Is anyone else furious with the nerfs this edition?
>Independent George (Casting Time: Standard Action, Mana: 10, Duration: 1 Scene, Range: 1 Square Adjacent to Caster): You summon a doppelganger of yourself that can act independently. The doppelganger has all of your knowledge and stats except where otherwise stated, but it cannot use any actions or abilities except those that are purely speech-based. It has only 1 hit point, but it has twice your willpower. Your doppelganger will obey one broad order from you ("go to the party in my place"), but it is much more outgoing and independent than you are normally and may act in ways that you would not (GM discretion). When your doppelganger expires, it excuses itself to go to the restroom and melts into a toilet. No matter where you are, you gain all of its memories. You can only have one doppelganger at a time, excluding dual-casting via What's the Deal With?.
It's barely usable anymore. I have no idea why you'd take this for your fifth level spell instead of any of the other options.
Is anyone else furious with the nerfs this edition?
>Independent George
Go back to playing Big Bang 40k, you faggot.
They had to limit Independent George to speech-based abilities because otherwise being able to buff both Georges with Spicy Chicken was game-breaking.
>there are people on this very board, at this very second, who took Junior Mints on Kramer thinking it was a viable build
im sorry, but can we just talk about the elephant in the room, about the buffs to the kramer personas. Why would you ever not want to use Dr. Nostrand or Pennypacker? I am going to have to deal with this shit, my party will all be kramer class. How can I curb this?
A Jerry can have three pints of Kramer in him. You can goad at least one of them into this multiclass build, I'm sure.
two words:
Newman flaw
you're welcome
Situational. But it could work. Bonus with that is the effect it has on the Jerry's. That could create some interesting narratives.
What's your arcane focus of choice? I'm partial to the PEZ dispenser and the astronaut pen.
I'm Matt Mercer. I'm toootally stealing this for my next whackisdaisy campaign idea! Thanks Veeky Forums!
It's extremely rare, but the statue is amazing.
My Kramer is this close to being able to craft the coffee table spellbook. The statue would make a great goal once I've finished that.
of course youre a crafting kramer after the statue. you powergaming faggot
Jealous shower salad chef Kramer player detected. You knew that build was a trap when you took it.
So I've been thinking about building an Elaine with full points in J. Peterman. What am I in for?
Nah m8, hot tub tech. You would assume that wouldn't you. Go back to your condom sales
I'll bet you don't even have the Kevorka.
It's probably the best Elaine build if you know what you're doing. You'll want to bluff your way through the English Patient scenario if you can, though. And definitely don't eat that cake.
Did they ever release the supplement for the minor character classes? The Puddy sounds very interesting.
>mrw the rogue's wallet finally drops
only took me 41 hours grinding ATMs
fuck this game
wrong board, bro
>How can I curb this?
Homebrew crossover with Curb.
Bad news: they stopped printing that supplement because of something to do with the Laugh Factory Kramer prestige class that came with it. I never found out what was wrong with it. Maybe they'll add the minor characters to another supplement in the future? I had a Puddy in the party once, and his skillset really came in handy whenever we needed an automobile.
And what of the sportsfan subclass? was that any good?
It was bait, dumbass.
Depends on whether you put the points in Mets or Yankees.
No I meant the devils, the one unique to puddy. I am well aware of the mets and yankees perks and flaws. Devils was supposed to be a new one to the book.
Oh, you mean the Face Painter! It's a very potent offensive class, perfect if you don't want to play a support Puddy.
The HP and spell slot recovery makes it worth it. It's very refreshing.
Any suggestions for a Jerry regretting taking Swashbuckler?
Talk to your DM
If that doesn't work, you can respec as a Gunslinger with just a couple changes to your gear
Any reliable way to deal with shrinkage as a George? The penalty on social skills is crippling me in our current campaign.
Can you believe they nerfed Kramers power slide?!?
Not as much as the elaine dance. Sheesh
See if you can get a hold of a Moops Card. As per RAW, if you're using a Moops Card you're treated as though you have the Confident feat, even if you're not engaged in a trivial pursuit. Just don't get it wet.
You can negate shrinkage with Serenity Now if you have it, or the Kevorka buff, but that's of course a rarity.
>>Independent George
Art Vandelay is meta right now you mongoloid
I've watched the anime spin-off, but never played this game. What's the appeal?
Fuck you Mercer
I feel like my GM is putting peach schnapps into every scene just to hose my elaine. Is he being "that GM"