana from bears, and I can fire it off EoT when I don't need to Gifts.

>What are some of your favorite grindy cards in Modern? What's your favorite Grindy deck in Modern?
None because of Tron's "tap three lands blow up everything" bullshit.

What's the 1 mana 5/5???


And Death's Shadow. If your shit's gonna get killed for 1 mana it's best to not spend 2 mana on it. It's why Bob has completely dropped off the radar.

>burn bby burn
>nothing really
>not really a brew, but building mono green stompy
>thread q
No grind. I either win or lose by turn five.
A few months ago some user posted a list similar to mono green stompy but with more +1/+1 counters and synergy. Would anybody happen to have it?

Been messing around with Restore Balance
Heavy artifact disruption (even though it's completely necessary in the format)
Same thing I'm playing
Oketra's Last Mercy is in over Timely Reinforcements right now but that could potentially change

Fucking image didn't go through

Play Legacy aka the superior format. Modern is dead kiddo.

>$4,000 decks and Force of Will
No way fag

>force of will
>a bad thing

Its only a "good" thing in legacy because there is a ton of old, badly designed, broken cards.

Building an esper reanimator deck, ala gifts control. I want advice.
>inb4 the following cards they've already been suggested
>Liliana of the Veil
>Iona, Shield of Emaria
>Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite
>Goryo's Vengeance (It isn't a combo deck)
>Big Gris
I've, so far, got targeted discard, a few counterspells, flip jace, and collective brutality.
Please help.


if force was a modern card it would be fucking played

Gideon seems like additional memes that just makes the list worse. I do like the nahiri however.

Lingering Souls, Tasigur, Ashen Rider, Snappy, Unburial Rites, Thought Scour
I mean, I could go on and include even more of the basic stuff you should already have but I won't.

It's there for the Burn match-up, mostly.
Aggressive decks in general are a hassle but Burn is the most prevalent right now.

Grixis shadow and amulet titan.
Tron it's always tron even if it's a good matchup
I dono why I keep throwing money at this game someone send help !
Whatever it takes

>thread question
Fav Grindy deck is amulet titan and by that logic my fav Grindy card is tolaria west

Hivemind or no Hivemind?

Tolaria West has gotta be the most bonkers land on paper but somehow is really balanced
>3cmc Sylvan Scrying that can also find EE and Titans
>also a land drop, etb tapped can be considered an upside if you got double Amulet

Death & Taxes
Having to work on modern night and every weekend forever so no traveling for cash tournaments (except the first Legacy GP of the year within 15 hours drive distance)
Not really, I'm kind of a 'death & taxes' guy.
Lots of things.
>What are some of your favorite grindy cards in Modern?
Dawn/Dusk is my favorite because you can grind out Jund and Shadow lists with it.
>What's your favorite Grindy deck in Modern?
Esper Foundry

UW Spirits
Tron decks. How many GQs should I consider running? I run 2 Moorland Haunts.
I needed a sweeper and went with Dusk//Dawn. Not sure if it will work, but it may help against Death Shadow and Eldrazi Tron, and I can recover all of my dead ghosts instead of Haunting them out. Supreme Verdict seemed too painful, but maybe it's a better choice as my creatures aren't very good at eating creatures anyways.
I am not sure which graveyard hate I should use because Grafdigger's Cage seemed like the best one since it doesn't shut off my Moorland Haunt and also hoses out CoCo. Tormod's Crypt is ok, but it's a one-time use. Relic draws me a card, but it requires me to leave up mana and can also screw over Moorland Haunt. RIP screws over Moorland Haunt outright and may not be fast enough.
I'm open to suggestions.

>Supreme Verdict seemed too painful
the final redpill is casting verdict, holding priority and responding with spell queller exiling verdict. then you kill them with the spell queller because they know they can't kill it without eating a boardwipe.

That sounds slow without Aether Vial, and I don't use Aether Vial.

>I don't use Aether Vial

ay senpai what deck u want?
>just fuck my shit up

You're an idiot. I'm not saying it's not playable, I'm saying it's gay.

They don't come cheap.

They've dropped significantly with Iconic Masters.

They still cost over $30 each. How low could they go?

