Weeb tcgs

There's a lot of great weeb games out there, but most can't really sustain a full discussion on their own. So let's:

Anticipate what Wixoss decks will be released with the new OVA and series.
Bemoan/celebrate the loss of Luck and Logic.
Complain about Wizards killing Duel Masters in the west.
Debate the optimal number of casters in a Caster's Chronicles deck.
Discuss the new FoW set.
Flaunt your Weiss Schwarz waifu.
Notice that this list is in alphabetical order.
Question what Precious Memories and Z/X even are and if they're any good.
Share your impressions of Dragonborne.
Write an essay about why yugioh is a terrible game.

I'm torn on getting FoW or Dragonborne, and I don't think anyone in this town has TCC starters or boosters available. I do hope FoW Inc starts to advertise or market more, I wouldn't want them to die out.

FoW has shown a greater willingness to stick it out over the long haul, so that may be safer, but it also seems more derivative, while Dragonborne does seem to have a bunch of fairly novel mechanics. I'd honestly be tempted to buy a pair of starters of each, and see which one I like more (and possibly which one you may be able to convince other people to play). It does suck that a lot of towns (mine included) only really stock the big three, and miss out on a lot of the more interesting niche tcgs.

A rather new LGS where I live has some FoW product, apparently there were a decent amount of people who played it but they stopped, probably because of the Refrain card and other expansions having problems I heard. They surprisingly have a decent community for FFTCG and the DBZ one seems to be growing as well. I'm honestly glad, but I wish they'd also try out much more different things, because having a wide variety of things to play is pretty healthy imo. Biggest issue would be how the secondary market lists prices.

I've heard FoW's success is inversely related to mtg's. Magic is in a reasonably stable state right now (despite what /pol/ shitters would have you believe), so there's no real push to an alternative, hence FoW's not really expanding. Just a theory, and it could be bullshit, but it seems like it makes sense.

Wixoss lostorage was terrible, and I hope the newer season goes back to its roots. I hope for more of the original cast, but if they are handled like LOST maybe not. New sets got some sexy art.

L&L wasn't a good game. It was just weiss trying to get at wixoss. I'm glad it failed.

WOTC can suck my duck.

16 casters seems ok honestly as you can play other cards as casters late game. Unless you need to be discarding them. God I wish I knew people playing it (5 decks here).

FoE new set looks nice, picked up two of the starters. Got the blue cards for the rain deck to be suped up, but unsure for the darkness reiya deck. Any advice would be nice. Still confused on how rotation works exactly.

Dragoborne has some realy interesting things going on. Its like duelmasters on the surface but has many different layers. Level 3 cards acting almost as cmc1 because starting with three resources, die as blockers, and the like are all really interesting. Its the game Ive invested the most in trying to get some locals playing (FoE and Casters are both great and I love the art, but will probably remain niche. I could see Dragoborne getting strong as it could take yugioh crowd growing out of it, and mtg players who are tired of the politics and shut handling).

I do wish that wasn't that case. Hopefully TCC and Architect grow over here then, but that future seems to be uncertain for them. If they learn from the mistakes they made in FoW, it should be fine, although some people probably are just gonna shit on the aesthetic of TCC, even though it seems like a fun game from what I've seen so far.

The biggest issue with FoW is that it doesnt really offer much magic doesnt besides waifu cards. It plays 99.99% the same, and game play is almost too consistent. It can get stale very fast, especially if one deck is over bearing. This doesnt mean its not a good game, or fun, but it does feel like its hard to expand.
Why I belive Dragoborne, if bushi keeps pushing as hard as it has, could do well. Game play wise it has just as much depth and room in the rules to be as competitve as magic, but is different enough to feel fresh and not just a copy with different art. The art is also a nice mix of magic-tier monsters to waifu cards so it can attract multiple player types. At least thats the hope.

