Are there any theories of the emprah's origins other than being mankind's genetically engineered leader or a...

are there any theories of the emprah's origins other than being mankind's genetically engineered leader or a reincarnation of thousands of shamans

He's a daemon of Tzeentch.
The Imperium was all part of his master plan

my theory is that he is an unknown eldar god who abandoned the eldar and chose humanity instead

He is a perpetual alpha + psyker who was born in South America some odd 90 000 years ago

Years of theories and speculations are gone. There is one canon now. Deal with it.

He was born in Anatolia you fuck.

I still subscribe to the Shaman idea until there's something that sounds better.

How many layers of dimensional chess are we on now?

He's an Old One that survived the end of the war with the Necrons and proceeded to create humanity.


There is no theory.
A shitton of shamans melded their souls together and were reborn in a village in Anatolia about 8000 BC. There is no room for interpretation, this is a stated fact.

how can you do exterminatus on Veeky Forums it's already a daemon world of Tzeentch

>Believing the Ecclesiarchy's propaganda
Imperialfags are such a disgrace for Mankind

this is why i plan to change my dark angel OC into a dark eldar archon because i'm sick of impfag Larpers

The first shamans were the last uplifting work of the old ones

it explains the powers above the other humans, enough knowledge of the warp for the whens and hows of reincarnating, why there were never more shamans like those, making another emperor impossible and why some exodite drew in stone humans among the other creations of the old ones, albeit at an embrional stage.

oh, and the webway gate on the moon or why oldcrons tried to mess up with them with the pariah gene, not to talk about the regressed jokaeros inhabiting the same planet.

The daemon in Abaddons sword is said to have been created by mankinds first murder, and for some reason this makes it anathema to civilization and to the Emperor specifically. In the shitty novel, this is because blah blah blah the metaphorical slayer of kings and destroyer of nations. The author is a retard

But, this gave me an idea at the time: the reason that a daemon created by the first murder can kill the Emperor/has power over him, is because the Emperor is Cain

No, the Emperor is not Cain. The novel makes it clear. You dumbfuck.

I am well aware the novel is clear. It is also stupid

>this novel is stupid but if I do some mental gymnastics to pull something out of my ass it might be less stupid...nope still stupid
Why do people take the 40k plot seriously?

it's still less stupid than the novel

Emperor was created on Earth by Illuminati during the Age of Strife. All Illuminati are psykers and most fo them merged together to create a powerful psychic entity (see shaman theory) in M30. Emperor resembles his creators and their dreams, he is hellbent of restoring humanity to greatness and can't share secrets even if it would be for the better of his cause. His relations with Malcador must be really fucking weird.

>His relations with Malcador must be really fucking weird.
you mean gaaaaaaay

You're an idiot and your idea is retarded.
t. Some other guy

There wasn't even people in south america 90000 years ago, they crossed beringia in 15000 BC, give or take.

On Malcador's side? Quite possibly. Emperor embodies everything his nerd herd dreamt of.

This, the emperor was a proud TÜRK warrior.

>Calling anyone "idiot".

Did you not hear him? He said he was native to Anatolia.

>being xenophobic over one's use of a frog image
I expect no less from a lobotomite

>implying frogposters shouldn't be euthanized.

>complaining about autism on Veeky Forums
>on Veeky Forums of all places

Why do you fear the frog?
Why do you reject your birth right?

How can people be that bad at math?
It's 40k, not 2k.

Why are frogposters obsessed with dicks?

I really hate how normies have ruined pepe, he used to be a sad frog but now he has to be smug all the time.

That he's Prometheus.

There were no shamans. The Emperor was born a powerful psyker, but nowhere near the level he is known for.
In the upheaval and confusion of Slaanesh's birth, he used his abilities to steal a measure of power from each of the Chaos Gods, becoming the god-tier psyker that would eventually form the Imperium.
This theft was the crucial moment of humanity triumphing over Chaos, a divine moment that not even Tseentch could foresee.
Then, of course, the Chaos Gods punished him for it, turning his children against him, spoiling his works, and binding him to his chair to suffer for all time.

Hopefully he gets a Hercules soon.

>incel invasion, ho!

The Old Ones visited Earth, on there mission of uplifting races during their twilight era. There they found a savage but noble species of early man, they saw the potential in us to be their true inheriters. They started whatever crazy pskertech they needed to do so, but a young warchief of the humans led an attack on there small outpost. The man absorbed all the warp energy through accident after smashing & attacking everything during the raid. This elevated him to Godhood & he became the Emperor.

>Hopefully he gets a Hercules soon
Well, there are only two primarchs that managed to kill a Hydra: Dorn killed a metaphorical hydra(Alpharius) and Perturabo killed a literal one

That's still 30000 years too early, you platypus.

