Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

For the Sky Sentinels!

>Fill in the survey, ask GW for more Primaris

>Chapter Approved Points Leaks, the tears lmao
>Chapter Approved full Strats, Traits, Relics, Powers, and Reece Spin lmao

>Daily Dunked Peaches

>FAQs, Errata, and Designer Commentary (up to 1.3):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas

>Old Black Library Mega

>Math-hammer (thank Autism!)

First for the C'tan


Second for BA successors only get one choice of relic.

How do we fix 40k?

Let competent people handle the rules.

Nth for Kronos stronk.

7th for has anyone uploaded chapter approved yet?

What should I include in my Terminator heavy Death Guard list?

I'm thinking 10 Blightlords and 3 Death Shroud as a 'core'. Rest spend on HQs, troops and daemon vehicles.

Blood talons now are actual upgrades is the DC dread a winner over the furioso? Librarians gonna fly now

You fool! By saying anything that even remotely suggests Tyranids have power in 40k you have (probably) awoken Carnac!

Winged Daemon Prince and plaguespitter Bloat-drones.

Assign point values to everything.

If 1 cp is worth 50 points in balance, and rerolls to hits and wounds is 50 each then a model that gives 3 cp and the rerolls needs to be 250 points minimum before the rest of gear.

After this stabilizes do some sweeping buffs to everything shit.

Replace turns with back and forth unit activation.

I don't know, but I'll PayPal you $5 USD for pic related. Don't even have to put any effort into it, just toss it in a plain envelope and mail it with a regular stamp.

If so that means I need to buy another dreadnought... at that rate I might as well buy Chapter Ancients and have an entire fucking horde of dreads. 2 Libros, 2 furiosos, and 2 DCs

You pick an army type, anything outside of your army for soup costs extra.
Like imperial guard picking up space marines cost extra per marine.

From those we know of, Void Dragon and Nightbringer would be pretty much on par, I guess. The Nightbringer pretty much imprinted the fear of death into every race, while the Void Dragon was so powerful it took the Emperor to banish a shard of him (according to more recent lore). The Deceiver would probably be more like Tzeentch, but in realspace. All the cunning, all the plans and manipulation and the power to change reality on a whim, but in realspace.
Those guys are doomsday devices waiting to be activated.

1st and 2nd turn have forced night fight.

Do any Blood Angels successors other than the Angels Encarmine have their own color schemes for their sanguinary guard AND death company? They seem to be unique snowflakes

Carnac has already been defeated, we need never worry again.

What about the Outsider, Burning One, or Endless Swarm. If I remember correctly the Outsider was stronger than the Nightbringer or Void Dragon. I don't know much about the others other than the Burning One taught the Necrons how to access the webway.

Nigga I've been chopping up my Plague Marine bits for axes.

Incidentally, my loadout so far is: 4 with combi-bolter and axe with 1 with flail. 4 with combi-melta and axe with 1 with flail.

I love Black Templars but they're so fucking shit, they've been shit for the past 4 editions. Why the fuck did GW give them so much attention in 4th then dropped them like hot potatoes?.

What would happen to the Carcharodons now that the primaris are a thing? Will they lose their distinct looks?

Get stuff that kills the stuff that kills terminators.

Id say anything that can combo with a deep strike or just use a land raider.

Just know your putting the eggs in one basket and SO much shit is designed to nuke terminators.

Because you don’t want a crusader faction when the majority of your country is now Islamic.

Mate they've been trash long before the shitskins started taking over.


Nightbringer was the most powerful one of all.

Endless Swarm is arguably the source of the nids.


God bloat drones are so frikin good.

You just grafted that little forearm on there, huh?

If the armor they scavenge/receive is old or damaged, they'd still have to add bonding studs to it to reinforce it and patch it up.

They'd have a lot more aquilas, and the Primaris armor would look a lot more same-ish.

I always figured Endless Swarm was the origin of the scarabs. I'd like the nids to stay aways from necrons as an origin so that we don't get another faction that was caused by the war in heaven.

Outsider went completely batshit insane from eating loads of other C'tan and having their minds still active in him. Probably really powerful too though, if not the most powerful with all the other ones of his kind within him. But I don't think there's any explanation on how this works. Not to mention that fully powered C'tan operate on a scale that is beyond reasonable measurement.

The digits are our deliverance.

Are most special space marine tanks just rhinos + a top piece?

What are you guys working on right now?

I've started on my flyrant with Miasma Cannon

Asked last thread, but it was late in the thread so I don't think anyone saw it, so I'll ask again. Are Stormtalons good? I need a bit of air support, but I don't want to go full ham and get a Stormraven, and look at their loadouts, I think a talon would be good for what I need. I run infantry heavy lists, with a normal box naught or two as armor, so I'm kind of lacking in the armor department. Plus, thanks to 8th ed, I can't spam flakk missile devastators to ensure air superiority anymore. Opinions? I think it looks decent on paper, but I'd rather not paint up the 1 I have if I can work on something better

Still contemplating what to work on.