>Wixoss lostorage was terrible
It's a pity, because I think it was conceptually very strong. The individual story elements were a good way to continue the story and take it into new space. The execution was severely lacking, though. The backgrounds, sound direction, pacing, and overall composition were all several steps down from Selector (bring back Pablo!).

Tcg-wise, I also think coins were an overall good addition to the game, they managed to make the new LRIGs playable while not completely overriding the old ones.

It feels like there's a pretty big delay in sets and decks recently, so it'll be interesting to see what comes out to support the new animations.

Casters is loads of fun, and I hope it gets big enough to at least be a convention playable game. The arts perfect if your a ween who loves major shoujo (like me) but it feels too niche to get the love it should. At least it seems to be doing half decent in Japan so far.

The games still good (looking on paper, havnt played in some time although I collect my wife) but I didnt even finish LOSTORAGE. And I liked/defended Spread. I think adding males was a mistake. And not letting Studio Pablo stay on. And how rushed all the relationships were. And your right- the idea was good and interesting, but the execution sucked.

Friendly warning for anyone going to a FoW prerelease this weekend:

Every color has a 1-drop combat trick. Green's is even a Spirit Magic, so be extra careful against the green draft ruler.

That said, Red's and Blue's are Rares so you can maybe be a bit more risky against them.

Man I wish a FoW prerelease was habbening here

pls bumpu for moar tcg info

What is best weeb tcg?

What is best way to try FoW for cheap?

I know a local store has thursday night games but im not ready to show up to that yet.

I wanna play qt anime girls if that helps you advise me.

I have played MTG in past but too rich for my blood. (and im a warhammer player)

My favorite TCG of all time was Warlord by AEG

I feel like something's missing there...

Go there during Thursdays and ask the people who play there if they don't mind showing you the ropes.
There are qt animu grills in FoW and their new game TCC
The secondary market for FoW singles is rather cheap in comparison to CFV and MtG, so cost shouldn't be an issue.

The image is pretty out of date. It doesn't have Casters, either.

Maybe it's actually a good thing Wixoss isn't available in english. I'd probably be broke.Not only is every set mechanically sound, they've also had tons of interesting gimmicks to collect in them as well. The tarot L0s (gorgeous), the coins (which look absolutely amazing as foils), a complete game of mafia to collect, and onward.

I interpreted it as a list of tcgs active in Japan at the time (I didn't realize Vampire had the deckmasters branding, neat bit of history there).

Or, further back, Luck and Logic. Which dates the image to somewhere between mid 2014, and early 2016.

explain? i havent played wixoss since like it started. also do you guys know were i can get the promo cards for this game?

Aww shiet I got an Ayu at my FoW prerelease.

Time to build pure jank.

It's anecdotal evidence, but that's what it was at our locals. Bant CoCo happened and people started to check out FoW. CoCo rotates, everyone slowly comes back to MtG and stop FoW.

I still haven't found a deck degenerate enough that I like to use my FE sleeves. Any of them.

Stuff like this. Level 0s are the only card you're allowed to proxy at tournaments, but the game has a lot of level 0s with really gorgeous art, like pic related (I have all of them now, but I suck at pictures and this is still the clearest I have). They're kind of everything masterpieces in mtg weren't. They were a really nice piece of bling, but they weren't a reprint of a necessary staple that served as a slap in the face to peple who just want to play, they were a card you only needed one of per deck, not a playset, and they appeared at a rate of roughly one per booster box, so they weren't fuckoff expensive. Wixoss has really mastered the art of giving fans lots of nice shiny things to collect without being intrusive about it.

The OL Eldora posted above has some neat office manners tips on it, and this series of level 0s, which were commons, let you play a game of werewolf/mafia with the cards.

Did anyone ever play .hack//Enemy? How is it? I'm considering giving it a shot.

The baseball series not only included a bunch of level 0s, but also some of the signi (creaures). Again, at common, this time so you could collect the playset of the creatures if you wanted to play them.

