ITT marks a patrician setting

ITT marks a patrician setting
>wealthy or important characters wear full-body jewelry instead of clothing as the norm

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Everything is original content except for deliberate references to Berserk.

Patricians therefore live in a warm climate; their cultrure is pseudo-egyptian.

Slaves are fitted with bracelets of precious metals, the type of metal is chosen for the purpose of the slave

Solid conclusion. You really can't get more patrician than sword-and-sandal mediterranean-climate settings


Patrician are part of the Priest/Warrior caste

>tfw you'll never be Leia's daddy

At least until the sequels, then it becomes shit

I wonder if Carrie Fisher and David Prowse got it on. It'd be the classic case of the gerbil and the banana.

Martians don't have navels. So much fan art makes that mistake.

You know, I can be down for this. I imagine people weren't too keen on the movie but I love the mix of technology and sword and sandel type of deal.

Sign me the fuck up.

Uh... prostitution is considered a noble tradition, and is heavily romanticised, legalised and regulated?

Time for the fifth Brothel General this week?

Not really. Harrison was her man.

Too much uncanny valley for most people to take.

I'm going assume you don't know John Carver of mars? The Princess was not a prostitute, most people walked around naked because mars is hot as balls.

I know John Carter of Mars, I think I just misinterpreted the point of the thread, I thought we were MAKING a patrician setting.

Patrician: Chain-mail
Plebian: Pauldrons

Was that mentioned in the books somewhere? I can't recall if it was.

Either way, depending on how those eggs work they might have one. Bird chicks on earth are connected to the yolk with a network of blood vessels which does leave a small scar, but they usually heal over completely after hatching. It is however possible that Martians in their eggs are connected to the yolk through such large blood vessels that they leave a noticeable navel-like scar on hatching.

>Barsoom referenced.
I like you.

It could be a pretty cool setting, now that I think about it.

>Everyone naked because it's warm
>High ranking men are warriors and/or priests
>High ranking women are priestesses and/or courtesans
>Armor for those who can afford it consists of a shield and breastplate, Heroes only really need the shield because they trust the gods to not let them die too soon
>Anybody who wears pants or wouldn't have casual sex with a complete stranger is a barbarian
>The gods, while not often physically present, regularly make their existence known, and their children regularly cause/solve problems ordinary mortals can't
>The line between magic and technology is regularly crossed for educated upper class mortals, lower class mortals don't waste time thinking about either because they are either working in the fields or fucking their sisters in harvest festivals

Why isn't fantasy like this more often? Why is it always a more prudish version of the late middle ages? (The time when Courtesans were among the most educated people alive because good conversation is important when your actual wife is an inbreed 16 year old) Or an even more shit-covered version of the early middle ages (the time when even the lower classes worked for less than half of the year and the more virulent strains of most venereal diseases hadn't been fucked into existence yet)

>late middle ages?
It's not even that. If it were late mediaeval, we'd at least have guns in our fantasy

Like most things wrong with fantasy blame DragonLance. Fantasy as a genre, especially games have it's roots closer to the age of frontier/exploration type stuff than the medieval era. It was Dragonlance that brought in this super duper dark age bullshit.

I mean its a planetary romance man, its hard for it to NOT be cool for playing in.

>Fantasy as a genre, especially games have it's roots closer to the age of frontier/exploration type stuff
Tolkien and Howard both wrote settings that were essentially pre-prehistory.

Julius Evola detected.

Goddammit, why did the Abrahamic faiths have to win?

Foreskin wallets.

Are you saying you're not man of god enough to knock up a few sisters?

I'm liking where the setting is going so far. Maybe we could have some stuff tying into astrology too?
>Deserts give an unobstructed view of the stars
>Different constellations associated with different entities
>High ranking priestesses of various cults and religions all wear silken cloths with the constellation of their deity marked on it with diamonds
>Diamonds are thought to be fragments of stars, thus are the most sacred gem to the religious cults of the land
>There is a month every five years where a certain southern constellation is visible in the night sky and everyone thinks it's an omen of disaster

>wealthy or important characters wear full-body jewelry instead of clothing as the norm
My nigga.

fully human characters, with no cyborg implants ,wear clothes with holse that show their genitals, to proudly display their humanity

>Having to see naked fat people with bling on and other men
No thanks, anons.