Guess they've gone up a little, last time I checked they were $27ish for Iconic Masters versions. Considering the Darksteel and MM versions are like $40 then if the Iconic Masters versions are $30 each now i'd just bite the bullet and pick them up because they'll go even higher in the future and if you can at least get maybe 20 plays minimum out of them then it's fine and more than that is really great. I mean at absolute worst the case they drop to $20 in the future but that future is like maybe a year and a half away if you're lucky and I don't think that's happening anytime soon with Humans, Merfolk and D&T being popular decks right now. Given what usually happens to expensive cards in Masters sets they don't stay at a low price for long, even all the fetches from MM3 have gone back up in price after the initial dip on release. You should be able to recover the amount spent on a playset with actual playtime use you've garnered from competitive or semi-competitive play. At least they're only a Rare slot in Iconic Masters which means the supply should be decent and you have other decks that you can run the Aether Vials in for the future.

If they're not $10 or less, then no matter the degree of the drop it's not enough. If Wizards' goal was to expressly make the format accessible then they've failed.

And because they've failed he fault obviously is their own doing because this is the billionth Masters set and they haven't learned to care to make changes to the Masters model after over five years of observation. It's clear (again) that they have no intention of making the format more accessible through cheaper cards.

I don't want to encourage people to play this format. Because it feels like I'm stealing money out of their pockets for a game that isn't worth how much it costs to play and they'll look at me at what lapse in judgement I would promote something that is so idiotically expensive.

Look i'm just being real here, the card isn't ever going to drop to single digits or in the 10-19 dollar range. Sometimes you just have to suck it up and buy it as is because you know the reprint isn't going to come down anytime soon and by the time you wait it will skyrocket and then you're stuck waiting when you could be playing. I personally don't like spending $20 for a card either but I sucked it up and bought a playset of Chalice of the Void's 4 years ago. Now look at the prices of those cards now, it's ridiculous but if you can get a playset of a card that is most likely going to retain a high value and sees play across multiple formats with a price range for a playset to be less than $100 then just grab it or you'll regret doing so. I agree that WotC has shitty policies as of late especially for reprinting cards and getting more cards into the pool for playability of formats but that's something I can't control. What I can control is what value I can get out of a card right now in terms of playability and how much I really want to invest in it. Cards are like Aether Vial right now are something you should get asap if you really want to play decks with them. You're never going to see super competitive sub $300 Modern decks anymore as you did 3-4 years ago but you can at least shave some corners right now when the opportunity presents itself and right now Vial is important to quite a few decks so grab a playset asap before they climb further back up.

Is Grave Troll really that bad? How was it like when he was around? I'm barely getting into modern and I'm having fun with Dredge but I'm losing a lot. I'm wondering how it was ever a big threat.

Dredge 6 was big and sometimes you would just hardcast it as like a 10/10. In all honestly GGT wasn't even that bad until Cathartic Reunion got printed. That's when the card went bonkers.

Dredge was just way more 'draw sideboard cards or lose' with GGT. The difference between dredge 6 and 4 doesn't seem like a lot, but once you take into account blockers and stalling with removal, dredging one or two more bloodghasts and amalgams becomes a way faster clock.

You're being real and I agree with you and have done exactly what you're outlined doing before. I'm just tired of doing it. Chasing the format. There's too many trains to catch and I just don't want to pay for them anymore.

I'm five decks into Modern. Three of which I got into on the ground level and now, Jeskai-whatever, has pulled into the driver's seat and I don't care. I'm looking into the future and I don't like it. I don't like the idea that some of us scraggly guys are just going to dip out and there's nobody to replace them because Wizards doesn't care. The only fate available to us is playing it out until attrition means events won't fire for us anymore but we can say, "well, I did it while it was around" as if this was some prime video game whose audience slowly grew away.

You're right, Vial is a keystone right now holding up 2-3 solid archetypes in Modern and 2-3 in Legacy. But I'm just not interested in dropping $120 into them as-is. I know I'll get $120 worth of "fun" value out of it but I just don't want to. Call it protest or something. No one said it is easy to get into Magic but it shoudln't have to be so fucking hard either and I've seen too many people pull out on the premise of prices alone and I feel that's tragic. The future from five years ago shouldn't look like it does today.