Anyway, I've kind of gone on a rant. Anyway, if you're looking to buy cards, yuyutei is the best if you have even a cursory knowledge of japanese, and know how to use a forwarding service, otherwise, tcg republic is serviceable, and is 100% in english. Their prices are a little higher, but they all have free shipping, so if it's only one or two rarer cards, then their prices aren't as bad as they may seem at first glance. They've also thrown in a free booster on the orders I've done through them. Although they have a minimum price of something like 3.50 a card, so buying commons from them is pretty shitty.

>including magic in with this gay shit

>not gay shit
Seattle Pride Parade 2017 begs to differ.

have you considered buying Seliph or Marth sleeves, instead of fucking cowtits

I got Femui, Adult Tiki, and Altennia too.
Sorry I like girls.

>Not liking cowtits
Half-naked loli sleeves it is.

>no pen mark on the T

goddammit most amazing art goes to wixoss for sure. how hard are the beef bowl promos to get?

5/20. Full playset of your level 2 caster, and 3 each of your support casters. That's what I'm going by.

My other lgs has their Force of wil
Boxes heavily discounted below 30 dollars.

Which sets would be worth looking for for cool shit and playability?

Qt waifus too.

What would you buy to get started? I was tempted to grab dark and water starters from newest block to demo for buddies? Should I do that or buy cheap ass box?

>buying cards for D-Robos
>$135.64, even while cutting corners
anons, i'm not sure, should i go for these giant robots, or the Victors

Well, both are getting support in the upcoming Star Gate Extra Booster. However we don't know what D Robo supports it entails, and what "corners" are you cutting? Laurel? Final Daimax?


Pretty sure you should get Vingolf Engage Knights if possible, I think that's top priority due to the magic stones. Hopefully the LGS I'm going to sells those boxes at a good price.


That wasnt a set they had.

Any others?

I know any kind of vingolf can be bought for the stones, the VC one is an example because the set is so bad except for the stones and can be pretty cheap as a result
If you're barely starting out, try to just get a starter deck and maybe some boosters while asking for pointers from the people at the store, so you can start being a part of the game and have people to play with.

Forgot to add, the newest set coming out is advent of the demon king, the other in rotation is ancient nights, these being Reiya cluster iirc. That and Lapis cluster AFAIK are the current sets in he games own "standard".

8 is the correct number of caster's in a chronicles deck

Way to few.

All (2) [Commander Laurel], 2 [Legendary Dimensional Robo, Daikaiser Leon], all (2) copies of Daimax], an extra [Gallant Incarnation, G-O-Five], and an extra 2 [Oceanic Conversaion, Atlantis Dolphin] (admittedly, I really only need 2, and could, say, buy X-carivou, rounding out my available arsenal).

>I didn't realize Vampire had the deckmasters branding
it was one of the many games WotC had planned under that collective brand (out of which only M:tG lasted)

Vingolf 3 had totally different dual stones, but the set had quite a few actually good cards and a limited print run so it's absurdly expensive.

Anyone here play the panini DBZtcg? How is it? Found some booster/deck boxes for dirt cheap and i'm considering picking some up.

To clarify, Vingolf 3 itself is absurdly expensive. The dual stones from it are actually pretty cheap as singles. Most are under a dollar.

8 sounds too few, but as weird as it is, I think it may be pretty close. You only ever really need 2 to play pretty much all of your cards, and the mulligan rules are insanely generous. You start with 7, and can keep any while tossing the rest to dig deeper (and are guaranteed not to hit the cards you mulliganed away). Theoretically that gives you 14/50 odds of hitting at least one caster. And casters are the only card type that is limited to one play per turn, which means it's easier to flood on them than other card types. It's a really weird resource system, but ultimately I think it's a really good one.

Many casters effects rely on in hand later, so flooding shouldnt be an issue. I guess it depends on how many colors you run. Low CMC 2 color? 10-12 mmiigghht be ok. 3 colors and you need at the very least 16-18 honestly. And 1-2 color decks arnt that good at the moment, imo.

