Warhammer 40k General /40kg/

phone posting edition

>Fill in the survey, ask GW for Space Skaven

>Chapter Approved Points Leaks, the tears lmao
>Chapter Approved full Strats, Traits, Relics, Powers, and Reece Spin lmao

>Daily Dunked Peaches, he thinks tan people look like they've been flayed.

>FAQs, Errata, and Designer Commentary (up to 1.3):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas

>Old Black Library Mega

>Math-hammer (thank Autism!)

1rd for chaos

What happened to the old thread?

We don't talk about what happened to the old thread.

4st for the Rout

Archived before new thread was made.

At only 301 replies I doubt it.

Holy fuck, it actually worked. Anyway, can somebody give me a run down on the beautiful bastard known as the Venerable Dreadnought? Is be useful enough to take or should I turn him into a mortis?

like 40 threads with three replies each suddenly popped up. Not sure if that has any correlation with how awful that thread was, but I wouldn't put it past the butthurt autists in this general.

Can thousand sons use codex chaos marine points and rules for Rubric Marines?

Some shit went down Ok?
We. Aren't. Talking. About. It.

That's what the thread itself said when I updated.

he looks funny.
Take him.

yes, check the OP image

>tfw just want to play my space escapism game
>people drag real world issues
pls stop
also, is a dred droppod a good investment along with dredero dred for my Deathwatch? I was thinking that i wait until t3 to drop him behind enemy lines and just shred fuckers

What's the stupidest looking Dreadnought? My money's on the Dorito.

RAW no. RAI yes, and only literal autists would stop you from doing it.

What is that from? I want more evidence than just a random picture before I take my army using those points

In other words, (You) are the guy who spammed the fucking board because some meanie posted a tank with a swastika flag on it.

The GW 40k designers commentary


Nice to see the memewatch is growing, that said I'd say your dread is better on the field so it can earn back its points as soon as possible, not to mention the fact that DW are expensive as is and adding another one off item like the droppod is just making things worse

literally from the GW 40k community site

Rate my nazi dreadnought paint job

8/8 would invade poland with


Not your paintjob/10

Not my favourite incarnation of field grau, at least in combination with the red of the Nazi flag. The tank colour scheme of the early-war Germans wasn't actually the same colour they made the infantry uniforms from.

Anyone know where to find the finecasr Crusaders kits?

I want them for my army, and for once the model is just too nice to convert. I gotta have the original.

There are NONE in the United States as far as I can tell.

I need big melee weapons for my tau battlesuits, so I can justify running into melee with them all the time. What to buy?

So, did anyone follow up with information on what model series this model was converted from, and what scale it was? 1/48?

desu its only like 350 bucks for a 2K point army, so its pretty fantastic, plus they gonna be god tier, when they are aloud to take individual primaris with all there war gear options and lowered prices, im also curious to see how GK will make out

Unrelated to that guy but since you seem to know what you're talking about, why did they pick that blue-grey for their general uniform colours? is it to vaguely match drab sky colours?

Find a Friendly Local Chinaman user.

I want to make an army with these guys and Grey Knights

I've TRIED. It's not a FW model and it's not in high demand. There is literally fuck all.

I actually saw a model like that in the shop where i picked uo my sr-72 blackbird for converting, i beleive its 1/72 scale

Banners don't count for LOS as far as I remember, right?

Would I be breaking any rules building Kaldor Draigo without his banner?

With CA, it doesn't matter if the enemies draw LOS to your banner, unless you ARE the closest unit

>Not Nein/nein
come on man

can the stormraven transport a contemptor dreadnought?

I'm guessing yeah but there have been a bit of a debate in my club by some retards saying no.

That makes sense. It's not so much that i'm trying to remove the banner to avoid him getting shot though, I just don't really like the banner.

Just not sure on the legality.

14 out of 88 would stamp on while you cry.

Anyone watching the livestream? I'm at work so I'm going to miss most of it

Currently constructing a new Admech army,

Most likely gonna make them from Styges VIII.

Im usuaaly a "my dudes" kinda guy, but Styges have a neat color scheme, plus their bordering-on-heresy love for xenotech is basically what my custom Admech were gonna be about anyways.

How do Styges robots/Onagers look? Are they primarily red or black?

