/gg/ Genesys General

The immediate termination of [Your Favorite RPG] is here edition!

>Previous thread

>Full book (courtesy of user)
snip li/Kzx

>Less than full book (courtesy of another user)

>Dice roller for poorfags

>FFG Community Forums

>There is a reddit group but meh
>There is a discord too but meh

>Known Compatible Homebrews & Conversions

Other urls found in this thread:


Why the fuck FFG has three separate dice apps for their fucking games? The new Genesys one is basically the retexture of Star Wars dice app. Fucking Jews.

It'd be foolish to assume all buyers of the game are fully informed about the dice system being the same.
Besides--the app is 1/3 the cost of physical dice. If they were trying to simply nickle and dime you they wouldn't sell the app and they'd take down online rollers. Instead they sticky online rollers on their forums.

>Instead they sticky online rollers on their forums.
It's funny how people keep crying "cash grab" and "money grubbing" with FFGs specialty dice, yet FFG not only does nothing to prevent people from spreading around free alternatives, but actively fucking supports it.

My problem with their dice rollers is how inferior they are to the free alternatives. I brought two of them AND I end up prefering the free ones.

You would think that they would improve their digital products, since they know what the free versions do.

GURPSfag here. Thinking about picking this up. How will this replace the many books for GURPS that I have?

What's with the troll book link?

It won't, GURPS has better mechanics.

Dumb frogposter

It won't, GURPS has a different mechanical focus and different modes of play.

Get it if you enjoy the double-axis resolution of EotE and want something very moddable.

Stick with GURPS if you want a system that is more simulation-heavy.

It'll only replace the core book. It's more intended to be a guideline to make your own items and such rather than a thousand splatbooks.

>snip li/Kzx
You little shills need to die in a fire. Fuck right off with your marketing campaign.

Largest difference between GURPS and genesys is that GURPS focuses on simulation, and Genesys focuses on narrative. They are totally different beasts.

Not better mechanics, different game mechanics. If you want better game, then that's defined by what kind of game you want.

If you like GURPS and its way of handling splat and cascading variable rules you should know that that is not what Genesys does with its rules. Pretty much all the comparisons between the two only even started because of one or two shitposters.

GURPS tries to cover things in a more exhaustive way while Genesys is more general (but not so blithely generalized as something like Fate Core). The genre Themes and the Tones are a starting point for a GM to define their game, but they still need know how they want to represent other setting elements as rule hooks, if any.

It's sort of like True20, if you're familiar with that: "here are some default elements per-genre, or make your own with these rules over here; GMs set the options based on the setting."

Yeah. I guess Genesys is a system somewhere between SW and FATE.
That means, more crunchy than FATE, but more narrativist than SW.

For generic systems, I would say that when GURPS is the rules heavy one and FATE is very rules light, then SW and Genesys are both rules medium. But with different focus.

Remove the fake link from the OP and add the link to the character sheet.

>Doing literally anything with the magic mechanics of the supposedly hyperflexible generic "do everything" system other than firing [element] blasts requires extensive homebrewing and stretching of the rules to the breaking point
>T-that's not a bug! That's a feature! Don't you want to be creative, user? W-why are you even playing RPGs if you don't want to do things yourself?

That link is not fake, it's how you currently obtain Genesis. Character sheet and other resources can also be obtained by following the link.

Don't be disingenuous. It's obviously intending to mislead people into thinking it's a scan, just like the first time it was posted a couple threads ago.
It being in the OP strikes me as being a practical joke more than anything, but just being a joke doesn't mean it's gonna be funny.

Any hits on a form-fillable character sheet?

>Player: Sweet, a modern political intrigue game. I'm going to play a journalist.
>GM: Did you take Savoir Faire (Journalism)?
>Player: No, what's that?
>GM: It's a skill directly measuring your ability to behave like a journalist. Without it, no one believes you're a journalist and your journalism isn't credible.
>Player: But I already spent my points. So, what, do people just think I'm a conspiracy theorist?
>GM: Did you take Savoir Faire (Conspiracy Theorist)?
GURPSfags will defend this.