Would kneel before and worship/10

Would also fap to at night plagued by guilt.

Because prostitution is deeply unhealthy for all parties involved, even if it is regulated and considered socially acceptable.

I suspect you could point the finger all the way back to Arthurian legends.

Because there's nothing fantastical about nudism, casual sex, or incest, you pervert.

Shite! Wrong thread!

Close enough, my dude. Every setting needs fey.

Uhh, Mana is an actual liquid?


That's the thing about nudists everyone forgets. For every smoking hot 10/10 with her tits hanging out you have to wade through millions of the average gross motherfucker with their shit hanging out.

Nudists are often very outdoors, beach, sports, and other activities oriented people. So even if their faces run the normal spectrum, they're very rarely fat.

>Mars is hot as balls.

A few things, Luthor, before you sit down to your indulgent meal of stolen cakes. First is that he started writing the story in 1911. Second is that even then he took a lot of artistic liberties. Still in the books Mars was a dying world with barely any water and required a constantly running atmospheric generator whose technology was so ancient and advanced nobody really understood it and only a few were capable of operating it. When it stopped towards the end of the first book everyone on Mars began to suffocate until John Carter set it right again at a heavy cost to himself. So, yeah, the planet is being maintained so people can survive there.

I *think* he might have been laughing more at the combination of the phrase "hot as balls" and the idea that everyone is naked.

>You really can't get more patrician than sword-and-sandal mediterranean-climate settings
Warring States/Sui-Tang China > Med basin


>John Carver of mars

the thing that iidiots like you often forget is that nudism doens't exist to sexually stimulate you. Or anyone else for that matter.
What you're saying is like if someone from saudi arabia said letting wome go without facevail is bad because you might see ugly old women faces.
Yeah, there are going to be fat and ugly naked people, so what?

>Goddammit, why did the Abrahamic faiths have to win?
Abrahamic faiths focus on charity towards the poor and hospitality towards the immigrants. Sex is a minor matter discussed in the same context as dietary rules and what kind of clothes you should wear. Had some other faith won, assholes would simply twist different holy texts around to excuse shitting on other people.

But with any luck, hitching their cart to Trump is something the American branch of fundamentalism won't recover from, which will make it easier to break the remaining power of the rest too.

In what way do you think prostitution is unhealthy, user?
What ailments, exactly speaking, do you assert it causes?
What evidence do you have to back your claims?

No, it's not that they're forgetting that. It's that they're viewing other people's actions only in the context of benefit or loss to themselves. Which is perfectly reasonable and expected in a western democratic society-- Enlightened self-interest is, at the end of the day, still self-interest.

Your ideological opponents are rarely idiots, they just don't have the same beliefs as you. Get the fuck over it.

Taking something different and running with it, but not so utterly different that observers cant understand and not just changing the names of your elves to aelfs and calling it different. Why is Dark Sun so well regarded? Its the most outlandish of the mainstream dnd settings. Why is morrowind loved by lorewhores? It was different from anything else on the market.

For me, it's a titanic archipelago with a chinese tributary system and widespread tribal societies, roughly analogous to ~500 BC era real world. People would be able to wear full-body jewelry, but thats just an invitation to catch malaria

Disregarded due to shit taste.

I dunno about you, but I loved me some morrowind.
It's a shame they took out the amazing broken magic system though.

No, Morrowind is great, but that abomination of an original setting you described was so dogshit awful that it invalidated the rest of your post.

I am a third party coming here to tell you I like morrowind, though.

Oh. Then we're just in agreement about Morrowind.

...I think I'm gonna go reinstall that shit now.

>most outlandish D&D setting
>when Planescape and Spelljammer exist

>not equally appreciating Dejah Thoris' crimson callipygous ass and Carthoris' 10/10 twink abs

I don't even dislike china but you uncalled chinkboos are obnoxious

Man, be careful with that shit, it's going to cost you like 25 hours minimum.

