Oh Boy GeeDubbs

They know they are opening a bug can of worms with this right?

Other urls found in this thread:



Way to go OP, you had one job.

Still, seems simple enough



supreme autism

Did the same about plastic SoB.

My keyboard is know dead, but the catharsis was worth such a sacrifice.

>Did the same about plastic SoB
Emperor bless you, lad

You do realize their computer algorithm will detect you put the same answer for all these and toss you out of the pool right?

>he thinks they read each individual survey

I do online survey research. We don't use any algorithms like that. We need large aggregate numbers to do cross-tabs and people repeating answers is not a disqualifier.

Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake

Also, I would like to point out I am a gay boy and a virgin with a heavy case of autism.

>female space marines

Wil they also backtrace his IP and hack his firewall?

I can already imagine how many angry lorefags are going on a rampage here

I asked for more female models in the form of cute and sexy pinups in the same vein as Kingdom Death.

>take opportunity to voice concerns over gw's creative direction
>will likely be drowned out by retards sperging over fantasy
I hate you people

Become A Warhammer Hero

You know what I find funny? All these people crying about Fantasy.

>Didn't buy the books, pirated them
>Didn't buy the models, got from resellers or used proxies
>Always hated the new direct GW did ANYTHING, from Demigryphs to the new Azhag model
>Constantly forced out Skirmish and Mordeheim until WHFB was itself canceled
>Never played anything but the WAAC armies
>Never at any point played on anything but a totally barren board.

This is how almost EVERY SINGLE Warhammer thread on Veeky Forums and group IRL acted.

What was GW supposed to keep doing? Releasing books for you to pirate? Models for you to never buy?

Or people could leave constructive feedback that might actually get considered. Memeimg your way through the survey wastes everyone's time, and helps nobody


Emperor forgive me, I had to

Doing the emperor's work user

Sigmar bless you.

Why did you hyphenate Leman Russ?

But do you look good in a dress?

Question not the Imperial, for he shall give you only a disappointing answer.

What an absolutely fucking waste of an opportunity.


I bitched and whined about the lack of plastic Aspect Warriors like 3 times in that survey.
I hope they fucking pay attention to my bitching. I want PLASTIC FUCKING WARPSPIDERS AND SHIT!

I put Chaos Spawn for that one. It was my only joke answer.

They had to know it would come.

Of course, I went on about plastic sisters.

Me too

Mentioned it. Also requested more and more varied upgrade sprues a-la genestealers to make conversions more easily available.

I don't even fucking play anymore, but my god I'd collect sisters if they were released in plastic.


>anything else you'd like to know
Oh they're just begging to get meme'd on.

Fuck plastic sisters.

I said that made to order should be expanded and kept up for longer, a few times I wanted to buy stuff but didn't have the money then and there(needed to eat).

Bring back metal mini as the justification that plastic is cheaper is bullshit when single pose plastic character models are £20 upward


Fuck your egyptian knockoffs. no one ever bought them anyway.


I suppose you'd prefer more Sigmarines

considering i'm working on the two vanguard battle boxes right now, i'd have no problems with more.

This is not how my group acted. Played since 5th.
What removed the fun was GW creating shitty books (6th ed HE) killing it for some of us, the Daemons in 7th, then releasing 8th, and then killing the game outright.

I'm new, what about this is bad for them?

Notice how it asks you if you played fantasy, but when it asks you to rank the games you have played from best to worst it suddenly vanishes.

just trolls and general stupidity. the normal you risk if you ask for public input in anything.


Yeah. They probably thought their consumers were mature people. Great mistake

>gamers and mature in the same sentence
thanks, best laugh i've had all night.

He never said the word gamers.

Maybe people wouldve actually spent money if the products weren't older than the player bases' children.

Supply and demand also necessesiate a creation of said demand by company. No one bought fantasy because they weren't making fantasy. When they finally did, it was massive end time models that no one could afford out of the blue.

I complained exclusively on game support and rules issues. I hope they take my stingy spending as sign of their products not being worth my money rather than me being a poorfag

>tfw you hate sisters but even still you asked for plastic SoBs

Ever done tattoos on models?

I took the survey and answered honestly. No trolling. I asked for a good budget paint set for beginners in the $50-70 range and return of bitz wagon.