Also, noob painting question: How do I make a mostly

The Contemptor Dreadnought has both and in its keywords. The Stormraven says it can carry any chapter , so I would say yes it can.

Well, for infantry, German camo was actually supposed to be a very dark green with a bluey-grey tinge. It was only in WW1 that the scheme was straight-up grey, so that's behind people thinking the WW2 uniform was grey, and it's an easy jump to assume that the German tanks, which were (initially) grey, were the same colour as the infantry, or vice versa.
On top of the pop cultural confusion (especially in the anglophone world), the uniforms would have been made by different manufacturers, would fade in use, and would be running the gamut in terms of quality towards the end of the war, so there wasn't really any perceived uniformity of the green colour as compared to the grey tinge, which was almost always there. Something similar happened to Russian uniforms. Everyone thinks they were a bright khaki, but they would more often have been an olive green.
As for why the tanks were painted grey, it was probably because in the early war nobody really understood how tanks worked in tactical terms, so they just defaulted to painting them the same colour as other heavy equipment, just for surface protection.
Eventually they realised blackish-grey harmed the tanks in combat, so they used tan (dunkelgelb) as the base coat and experimented with lots of "RAL" paints, generally if they put paints on in the factory they would have some combination of green and dark red.

1/72 is too small for tanks and such. 1/56 is how 28mm translates in fractions, and 1/48 is probably closer to 32mm.
The most common post-WW2 historicals are generally either 1:35 or 1:72 though. Perhaps 1:35 would work for Baneblade conversions.

>How do I make a mostly
you just start with and then you can to finish it.
simple as that.

It's a 1/72 M113 APC, which is the real-life APC that the rhino was based on visually. Should be easy to find at any real hobby store that has more than just 40k mini's


Meant to ask: How do I make a mostly black model not look like I just haven't finished it after priming?

>tfw I want to play the game
>tfw haven't played for a month

How did you self describe?

>+1 to wound when charging or being charged

you just start with a very dark grey and then you can wash and highlight to finish it.
alternativly just highlight with eshin grey and get a smaller highlight of dawnstone on it.
basicly you want to break up the color with darker/lighter parts, to not make it look so monotone, that should help with removing the unfinished look
source: I'm just guessing

Male, then 'why is this a thing' in the dialogue box.

He's refering to to German neonazi online lingo. H, as you know, is the 8th letter of the alphabet and saying "H*** Hitler" is expressly forbidden in Germany. So Neonazis on forums just say 88 and everyone knows what they mean.

Do you have proof of this?
I only own one 1/72 kit (a cromwell tank), and it could fit on a dreadnought base, whereas that looks like it dwarfs the Armageddon soldier, making me think it's 1/48 (a close but slightly large kit for 28/32mm) or 1/35 (large but the most common modern AFV).

Siegmarines are the best

Neat, thanks for the info. Its never actually been something I wondered about until recently.

I'm looking to pick up more artillery for my guard. How would you rate the various artillery pieces?

I currently run a single wyvern with my master of ordinance, but I wouldn't mind having more. I know deathstrikes are basically worthless, but what about basilisks and manticores? Are hydras worth it against aeldari or forces with a lot of fliers?

Male, because I'm not a fucking autist.

Just type in what you are and then the guy looking at the survey results will notice that 99% of the people picked either male or female, yes even the trannies.

It's a rabbit hole. I've withheld painting models until I could find out what colour their socks were and how they wore them.

Rate my chaos list

Super heavy detatchment

Chaos scorccer in Terminator armor: tzeenztch

10x rubric marines: 8 inferno bolters, reaper assult Cannon, staff and inferno pistol. 2 squads of this

10x rubric marines, 8 flamers, reaper assult Cannon, inferno bolt pistol.

10x pink horrors; summoned
1 changing, summoned

3x obliterators
3x obliterators

Alpha legion and tzeench on all

Deep strike the obliterators in with the sorcerer, use Magnus to summon the changing the turn they arrive so the oblitoratoes are at a -2 to hit

Use 3/4 command points to infultrate up the rubrics and mix the squads so anything that charges it is going to have to also charge the warp flamer squad. Then use magnus for general dick bagary.

get a Minotaur siege gun


Basilisks are good. You get to roll two dice when rolling for the number of hits, and pick the highest.