Finished my Valkyrie today.

My nids, marines and my HnK inspired goliath gang.

Except the Land Raiders, yes

everything but the landraider and flyers. Guard are the same; lemons have their own chassis, everything else is built from a chimera chassis

Yes, except for the Land Raider.

both of these are good ideas

What would this do?

Idea for a Dark angels Successor chapter.
Take the Skull hoods and Ribcage torso's from the Primaris chaplain box. use them for every unit. then give them the Power scythes from Forge world as melee weapons, paint them Dark Gray, with bone white accents. Call them the Death Angels. too edgy?

>tfw you're killing xenos

>Use them for every unit
I hope to god you have a massive recasting operation or are stupidly rich.

Nothing, really. I have tons to do but I'm burnt out as fuck. The same 15 models have been sitting half-finished on my desk for like a month now.

ive got a recaster buddy who said he could get me the parts

>tfw you break an astartes butt hymen, and the black carapace regenerates it.

1st turns absurd advantage being slightly negated.

From what I've seen they can be pretty good when you take 2-3 of them. On their own I think their fire power is a bit lacking but with a few of them they become a real problem. Typhoon missiles allow you to be a threat to infantry and armor in equal measure.

Working on the second of 3 highlight layers across my Hellions. After that it's just coloring in minor details and they're done.

I love this face.

I have 3 DC, 2 Furioso, 1 Mortis, 1 Contemptor, 1 Librarian, and 1 Redemptor. I can't wait to use them all at the same time!

Would get really bad, especially for turn count or turn specific stuff.

Fuck does soul burst just always work and reset now?

its an edit,

>tfw you're killing Astartes

How viable is foot slogging death guard.

Kind of like the zombie aesthetic.

The same tactical squad i was working on finishing last Month. God i am fucking useless.

>Would get really bad, especially for turn count or turn specific stuff.
There would still be turns, just not one player moving-shooting-charging then the other player doing the same. In 8th especially whoever pulls T1 can just slam fuck his opponent.

I've actually played a few games with back and forth unit activation and it's a lot more fun than normal 40k.

It depends on how you run it. Were you thinking more poxwalker spam or plague marine spam or?

slogging a mass of poxwalkers with typhus is good


Back and forth activation slows an already slow game down even more. If you want to change the turn order look at the LoTR turn order for something that would possibly work on a large scale.

Yeah, busting a butt hymen made to work as a flak jacket is my fetish.

Actually both of those.

Ram bloat drones into them, then get the wave of plague marines then the pox walkers show up.

So anons,
I've got a 500pt League starting up Sunday and how does this necron list look

Overlord with Warsythe and Res Orb
Triarch Stalker with Heavy Gausse
Immortals with Gauss Blasters x10

This is the core of a list that'll build up as the weeks in the league go on.

Should I stay with Guass Blasters or throw in Tesla?

Interestingly there's already a mechanism you could co-opt for doing exactly this: deployment. Player who's turn it is activates a unit, with transports and the unit on board counting as a single drop (which is a nice buff to transports which they desperately fucking need), then their opponent does the same. If one player runs out of units, then the other player just runs through the rest of their units. It's simple and elegant and it would likely improve the game a lot.

Alright well in that case, poxers with typhus for both his aura and psychic buffs, then plague marines and blight haulers to give them +1 armor in the open. Also consider plague surgeons if you have the points to throw around. I'll post the list I've been working on.

>with transports and the unit on board counting as a single drop
I thought that was a thing.
Wow that changes a lot of stuff.


Typhus: 164

sorcer: 90


Plague Marines x10: 235
-blight launcher
-plasma gun
-power fist

Plague Marines x10: 235
-blight launcher
-plasma gun
-power fist

Plague Marines x10: 235
-blight launcher
-plasma gun
-power fist

Poxwalkers x20: 120


Plague Surgeon: 76

Plague Surgeon: 76

Plague Surgeon: 76

5x blightlord termies: 170


Blight hauler: 85

Blight hauler: 85

Blight hauler: 85


Plague burst: 152

TOTAL: 1868

You could try stealing Bolt Action's random activation. In BA, you put one die of a certain color in a bag for every unit in your army, your opponent puts his unit dice in the same bag, and you pull at random - whoever's color gets pulled, that's whose turn it is. If you activate an officer, you can use that officer to activate some other units out of sequence.

Maybe make it so you have to use a different color for each detachment, so if you pull a die for your Guard Brigade, you can't activate anyone from your Marine Vanguard, etc.

I mean I could just put the plague dudes in a rhino.

Figure if I get a hauler id stick it near the pox walkers


>with transports and the unit on board counting as a single drop (which is a nice buff to transports which they desperately fucking need)
Isn't that how it works currently? How would you possibly deploy them as two different drops?

