EDH/Commander General - /edhg/

"Tryhard Exodus" Edition

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>Thread Question
Favorite way to sneak in cheatyface?

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From hand, when no one is looking, like god intended.

Anyone adding uncards in today? I got some cards I’ve been itching to use.

Combo with R&D and Ashnod's Coupon.

I will inevitably try masterful ninja. Card looks too fun not to try. Kicked around X as well.

Ashnod's Coupon is banned you dirty cheater.

Spike, Tournament Grinder.

as everyone is scooping up all their shit from a boardwipe and just looking down dejectedly at all their stuff instead of the board

Now that I can't play EDH at the shop for the next two months should I start playing standard or modern? I have god pharaohs gift, affinity, and eldrazi tron currently sleeved up.

I wouldn't be pissed if I didn't already have an un-mander built which uses mox lotus. Oh well, let's see if anyone calls me on it.

Woops, that's what I get for only playing kitchen table magic.

Sorry for failing you.

Well if you're not playing Energy then you can't be forced to play the miserable Energy mirror, so I'd say go with that.

so I was gonna make a The Big Idea deck before this announcement even happened because I've been super burned out and bored with EDH anyway, but now that it's official I might as well post it here. I'm stuck for those last 7 cards, and I'm not sure if there are any cards that are just better choices for a rakdos tokens deck. I did leave out purphoros and impact tremors intentionally though, they just make me feel dirty.

>Finally, for all of you who are falling over themselves to play with Spike, please remember that Rule 13 exists, and she only functions under whatever rules the rest of your playgroup sets for her.

Cheatyface likes wholesome cheating, not the dirty kind.

>want to build grixis
>don’t want to deconstruct all of my decks

So what Abzan commander should I make?

You are a fucking baby.

Why? Because I do not want to entertain autists while they play with card not intended for constructed play? Card that were intentionally designed to not be allowed in the format I play? Ya I think I will pass on that and wait for the format to go back to normal.

You have 4 choices have fun

Anafenza. You can build her in a handful of different directions, she doesn't immediately paint a target on you like Ghave or Karador (and isn't as linear as those two, either), and she isn't shit like Daghatar.

Reyhan/Tymna or Reyhan/Ravos is decent, too.

I'm building 8-rack at the moment, I fully plan on skipping everything to do with this banlist announcement, not because it isn't fun, but because I don't want to deal with "that guy" who is going to argue absolute bullshit for 45 minutes.

Karador for combo or midrange, Ghave for "no, I promise it's not combo," Doran for an ass fetish, Anafenza for hatebears, Teneb for hipster Karador, Daghatar for masochism, partners for goodstuff.

I’m actually really hoping this “All Unsets are legal” is temporary. Or make an “UnCommander” format.

So is Iqra Shadiq solo just a way way worse Doran or can you pull off shenanigans with her

desu I'd play the shit out of her if she were Sultai and had some blue ability that related to hitting people

>Ghave for "no, I promise it's not combo,"
Hey, i made a silly fungus deck using him.

and it turned out to be combo anyway,
only the one that involves a combat phase.


"I just want to build up big creatures with 1/1 counters honest"

>Intentionally designed to not be allowed in the format I play

It's humorous that you throw around the term autist and then say something like this for the goofy joke format that Wizards doesn't even run.

just put her in the 99 with doran

It's impossible to not combo with Ghave. I've tried. Magic Mushroom is a goddamn machine.

It's temporary. I mean, think about it, it's such a huge boon to make it temporary, especially around this time of year.

>commander players are, on an aggregate level, probably the most likely to want to play un-cards
>it'll drive sales and give everyone a chance to experience it if we just carte-blanche legalize them, it's not a long period of time but just long enough to where everyone can get at least a few games in if they try
>re-ban them afterwards once the set value is well and truly tanked, things resume as normal, everyone says some variation of "well that was fun" or "i enjoyed that" or "are you fucking faggots done having fun?" and things go back to normal
>Un-fag can't even really complain because Word of God gave him this chance to play it and even said ahead of time "this shit is a limited-time offer get it while you can"

I think the temporary legality is just to get people used to the idea of legal uncards being an option so it's easier to persuade people to allow them. Making it so people actually have to play against Grusilda and see how it works will make them more receptive to allowing her in the future.

