Sisters of Battle General.

New Plastics Coming Soon Edition

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>new plastics coming soon
Kek keep telling yourself that

I will.


This time it may be true.

>GW has been bringing back a lot of old favorites thought dead
>genestealer cults
>Custodes finally have army
>we are due for a big Imperial release
>community survey receiving mass Sister requests

This time we will be heard. PLASTIC SISTERS + BOOK PLEASE. They release all sorts of Fantasy / AoS trash lines in full plastic that no one buys. I don’t get why no plastic Sisters. It’s not THAT big of an investment when you think of how many full plastic lines they have these days.

>Poast Sisterfus

>the xeno isn't even on fire

Don't forget that rumor that Ephrael Stern's going to be getting a model sometime in 2018.

I have been out of Warhammer 40k for about a decade now. I still have my models and occasionally play a game of 5th edition with my brother, but I got out of the plastic crack game when he got me into Gunpla and it was a cheaper, better way for me to fuel my modelling and kitbashing habit.

Plastic Sisters of Battle would have me diving right the fuck back in with a full-sized army purchase, just to start..

I have not heard that, when was this rumor circulating?

What Order would you guys start if they got updated?
>Sacred Rose here

I don't even play tabletop anymore, I just want the ecclesiarchy to get nice things

Agreed. I hate how they often are portrayed as retards by BL too. They always write them as the really obvious stereotypes of clergy.

I would love to paint up a full Argent Shroud army. A gleaming silver army of white-red-cloaked, red-weaponed Sisters.

Please let it be true this time, I've been waiting to buy till the new ones drop.

Watch new Sister models and book release alongside a Slaanesh update

MFW I have a shitload of Dark Eldar and Chaos bits just WAITING to make a Corrupted Sisters army.

I've got an OC Donut Steel Order planned, with some metal models painted (gave up on them kinda, though), which some background and a color scheme good to go. But they're a branch off of the Sacred Rose.

NOOOO!!! they'll fuck it up!

That would work if they simultaneously dropped a Miriael Sabathiel model

They haven't gotten a new unit in how long? Fifteen, twenty years? They haven't gotten a new codex in that time either - updating an old codex so it complies with the new rules does not count as a new codex.

They've gotten ridiculous nerfs too - why are the repentia eviscerators? Khorne berserkers get to attack TWICE in one close combat phase, but we can't get a squad with eviscerators???

Now I gotta use the raging heroes repentia as count-as arco-flagellants. This sucks dude.

>They haven't gotten a new unit in how long?
What is Saint Celestine? They got one last year. Hell, they technically got three.

>They haven't gotten a new unit in how long? Fifteen, twenty years?
Canoness Veridyan yo
I know her rules weren't particularly great, but goddamn her model's awesome

Not a bad color scheme. I would have gone for a darker green to get the color to pop more, myself.

They've had Saint Celestine forever, she just got new rules. The seraphim, dominions, retributors, repentia, exorcists, etc are the exact same ones as they had 20 years ago, just updated occasionally for the latest set of rules. Would it kill them to give us some fanatics? Or press-ganged frateris militia? Or even a fucking non-forgeworld flyer???

One special character, who's barely different from her more generic counterpart. The model is great though.

Our Martyred Lady.

I have a thing for white/silver hair....

Wow. Okay, if GW doesn't put out a Repentia set with designs that look even better than that within the next couple years, I'm just gonna get the Raging Heroes version.

My brother in sisterhood, that's my jam as well.

I originally had an all metal 3rd Ed Our Martyred Lady army. 20,000 pts worth at the time. Firesaled it all somewhere around 5th ed, when the White Dwarf 'codex' made half the army untenable. I would be hella excited to get back into Nuns With Guns From SPAAAAACE. Even though it will make me another bandwagoner. At least then I'll stop being called a WAACfag because the only army I kept since 3rd Ed was my Savlar Chemdogs.

When you think about the lack of any weapons options the sisters have, a full range plastic release wouldn't require much beyond a handful of dual build kits. Throw them a Corvus Blackstar with meltas/flamers as a flyer and they're good.