Magic has the potential to last forever. It's just fucking paper. It should not submit to the slow-death of video games that eventually have to shutdown servers. It should not die because players have become so greedy such as to ignore the challenges their play spaces are going to have staying open thanks to the death of retail. And it certainly shouldn't die because of a lack of product because that's how a grossly inferior game like Monopoly manages to persist after all these years. Something has to go fucking right and NONE of it is.

>I'm just tired of doing it. Chasing the format. There's too many trains to catch and I just don't want to pay for them anymore.

I share the same sentiment, I've got all the decks I want to play in the format and i'll stick to those ones and no new ones unless I can assemble those decks on the cheap if I already have the expensive staple parts. My last final deck was Dredge and that's only because Bloodghast got reprinted so I could finish it off cheaper than normal outside of the Life from the Loam.

I knew there was a big problem when I went to a modern masters event for $80, albeit only attended by 4 people, and no one got a big deal card from any of their boosters. The most expensive card drawn was a foil basilisks collar. Not a single goyf, lili, snapcaster etc. That's totally ridiculous, I personally opened like 12 booster packs.

I got a Scalding Tarn in my Modern masters draft. Conversely I bought a box through a friend's store(able to get it at cost price and not retail aka "mates rates") and got 0 fetches in my box, though mind you I already have playsets of all the fetches so not really too bothered. At least I got a Snap and a Damnation so whatever but still not worth the box.

I honestly doubt that.

Then they kill your Queller in response to the etb and you've actually ruined yourself.

1 of hive mind is were I'm sitting. I just wanna punk ppl out sometimes, is that so wrong??

>fatal push did more to reduce modern prices than masters sets ever did

How's this meme deck?

Kek, that's almost as bad as removing o-ring in response to it's etb

>kill your queller
>exile one of your spells forever for free

How is that bad?

Other players PoV user. Jesus, keep up

They kind of dug their own hole and it's impossible to get out because of the CCG model. You've got (((investors))) , stores and players all wanting different things. I hate investors but they have more money than us and by just putting a bit of it in Harbro's stocks they matter more than us.

See what Pokemon, YGO and FoW had happen to them. Konami just ate a portion of the seondary market without a second thought and it works out for them, but the game is built around the power creep to get people to swap decks in eternal formats way more often than Legacy or Modern do. Pokemon reprints and distributes cards in a way more generous way to the point a box of a product doesn't have a chance to end up worthless if you got something like a bonfire of the damned in your MM box. It's worth noting that those two also sell more products without random contents compared to MtG's FTV and Duel decks, the former which is too expensive for people to use with the goal of getting actual cards and the later which almost never gets reprints(because we've hit the point of, if Goblins vs Merfolk had something good like a Guide in there, people would buy them in droves, tear them apart and sell those guides for profit).

Then you have FoW which tried to actually see why the fuck do people not reprint good cards to death in MtG. Turns out players hate boosters, they don't want to play with random cards, they want to build a deck that matches their tastes, whether its good or not and have fun with that, so they start buying singles. This is fine, but then stores realise the game is still a CCG and they'd need to open boosters to sell those. Boosters where the cards are worth less than the sealed product compared to opening boxes of MtG where you eventually get some profit. So the game got hurt a lot because nobody wanted to actually open the product.

LCGs also force you to pay for a lot of product if you want to be competitive(still cheaper than MtG)

>Boosters where the cards are worth less than the sealed product compared to opening boxes of MtG where you eventually get some profit.
What? At what point were packs ever convenient over buying singles? If anything FoW got hurt by not having casuals who like cracking packs, while magic is filled with casuals.(also possibly by not having a limited format? Don't know much about FoW).
It is true that you need packs to have a little value, but not more then the price of the pack.(especially because that's impossible). (I only now thought that maybe you meant every single card in FoW was worth less then the packs, while in magic you might get lucky. Is that what you meant?)

