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You can delete one genre from gaming forever, what is it and why?
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You can delete one genre from gaming forever, what is it and why?
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Well I really really hate games like Ticket to Ride, so I'd get rid of area control games.
>area control
It's route claiming you want to delete. Would you like to delete El Grande as well?
Route claiming, what? Ticket to Ride is the one where you trade in cards to control areas in the hopes of controlling the right areas to gain more points. It's train themed and generally recommended as an entry point to board gaming. You should check it out, you seem pretty new.
Engine building, congrats on making a "sick" "combo", that must have used up a lot of your "imagination" to pull off
>Delete one genre from gaming forever
Taking bets now, does steev hate co-op or euros more this week.
I don't hate anything enough to delete it forever but if I never have to play a semi co-op game ever again I will be a happy lad
>caring enough about namefags to bring them up for no practical reason
I've never enjoyed King of Tokyo as a game. I only play it when my friends bring it so that I can claim the knockoff Godzilla standee. What do anons who enjoy it like about it?
The one and only correct answer is party ''''games'''' that normies lap up like Cards Against Humanity and its ilk.
>the black card reads: "what is a woman's best friend"
>a hush falls over the normie group as they carefully consider which of the lolsoepicXD cards in their hand can help them craft the ultimate joke
>they hand their cards in reverence to the "czar"
>he ponders at the punchlines before him, considering the humor potential of each of them
>the normies chat excitedly, not even knowing the mirth that awaits them
>suddenly, the head normie is ready to pick a winner
>a hush falls over the group
>"What is a woman's best friend?" he asks slowly, savoring each word
>you can hear muffled laughs and stifled sniggers from the normies, each of them hoping that their appropriately selected punchline wins
>"A big"
>some of the more seasoned Cards Against Humanity veterans have already got it and are already on the floor in stitches
>the winners barely contain his excitement as he begins to furiously masturbate over the coffee table that of course they're all playing around
>the normies can no longer contain their laughs as they fall off their sofa, tears streaming down their eyes and gales of guffaws leave them almost unable to breathe
>after what seems to be an eternity, they regain their composure
>they all congratulate the winner as they draw new cards, ready to take another glimpse at the face of humor itself
Any "game" that bills itself as an "activity" is pure fucking trash. It's invariably a shittily designed social lubricant, almost always replete with bottom-of-the-barrel pop culture references, and you can't even point out its flaws without droves of morons swooping in to defend it. "Actually, I only play it ~ironically~" "Oh see, it doesn't NEED to be well-designed, it's just for fun!" What a fucking joke. I want everyone who plays these games to stop polluting my hobby with their shitty tastes now.
>legs can be claimed by at most two players, no bonus for majority/plurality
>points mostly come for completing routes on tickets
>area control
Are you the same guy who tried to argue that Dominion is a tableau building game because your hand is your tableau?
>Any "game" that bills itself as an "activity" is pure fucking trash
No, it's an activity and not a game. This is board game general, not annoying social activity general. You've tried so hard to sound smarter than the people you hate that you've thoroughly succeeded in sounding unquestionably retarded. You also wasted a lot of time typing a greentext describing something no one needed described.
If you were trying to get (You)s then here's one. If you posted this thinking you were somehow meaningfully contributing to the thread you're a big fat mess- and everyone knows it.
>i can control areas of the board
>area control is not a mechanic of the game
>it's an activity
Wow, user! In your attempt to be dismissive you made my point for me! See, I KNOW it's an activity, but the fact that it's described and marketed as a game is exactly what I take issue with! Wanna know why? Because it panders to creatively bankrupt morons that drive up the demand for similar shitty products instead of actually good games.
>abstract game
>has concrete pieces
Didn't see anything like this on the pastebin, but do you guys have a list of must-plays? Maybe for each genre? Are there any games that are guaranteed fun for any kind of person? Does such a game exist?
You wrote in your post it bills itself as an activity, now you're claiming it's described and marketed as a game. How fucking retarded are you? Make up your mind.
>doesn't deserve a response
>i typed this anyway
How's the fallout game?