I'm using the raging heroes miniatures to start my own order, made up of disabled imperial guard veterans who use power armour to move around. I'm planning on painting them off-white for their armour, with scarlett and gold details, and dark skin to contrast with the bone.

I want to give them desert bases with dirt on their greaves and boots similar to something I saw on some black and white space marines in a white dwarf years ago, but I can't find the pictures or the article. The space marines were a "Your Dudes" feature about an undersupplied chapter operating on the fringes of the imperium. If anyone knows the article I'm talking about, a link to it or a painting guide on how to pull off that effect would be appreciated.

ALL of the raging heroes stuff is better than the GW stuff. Look it up, their seraphim are amazing as well. I'm going to run a vanguard army made up of seraphim/dominions, lead by pic-related as Celestine.

>4 pairs of wings
>Apparently the size of a Titan Knight based on the size of that church

Thanks, although the green is darker on the actual model. That was just an earlier concept.

>New Plastics Coming Soon Edition

I'll believe it when I see it.

sisters are for being chaos cock sleeves

That's not a whole church user, its just a reliquary. Also:

>Complaining about angelic figures having more than 2 wings.

I don't get why everyone wants frateris militia. Literally just ally in a squad of acolytes or conscripts depending on what you're looking to do with them. GW flyer and GW Repressor definitely need to happen, though.

Finally, an SoB who looks like she's actually seen some gruesome combat, as opposed to the usual immaculate prettyface.

It'd be nice to get them without taking allies though, and for them to have miniatures. A fearless tarpit of lots of "conscripts" in monk robes with autoguns. A new unit, and one that's thematically appropriate now we've been rolled into "adeptus ministorum".

These two models, plus the barefoot hero girl with the hair and the sword, are the only RH sculpts with decent poses. Everything else is cringy as fuck.

They aren't perfect, there's all the high heels, and the fact that the "powered armour" is skintight. But you look at Lady Pope Meryl Streep and you tell me they aren't still cool.

Honestly, its overdesigned. Which is the wrong art style direction GW and others have taken in the last couple years imo.

You get to add a unit to their next codex, what do you make?

>GW flyer and GW Repressor definitely need to happen, though.
Fuck, I know right? I love how FW discontinued the Repressor, and then made it one of the best transports in the game when 8th edition dropped.

I think the church on her head is a bit much, but other than that it's a pretty good model.

>Sister Atlari
>high-ranking officer
LOL. At least specify what her rank is!

Primaris sisters that have gene augments and organ implants grown from Celestine.

I don't know what a good church name would be, but chevalier bikers. Some kind of lance weapons, combat shields, Fast Attack of course.

>there's all the high heels, and the fact that the "powered armour" is skintight.

Those are features, not bugs.

Agree with you on the "overdesigned" bit, though. Still, they're supposed to be used as Sisters proxies and to fit in on a modern 40K battlefield, so if GW's overdesigned, these kinda have to be.

Frateris militia: A unit of dudes in monk robes, similar to conscripts, but with autoguns and fearless. They're a troops choice.

GW Repressor: A lightly armoured tank with lots of firing-points/hull-mounted storm bolters for riot-control

The Purifier: A holy flyer. Has Shield of Faith, and can be armed with napalm anti-infantry bombs that destroy terrain or make it dangerous, or anti-tank/anti-flyer multi-meltas.

HERESY! Also impractical to cut open what is essentially an imperial daemon. But if anyone was going to have female space marines...

Crusaders? Sounds like a cool idea.

Pretty much anything from this would make me happy: Forums_7th_Edition

It'll never be true. Just accept it. This rumor appears every year and never happens. Gee dubs will never update them because they're not popular. They're not popular because the models are old and shitty. It's fucking circular.

Yeah, I'm sure GW didn't take note when Veridyan sold out multiple times after she was released.

Explain genestealer cults.

I doubt it's case of Sisters being unpopular, because they're not, I think GW's question is more "Are they popular *enough*?" Line-wide revamps are pricey.

