Mtg Waifu

Post ur wives



Don't judge me

Bestest Angelfu

Plz squat on my face.


Does she have 3 legs?

That aint her leg

Yes that is a third leg


Waifufags are cancer.


>tfw she's only an uncommon


she can stay like this I don't mind

don't judge me




The last traditionally attractive female character.

>nipple piercing
instant boner-killer right there




Best waifu with most kissable lips right here.


Both, either.

Isn't Gix a boy?

more of Waifus like this! need them, for a friend.

Good choice.

He's Phyrexian. Gender stopped being a thing to him long ago.


came here to post her













If she sucked your dick she would stab you in the balls.

Teysa is pretty nuts, but damn if she isn't the best.

Here's my number 2 though.

Well, compared to what you had to pay just to get that far a pin prickon your nuts is the least of your problems.

I love Fransisco de Goya as much as the next guy but this is just shameless

>nothing but nuMagic garbage

I shouldn't be surprised, it is Veeky Forums.

Pretty sure she has a mix n match set of etherium genitals

Did you look at the thread you jizz-stained rag?

Why are there no cute women in current MTG?
Can you answer without going full Jeremy Unsleeved?

I unironically love Tibalt and I try really hard to make him work in as many decks as I can. Fuck man just get rid of the at random and he'd be fine.

>Art from as early as Homelands and Fifth

I get that you're more of a Fallen Empires kind of guy, but Jesus Christ.

>Implying numagic has produced anything remotely attractive since bfz.

Here you go, user: The best old MtG waifu.

I just don't get the people who prefer Elesh Norn over her.

They're either too new or too plebian.

The purest

Now that's a name I've haven't heard in a while. One of my first cards I've ever gotten was Belbe's armor.

So glad we got a reprint.

All your waifus are ugly hags.

no judgement here.

I swear, I'm only a furry in MTG.

Come back pls


Nah this one I had a boner for too.

Mike was Belbe's Portal, which at the time couldn't possibly find a home anywhere but I picked up for a buck because I was a little Timmy. Now it's sitting in my wife's Scion of the Ur Dragon EDH.

Best in thread.


Thank god I still got mine.

Bablovia best girls, sexiest faeries


No! I'm too late.


Worst Thalia
Best Thalia

Why do I have to correct you fucks every time someone makes this shitty thread?

I'm shocked no one took cat-cleavage yet. Alright, I'll claim her and go play dress up with her in EDH and get all her friends to get all catty about everyone else's fashion choices.


That's literally just Samus Aran in a fantasy setting.

In all fairness, your waifu could singlehandedly beat the mortal shit out of every other waifu here.

My gal's so stacked!

Good taste ITT

>that perfect tummy
10/10 taste user

OP said gf, user.


On the plus side, if you get rich enough you could pay her to be your waifu.


Is ti even really a question at this point. MTG and to a lesser extant wizards in general is trying to pander to a group that will never be their player base so they eschew convention for "inclusiveness". Every set since Takir has has had something related to neo-left topics.

>Every set since Takir
possibly earlier - Takir is where it got blatant

>TFW monster girl fetish..
>TFW especially gorgons.

come on now, they didn't even try


She's not the cutest, but I love this art.

Are you saying you'd consider fucking it otherwise?

I mean, I prefer the pierced nipples. I have to hang on somewhere, you know?


She's cute. CUTE!

I wish I could find larger art of her


gf (male)