Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Ynnari novel share Edition

>Fill in the survey, ask GW for more Primaris

>Chapter Approved Points Leaks, the tears lmao
>Chapter Approved full Strats, Traits, Relics, Powers, and Reece Spin lmao

>Daily Dunked Peaches

>FAQs, Errata, and Designer Commentary (up to 1.3):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas

>Old Black Library Mega

>Math-hammer (thank Autism!)

Sanguinary dropped 2 points base according to WHTVDan.


Third for begfags

Fourth for the angry hammer of the best primarch

Last time something shocking was "no longer available" it was because some retard accidentally pressed the wrong button when they were looking at the product's database listing.

What's most likely is you'll get new boxart, maybe a new box with twice as many models saving you about $5-10

Give me your power rankings, I'll start this off again:
my dudes > your dudes

Sanguinary Guard that is. Also Primaris Apothecaries are not Primaris Sanguinary Priest. The blood Angels dont trust them enough with the blood rituals apperantly.

>Cadian Shock Troops
>no longer available on GW store
>not "temporarily sold out"
>no longer available

Mold broke or some shit

The plastic Chaplain is still "no longer available" on the US store, but is still buy-able on the NZ store
shit's irritating

Likely getting reboxed.

The planet blew up, what did you expect?
Plastic Vostroyans when?


5th for eldar are okay but probably still give people ptsd

which chaplain

Wtf is that, like a different box or is the set being altered?

Fuck me and fuck you all for caring about mould lines so that I had to care about them.

My time taken to build models has gone up 200% because of this shit.

Mine are still wrecking face.

packaging with datasheets

They've been doing this weird - costs more but ends up being a price cut reboxing in AoS as well where they'll double the box contents and increase the price by 1.5

necrons are fucking absurd dude, take warriors and immortals and laugh

I know a guy who only plays necrons and he faces tournament armies on the regular (we have a great mix of narrative and waac players)

I've seen necrons go up against Guilliman and razorbacks, Guilliman and stormravens, ynnari, eldar footsloggers, eldar wraith constructs, dark angel dreadnought gunline, tyranid swarmlists, conscript spam pre-faq, leman russ spam, pretty much every WAAC list you name it he's played against it.

Only thing I haven't seen him face is 'nid monster mash or greentide lists really.

He's smashed them. He doesn't table them, he doesn't get tabled, he just grinds out squads here and there and slowly wins on attrition and securing objectives. It's never and exciting game, but it also makes sense from a lore perspective.

They're necrons, they have one way of fighting (mass attrition ala terminators) and they don't deviate from this strategy.

If you want variance pick marines or some other army who has more than a dozen kits.

>Blood Angels don't trust primaris
>Dark Angels don't trust primaris

Truly the best legions. Codex Angels of Death to the end

the one that came with the Reclusiarch box, it's not even listed on the site anymore, not even on NZ

Why are the Night Lords so much better than the other legions? Is it because they're smart enough to run from clearly lost battles?

Look at his little arm

reboxing depends on what GW wants to do with it

sometimes they give you more models, sometimes not, depends what the accountants who track the beans say needs to happen

100% guaranteed the box will be incubi darkness (some weird dark blue-green colour) and it will say ASTRA MILLITARUM on the top and the back will have some shitty catchphrase about what the unit is.

Eldar and Dark Eldar already got this treatment, they're phasing out old boxes aggressively

has he played against admech?

so back to 20 guardsmen in a box for 35$? I'm down completely

>makes you better

fuck off fag

I don't know which one you're talking about, there's so many chaplains it's hard to keep straight.

There's more chaplain models than necron kits ffs

Then he is playing piss awful players.

Shitty proportions. Termies are as high as power armoured marines.

Power ranking for what format ?

For tourney you need to soup it up anyway, with maybe the exceptions of Xenos/IG/Gulliman.

Some CAAC armies are trash (Sister of Battle) while their WAAC version is top tier (Meltaspam), some CAAC armies are good while their WAAC edition is meh tier (Death Guard).


Those players must be bad, I'm sorry. I take silly fun lists against Necrons and I still win or barely lose.

Everyone forgets that this happened to Imperial Knights in April. They're not going anywhere, just getting reboxed.

>it's not possible for people to actually be good at 40K, they're just playing against idiots

Yeah I always forget admech because admech are literally guard but slightly worse

That's mostly how people are playing them though, robotspam is really strong so admech is like tier 1.5

If you believe that to be true you're retarded, it's not hard to figure out how guilliman and razorback spam is good, by sheer dice a bad player will crush shit lists

maybe it's your necron list if you're struggling :)

found it, pic related
I don't know why it was renamed this, but the point is, it's no longer available.

>shitty proportions

Do you really want to see shitty proportions in 40k?

I play Ynnari and you cannot put an Necron list on the table that I cannot remove before the end of the 3rd turn.

they've pulled all their deathwatch kits except for a few

deathwatch didn't meet their sales expectations

dunno where that plastic guy will end up

Best factions:

Guard. Eldar. Tyranids.

Power Gap.

Ad Mech. Tzeentch Daemons. Space Marines of all variety except Grey Knights.

Power Gap.

Xenos shit without a codex.

As a DA player if they're not going to actully add any more fluff I totally support the idea of rolling BA and DA back into a single codex yiffs can get stuffed though


What was the Space Wolves' reaction?

what about now that ynnari doesn't have soulburst

That's fucking dumb
glad I got this little guy, he's a gorgeous model.

admech that aren't mars or stygies should be put at the bottom

It's not cowardice, retreat is a very intelligent move

What is this CAAC meme you're starting?

deathwatch bikers vanishing was the shocker, especially since they came with the right bases for bikes

now if anyone wants to play deathwatch they have to spend so much money on upgrade sprues

I'd be surprised if deathwatch get a codex, they seem like index material now honestly

So marinelets dont trust half of their chapter right now?