But I dont wanna play dorannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Do I have to build tree folk

>I can't play EDH at the shop for the next two months

The word you're looking for is "won't". Because you apparently think EDH isn't serious enough any more. A format where fucking Phelddagrif and Goblin Game are legal.

You can basically pick any three cards containg the words "+1/+1 counter", "token" and/or "sacrifice" and fall ass-backwards into a combo with Ghave.

Got some cards for edh yesterday

no one cares

Doran's actually pretty flexible, you can run treefolk, wall tribal or general big-butt goodstuff.

Hell I've seen a weird-ass voltron build that uses the fact he's essentially a 3-drop 5/5 with shit like slagwurm armor and eland umbra and then giving him skulk and shit.

The Jori En promo is what I'm about. Can we get a closer look?

So how do I break this?

TFW you're a hypercompetitive Spike but still want to play uncards

I should probably specify as a commander.

Modern has better legs, being a non-rotating format. Maybe go with that.

Can some of the people who are insisting that silver border will destroy EDH as we know it actually suggest some cards that will actually be bad to play against?

Ikra+Tymna is a lot more viable than Doran. Card draw in the command zone plus a bunch of lifegain synergy cards is much better than "hurr I play big butt mans, durr I attack with big butt mans"

>skulk, a more dimir flavored version of unblockable which was blue and dimir's thing forever
>let's put mass skulk on an orzhov card

Control deck, lots of bounce effects, Consecrated Sphinx.

Uba Mask to keep anyone from playing any cards.


My man. Fun commander for a fun deck.

This announcement is fucking stupid, and I don't even hate un-cards. I was even going to build an un- commander deck!

I came here specifically to play EDH, not play with my hands behind my back, or my chin on the table, or without pants, etc. Un- games should be their own thing, not crammed directly into regular commander.

I wish I wasn't autistic enough to hate partners on principle
it looks like a cool deck
but partners are just so, so fucking stupid

vorthos life is hard

dusted off my jhiora MLD tribal deck specifically for fags running un cards


Calcutron is not a creature.
You can't run an urborg or paradox engine as your commander, so why would you be able to run this as one?

Word of MaRo is that it is legal as a commander and that it was fully intended to have that text but there was too much text in the text box.

MaRo Errata, Calcutron has 'This Card can be your Commander'

I care.

Good luck, I'm playing Un-stax.

Nice deck you have there user. Sure would be a shame if someone played insurrection + chaos confetti.

Yup. I'm going to be drafting Unstable and playing specifically unstable versions of every format, but this is just throwing chaos at a wall and seeing what sticks. Magic is less of a role playing game, but the concept still applies: lack of rules balance impedes storytelling. Chaos should be tempered by choices.

Here you go friend
Im going with a theme "cards I really like for one reason or another"

Word of Maro


Deal 2 damage to all Green Insects with Flying. Then do it again.

Each player except the controller of any cards dealt damage by Word of MaRo draw cards equal to the number of creatures dealt damage by Word of MaRo

"Those cards were mistakes and so are you"

I love the style of these types of promos. Even ones like Reclamation Sage or Trophy Mage which aren't foil look really good.

>Reclamation Sage
My favorite promo
I have like 20 of them in a binder and sometimes just page through em

It should double all the tokens beforehand.

I'm coming around to un cards actually. I sort of wanted a chunk of the cards to be legal anyway, I just wish they'd eased us in 100 cards at a time or something to play test it a bit more smoothly first. I like a veneer of balance with my silly fun nonsense.

I was debating doing something with tokens or looting but I wanted a blue red boardwipe because it fits with the name

is Maro still Izzet or does he identify with Jeskai now I forget

I only have one, but I love playing green, so it always is in my current favorite EDH deck. Got so used to it that it feels weird playing with the regular art.

Don’t speak for me, fag.