Fair point, I was honestly thinking of 1-colour decks when I said 8 might actually be enough to function. Given that there's 7 colours total, multicolour is probably the norm, so that would definitely shift the numbers upwards.

That being said, once there's a few more sets in rotation and there's enough depth in the card pool for monocolour decks to function, I honestly wonder if we'll see some 8 caster decks. Either way, the system is easily one of the best implementations of a mana-type resource system I've seen. As long as they stay away from dual lands. Dual lands are nothing but rubbish designed to move packs, and contribute nothing to their games but increased homogenization.

Duel color lv2 casters might be ok.

Even when more sets come out, Id still want a good handful of casters just to abuse the discard abilities.

Right now I'm lookibg forwards to more lv1 sweets, that shits going to be abusive as fuck.
New set comes out around the same time as the next dragoborne set, so double the brewing fun! I hope Casters gets at least 3-4 eng set releases before its canned (which it will be as its sold no where)...

I agree on the resource system being very nifty. Each caster having abilities is more interactive than you would think the game would have at first glance.

So if I bought two boxes of Lapis block
Return of the Dragon Emperor
Curse of the Frozen Casket

Would that be a waste of money for 50 bucks or so? Or should I go for it?

Alternatively should I stop being a dummy and just buy starter sets and actually try game before sinking money into it.

Do they have any Legacy Lost boxes?

Curse is 84 bucks still on Amazon. If you can get both of those for $50 overall, do it.
If you looked at the mechanics and how the game plays, and do wanna play it, it's fine getting those boosters. Just get a starter from Reiya block as well.
Also this

>Just get a starter from Reiya block as well.
Honestly if he's buying RDE and CFC there's an argument to be made for buying the Lapis cluster Water deck, for an Ancient Magic deck.

Would you just get curse then?

Okay that makes more sense honestly.

It depends on what you want out of either of them. Iirc Curse has more support for Cthulu races, while also having stuff like Beast, Human, Myth and Elf, while Dragon Emperor supports those sans Cthulu and much more races. There also seems more multicolor support in Return - although if anything you should look at the lists of cards that are in the sets to see what interests you, or what you need for an Ancient Magic deck.
I thought that you could get both for $50 overall, unless you meant it's just 50 per box?

They are around 28 a box after tax.

That is a fucking steal, get both of them. Hopefully they've been unopened because that is an absurd price cut.

How would I boost a children of the night SD?

What I was saying was they had multiple of each box.

They had two of return and like a stack of 4 of coffin.

They also had that valkyria chronicles thing, 5 boxes of first set in alice cluster and a few others that I cant remember. Also a bunch of that one that I heard everyone hates and is cheap online.

Ahh, damn I'm jelly.
If they are selling singles at least then getting the dual stones that way should be good, if they're cheap

They just have a stack of boxes at 75% off.

Store told me it was dead at their shop.

Another LGS near me has thursday night games.

Honestly I was worried when I saw huge discount that game was dead before I tryed it.
Is there an online way to play FoW?

>not buying boxes of cheap obscure ded games for your playgroup to enjoy for years

Yeah, one is on tabletop simulator, the other is on LackeyCCG, need a plugin for it though. Still, buying them to play with your own playgroup is still good even if you can't find a group. Have you called the LGS that has TNGs for it? Ask em how many come in and such?
Really though, that's a very good deal for those boxes.

That's Reiya's deck, right? Not her father's?

Bloodspray is a must. Dark Riding Hood and Vitality Drain are good for the Mystery Counter theme, as are Spider's Web and Dark Blade's Harvest from the new set. Nameless Mist Scorn of Dark Alice are good for additional hand attack, and Poet of Madness and Neo Barrier of Shadows are good for further disruption. I'd also probably remove Grimm for some other mono-black finisher because his Fairy Tale synergy isn't actually that great in mono-black. I run Gill Lapis, Pure Youth.