Yeah, and that's after I get done tracking down old mods that have probably half disappeared from the internet by now. Christ.

I like it.

Kind of like this...

Oh yeah. That is 100% for sure.
If you're going into this, you have to have to prepare for the journey.

Fundamentalists are already a defeated faction outside of their stronghold states, and even then, only in the most hardline ones.

t. someone who lives in one of those outlying states and can see the grip waning firsthand

I learned a new word today. Thanks, user!

Is that by Liefeld?

Shit tier magical realm trash

>French remakes of Arthurian legends*

i'm with you, user
sex is awesome
it's just too awkward to play with nerdy guys around a table

looks like my sister in law

>he doesn't recognize a frazetta

That's what she said

i love you Veeky Forums

that's not how you use it though
callipygous here is repeatedly redundant, just like 'she wore a scarlet, red dress' or 'he arrived in his automobile car'

"The boys knew that if they could remember the details of their school work only half as vividly as they recalled every detail of the callipygous Kathy, they would all be eligible for full college scholarships."
John H. Steinemann; Handstand; Askmar; 2010.

"'Pick me,' Aphrodite says, arching her back and turning slightly to present to him under her robe a callipygous formation more perfect than ever he has seen."
Joseph Heller; Portrait of an Artist, as an Old Man; Simon & Schuster; 2000.

Sounds like a good way to have my balls pinched off by sitting down too quickly

Yes user, proposing just about any alternative is being Xaboo and being obnoxious...

>He doesn't recognize sarcasm
Liefeld is the very worst artist to have ever been paid to draw mainstream comics. I would bet someone else's balls that the user was just being a smartass

No one asked for a fundamental change to the basic premise. Butting in with "B-b-b-but China!" actually is obnoxious, yes.

And you already know that, too. So act better.

He's high on all that sugar, there is no telling what he meant. You stole 40 cakes, Luthor, that didn't mean you had to eat them! Guess being evil meant he couldn't share with the rest of the Legion of Doom, though. Nobody will even share their pants with Grundy.

The joke is hatred of feet they both had (well, have in case of Liefield)

Being an Incel is noble and virtuous.
The goverment funds a project gives each man a prostitute.

>3 kingdoms

yes. very much yes....

Magical powers really do come from virginity, become exponentially more powerful with age, and appear and grow at the onset of puberty.

Men and women can do fundamentally the same magic, but there are far more wizards than witches, for obvious reasons.
There are very, very few truly powerful wizards, as with the slight magical prowess of early adulthood, so too comes the temptation and ability to abuse magical powers for the sake of acquiring prostitutes.

No. That's utter shit.

Why not combine the two?

With or without the cannibalism?

I never mentioned Three Kingdoms.
Which is, in fact, shit-tier setting if you know just about anything about Chinese history.

Because it took over 200 years to realise certain Byzantine dyplomatic legation was the same one that was on early Tang court. From Chinese perspective, those few weirdly looking fellows were from... Turkiestan. That's in Central Asia.
And as you might notice, Byzantines, so... yeah, a bit too late.

Doesn't matter. The real question is - do you want Tibetans in it or not. They were so strong back then they've made Tang their bitch. Repeatively.


who is this semen demon?

An Lushan rebellion is such a fucking mess... and all because of some beta faggot decided he's really cut to be an emperor. No wonder eventually his own son killed him just to end this shit. Tang and China in general never truly recovered from that bullshit.

>Having shapely, beautiful buttocks
>Ancient Greeks came out with a beautiful word just to say "dat ass".

We certainly stand on the shoulders of giants.

If "callipygous ass" is good enough for Joseph Heller it's good enough for me. And I think while one might be better formal language, the other isn't technically incorrect: doesn't callipygous specifically refer to the buttocks? Ass and buttocks can be distinct.

Read again, it says "callipygous formation".

Tiiu Kuik, an Estonian model.