>It's of course subjective but here are games I've played and have thoroughly enjoyed:
Rhino Hero
1st & Goal
Camel Up
Pitchcar Mini
Star Wars X-Wing
Space Hulk Death Angel
>Games I've enjoy playing
Tiny Epic Quest
Race for the Galaxy
Forbidden Island
Star Realms
Specter Ops
Lords of Waterdeep
Castle Panic
>Games I own but haven't played yet that I am confident I will like
Forbidden Stars
Mage Knight
Merchants & Marauders
Survive: Escape from Atlantis
Escape: the Curse of the Temple
13 Minutes: the Cuban Missle Crisis
Pixel Tactics
Neuroshima Hex
>Games I want to own/play
Broom Service
Five Tribes
Ghost Stories
Castle Ravenloft
Wiz War
Odin's Ravens
This isn't a complete list but maybe this can help you pick out a couple
Not that An, but it's truly hilarious to see you sperging out over CAH. Please continue.
>sold in game stores and produced by game companies
>not marketed as a game
The fact that they're social activities and not complicated simulation games eww is their selling point to normies, but that doesn't change the fact that game companies treat them as any other game. How about this simple question: do CaH and friends belong on board game shelves?
Yes, in the same way magic the gathering and monopoly do.
>should capitalism exist
Board game shelves are going to be filled with whatever makes board game stores money. They sell fidget spinners and puzzles at board game stores, do those belong on the shelves? Your question is bad.
The group I play with really enjoys drafting. What are the best games with drafting as a feature that aren't pure card games?
Ideally for 4+ players.
INIS for something more heavy weight
Fairytale for something more light weight
Sushi go! for even more light weight.
Seasons is one of my favorites, but I think it might be getting a little rare between print runs.
Seasons is great, but it's pretty solidly card game. has patrician taste gut of those only Inis really fits your bill.
I'll check all these out, thanks for the replies. It doesn't really matter if it's mainly a card game, just we also play some actual LCGs/CCGs so I'm more looking for not wholly card stuff.
Oh shit, my bad, I didn't read the part of your post that had "not pure card games"
How loosely do you define "drafting"? If a Purchase Row mechanic (which has a similar hate pick and "will it come back to me?" dynamic but not the ever-decreasing selection since taken items are replaced) fits, you should try Sentient, or maybe a Purchase Row deckbuilder like Valley of Kings.
Steampunk rally
Terraforming Mars
Blood Rage
It definitely was something I was considering. Seasons is pretty heavily played with the cards, there's no spacial element in a central board, but I feel like it uses a lot of non card components. It's a fuzzy line but I still recommend it.
Blood Rage, the EPIC MASTERPIECE designed by board game genius Eric M. Lang (patent pending) is a drafting/area control/absolute SLAMFEST produced by CMoN. Some of the most OUTRAGEOUSLY DETAILED models you've ever seen help bring this highly thematic battle for Valhalla to life. FEEL THE RAGE!!!
Great recommendation cocksucking faggot
>/r/boardgames: the post
nah, thanks for trying!
>route claiming
There's no such genre. TtR is area control with long and thin areas.
Cards Against Humanity is just a shitty version of Apples to Apples.
The original is OK and is actually a game.
>What are the best games with drafting as a feature that aren't pure card games?
>Ideally for 4+ players.
This guy gets it.
Seconding Inis.
It's not perfect, but I generally don't like drafting mechanics. I make a strong exception for that one.
Seriously though is Blood Rage any good?
Has anyone tried out Shadespire or know anything about it?
Not really. It's an ok tableau-builder area-control game in theory but the OPness of Loki cards means you can't really build your own strategy, but must instead hatedraft whoever goes for the Loki combo. Then whoever lucks out with the draw wins.
I like the combat, and it has really fun 'take that' cards. Minis are ok. So it's fun but just too unbalanced.
It's the same as every other Lang game: cool idea with no testing and no subtlety whatsoever that costs way more than the ruleset is worth because it comes with a bunch of models even though the theme of the game is paper thin
It's a dice chucker in the WH universe. Most of their box games are just cash grabs of their verse. If you wanna get into a quality game of theirs it's crazy expensive but they are decent games and there is a ton of support for them. They get slammed hard constantly though because as a business they treat their customers like shit
It's their attempt at the "X-Wing Miniatures" model is all I know of it.