I've stripped and begun repainting my Blood Pact, to use in Necromunda ( not fluffy Necromunda, were running inquisitor warbands and shit)

Theyre work in progress.

I thought it was a reference to 88mm guns.

I do like that their ideology is so marginalized they have to greet each other with numbers like the trogs they are.

>chaos soup
>tzeentch alpha legion

Nice WAACfagging, faggot

I feel you. I keep trying to get games but everyone in my life is hell bent on interrupting my game days. I've planned to go for 6 times now and each day I let people know I'm going to play then and each day something comes up where they really need me.

Hey guys, new to the hobby here. Is this the best place to ask for some advice regarding the structure of my army etc? And maybe some painting time.

Literally first time posting on Veeky Forums so if somewhere is better, let me know.


So blood angels are only viable as a shooting army right?

Hydras are good against Eldar, but they are pretty mediocre against Wave Serpents. I personally prefer the Basilisk since now it has -3AP. Manticore is good, but with Chapter Approved, it's 143 points. Basilisk is only 108. The keep increasing the point price of every artillery tank except the Basilisk, when for me it's been by far the best artillery piece.

Proud attack helicopter here.
>inb4 dead meme

Ok so it's gonna do good

>EMPRAH tier
>Bobby G tier
Medusa, Manticore, Earthshaker Battery
>Lion El No Homo tier
Wyvern, heavy mortar, Thudd gun, rapier, Deathstrike
>Alpharius after Rogal Dorn's done with him tier
Earthshaker carriage, Manticore battery

Hydra is not artillery but very good.

Love it.

Where is that sword from?

I find it really funny how incredibly buttblasted some anons were by this simple question, its hilarious

This is it but expect autism and shit posting well above average

Vegan. Because how else will people know?

So I just started playing grey knights this year, and notice theres not really a"competative" build (mabye all grand master nemesis dreadknight builds) for tournaments and such. When I ask the players in the area why they think that is, all I get are variations of "ha, thats what you get, faggot"

Why is this?

Sucy poster best shitposter.

You're in the right place, but expect some shitposting.

This is Veeky Forums, not Reddit. We have all the formality of an Ork warband and all the decorum of a Slaaneshi coven.

Matt Wardian snowflake chapter

this is the best place to ask about rules, army composition, and basic play tips

might be better to go to /wip/ for painting tips. Also the citadel paint app is great for BASIC colour swatches

Veeky Forums is the best and fastest but also the most prone to shitposting and general disgust in everything.

You will be criticized for having a crap list and to build it around tournament levels of competitiveness. When your list achieves tournament meta status you will be criticized for being Win At All Costs WAAC.

Eventually this cycle will degenerate until someone calls you a nazi, someone mentions communism and the whole thread devolves into shitflinging about transsexuals and the extermination of the jews

Welcome to Veeky Forums btw

because they're grey knights.

grey knights a shit.

at 74 points I think the Chinork Copter might actually be worth bringing

To be honest your just used to accepting it. It's still stupid, but we're at the point all you can do is whine and make it look normal by comparison.

its a sisters of silence longsword that ive cut the aquila off, and roughed up by cutting notches into.

That's not yours, that picture has been around for ages, faggot

Avoid yank hours. Europoors are the best, the tail end of the Australian hours can be alright.

Maybe left over salt from 5th edition when they were awesome and had silly fluff. People stay salty forever. Tau this edition are no longer top tier and people still hate them. There was a guy who got 3rd in a Tournament combining Grey Knights and Guard Mortar Spam. I think he used the Dreadknight Grandmaster spam plus some other psykers and then the Guard stuff.

Pure Grey Knights builds I'm not sure about. There are a few players here that have posted stories about their games and that they didn't go well usually. Unless people screened poorly or they had good LoS blocking terrain to assault through with those units that can ignore terrain.

>We have all the formality of an Ork warband and all the decorum of a Slaaneshi coven.
Im going to use that for now on when describing Veeky Forums thx.

Any reason to not give your plague marines the best gear? They seem too expensive per model to under equip.

Fucking this, avoid burger hours at all costs

Confirmed on live stream death company black rage is the same as now

+1 attack on charge , 6+ fnp

Pretty upset about that desu, but they have a stratagem that lets 1 unit move at the start of the game which is ok