Like it or not the ability to turn profits on the secondary market is one of the primary reasons the game is still alive decades later. It sucks that there's such a high upfront cost on the staples, but the value of the secondary trade goes a long way towards propping up LGS, mine almost exclusively does magic, and it keeps them afloat. As much as I'd like a modern deck to cost $60, if they tanked the value of the cards like that they'd sink a ton of LGS and the tournament circuit, and I kinda like being able to go to sanctioned events.
Konami reprints like crazy but as a result the secondary market for them can't really sustain anything, there's only 1 Lgs within 100 miles of me that even does Yu-Gi-Oh compared to something like 6 that do MTG, it's just not worth it

Me too dog, and it gives you an easy out to potential weird shit like infinite life or ensnaring bridge

Hey modern boys, i stopped playing shortly after amulet bloom reached meme status. What happened that made it become broken? Just tweaking or some new cards?

Just tweaking. Some people claim the pro (can't remember his name) that had a really good showing with it was cheating to get perfect hands, but that's hearsay.

Yeah, that last thought is what I mean, packs are never worth it for players over singles because players want specific cards and even if they get a value card, most aren't after trading it. But in magic, boosters have some worth for stores, if they crack enough of them they do eventually get some nice returns. For FoW, the price of singles is really low, I'm not sure about current ones, but I think none of them are worth more than Vraska or Carnage Tirant. So stores don't see it as profitable as the chance of selling a single Goyf to someone out there, nor do they have other secondary sellers buying their sealed product to crack and sell singles.

It's a real shame, specially when you realise MtG is what pays most stores bills. Wargaming also works out for some, which is really great, but your store most likely sells MtG while having some comics/TTRPGs/board games/other card games they like to support on the shelves. This is without taking into account how badly WotC fucks them in the ass for selling their product because of the tourneys and shitty product they are forced to sell. As more stores start dying out maybe then the game might start getting a little cheaper, but whatever happens we're losing something. It's really sad but this whole mess comes from when the game just started and it only got worse over time(mythics, sets that have a higher overall price and don't reduce costs, bad picks for non random products and so on).

Hi, I've been out of MtG for a while - is it possible to make a fun and somewhat competitive Zombie themed Modern deck?

Some kind of reanimator or Dredge deck is the closest thing you're going to get.

Ah ok.
this is the closest to competitive i ever saw. It has some game against grindy decks, but combo and super aggro are going to fuck your shit up hard. All in all not a good deck, but playable i guess.

Tweaking + Cheating pros. The deck was good with bloom but I'm not sure if it was good enough to ban desu.

>Cheating pros
Pretty vague since that's basically most of them. They're all rules lawyers trying to get opponents DQ'd over the most petty things.

This guy was literally sculpting hands though, not the usual little bits of cheating they usually do.

After months of deliberation on what tier 1 deck to buy I settled for burn, the archetype has been around for decades and I don't see it going anywhere anytime soon. Man it's fun af, and I'm sure the LGS will be happy to not have to deal with 8rack anymore, despite me never winning jack shit with it

Is there a better place to buy tix than on the client?
The client charges a fee I believe

>tier 1

What does and does not count as rules lawyering?

Is rules lawyering still rules lawyering if the person doing it got the rules wrong?

I believe you get some sort of pity boosters when buying directly from the store, which might be worth the tax (fee).

Depends on the situation. If the intent was clear, I usually let it slide. Recently I was in finals at PPTQ ,so competitive REL. Opponent had Lathnu Hellion and some energy. Said "Go, oh and pay for the Hellion". I was thinking hard whether or not should I call a judge, but in the end I let it slide and told him it was the first and last time I did so. The next turn after he forgot to pay again. I just blankly stared at him and told him to sacrifice it, and he sheepishly did.

Travis Woo Just got dunked on by the SJW hate mob. Lost all sponsorships and kicked from team he captained.

Dumb alt righter what was he thinking be a shitlord. PRaise Social Justice, another dumb fucking asian male's life hurt and ruined.

54m54 minutes ago
The mission of TeamMGG is to support the players and game we love. We openly embrace equality and diversity within the community.
0 replies 2 retweets 16 likes
Reply Retweet 2 Like 16

54m54 minutes ago
After careful consideration, we have decided to separate from Travis Woo. We feel this is in the best interest of TeamMGG and affiliates.
4 replies 17 retweets 96 likes
Reply 4 Retweet 17 Like 96

Flexing your power level in the middle of the shitstorm by creating a facebook group for shitlords was pretty retarded even for TWoo's standards.

A friendly reminder he tried to market a self-improvement book he wrote. That guy ain't right.