Thanks guys, guess I'll steer clear of it
Seconding Inis. Inis helped turn on one of my groups to heavier games, despite not being particularly heavy itself. On one hand, it's pretty subtle: no one card has some sweeping, board changing effect, but on the other hand the win conditions are also subtle enough that most games are won by clever plays the other plays didn't anticipate stopping rather than brute force. When a card whose only effect is "move one unit without starting a fight" gets cries of "Oh shit" or "Good move," it really feels tight.
I've heard praise and criticism for Blood Rage but never played it. Worth looking into, probably.
Also I think Terraforming Mars has drafting?
7 Wonders is mostly about drafting, but it's to build a tableau, which may appeal to a different part of you.
I like it. It reminded me somehow Krosmaster etc, it has some really nice ideas and plays well. It's just at the beginning, so we really need to see how it will evolve or if it will die, if you can give it a try
Or probably its easier if you just take a look at their own video
Maybe hold back just a little.
Blood Bowl came out a year ago and there's only models for 5 teams (out of 23 teams--assuming no one was cut).
I'm not sure what the release cycle looks like for Shadespire. Who knows maybe it has priority over Blood Bowl--all I'm saying is give it a bit of time before you plunk down your cash only to be left with dying/dead communities.
Ya but theyre rushing out this, bb, and necro at the same time. Theyre just trying to see what sticks and that will be the game they actually support. if you can be patient give it a year or two. they tried a few other games that theyve dropped already so don't think that just because they say more content is coming that its true
Was models really a selling point for BR? I can;t imagine people giving a shit about models which don't come on sprues.
models have been a huge selling point for every CMoN kickstarter
>cant imagine people giving a shit about models not on sprues
ya, people are generally really dumb, welcome to earth. they all love how detailed they are and the fact that they require no assembly is a huge plus to those plebs
Did you miss the MUH DETAILED MINIS hype that's still going on?
People go apeshit on kickstarter for games they don't even think they'll like because of the minis
I agree with this fine gentleman here.
It's a fine game with very good models (if you like their design). There are already 4 more gangs announced (on top of the 4 right now). Be careful though, if you never build any models before. Take your time getting them out of the sprue or maybe ask someone in a GW store to do it for you.
user who shills for Cave Evil,
is it just me or are the tokens really shoddy? I've torn like 3 of them so far. Had to break out the xacto knife and cut each and everyone one out to avoid tearing. Did you have this issue?
There aren't *that* many of us in here. I'm curious if there's a game we unanimously deem as a good game.
> im thinking kemet?
Fuck off and please take your shitty kemet with you.
the discussion from anons of Mythic Battles: Pantheon when it was arriving and the dumbass Joan of Arc shill who thought that terrain effects was a "revolutionary" idea has made me realise that there are more bottom feeders than the one irredeemable retard that's in one of my groups
it's not just you, I've torn 4 of them but fortunately they were all tokens where the face-down sides got torn and it didn't affect gameplay, I lost my xacto knife unfortunately and punching the copy of 1860 I picked up recently had painfully made me realise how badly I need one again. fortunately like Warcults, all of the tearing was on the face-down side with no effect on gameplay
I'd say there will always be at least one of us not particularly liking a game and just pretending to hate it
But I'd say TI4 probably gets a lot of approval
>You can delete one genre from gaming forever, what is it and why?
I wouldnt. I'm an ameritrash player mostly, but I like a little bit of everything. Worker placement, Drafting, abstract , sure, I'll play. I'm not too keen on party games, but you know. I play CAH twice a year and I'm perfectly fine with that amount (playing it more would drive me nuts though)
And telestrations, despite barely being a game at all (especially since we ignore scoring) is pretty damn fun.
>You can delete one genre from gaming forever, what is it and why?
Nothing of value would be lost.
You can implement legacy games using other means which don't destroy your game.
You have chosen... wisely.
This I really don’t understand. Custom dice Okay but other than that whats the connection? Stat cards?
Can anyone rec some good games for two players? Doesn't have to be two players only, but no 3 player minimum.
Also, anyone played Scythe? is it any good?