You know those tunneling nids?

What did everyone put in the gender field? I wrote in Kastelan Robot.

Fuck it. I'm jumping in.

we should get them to bring back the squats

>Or people could leave constructive feedback that might actually get considered
That's what I frigging did. I want my plastic Sisters and a new codex, dammit, so I'm actually willing to behave in order to get them.

Mein niggers, thats what I put


>GW are such a bad company not taking community feedback into account

>Hey, GW made a survey to analyze community feedback

>Let's epicly troll them Eck Deeeeeee

Just finished it. Gave all-serious answers, was highly emphatic about the Sororitas (and the prices!) but tried to be articulate about it and didn't spam.

Good man(?), jokes and autistic answers will achieve nothing. I asked for more plastic IG Regiments and less SM focus. I was also honest and said I heard about the survey first on Veeky Forums, and often hear of news first on Veeky Forums.

Warhammerfags are braindead retards. Don't expect much from them

gave me a giggle

Bump for consumer feedback

Because nobody pirates 40k books,gets 40k proxies, complains about new 40k models, shits on anything not 40k or plays waac armies on naked boards (with 1 piece of LOS blocking terrain) in the 40k community...

What actually happened is someone upstairs decided that 40k was the popular game and so they decided to put the majority of the effort into supporting 40k. Which is its own self fulfilling prophecy if there ever was one.

Likewise obviously transparent marketing shit like the 'horde' mechanic forcing players to buy bucket loads of models was not only actually a barrier of entry for new players but also served to make existing players even more cynical and encouraged the use of proxies and resellers because who the fuck wants to buy 50 beastmen to fit into one unit.

I think if they'd attempted to engage their still considerable fanbase , in much the same way as we see the Warhammer Community page do so now as someone has worked out how the internet worked, things could have been a lot better. I agree that Warhammer Fantasy could do with a modernisation in terms of its mechanics but age of sigmar was so far out that it literally wasn't the same game at all anymore.

>just spent the entire survey bitching about them killing WHFB
I may still be a bit salty.

Data by idiots is still data.

Minis with guns! Do you:
a) assemble the whole thing before painting, or
b) paint the body and arms/gun separately and then glue



Plastic Sister of Battle

Yup, they'll find out just how many fucking idiots play their game and realise they probably want to stop catering to screeching militant stormfronters, if they've got any sense

and suddenly, gw dies.

Because communists and commie ideology worshippers and fedora tippers don't play this game.

I asked for Plastic sisters of battle, and to bring back Battlefleet Gothic.


Who cares? People complain about Warhammer lore being retconned are the ultimate brainlets.

I'm waiting for the moment they will reveal that over the 80% of the warhammer community identifies as something other than male or female and thus require lqbgtsbprrr support

i contributed.

Thank you for your service.

you are welcome user.

Thank you. Please keep making sure whatever actual feedback you gave will be immediately discarded.

GW is primarily UK and EU based...there was a number of unsavory "alt right" aka neonazi people playing old warhmmer, but thanks to AoS killing off their army of choice (why was it always brettonia ffs?) they all left screeching and now they play warmahordes.

Daily reminder that "alt-right" and "nazi" are what victims of marxist programming call actual liberals

They dont play that. Do probably lure in 9th or KoW. No round base nazis have a place.

>tfw no one complains about necrons
That settles it, you're all just butthurt by the most recent shenanigans GW puts out and you couldn't actually care less about any of it.

IE you're mad because you like being mad.

is as far from classic liberal thought as the "new left"

Mate, if you fucking go on torch-bearing marches, you ain't no liberal. The best way to deal with nazis is via the T-34 and B-17 method. We need more of that, less of hand-wringing.

>go to soros funded fake nazi rallies
>real liberal
Um... what makes you think real liberals would go to any of open society foundation event?

because they believe in the cause and not the people behind the cause

Wow you must be some kind of genius

Did my part on the survey, doubt it means anything but at least I can say I tried.

Mentioned the Black Templars and Sisters of Battle needing proper codex updates. Maybe one of the two will get it.

I did my part.
Asked for plastic Sisters and a proper Codex revision on the Templars hating psychers.And the return of Dorn.

Is this still the newcrons vs oldcrons thing?

I put in exactly the same, you know they're going to at least google this now.