If you want to pivot into dual colors, BW makes for a good Fairy Tale deck (though admittedly I think Millium might make for a better Ruler for that) and UB makes for a good Mystery Counter deck with Flute's Water Dragon.

>listen in on a FoW podcast, one guy says he knows someone who bought up all mini-Brainstorm Cheshire Cats
>go to TCGPlayer to check on them
>all sold out sans the foils
What a fucking asshole, I hope he steps on a LEGO.

Go big and buy the pantsless version.

I'm tempted to honestly.

Whats the card?

Cheshire Cat, the Grinning Remnant.

rip the wallets of any person should FOW getting something like a modern format.

I still love how they printed the pantless version and claimed it was a "misprint".

>mfw the LGS I went to has an ancient nights pre release kit for sale
I'm mad-tempted brehs.

Forgot my face.

I'm surprised their 'legacy' format isn't played that much from what I hear. If they do make a modern format if the game gets big hopefully they reprint something like Cheshire more. Also the full art pantless Cheshire is fucking expensive.

Isn't it just six boosters at-price plus a promo?

The prerelease promo from ACN is really good so if you want ACN packs go for it.

No, it's the entire prerelease set for like 100 dollars.
So rulers 2 playmats, and I think 36 boosters. They put it on sale since the FoW community died there.

So it's a booster box plus playmats and several copies of the promo?

Sounds worth.

I'll definitely do my best to get on it, should get money from selling some magic singles I don't use anymore.

>vanguard playmats are for small people
>FoW playmats are nowhere to be seen because UP stopped making them
>there's like one vendor that has pre-release mats, and the good one is sideways which is weird

That and booty Zero, though I don't know if they claimed it was a misprint and it's complicated more by it being a summer promo.

All this teasing and none of you are posting pictures.

>get 2 decks from the LGS to play my brother with
>he's not used to card games so it's kinda slow but I don't mind
>end up showing him how he can kill me in one fell swoop with his resonator because it can exile elementals from the grave for mana to use other buffing cards with
I seriously like how green seems to be in this game, red isn't bad either. There weren't any black decks there to my surprise, only one white, a few blue, and lots of red+green

Here's the ""misprint"" of Cheshire cat, haven't seen booty Zero though.

She can't negate this dick, that's for sure.

Dick status: MUH

>loved the ange veirge anime
>found out it was based on a tcg
>considered buying some starter decks
>no idea how to play, no english guides on how to play as well.

probably pretty bad but feels bad

I personally need to find more Puzzle and Dragons TCG. I kind of like combat in that game, call me weird.

I really regret missing the FoW prerelease today. I am definitely liking some of the new cards in the new set though. I honestly think that with the current rotation the game is the best that it has ever been.

If anything FoW has cards that make me really want to collect them. Especially some of the promos.

I agree, they have a very interesting aesthetic card wise. I've only felt that way with the old magic cards, which I like a lot aesthetic wise.

Time for you to learn Japanese.

I wish there was a pre-release where I'm at. They do have boosters at least. Planning on getting Advent ones and a big set of Ancient Nights with the promos + playmats, if soemone doesn't get to them first.

Sorry to hear user, I had fun at mine.

The legacy equivalent is just too crazy IMO. That said I would like to see more formats. A couple of dudes in the local FoW crowd have brewed up what they call a FoW equivalent of EDH. I am really tempted to humor them and give it a try.

Mind describing it? I'm assuming it follows the same rules regarding the ruler at least.

Is that card from Wixoss? I might actually want to try it.

It does. It is like EDH in that it is a highlander format with 100 cards, and doesn't have any set restrictions save the Valhalla cluster. I will need to ask how stones are handled though.

Wixoss has a lot of really nice promos. If literally all you want to do in Wixoss is collect a lot of nice cards with your cardfu, then they certainly have you covered. The fact that the game is really damn well designed is just icing on the cake, really.