Let people buy their stuff if they like it. I was about to say 'what's the harm' but then realized that legacy being a successful mechanic will only lead to more money spent on developing legacy games. Which is somehting I am not keen on
So I suppose I'll have to agree here
Perfect description of Eric Lang games
WISH rising sun would come out so I can look at some reviws and see that its not that interesting because it actually sounds cool
I doubt many anons would say Go is a bad game even if they don't love it.
Get more specific? Some of my best two player games have been in Inis, Twilight Struggle, or Quantum, but you could be looking for something else entirely.
War of the Rings
Neuroshima: Hex
>good games
>for two players
wew lad, you could have at least told us the games you like so that you can get better answers, like I've had an amazingly cutthroat 2P game of Chicago Express but it's not something I'd ever recommend for 2P
anyway, Titan, BattleCON, Duel of Ages II, Letters From Whitechapel, Cave Evil: Warcults, Valley of the Kings, Quartermaster General
A Feast for Odin
>I doubt many anons would say Go is a bad game even if they don't love it.
I would. The game is solved from a game theoretic viewpoint. There's no interesting decisions to be made strategy-wise, it's just a complex engineering puzzle about how to compute a formula most efficiently at this point.
It's already out. The game is shit. Diplomacy plays barely any part in it outside of retarded king making potential and the rest is an actually dumber version of blood rage.
requesting the virgin eurogame about farming vs the chad ameritrash game about guns and rolling dice
[citation needed]
Not that I doubt that what you say or something equally bad is going to be the end result (Arcane Academy is the only Lang game that I've experienced that plays well, and I'm fairly sure given how unlike his other games that is, it's down to the designer) but if we've already got reviews, playthroughs, and other such ways to KNOW it's shit rather than simply believing that it will be shit, I'd like to see it.
>eurogame about farming
I really want this to exist, but alas about the only one that's truly about farming is Agricola. The vast majority is "roll dice to gain prestige for a random medieval town".
>majority is roll dice
It means lurk more dipshit
Stone Age
Castles of Burgundy
Lorenzo il Magnifico
Marco Polo
Grand Austria Hotel
The list goes on and on and on. All the classic and modern German family games are dicefests.
Only Uwe Rosenberg used to buck the trend until Pfister came along, but he's a genius and just one guy.
>catan is euro
Stopped reading there
>Refusing to believe that Catan fits the description of a Euro, probably because it's bad
Enjoy your No True Scotsman fallacy and stay ass-blasted.
cmon guys i just want the fucking chad meme please
I think it's the dice more than anything that make it really far from a euro. Thematically it seems like one but the mechanics scream no.
Oh I'm fucking triggered now. No memes for you.
>No Elimination
>No direct conflict/attacking
>Endgame is based on VP collection
These are (along with other elements like positioning and blocking being critical to what little strategy there is) pretty typical Euro hallmarks. It's certainly WAY more euro than ameritrash even if heavier euros tend to eschew randomness the likes of which infests Catan.
>I think it's the dice more than anything that make it really far from a euro.
More than half of euros use dice very heavily. I just game some prominent fucking examples, you tard.
By that definition, a TON of games are euros that clearly aren't. I know the definition to euro is pretty vague at times, but one of the most defining traits is lack of fucking dice.
>You can delete one genre from gaming forever, what is it and why?
None because it's shitty for me to remove other peoples' enjoyments but if we just rephrase to most hated genre, I would say party games. Yes, including one-night ultimate or whatever.
Also OP is a fag for not using a proper BGG pic. Do you want this thread to stagnate or grow?
>but one of the most defining traits is lack of fucking dice
Castles of Burgundy isn't a euro? Are you out of your gourd?
In reality, a eurogame is an economic game where you trade shit for other shit and trade other shit for VP's.
(For some reason Germans are really into economics and making deals when gaming, and Americans are into invading Europe and committing genocides. Go figure.)
>caring about other peoples enjoyment
>she's so new she doesn't recognize a classic bgg pic
Ya know, on one hand I'm happy that the first half of my Mythic Battle stuff arrived today.
On the other hand, I sure would have been even happier if the core game was part of that first wave.
>shit game
>shit service
>shit fanbase
That sweet, sweet shit sandwich