Is Baldur's Gate II the best Veeky Forums-related video game?

Is Baldur's Gate II the best Veeky Forums-related video game?

SMAC's connection is tenuous, even with that GURPS supplement, but I'm going to go with it anyway

That would be Knights of the Old Republic II.

It would be Planescape: Torment if the actual gameplay in that one was better. As it is, might be right. Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines is definitely a contender as well, though.

>mentioning Vampire; the Masquerade - Bloodlines
some fa/tg/uy will be searching through his pile of CDs to reinstall it today, thanks to you

the most Veeky Forums related vidya would be either dorf fort (because it's autism made manifest) or SS13 (because it actively encourages players screwing each other over)

the best Veeky Forums related vidya would be objectively good game that is still ever so slightly Veeky Forums related - which makes it a /v/ question

i mean it could be worse he could have mentioned dues ex

Ultima series for actual roleplaying, nwn 2 for rules

>tfw 2 of the greatest RPGs of all time are unfinished.

Daggerfall breh

well, that explains why EA attempts to replicate this formula to success with pretty much everything they are releasing

A game of autism and trying to turn into a god while beating up other wannabes
Can't possibly be more Veeky Forums than that.

I prefer the Icewind Dale games. More interesting fights, less crap.

You're so fucking far off base, I actually cringed. Just because faggots spammed threads about those games here years ago doesn't make them the most Veeky Forums related.

The BG and IWD series may not be the best, but they're still my favorite after all these years. Definitely my most played. Even when competing against modern games, I still keep coming back to my classics.

What's Veeky Forums's favorite mods?

not him, but DF is pretty Veeky Forums-related, stupid memes notwithstanding. it's a fantasy world generator more than it is a game, not to mention tarn and zach were inspired in part by their old D&D campaigns iirc

>What's Veeky Forums's favorite mods?
Man, I could go on with this for days. I've recently rebuilt my mod installation of the BG series (using BGT to play it all in one game, natch) and have been delving back into the mod scene to see what's what. Gotta say, not much has changed in the last five years. Mostly just a few new companion mods have come out.

As far as used mods, I've got a bunch. BG Trilogy and its associated helper mods are the default. The fixpacks/Unfinished Business mods are necessary and may as well just be part of the core game at this point. Sword Coast Stratagems is pretty great and I've been enjoying the added challenge (after almost 20 years of playing BG2, I know it all by heart, so SCS mixing it up is welcome). I use a few of the WeiDu mods like Solufein and the Underrepresented Items mods. I have a few companions installed (Xan for BG2, Angelo for BG2, Yikari, thinking about a few others). I have a few flirt-related mods installed, to make the romances more lively. I have BG1 NPC to make BG1 lively too. A few graphical updates (BGT Graphics, 1PP), a few friendship mods (Mazzy, Viconia, Yoshimo, Sarevok), one or two random mods (Stuff of the Magi, Wheels of Prophecy) and The Longer Road round it all out.

To add to the excellent list by , definitely make sure to get Ascension (if it isn't covered by "associated BGT helpr mods"), because it fleshes out ToB properly, and it's even by David Gaider before he was replaced by a creature from a darker timeline.

I like the "bullshit" mods like Tactics or Improved Battles, but SCS is definitely more fun and balanced to play; I just used to be really into figuring out those silly fights that modders came up with. Always fancied myself a tinkerer with those kinda systems.

Vaguely and incidentally related is hardly the same as "most related."

Compared to something like Baldur's Gate or VtM, it's a bad joke.

Actually don't get Ascension. The most recent version does not work correctly and includes a severe game-breaking bug around Balthazar that is not fixable in-game, even with console commands. Ascension is currently unusable. Once/if they figure it out, maybe. I've played it before, it's pretty good (and you can add the Turnabout mod to even the odds a little) but it's got issues right now.

i might have to agree with you there...

Wizardry 4, you inbred pleb.

Even with all it's faults I like Tyranny a little more

Yes. It's also the greatest game ever made.

>pack of cringy circus freaks traipsing through a series of flashy, thematically unconnected environments in pursuit of DM's special snowflake villain who has infinite power and a hot vampire sister
>the villain - who used to bang the elf queen - got his soul stripped out by elven gods themselves for being too powerful, and now seeks REVENGE
>he wants to steal the soul of the character played by DM's best friend, because said character is the child of the god of murder and has special murder powers
>money, power and legendary magical items snow down upon the party
It's entirely too similar to some games I've been in.


What is it about Bioware that engenders so much blind fanboyism.