The SOB having some anti-psyker stuff would be nice (Since shield of faith doesn't actually do much)

Genestealers were worth it, as were Tomb Kings, Harlies, various AoS board games, large WFB kits no one wanted, those steam punk dwarves, etc. They make plastic kits Willy Nilly these days, it’s not 1998 anymore.

You mean the rumour that was started on Veeky Forums over a week ago and you could read the rumour form as it was jointly created by several people over several posts?
That rumour?
Fuck Off.

I'm not GW.

>Coming 2018
>Sisters Primius
>8' tall, 38" hips and the ugliest heavy tank ever created.

Sisters of Silence >>>> Sisters of Battle.

Fight me.

I think the churchhat is awesome and hilariously over-the-top which is perfect

That's exactly what GW would say.

This thread needs more art.

>8ft tall
>38" hips

If its less than 55" then why even bother being 8ft tall? I know we expect Primaris to be disappointing here but come on.


The exorcist was released in 2003. Rules were first seen in 2001. So that is actually less than 20 years old. Still very old though.


I believe, If GW are going to release new sisters it will be after the redemptionist/cawdor release for Necromunda. This way they can do what they did in third edition. Release rules for zealots and just tell you to use Necromunda miniatures. GW has new unit for their codex with minimum effort on their part and players have a new unit.

agree to disagree.






Man, I'd love to see Exterminators make a return especially if they were available on more SOB stuff. The ability to give a squad of SOB Exterminators would be pretty awesome.

They should get Corvus Belli to sculpt them.
Blood Bowl Amazons too.

>Not popular
Sure Dark Eldar were already a very popular army before 5th edition and their whole new range of awesome models...

there was a version thrown out in a WD back in 4ed, fucking scary, Lots of cheap flammers (like pyro-catachans lots)

That’s a terrible idea from both an in-universe and real world stand point.

I love it.

I know the flame/bolt/melta trinity is thematic, but what else could you give them without just making them marine clones?

There are plenty of heat based weapons not being used right now by imperials. Thermobaric Bombs, Blades heated to a white hot edge as a power weapon variant (Higher strength, lower pen) and War of the Worlds style heat rays.

There is also the option for more 'Holy' stuff. Holy incense that causes the unclean to burn or blessed wooden staves that can shatter ceremite (that was an old 2e item)

New stuff, faith powers, special ammo, doggo launchers

Just drop that piece of fluff. Sisters need weapons which reflects them being religious enforcers and witch hunters. We need more weapons like the Condemnor Boltguns and null rods. Stuff which cannot be found in other army lists (apart from the inquisition).

Sisters of battle of the past are problematic. Expect a complete revamp to conform to the sensibilities of the current year

>New stuff, faith powers, special ammo, doggo launchers
>doggo launchers

>pic related

Corvus already do battle nuns.


They have battle nuns and powered armoured feminist, but they don't have the two combined.
Regardless, I hope Blood Bowl Amazon Blitzers are THICC.

They weren't popular when the models were new. Thry expanded the range and still not popular.

/v/ here. This is literally the only thing which might get me to buy the little resin men. You listening GW? New codex and new Sisters of T H I C - I mean, battle, please.

>dat Tau booty

>Don't forget that rumor that Ephrael Stern's going to be getting a model sometime in 2018.
I would pay extra for this.



So, I hope everybody has filled in that survey and demanded plastic sisters.

WHAT survey?


>ywn get a Miriael Sabathiel mini designed by whoever does the ones for Kingdom Death
I has a sad.

>WHAT survey?

THIS survey:

I gonna do it later today myself

Warhammer Community survey, there’s a few questions about what you’d like to see next- DEMAND SISTERS

Done and done!!

Did it yesterday. Demanded plastic sisters and bringing back WHFB on *every* question with a fill field save one, with a unique phrasing each time to ensure it would be harder to think it was a bot filling out the answers.


That didn't stop them from releasing a new line of Space Marines that literally no one asked for.

>Bring back WHFB

Way to ensure your survey gets thrown away.


I especially wish Hospitallers were easier to get.

What's a good sister color scheme that isn't the traditional white/red/black that seems to be ubiquitous?