He's smug to conceal his sadness

Embrace change, user! Nothing stays the same.
First he was feels good man, sad frog, smug frog, peepee poo poo, normie reeeeer, then he became Kek, now he's a weird autismo.

Fuck off Tzeentch

Sadly I don't think there's much chance to unfuck himself for Pertuabo.

But I hear - I mean, I understand that VULAN LIVES

so there's always that


No he is an forgotten weapon designed to fight Men of Iron during their rebellion. Later on he was kind of forgotten when the whole total collapse of human civilisation hit with enslavers, fall of eldar, etc. After messing around for centuries in what used to be Himalyas, being Yeti-like boogieman for the sorry sacks of flesh still living there, he decided to try being a warlord for a change. It kind of stuck

Well that's an argument...

As for crazy theories, what if the emperor is Vaul, eldar god of crafting and said in myths to have been chained by Khaine (eldar god of war and slaughter) to his anvil after failing to build the 100 swords?

It's a bit out there, but eh...

>Veeky Forums
>Expecting people to have decent historical knowledge

I always liked this one. That he was the last, greatest achievement of the DAoT. The shaman story is just that, a story concocted to make hime seem more human? Born of man rather than a geneforged WMD.

No, he didn't.
Read it again.

>daemon world of Tzeentch
>when approximately half of it consists of porn
>when the other half consists mostly of impotent nerd rage
>when the sheer majority of inhabitants are greasy, unwashed neckbeards
Veeky Forums is Chaos Undivided.

This. I mean, it's even kind of in the name

that sounds very warcraft


What's Warcraft's lore?

>what are hetites

The Emperor is a weapon from the DAoT with implanted memories that broke its leash and is now running amok

A DAoT geneticist who augmented himself to hell and back.

>Implying the Emperor is human


That reminds me of one of the plot twists of a fanfic named Rise of The Tau.
Turns out that the humans were created by Vaul, making us "cousins" of the eldar.

maybe a daemon who grew too strong and gave the middle finger to his boss

Alternatively, the shamans were the last of the Old Ones, reincarnating into a human vessel to guide their last offspring species into greatness

>are there heretics in the world who don't believe the emprah was the reincarnation of thousands of shamans


I like this. It explains why no new human shamans were born after the ones who became the Emperor died.

I found this one in another thread. It doesn't really change the story too much, but I like the twist.

I like the idea that Emperor is an actual warp deity. Some Indo-European or Semitic god who survived the demise of other gods (or possibly consumed them himself) and fed on Humanity alone. Then during DAOT some crazy Frankensteins allowed/forced him to actually come out of the warp and permanently manifest in the material world. So he's still a warp entity connected to humanity and compelled to aid it, but now he's limited by his physical form and can't do it the way he used to, so he settles for the next best thing which is #MHGA.

That's also why he's so virulently anti-theist. He knows there's no God left up there.

He's a powerful psyker and warlord from the Age of Unification and rewrote a LOT of history.

He's the Shaman thing.
But you see, he actually didn't do anything before the Age of Strife- he kind of doesn't want to talk about the stuff that happened in the 20th-21st century and everything in Rome and Greece-

Remember how he's not a glorious golden god and his true form is a frail old man?
He was none other than fucking Diogenes
When you take into perspective his lifespan and the time it took for things to go 40k and the whole lonilness kills a man thing into account, it really would explain why he wanted words with that marine that actually saw him because he can't risk anyone finding out about how low and far he was from being perfect once upon a time, despite his origins

I mean, you can do all the Emps did, but if anyone found out you INVENTED cynicism, then that would be that- nevermind how you lived in that period, not out of some ingenious plan to better Manind, but because you finally had enough after generations of disconnection from your fellow man and the constant loss of anyone to truly give two shits about, I'd turn into a crazy barell shitposter too.
This also explains why he hates Gulliman, reminds him so fucking much of the smug swole cunts who came to harass him in his barrel.

I think shamans are just primitive psykers

I wish, though we now know that Malcador just obeyed the Emperor like everyone else

He's clearly Malal playing 16th dimensional void warp chess against chaos undivided

Nah, they're nothing alike.

Besides, he and his philosophy are fairly admirable and parts of it would ring pretty true to a dude from 30K.

I like this user,
headcanon acquired.

But why would he let the current state of the Imperium continue if he was still around?

The Golden Throne is just a shiny barrel...
Emps isn't wounded & dying, just brooding & pissy over Horus...

just a plain old alpha level psyker that was born before his time and then mythologized into something more. I mean, why not

GW is never going to definitively "replace" the Emperor's origins, Goulding said as much as the BL Weekender in 2016.

So basically, it's still the shaman thing. The thing with him being prometheus on Molech is just an origin of how he increased his power/knowledge to the create the primarchs. The book Master of Mankind by ADB shows him in a stoneage anatolian village as a normal kid with psychic powers