>I like Tyranny
Pffft hahaha ha lol

This 100%
I still play it from time to time.

I like Age of Decadence

I've got two words for this thread: Gold Box

I like how age of decadence fucks with gameist expectations. I've definitely had a few moments where I'm like: oh, yeah, I should go in this building with this seedy merchant, what could possibly go wrong?

Baldurs Gate 2 is probably my favourite and most replayed game of all time

That being said it's not perfect and there's competition for the title of best Veeky Forums-related video game


>Veeky Forums is just autism land lmao
Can you guys fuck off to tumblr with you're "proud to be mentally disabled" bullshit?

I miss CRPGs in which you can redirect a conversation by typing in the right keyword. Today's gaming generation probably doesn't even know this game mechanic.

It is subjective. Baldur's Gate is great, but Arcanum is probably my favorite.

Shadow Over Mystara is not only the best D&D game, but also the best game in its genre.

Realms of Arkania is nice.

No, it's an RPG that never lets you talk your way out of problems. That's retarded.

Mask of the Betrayer is the best D&D setting game, overall best is probably Bloodlines at least as far as atmosphere is concerned

no bg1

>Shadow Over Mystara
>Welcome to the D-
>Welcome to the D&D world!

Or is that the other one?

It's such a pitty that Mask Of The Betrayer was released as an Addon only. NWN2 was good too, but that addon blew it out of the water. Just like Blood and Wine for Witcher 3.

Also no mention of Divinity: Original SIn 2? Damn that game is great.

It all depends on Personal Taste, imho rpg's either tend to be critically loved or critically hated by almost everyone. Hardly anyone would say for example Fallout New Vegas is a bad game, it might not be their favorite though. In similar fashion most rpg fans shat on Fallout 4 (not talking about casual players or non rpg fans who play the game more like a fps)
So its just depends on the taste for me its Mask of the Betrayer.

Forgotten realms recieved a lot of shit but I think this game showed that good stories could be made out of it. I do believe the story was far better than Baldurs Gate and it brilliantly polished the rough gem that is the forgotten realms lore to create a diamond of a game

My nigga.

How do I get this now, dosbox?

>"m-muh Veeky Forums-related games!"
What a bunch of limp-wristed horseshit.
Baldur's Gate is the most bland, flavorless variety of a fantasy game that provides absolutely no value beyond that of simulating a tabletop campaign.
The actual Veeky Forums vidya isn't the one that mindlessly and fanatically apes the tabletop medium, but the one that gives inspirations for running the campaigns. And Baldur's Gate falls absolutely face-flat regarding that aspect. How many of your campaigns were inspired directly by Baldur's Gate? Oh, I'm sorry, I can't hear you, did you just say "zero"? I fucking thought so.
The problem of Baldur's Gate is that after playing it, you come out as if you just played an actual real tabletop RPG campaign - that is, the most generic, bland, and low-effort campaign there is.

Yup. They're all up on gog, too, if that's your caper.

>What's Veeky Forums's favorite mods?
If you're a long-time neckbeard, I have to recommend Saerileth. Playing it will give you flashbacks to every super snowflake you've run across, and then take hilariously bad to the next level.

NWN2 was bad, but knowingly so, in a fun way.
MotB was authentically excellent. It certainly would have been nice to have an entire campaign, from level 1, with similar tone and story-telling.

BG story was weak but a few of the NPCs were memorable and are good sources of inspiration.

I'm really excited for Pathfinder: Kingmaker.

>NWN2 was bad, but knowingly so, in a fun way.
And it was the last time I paid for a game without pirating first.

What's wrong with Tyranny, aside from being pretty easy?

Seems to make a pretty good evil campaign.

That and Dominions is Veeky Forums as hell

Shallow mechanics

>nwn 2 for rules
The actual character building is really detailled and complex, but combat is just a clusterfuck of rapid micromanagement and roll results zipping by faster than the eye can read.

I would say Mask of the betrayer. Compared to Baldurs gate you aren't forced into being the classic goody good protagonist

Baldur's Gate is a decent game but not as good as Icewind Dale.


Seventeen years and Viconia's route is STILL the best romantic subplot Bioware have ever done.

I don't see the problem

No love for NWN (1)? Sure, the stock campaigns sucked, but there were some great user modules for it.

Though i did enjoy Shadows of Undrentide on my first playthrough.

I have very fond memories of trying to learn how the mod tools worked. I was like, 11 at the time, though, so I would just end up putting a bunch of high-level monsters in a room and watch them fight each other.

