
Give me your birdfolk, anons.
Post whatever you like but I'm asking for creepy doctors.

tl;dr Post birds










Heavenly trips

Im out of birdfolk, help me anons





More birdfolk to save the day.





>well-versed in bird law





Is it against the law to throw birdseed into a group of bird people so that they go nuts and you can watch how cute they are when they eat?


This thread is going places


I would imagine that bird people are probably at a level where they have some semblance of intelligence and would feel insulted or confused at what you were doing. It would be like if you threw steaks and bread at a group of regular human people. Unless they're a starving group, they really aren't going to do anything and will either be baffled or scared at what is going on.

My setting has a race of owlmen. By and large, they have supplanted Halflings in role, except instead of being stoners looking to crash on the couches of better races, they try to work behind the scenes and get favors out of people.
They deal primarily in subterfuge, and have a tendency towards roguery tinged with minor magics and gadgets, otherwise known as being ninjas with the serial numbers filed off.
The also have a penchant for recording knowledge, similar to Dwarves, but unlike Dwarves, the Owls have a nasty habit of throwing out old records of things that don't seem immediately useful. Downside of not having vast caverns to throw old junk in.
They can't fly, but they can jump really well, and eagerly establish settlements in harsh, vertical environments like craggy mountains or cliffsides, as well as more normal places. They have funky looking wing fingers and talons, and can still selectively regurgitate. They have nightvision, and have to wear special glasses to not be dazzled in daylight.

They do, of course, have non-roguish tenancies as well, and have a standing army, though they prefer to utilize their mobility for guerrilla strikes and raids from unlikely places over straight warfare, due to their frailer bodies. They may not be able to fly anymore, but their bones haven't quite gotten with the program yet.

That's not a bird, that's the Sheriff

This reminds me of nutsy from Disney's Robin hood

yay more birds!

Any sulphur crested cockatoo birdfolk?
Looking at making an aarakocra Paladin in an upcoming game.