You need to buy the wargear for a lot of those units. There's no reason to take three Surgeons. Hell, even one is pretty shitty.

I know about BA's system, but I think if we can co-opt something that 40K already has then it has a much better chance of being accepted by the community.

It's exactly how it works. That's my point; if you were to use an alternating activation system for 40K, you'd count the transport and the unit on board as a single activation, just like they count as a single drop in deployment. It's taking the existing mechanic and co-opting it.

For all the gripes about 8th I really like what they did with Melee. Not Melee in terms of power compared to shooting, but the melee system in general.

7E would consist of me shooting, menuvering, and maybe even selectively sacrificing units for a turn. But by turn 2 the 30" charge berzerkers would have everything tied up in melee or pinned in and unable to shoot because the infantry screen protecting it was in melee with more or less the whole enemy army. And at that point the game just played itself. I couldnt influence anything! The order of combat was already determined, the odds to hit were already determined, the targets were already determined, and I couldn't leave combat because my weapons weren't useless. So it was just "Roll, Roll, Roll, remove models; Roll, Roll, Roll, remove models. Next turn! Roll, Roll, Roll, remove models, roll, roll, roll, remove models."

And so on until one side was dead. I don't get to choose targets, or maneuver, or use abilities. Just roll dice to determine the victor. Like a movie without visuals, or a story without a plot.

8E? I GET TO DO THINGS! I can issue orders, or run away, or play strategems, or use abilities. I have actual goddamn choices when my units are in melee and it's amazing! Even if I can't win melee, at least I can choose how I loose. Couldn't do that in 7th! Now they just need to make Overwatch a choice with consequences instead of a free infinite shooting phase. I'm thinking
>"You may overwatch ONCE at -1 BS, but you cannot fire in your next shooting phase out of combat because the unit spent all its ammunition trying to repel the enemy charge, and are reloading."

Who was in the wrong here?

Don't think plague surgeons are worth following the marines. Even if you save one that's only 23 points on average.

And typically you need 12 wounds to get one reroll into a fnp. You're paying 76 essentially for 23 or whatever youre saving with the important gear.


Do they lower the cost of Angelus Boltgun yet ? Pay 9 pts for that is stupid.

I'm not sure I like the idea of units in transports activating simultaneously with their transports - maybe they should be separate, so your opponent can react to what the transport does before the units do something.

I don't like how they nerfed melee. Work hard to get in range for nuthing

Codex is next week, we'll have to wait and see

Well its a work in progress and the guy was asking about footslogging so. If youre going to walk plague marines up the board theyre going to need all the tankiness they can get.

Pretty much every point cost in there is wrong.

Are you trolling?

Anyone like playing smaller pointage games? I've been trying to get my buddies to play 1k points, but almost everyone prefers 2k games that are just braindead lists with every option thrown in, and take forever to play.

I find theres more strategy involved in smaller pointage games and in building small point lists, and I like the thinking involved.

Am I just autistic? Or is everyone else retarded?

>Work hard to get in range for nuthing

>Turn 1 DS or infiltrate into Turn 1 Charge
>Or just Genestealers and end up in combat without trying
>Working hard

Sorry you can't make all my tanks useless for the rest of the game by going first

They did not nerf melee.

Winters has his review of the book up. I think he said the cost went down.

Its an old list. I think I threw it together from pre codex leaks. :^)

Marines and other elite armies can't really get any toys into 1000, and no one likes playing 2 troops 1 hq forever.

>Or is everyone else retarded?

Everyone else is retarded. Although they don't realize that 2000 nowadays is similar to 1500-1750 in previous editions, so maybe 1000 points is too low. It'd be like 750 points in past editions.

Same morons that think 2000 is the bomb now were playing 1850-2000 last edition and refused to go to 1500. Joke's on them, they're playing 1500 this very minute, just with the values shuffled around to read 2000.

>IG fag complaining about melee in 7th
The problem was that you suck, not that melee was too good in 7th or didn't have enough options (your codex literally has multiple melee unit options, and blobs squads were still a viable melee choice).
>"You may overwatch ONCE at -1 BS, but you cannot fire in your next shooting phase out of combat because the unit spent all its ammunition trying to repel the enemy charge, and are reloading."
Yeah, the issue with current melee is that Overwatch needs a massive buff. You're just going to fall back anyways, so that change is just doubling your Overwatch's effectiveness with no drawback.

>You may overwatch ONCE at -1 BS, but you cannot fire in your next shooting phase out of combat because the unit spent all its ammunition trying to repel the enemy charge, and are reloading."
That is HORRIBLY unbalanced.
Also the downside is moot if you we're charged and fall back, you couldn't freaking shoot in the first place.

Not just that 3+ into 4+ would be insane for an over watch roll. I litterally mulch your dudes before they charge? Fuck that.