The story of that community is that he started a FB group "Magic for Good" but was tired of modding it. So he created "Magic for Bad" for shitposters and it was a private / locked community. The way it even spread was someone joining and taking screenshots.

By this logic Zuckerberg should be banned from MTG too.

TWoo did nothing wrong

TWoo fucked up when he tried to walk the ever so fucking slippery slope by debating Mein Kampf on his stream. He had nothing to gain from that action. He made a bad decision, fucked up and is carrying the consequences ever since.

Pretty much.

The hate mob needed someone to punish and Jeremy just made more money. Fucking up Twoo's finances and sponsors was an easy target.

They needed a victory skull to add to their throne. Hence even a chink would do if they could otherize him. His suffering means nothing compared to the slight offense he caused.

We're talking about what's happening right now, he's done nothing wrong.
If TeamMGG really didn't want to be affiliated with Travis, they could have distanced themselves after that stream 2 years ago.

Are you aware Travis joined TeamMGG few months ago? He was a pariah for a long time after the stream and TeamMGG was the first one to recognize him.

Have you read that guy's twitter? He's a little special, to be kind.

Should I start playing Amulet Titan? It seems like a fun deck.

Sounds to me like they're only letting him go because of a Facebook group and the fact that he doesn't support mob justice.
My point was, they could have not affiliated with him in the first place if they really think he's bad for their "brand".
It all just seems a bit ridiculous to me.

Even without Summer Bloom, it's still a fun deck.
Here's the list I'm running if you're interested.

Nobody wanted to have anything in common with TWoo after the Hitler incident. He wasn't mentioned anywhere by anyone. Then, after few grueling years, he got a new chance by a pretty decent team.
A sane person would stay low profile and be glad for the opportunity. Our friend decides to do the opposite and starts a facebook group for controversial and satirical posts in the middle of a culture war. He (again) made a retarded decision and is now suffering the consequences.

>buying/playing/supporting MTG during such a downtime and when the community is ruining lives over wrongthink.

And so we'll hunt him.

>reading history book to understand history and learn from it so you can avoid horrible things
Oh god, what an evil bigot. Did you go to a holocaust museum? fucking jew killer.

They just took something controversial and immediately framed it as being a neo nazi. Just because he DARED to read a historical book.

Reading Mein Kampf doesn't make you a fucking nazi you stupid fucking social justice RETARD.

Why are you sperging out at me? Why do you think I'm an SJW? All I did was stating the facts, like TWoo was hurting a brand, so they dumped him.

must be sad living in the U.S when even fucking tiny pieces of cardboard devolve into this bullshit

when there are no players demanding to pay $1k for decks those shops will sink just as fast. ALso when there are no players at the tourneys

because I'm pissed that reading about WW2 history is now taken as a sign of nazism.

It's fucking ridiculous that the subject of study most relevant to stopping extremism, is now a sign you are a nazi. It was fucking ridiculous and offensive that reading a goddamn book that is huge in academia for understanding history was a sign he was a secret nazi and lost him two jobs now

kill yourself


Pretty sure they were being sarcastic you spastic

Then fuck off with your autistic shrieking about SJW's directed at random people when you get triggered. Do you realize your manners aren't really that different from the ones of the very people you despise?

die in a fire you stupid fuckhead

>he should be fired from all of his jobs because he read mein kampf, something millions of people read each year.

stupid fucking retard, the SJW bubble got to you if you are justifying this.

>Travis woo is a nazi, we know this even though it's a secret
>All we did was jump to conclusions off very little evidence, but we will all form hate mobs and echo chambers to repeat worse and worse accusations
>He's a big, he's sexist, he's racist, he hates jews, he's secretly got a gun and nazi flag in his apartment
>over time they all work up into a frenzy


When in reality all they had was a sign that millions of other people do, reading mein kampf, a historical document. Not to mention he isn't even white or german and even said before talking about it he was reading it for historical context.

Owell, glad the hate mob knows him better, they figured him out completely. He's really a secret nazi. He must be destroyed. Go ahead. No Jury, no trial, just an internet twitter and leddit hate mob. True Justice.

Finally the harassment and evil will end! We found the secret nazi and can now destroy him.

Travis Woo is an honorary aryan