Not yet that I've seen. I know we have a couple people frequenting here that are also active on the official forums, and those dudes over there are usually pretty on top of that sort of thing. I'm guessing we'll see one in two or three days.

In the meantime you should be able to make do with a form-fillable Star Wars sheet.

Any chance an user who has their book could post the chapter on character creation?

When's this baby supposed to have a release date. I wanted to ask for it for Christmas but doesn't look like that'll happen. God damn war on Christmas strikes again.

I think you can order it from FFG today user

The official release date was yesterday, but people that ordered early have been getting copies since about Monday.

>there has been a thread up almost all the time for the last few weeks
>link to release is in OP
>must be war on Christmas

back to

For real? I was checking a couple days back and couldn't see anything beyond preordering it. Thanks for the info.

Here ya go user.

And here's one with blank skills.

Also, can we maybe not have shitty OPs? Thanks.

>not /gengen/
What went wrong?

An autist made the thread.


A real shame. The OP was almost perfect. Could use a different image too.

That's not at all what it is though. It's literally all we have of the book right now. No one tried to fool anyone into thinking it was the full thing.

Wait, I'm retarded. He actually put the snip link in the OP. Never mind, this OP is actually garbage again. Let this thread slide and post in gengen instead.

>snip li/Kzx
i too thought this would be a pirated pdf, was disappointed it was a storefront. fuck you

hey guys lets homebrew lists of fun things to happen with Advantages and Threats (including more 'spending option'. It would be an incredibly useful gm tool.

Well hurry up scanning the book.

>Threat: You trip over the non-existent turtle.

I see what you did there.

Here's how: totally.

My plan is to scan the whole damn thing over the weekend. Will keep you posted.

At long last.

We wait with bated breath! But don't be afraid to take your time. I know that personally I'd rather have it done well than done fast.

You're my hero.




Why so much hate against GURPS?

I think the meme came to life too many times as an honest system recommendation via posts.

People are just not willing to believe there is a universal solution to "I want a setting where X do Y while also Z". It grows obnoxious.

How do I easily convert Fate settings to Genesys?

You don't. There's a few inherent incompatibilities between the two systems, especially where the dice are concerned. You'd have a much better time adjusting Genesys to somethign like Amber Diceless, Ryuutama, or Chuubo's Marvelous Wishing engine. You MIGHT be able to make a passable conversion of Legends of the Wulin, just because the river system and the way the dice pools work are very similar to those you can do with Genesys dice.

Now watch the Genesys advocates explode like 4urries being told their system is shit.

That's not how it works.

Not a defense, an outright telling you "you're wrong dipshit."

I don't know about some people, as the world is full of assholes, but I only ever recommend it seriously and will admit when it isn't a good fit.

He asked for settings, not mechanics.

Do you think there's enough cause for him to get banned? He's been doing this to a bunch of generals, all just to try and piss people off.

So I read a bit of how magic works in one of the previews, how you get base abilities and then increase the difficulty to do cooler things (like turning a fire bolt into a fireball).

My question is does anyone know (have the book) what kind of base abilities there are? Are they just hyper generic like "blast" or "create" or are they categorized into elements or is it just a super open ended "i roll dice to do whatever I want"?

if you download the leaks in the op it has the magic section. basically there are basic spell types that you add difficulties to give different effects like elemental stuff

OP links partial scans that have most of the magic section.

I see no reason why Genesys couldn't work with FATE stuff.

Just take your FATE setting and run it with Genesys? Seems that simple.

Nice meme.
Fuck you too faggot.

Alright Gentfags. What campaigns or settings do you plan to run? For me, modern fantasy with Egypt magic. Basically ripping off mummies alive.

What madness is this?!?