How ubiquitous is a card like Windfall? Is it strong enough in any U/x deck that finds itself emptying it's hand relatively fast?

I'm not a fan of the cards that make you do goofy "dexterity" stuff or involve people outside of the game because that's just distracting. But most of the legendaries like Dr Julius Jumblemorph or Grusilda, Monster Masher seem really fun and don't do anything that really breaks the game anymore than previous commanders.

such being a whiny bitch and enjoy it
because this is happening

I was going to make a copy Pasta about how Un-Sets being legal is just like that scene in Ghostbusters where they are describing to the mayor of New York what’s gonna happen. But I realize the majority of what they describe is stuff we literally do in an average game.

Windfall is really only necessary in decks where you take advantage of the drawing cards, like Locust God, or Kydele.

Otherwise, it's just a mulligan for the table.

Ignore what everyone else says Sheldon. I thank you for making this all legal, even though Ashnod's coupon is bullshit.

I think that's a good way of doing Un cards in commander. The cards that are cool that make you thing "That would be really cool in EDH", like Baron Von Count. Sure, here and there they might be fun, but I suppose the only way we are going to see how this goes is once people start playing with the cards.

>Play spike
>tutor tolarian academy, then Richard Garfield phd
>Now cast every banned card: Ornythopter as Black lotus, Serum Visions as AR, etc etc
Fun as God intended


Ashnod's Coupon and a few others were preemptively banned m8. Unless I'm reading your post wrong.

That doesn't even look like Doran the fuck where's his nose

A mulligan for the table you say?

>everyone got their starting hands? everyone happy with them?
>OK mountain, winds of change

Waiting for the /pol/ magic is dead discussion. bury this thread and begin again

>Ashnod's coupon is bullshit
You think that's bad you doing should hear the rest of my album

Agreed. And yeah the dexterity things need to be default banned too for the sake of fair play among the differently abled. Call me a Nazi but I think everyone should be able to play Magic.

>Ok user, i go island, lotus petal, flash protean hulk and win

R&D 's lair is understandable. It only will start arguing. while Ashnod's requires you to pay for the drink, which isn't that bad.

They will just have to change one word in the card text. Where is the problem?

I have an Ezuri, CoP deck that often finds itself emptying it's hand faster than it can rebuild it, so I just wasn't sure if the low-cost and make everyone else pitch their hands was worth it, especially if it's basically a blue Wheel of Fortune.

Best spellslinger commander that keeps up with creature heavy meta?

Is not the commander, is de theck itself the one that has to e built accordly. that means lots of mana rock and lots of draw 7. that means, going grixis at least. Jeleva, Inalla, or breya

Toshiro Umezawa because Doom Blade tribal

Any UR one with Pyromancer and Talrand in the 99 to shit blockers out.

Wort because you already have a token subtheme anyway and has access to Overruns and mass buffs.

You're not paying them enough attention

Wort probably, I guess wort is just the answer to everything

hes a tree

Another guy, but everyone always talks about Wort. She seems cool, but i've literally never seen her played.

The problem is, that Windfall could have been something else: Like Arachnogenesis, Inspiring Call, or Beastmaster's Ascension.

With a Commander like Ezuri, you're basically all-in on the game-plan of buffing your dudes, and don't really have room for random value cards like Windfall, unless they're too good to ignore (Cyclonic Rift)

How does kess do?

It's a fun deck, with acess to green instead of blue you lose efficient draw but gains fogs, token generators and all sorts of shenanigans. Also since she relies on bodies you by definition will have creatures so blockers in the form of tokens or stuff like Dragonlair Spider and Ant Queen are guaranteed.

Is Beastmaster's Ascension worth it?
I run the other two, but always just assume Beastmaster's will just be targeted down before it does anything.

like said its more about the deck than commander but kess would probably be a good choice as the colors are good for killing the shit out of creatures and you will be able to recur spells that keep you alive. alternatively i personally like riku and yidris

And when you combine the two...

>Dragonlair Spider
>Ant Queen
That sounds like fun. Shame my Gruul deck-to-be is going to be Angry Omnath. Maybe i'll give Wort a better look.