> Edwin
> Genderfluid

I literally have no clue what most of the other words mean.

quality, mostly

But Viconia is a whore.
Aerie is better.

Heroes of Might and Magic III?

Lithoromantic = fucks rocks?

>the best lad is the only normal, healthy one

Also tfw I can never buy EE because of pervert communist sabotage.

My nigga.

Love that game so much, I bought it 4 times on Steam when I heard it's there. If anyone wants it, I can gift it to them, although the experience will hardly be the same as playing it with your friends at the arcade.

Only criteria you have to meet is to have played at least half of the games you've bought, I don't want to just increase the collection of some hoarder with 300 games and only 10 played. Post steam account or whatever.

I can't help but to hate Kreya and Bao-Dur. Kreya's so ridiculously contradictory in how she directs and criticizes you, in ways that just can't reconcile with her actual beliefs or the setting itself, or even with good sense. She pretends to be ruthless out of pragmatism, but then prods at you go out of your way and sink resources into making situations worse and more volatile.
And Bao-Dur's introduction has always felt like I was being saddled with a DMPC in a way that's always left a bad taste in my mouth.

Came here to post this. Been getting the urge to play it again

Nah, Baldur's Gate games were pretty shit.
The best Veeky Forums vidya is not an RPG IMO. RPGs don't translate to PC as well as people think.

He loves getting stoned?

Dragon's Crown

I'm pretty sure someone just added those to the picture because it looked Tumblr as fuck either way

The BG series is the best overall campaign, yes.
Other games win at their specialties.

The best roleplaying experience is Planescape: Torment.
The best atmosphere is Vampire Bloodlines.


Also Adventuring parties will occasionally show up and fuck with your evil plans.


Black Isle, nigga

I was new to the genre at the time, but I liked Baldur's Gate and its story. Dunno why there's so much shitflinging in this thread.

Bad NPCs (mostly) , bad story (mostly), that crappy mechanic where you had to click through your party members' cringily written background stories to make them worth having, and above all the fact that it's not actually an evil campaign.

I'll take it, if you're still willing. Played 8 of my 14, but that's because the 6 I haven't played were free from GreenManGaming for fucking up the release of something I bought. They're also kinda crap.



>What's Veeky Forums's favorite mods?

Can't find you. I probably need the steam username or email, and not the account name itself.

I'm surprised no one else agrees with Arcanum, but that game has some damn good atmosphere and writing.

Shame it was a buggy mess, but it's still enjoyable with unofficial patches, much like VtM Bloodlines.

RIP Troika ;_;

Try looking for bloodydoves, that's the account name. For obvious reasons, I'm loathe to give out my steam email here.

Good taste in this thread anons. KOTOR 2, Bloodlines or Torment would be my picks, but i hold Fallout in high esteem also, since it was my first true CRPG. Also it was the only one with a solid successor in New Vegas, with Van Buren's lore and whatnot. Anyway, nice to see some good taste around here, have a nice evening lads

Which one of these is you? None have 14 games in their playlist.

Actually should've done this the first time around, just add the red guy on the right in your friend list.

Neverwinter Nights community modules and roguelikes.
Community content for NWN was great.

The answer is yes.

Added. Check your requests.

This. Dom 5 just dropped.
Also great. I fuuuken loved that game.

Don't even joke about that one, m8.
the only good thing about it is having sex with Phaere and watching her literally die of a broken heart as a result.

Obligatory mention of Morrowind and it's amazing lore.

ABSOLUTELY NOT. That mod is a dumpster fire compared to literally any other mod in BG2's history and I'm including the original Imoen Romance mod here. Saerileth is literally pedobait and is fucking terrible. Screw that shit. It's so bad, it tainted Tsujatha by association (also Tsujatha is creepily written anyway).

I'm pretty sure the Chloe mod is in the running to be worse.

>above all the fact that it's not actually an evil campaign.
>have to go out of your way to not have complete dicks as allies
>are in the region specifically to beat the rebellion down after you conquered them the year before
>end the game by calling down the wrath of God on another region and its civilians
It's not murdering babies with 10000 penises, sure, but that's still pretty clearly an evil campaign.

>another god child
>weapons granted by two gods
>is basically Jaheria but she'll desert you at the end of the game
>will romance Imoen if she doesn't romance you
>requires Imoen in the party
Hoooooooly shit that is terrible sounding.

By the way lads, this user is legit. Hell of a guy, Veeky Forums still has some good folk on it.

My nigga