... why do deathwatch need chaplains?
also why do GKs need chaplains? aren't they all supposed to be super pure, brainwashed and hex warded?

I'm honestly more troubled by those space-bending seals that somehow all face the same way.

Obviously. But that also assumes your Eldar is Alaitoc and your Guard infantry are Cadian with the tanks being Catachan.

I still think she's cool. I have a Terminator Inquisitor with a 3rd party girl head that reminds me of her.

They still have soul burst. I only need it on a few key units, early game drives Soul Burst on Dark Reapers and possibly double move, late game you drive D-Scythes.

The nerf hurt traditional Ynnari armies that were playing MSU for max soul burst but armies that were looking to really only generate 1 to 2 soul bursts a turn anyway came out fine, if not better due to access to CWE stratagems and -2 to hit flyers.

But on this whoever made this image(WE are from HH 6 I belive) fucked up scale by making terminator A BIG GUY.
In actuall book they are in correct scale.

Comic inquisitor is a mistake

You forgot SOB. They are one of the faction with the highest faction rating differential in WAAC. (i.e. : playing sister average way better than other factions, even if they don't finish on the podium).

Also Eldars are more of the power level of space marine without soulburst, while gulliman is still disgustingly undercosted.

Fake news.

>Doing this AFTER the IG was OP for a couple months and was finally nerfed.
Oh GW never change!

Casual at all Costs

Casual At All Costs - the most toxic player base that exists.

How would they use space marine armor anyway? No black carapace.

It doesn't help that they completely fucked up their rules, they were too expensive, and weak, even by marine standards

>tfw geting ptsd from facing 30 altaioc dark reapers in wave serpents
FUCK eldar

Imagine being the therapist for someone who regularly gazes into the realm of pure unreality.

>deathwatch didn't meet their sales expectations

Maybe give them playable rules. You go in any store "yeah cool model but they are shit don't play them".

>I am NOT addicted to stim packs! I just need a quick boost for the next op....DON'T TOUCH MY STIMS!

They are more annoying than anything. Winning against Eldar isn't fun and neither is losing.

>All the WAACniggers leave
>get Marbo
>get 20 guardsmen in a box again
>get a battleforce
life is good

Of course they don't. You need to be a braindead retard to trust in these filthy blasphemous mutants

She must stand on the knees and control the arms with levers in the chest.

Slenderman's edgy teenage daughter in power armor.

It matters a lot more if they reduced the ridiculous 9 pt bolters and brought the encarmine weapons into line with the fist/hammer reductions. Building a full squad with power fist because its better feels just stupid.

>Female Bane

"That would be extremely heretical... FOR YOU!"

GK need chaplains because GW want to sell more terminator chaplains. In previous editions(3rd, 5th 7th) GK haven't got chaplains.

>netlisting players are shit at the game and dont know the basic rule to beating necrons with ease: focus fire
More news at 11

Yeah it's like a big suit for her to control. They even show that in a previous page, but no one posts that and instead laughs at the idea of her being a goofy long limb shit.

all of these necron posts assume that other people are shit, but not me!

Am I still CAAC if I bring Possessed? They were majorly buffed.

It I target a unit of tau pathfinders that also has a drone it it, how the hell does the drone interact with the unit's toughness and saves?

Is that armour designed for someone with arms attached to their neck or something?

Okay, granted its good for us proper guard players. But GW missed an obvious opportunity for the mad dosh.

Then again, maybe someone in GW is rewarding the loyalists among us.

you can't but an inquisitor with enough pull gould get custom power armour and possibly use Mind impulse units to pilot it

Robot spam sucks. It's godawful and the reason why people think admech are bad.

Making Inquisitorial Terminator armour in space marines size is retarded. It should be human size like inquisitorial power armours

dreadnoughts are amazing this edition user

Considering we get Marbo, I am inclined to believe, when does this little shit go up for sale? I want him NOW

Casual at all Cost.
Basically the most toxic of all player.
A sore loser that wants to win on it's own-made rule.

Players who plays point instead of power level and then complain about other players putting competitive lists instead of "balanced and fluffies" armies.

Most of the time players whom codex allows for a "balanced and fluffy" armies to be top tier against other "balanced and fluffy" armies.

Balanced and fluffy is also just an another expressionfor : no duplicate, no soup. Just pick one of each unit, disrespectful of the actual lore,RP, synergy behind a list. Giving huge advantage to armies with lots of good choices (SM, Guard) but fucking tighter armies.

REMEMBER that one of Leman Russ greatest laments was that he couldn't have a lot of chapters, perhaps Bjorn is still salty but they do need the bodies and the prospect of more space wolves chapters might finally allow them to encircle the eye

>implying black carapace can match the toys the Inquisition has at their disposal

10,000 years of collecting warp artifacts and xenos tech sends you to some weird places.

Do you have a more rational explanation?

He's in GW stores only Dec 23rd for one day

Later he'll have a wide release

That must be awkward as fuck: learning to walk by moving your legs like that. Like doing the longstroke in water while standing straight up.

I think they're good, but mostly in something like a Renegades list.

Then again, nothing is good in a word bearers list. You're pretty much automatically a CAACfag if you play Word Bearers on the tabletop.

I like this meme, CAAC wants to bitch and moan about balance even though they will never attend a tournament

>Best Factions: Tyranids
>tfw suffered all through 7th only to become the WAAC army
I dont know if I should cry of joy or pain

>Midtier: Space Marines
I can live with that pretty well, actually

>Except Grey Knights
>"internal sobbing intensifies"