"One good guideline for magic, however, is that accomplishing something with magic should rarely be as easy as accomplishing the same task by using the skill designed for it."

Just ruin decades of D&D experience why don't you?!


You can disregard it.

Sounds interesting, as much as everyone loves to hate on them I've always had a soft spot for the original mummy movies and I think that kind of setting has a lot of potential for some pulpy investigation adventures.

as for what I plan to run, I've been playing around with the idea of a modern day campaign set in the early days of an alien invasion in which the invaders use Dinosaurs as biological weapons (à la Xenomorphs) to wipe out all sentient life on the planet. The players wouldn't know about the invasion bit for them it would just be: "suddenly dinosaurs"

I know the whole "they don't know it's aliens" thing sort of preempts this, but now I'm imagining H.R. Geiger-ized dinosaurs roaming a forest at night. And it's bad ass.

Maybe after their plot is known the aliens can get more experimental and reckless.

Indiana Jones

I've been thinking weird war of heaven vs hell. Virgin angels vs chad devils.

Is Genesys class/level based like D&D? What are the classes like?

It's not, it's skill based and the only "classes" are collections of favored skills.

Don't forget talents, you can effectively build as "class" with the right talent synergy.

It's all very flexible and there are no levels though (think GURPS rather than D&D).

Ryukuza Quest.

hero academia

is it like force powers?

My own pulp adventure setting inspired by the Kaiserreich mod for Hearts of Iron. Already did a short campaign using FATE but switching to Genesys. It's a setting for weird war, archaeological adventure, air piracy (like Crimson Skies), espionage, and crime noir.

Modern Fantasy setting inspired by Final Fantasy VII, X, and XV as well as I Couldn't Become a Hero, So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job (Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku o Ketsui Shimashita). Fantasy setting with modern aesthetics, the premise being after millennia of fighting the Dark Lord is defeated and society has moved on, using the magic they developed for modern conveniences.

I also might adapt Fading Suns, since I love that setting but hate that system. I've suggested to a friend of mine to do the same thing with second edition 7th Sea.

Not at all. Check out the leaked photos from previous thread.

Nice, I'm planning to do a alternate history campaign myself.
Kaiserreich is also on my list, or Fatherland (another HoI mod, based on the book of the same name). I'm still deciding between the two.

My players appreciate an alternate history based on a different outcome of WWI because WWII alternate history to them has been overdone. From video games to movies to books, we get a ton of "What if the Nazis won?" ideas but few about "What if the Nazis never existed?"

They're probably saving the actual magic system for some fantasy themed supplement.

Me and a friend transcribed the spellcastig pictures



>I also might adapt Fading Suns, since I love that setting but hate that system. I've suggested to a friend of mine to do the same thing with second edition 7th Sea.
This. Thanks for reminding me about Fading Suns user, it's a perfect fit.

Now I kind of want to do my idea of a Cyberpunk prequel to Fading Suns, "Sathranet," during the time of the First Republic. I could use Genesys for that too.

Can I use Genesys to run D&D?


I am literally running a dnd session in genesys right fucking now

running it RAW or have you homebrewed any Traits and skills?

Haha, faggot is fag!

I guess we read different magic systems, while hardly extensive it seemed to handle much more than just shooting magic at people.

raw as much as possible but Im homebrewing as needed. The players are level 9 so Im adapting most stuff they have. It is extremely easy to adapt everything, its actually hilarious

Yes, you can and yes, you should.

I have to say, I'm really kind of excited about this. Everything so far looks good and to my liking.

When will it be out for PDF? I don't but hardcopy stuff anymore.

Will likely be out to buy digitally in 2 weeks, so around December 14th.

Or never, depending on FFG whims. Hopefuly we get good quality scans soon.

To be fair the only reason we didn't get official digital versions of SW was because Disney.

Something like this. Except the world knows that the Eldritch exists.

I think he was kidding. Otherwise he'd be agreeing with the notion that mages make better rogues than rogues do.