Pic related is in your setting and is hunting your PCs down. How fucked are you guys?

Pic related is in your setting and is hunting your PCs down. How fucked are you guys?

he probably just gets fucked by action economy and dies within the first round

Pretty fucked since I'm running a monster campaign.

My character is the spirit of a unicorn in the flesh of a man, he is a paladin, and the party is currently fighting outer planar invaders.

I'm probably fine

>playing eclipse phase ripoff
He can fucking try

We're playing Engine Heart so this is the best news we've had all year.

Currently we're a group of idiotic chucklefucks, me being a low level wizard and the rest are goof balls and one fighter who tries to keep us together. We're pretty boned.

I roll to seduce. Crisis averted.

Book or game version? Book version is substantially stronger and faster.

The first Witcher book was published in 1992, Eclipse Phase was published in 2009 you fucking idiot.

Not very, Geralt doesn't kill good-natured people very often and is usually willing to have the chat to clear up any deceptions that have led him to think we're a problem.

Joke's on you we're playing Anima.

Apparently someone has to translate into retard.

>playing eclipse phase ripoff

>our current game is a ripoff of eclipse phase

I can't tell if you're pretending to be retarded or not.

Watching from the sidelines, that was pretty funny. Try again, low reading comprehension user

not very

I don't think I have ever played in a party of such low power that we couldn't just explode Geralt immediately, outside of a one-shot maybe.

I suppose amongst others I'm in a short Dogs in the Vineyard game right now, and while our PCs are drenched in guns, their mormon bible powers are slow to take effect and they aren't necessarily canny fighters so they might find a way to lose anyway.

>I don't think I have ever played in a party of such low power that we couldn't just explode Geralt immediately, outside of a one-shot maybe.
You're missing out, low power fantasy is best fantasy.

Not at all? Shadowrun.

How's he supposed to get all the way to this sector on horseback without the Inquisition noticing?

Like to see him go through living metal

Urban fantasy or Sci-fi, never leave home without some means of obliterating someone via a mechanism that no sane man would have prepared defenses against. Oh, and a means of not dying to people who woop up to you and shiv you before you realise, because that's just embarassing.

I mean, I say this when my current main PC is literally just a surprisingly charismatic and resourceful wannabe fashion designer with borderline retarded intelligence and no powers right now, but his party is the reason that he routinely comes out okay from fistfights with machine gun toting wizards or destroyer wurms. This is the most deliberately gimped character I have ever played, in that he is WOEFULLY inequipped to participate in or even comprehend the absurd high urban fantasy adventure he is embroiled in, but he's won his way into the hearts of the people who can replace the air for several hundred metres with water and render specific people immune to the logical consequences of that, and in the end, that is what really matters.

I don't really think I could go back and play a fucking starving peasant after all that. And again, one of my first characters was a starving peasant who had managed to find two plasma-guns.

>Five Keyblade welders on their Mark of Mastery exam.
Geralt is gonna get fucked up one side, down the other, then Power Of Friendshiped.

Well about 30% of characters are humans who act like monsters, 15% of characters are monstrous races acting like monsters. Those two groups are fucked. Of the remaining chars 15% of them are monstrous races acting good natured and the rest are normal-ish humans so they are okay.

This is a West Marches style game hence the loads of characters. He could tag along on a couple of adventures though, we are hunting monsters quite often.

>How fucked are you
Well, my PC's a hot chick, so...

Imagine being this retarded.

Well fucked then? Probably several times too.

Yup. Not ever worth fighting it, really. Just lie back, and think of Temeria.

>Just lie back, and think of Temeria.
Cure random soldier yelling "For Temeria" in the background.

I don't think he knows how to fly a star ship, and I don't think he can stop blasters. So I just shoot him.

Where does Geralt stand vis-a-vis the Fae?

Pretty safe. My curent character is a racist profficient in pitchforks after all

The ones who want their king to rape his adoptive daughter to breed an elf with the lara doren gene?

Negative opinion

I'm a level 4 half-orc battlemaster pirate in 5th edition.

how would Geralt be stated? probably like a 10th+ level eldritch knight?

Where'd you get that Kingdom Hearts RPG?

>*booming laughter*

>6 9th level adventurers
Not gonna mince words, he dies.

Paladin, Warlock, Wizard, Bard. He tracks us down and we sort out all this nonsense about him having to kill us and we make a new friend.
>Dark Heresy
He tracks us down and tries to break into our hideout but gets caught in our Techpriests traps and gets turned into a fine red mist? Alternatively he gets shit on by the arbites for being a mutant carrying weapons and using magic.

>party of solar exalts

>Dark Heresy Ascension
Our inquisitor-psyker will out-sword him with psy-blade just to prove a point. Also Geralt is pretty weak compared to anything but low-fantasy worlds. Hell, even in his own setting mages/monsters/skilled fightes can shit on him.

If he can't sneak up on the sorcerer or take him out first, he's dead meat. Otherwise he might be able to match the other guys in terms of swordsmanship.

See >One absurdly durable Reality Buster
>One absurd damage dealer/part-time Kitsune
>One living thunderstorm
>A Half-Oni killing machine that tore apart a Jurgand agent in close combat
This is not counting the assorted NPCs and pets they have accrued over four years and fifteen levels.

My character would probably try to negotiate and befriend Geralt first and figure out why he's hunting them. He's sure he could convince Geralt that he is a hero, and that at the very lest be left alone to continue his quest of heroism.

Despite everything, Geralt is a pretty okay guy, and I think he and my character would get along well enough (though my character isn't super hot on the whole grim morality Geralt throws around).

If Geralt can't be negotiated with, my fighter would absolutely steamroll him:
>strong enough to lift a car overhead
>can Blink
>can fly
>can throw his greatsword 40 feet at full effect

>Geralt is now in Gensokyo
Welp, looks like we found our patsy for operation "break the donation box and blame someone."
Even if/when it fails, we're fine, what with fairies getting respawns. 'Sides, he's still less threatening than the Red/White, the Black/White, or the USC.